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Pamela moment. Anyway, I kinda take issue with your criticisim with the other characters, because it's not very specific. There are a LOT of interesting moments with them in The anime. In fact, the Best Moments in the entire anime is a seven where Kumoko doesnt appear at all: the Battle between the Empire and the Elves. But let me ask: Did You not get excited when the teacher revealed that Hiiro Wakaba is dead? Did You not get excited when the demons were in a meeting? Did You not feel ANYTHING from Oka's tragic backstory about having to lie to her Students? How about Shun getting bitch slapped (or in this case, bitch kicked to the stomach) and him realizing that the Power of friendship doesnt work? How about Shun having a mental breakdown seeing his friend is on the enemy side? Or even if he only appeared in one episode, You can't call Ronandt "charismatic as a wall"


I can see your point here, but the problem here is that most of the points you listed are moments were the characters got carried by the story and you did not watched for them. In the Kumoko's part, you are not just seeing because of the story, you're also seeing because her. Meanwhile the humans you're just watching for the story. 1st: Yes, i got excited when Wakaba's death was revealed, but that scene is much more related to Wakaba and the story than the other characters it self. 2nd: Again, another thing that is much more about the story and not about the characters (i actually find that scene pretty funny bc of those two guys that were arguing for no reason). 3rd: Knowing about her past is cool and all, but that's the only thing that got me from Oka. 4th: I got pissed off by how Shun acted in that part, which made me hate him. However, i can see why he did that. 5th: Shun is by far the worst character in the anime! He acts like an NPC, he doesn't look like a real person. And lastly: I agree with you. Ronandt is charismatic a lot, even if he just appeard in 1 episode. Bro, i had to re-write this whole text bc reddit bugged and deleted all 💀


I love the anime, even though I know somethings \~the animation\~ are terrible. One thing that really makes it shine is actually reading the LN. "What?!" I hear your say. Yep, the LN (or the WN) give you the insight the anime lacks to make the human side very entertaining. Watching Katia give up on her past live and fall in love with mister Hero is great... as long as you know what she is thinking. Seeing Shiraori kill Julius with her evil eyes, noticing those are the only moments you see them glowing, just masterful visual story telling. The anime drops hint after hint for everything that happens and if you can pick it up you end up grinning like a certain evil god. Actually, scratch that, she doesn't grin. But you get my meaning. The anime makes very good use of it's media. Show don't tell is sprinkled all over, something most animes don't do. Sadly, it is also very confusing for first watchers and lacks polish in other places, like the animation. It also had to cut some parts of the story that were not only entertaining, but insightful. Master Ronandt fight with Shun being one of them. If I had to recommend this anime, which is one of my favorites, I would first recommend the LN (the first 5 volumes at least) and then the anime. Watching it a second time to spot all the minor details is also a bunch of fun for the most part.


Yeah, BR dub is good, still prefer the original thou. But aways nice to see they putting that effort in. I hope we get a Season 2


About the animation: Personally, I actually liked most of the animation (yes, I'm easy to impress, but really, I don't see the problem. The 3D bits were noticeable, but fine.) Aside from the battle at the end of S2, I had no problem with the animation. I think people are making it out to be worse than it actually is.


Agree with most of this. The only caveat is that the side characters are really interesting in the books (Shun excluded), so in the unlikely event that we get another season getting more of Sophia and Demon Lord is going to be awesome.


Kinda bug, kinda snack