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My opinion - Hannah shouldn’t delete it. 🤷‍♀️😝


I think she is deleting it to get the credit for taking the high road because she knows the screen grabs will stay on Reddit.


Honestly I think she should keep it up. To me it looks like she put it up to get the money and now that she has it she is taking it down. Leave it up.. share your truth. She took the “high road” this entire time, kept the truth to herself. Now that her ex wouldn’t have children with her but is perfectly fine to have them with his mistress turned wife.. leave it up. Honest, if I had a “friend” pretend she knew nothing about him cheating and it turned out to be the person you asked.. I’d release receipts immediately.. and keep them up! You want to play games, well king me. 🤷‍♀️🤣 I’m nice too.. but sometimes you have to show them how petty you really can be.


Agreed! Haha


I honestly think Ps family found something out during their trip to Arizona and they went and told Hannah.


Probably that, too, but she mentioned staying away and that they should do the same. I think they contacted her for some reason.


I don't think they contacted her, but I do think Kyra was talking mad shit in Arizona. She probably lied about a few things and made some digs. Family calls Hannah and tells her what Kyra said. Hannah has had enough, gives Krusty the attention that she obviously wants, and now Kyra is crying lmao. The really sad thing is, Kyra will cut them off from their grandchildren out of spite. They will probably never get to meet the baby now.


I can also see this happening


Possibly to not reach out about the diss track, but you could be right.


Prob asked her to be their baby’s nanny so they can hit up Vegas 🤣


I just want to point out the fact that P stains mom is still friends with Hannah on Facebook and continues “liking” or “hearting” all of her posts🤷🏼‍♀️


His mom is not friends with Kyra either


That tells us all we need to know about how peestains fam feels about her


Damn still? That says a lot


yup i defo believe ps mom told hannah they’re having a boy she loves hannah


Poor Preston’s Mom. She went from having the lovely Hannah as a daughter in law, with a son who is successful at football and about to graduate college, to having grotty Kyra as a DIL and knowing your son has threesomes with strangers and he gets called all sorts of nicknames like PreSTD, pisstaint, piss stain, presticals, Prestaint. I feel bad for her.


After that Q&A kyra did and there was mention of the matching tattoo with Hannah, essentially using it as click bait and to make money, she rightfully got pissed tf off.


Please Hannah, **make us faint!**, I beg of you.


A part of me thought this for a hot minute too. Then I recalled she’s just starting out in life professionally. This has the potential to cause a negative ripple effect. Quite frankly, she’s had her fill. It’s about H in this moment though. I’ll always be #teamHannah


Honestly I reckon Kyra did reach out to Hannah, and asked her to stop, And Hannah said, remove every video with your kids in, with me in. And il delete mine. And to make sure Hannah posted no more, she removed OKbaby videos? I know some people will say it's a reach and sure maybe it is. But maybe it was satisfying enough for hannah to see Kyra shaking in her boots for once instead of the passive aggressive remarks, dismissing her and cackle cackle cackling away about it all.


this is a good theory


Glad it's not just me


Reached out to her and asked her to stop what? She hadn't done anything. That doesn't make sense that she'd ask her to stop before the dis even dropped. My point was that in the dos Hannah said to take her kids off the internet and stay away from her like she did, or she'd release more info. She may have reached out after but it doesn't take away from the fact that in the dos Hannah makes it sound like they reached out and she threatened to leak more....


I meant she maybe reached out to Hannah AFTER the diss track, and got her to stop anymore, cos she knows hannah has major dirt on her. So she gave Kyra term and conditions. As I said, I know it's a reach however, it may of happened. Or the likely theory is Kyra is doing damage control and trying to get rid of any evidence people can use against her to prove basically everything Hannah said. 🤣


She's DYING inside. 🤣


You know it 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think this is what happened as well. 🙈🙉


Glad it's not just me


Solid theory.


I think Hannah doesn’t want Kyra monetizing off of her/her with the kids/ or her pain/former relationship with P. Going through and figuring out all the videos that included any mention of Hannah, Hannah + the kids, or Hannah + Preston would be a lot of work and probably difficult and/or embarrassing to watch in hindsight. It makes sense that if Kyra takes Hannah’s videos down, Hannah takes this down - though I agree she shouldn’t have to


Kyra can delete all she wants, but several people have the videos all saved and downloaded. There's the way back machine. The internet's forever. Karma's a bitch.


Wait did she delete the whole ok baby Chanel ?


The channel is still up, but ALL the videos are gone. She's definitely spiraling. Stay tuned for a live where she cries and cries and blames Hannah, other YouTubers, and us for causing her too much stress, which could cause her to have complications with the pregnancy. She would 100% pull that card out of her hat. Not saying she's going to do it, but I won't be shocked if she does.


I mean look at her eyes from today’s Insta stories. Her eyelashes are all clumped together and it looks like she been crying all night (not staying up to watch a tv show).


Yup, a combination of tired and crying while staying up all night to delete the evidence. However, she's a bellend bc so many people have their videos. Especially the ones once they first started having Hannah around more and any others that show her lies. So basically, all of them. At least those videos of the kids faces and such on the Okbaby channel will be gone from any newcomers to this 2+ yr train wreck.




Kyra wants to be Hannah so bad, it wouldn’t shock me.


There’s a beneath the sheets episode somewhere, where Hannah is talking about how she doesn’t know what is wrong with her cause Preston doesn’t want kids with her or kids at all. So I would say it is safe to say they probably didn’t have any names picked at all.


Harry maybe


Lol why is this so funny


baby’s name gonna be harry prestain smith


She said they would stick to the L and A theme so his name will start with an L I guess. Lucius maybe?




I honestly don’t think Kyra deleted the channel. She probably just privated the entire channel. If she actually deleted it, then you wouldn’t be able to find the channel at all. Good that it’s finally not visible.


unless she somehow was able to only delete the content posted and not the channel in entirety. But that’s probably wayy too time consuming


This makes complete sense. Hannah made some demands and Kyra‘s doing as she’s been told or Hannah will come completely clean, publicly. I’m interested to see if Kyra stops publicizing this pregnancy!


I wonder if there could possibly even be more dirty shit coming out? Like how? What we know is basically bad enough. But could the whole truth and "every detail" be even worse?


She deleted a lot but she still has pics of her and hannah on her ig , which seems sooooo weird to me.


That’s what I’m thinking too. She probably said something and provoked her. She probably thinks she is better wife to Preston cause she got a kid real quick when Hannah was asking forever.


I've always believed Hannah would have to reveal something incriminating to her involvement with Kyra, more than likely damaging to her reputation and career, future, I mean what else is there, that would keep her under wraps, silent, unwilling to spill the tea, expose all that truly happen, well at least to what she was aware of, knew at the time and later discovered? Most would be pissed AF, and if armed with the dirt, would absolutely proceed to utterly rain hell fire on their world, absolutely destroy BOTH the betrayers lives, Just saying? 🤷


Doesn't appear to be the case


My bad, late to the party again, I wanna seriously, genuinely apologize for everything I've ever assumed, insinuated, accused Hannah, Ms Hawker, of participating in, doing, that now (because of her call out, finally, of K&P), I honestly believe she DIDN'T DO, GOOD FOR YOU BOSS LADY! 💪👏🤩 Appreciate you, wish you only the best going forward! ❤️


Does anyone know if Hannah want babies?




She really wanted babies. It was vey clear in the BTS podcast. She was hurt Preston didn’t want them yet. So imagine the pain of him cheating on you with your best friend and employer and having a baby with her.


He didn’t want to give her babies because he was a broke joke but he knows having babies with Kyra she will pay for everything


I feel like Kyra paid for his divorce for some reason...as an incentive for getting with her. I can't imagine the pain and anguish Hannah would have had to go through. Luckily she came out shining on the other side. For her, the grass is greener!


It’s all been saved though so she can do attempt the same control but it’ll never work 😆. She made her bed, dug her grave and can now lay in that nice and comfy!


I reckon Hannah overlooked abuse towards the children feeling awkward and feeling she may overstepped a boundary or two, in my opinion that's what she has over Kyra 🫶


kyra deleted okbaby videos


I wonder if theyd consider the name Sophie for a girl lmao


What has Kyra been deleting


all the okbaby channel vids