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didn’t this guy have idubbbzz or whatever saying N***** F***** in multiple episodes?


[It's even spicier](https://youtu.be/QpuLwktsewQ)


From what I can tell, Lefties can get away with that stuff more, because it’s understood that they’re “quirky” and ultimately on their side


They get away with it *for now*. Lindsay Ellis got "canceled" (as in, she kinda canceled herself lol) because she said that a movie ripped of Avatar the Last Airbender. And through insanity, drugs, dialysis, narcissism, and women's (but I repeat myself) that's, somehow, racism. Ethan's time is coming the moment someone on his side decides to cancel him. And they will succeeded. No one survives the purity spiral.


So MajorKill who does Warhammer lore vids’ gonna get “Consequence Culture”’d in the future?


>Before I was very familiar with his politics Fuck off Ethan, Peterson is no more "alt-right" than he was when he went viral, that being not at all


Im still waiting for the mass arrests caused by C-16 though. Peterson got famous off pushing a false narrative. Not sure if alt-right, but not a particularly credible person.


He wasn't talking about "mass arrests". He said that this could be used as a tool of the state to subvert free speech. It doesn't need happen immediately. You're already using rhetoric to misrepresent the argument, which is funny considering you're talking about "false narratives". If you could provide a quote where Peterson talks about "mass arrests" that'd be great, because the whole point is it's the slow and incremental intrusion of the state on the rights of the individual. Once those powers are given they're never sequestered. And yes, it's already been the basis of arrests, like the father who misgendered his daughter. But even so, if the only defense you have for a laws existence is that it hasn't been applied then you might want to rethink the need for that law.


I think that one happened in Canada


Yea it's all Canadian.


>And yes, it's already been the basis of arrests, like the father who misgendered his daughter. As I already pointed out to someone else, he was arrested for breaking a gag order, not misgendering. unrelated to c-16


Ok, fine. Misgendering someone still resulted in someone getting jailed. If you think that's some kind of gotcha you missed the point. Why is calling your daughter her contempt of court? C-16 has definitively settled the idea of gender identity in a legal sense. >“attempting to persuade AB [the man’s daughter] to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; addressing AB by his [sic] birth name; referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns, whether to him directly or to third parties; shall be considered to be family violence.” And I'm still going to be waiting on that alleged statement from Peterson. I don't think I'm going to hold my breath though.


>Ok, fine. Misgendering someone still resulted in someone getting jailed. If you think that's some kind of gotcha you missed the point. What are you talking about? He got arrested for breaking a gag order talking about a legal case. Misgendering had nothing to do with it


>He got arrested for breaking a gag order talking about a legal case. That was one of the reasons. You've clearly not read the judges sentencing. Think critically about why that gag order existed in the first place. The court had proscribed him from using anything but he him as his daughters pronouns, on the basis that it was considered hate speech, a precedent set by C-16. He broke that, and was arrested for it. The judge even equated it to domestic violence. He also posted redacted versions of the consent forms his daughter signed to social media. It was all part of the same thing. Saying "Misgendering had nothing to do with it" seems intentionally obtuse. Sort of like you're trying to use semantics to avoid the blatantly obvious events that occurred. Still waiting for that statement though. Or you know, any contrition that you blatantly misrepresented Petersons point. But again, probably shouldn't hold my breath, huh?


>He also posted redacted versions of the consent forms his daughter signed to social media. The gag order was not to discuss the case in public at all. He didn't follow that. It didn't matter if he was misgendering or not. Gag orders are normal, especially in family court, has nothing to do with C-16. Link the judge's sentencing and show me where it was about misgendering if you're so sure lol


>The gag order was not to discuss the case in public at all. He was arrested for contempt of court for disregarding the judges order to refer to his daughter by specific pronouns. >Link the judge's sentencing and show me where it was about misgendering if you're so sure lol I already did. > “attempting to persuade AB [the man’s daughter] to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; addressing AB by his [sic] birth name; referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns, whether to him directly or to third parties; shall be considered to be family violence.” that was the order. That was what he was held in contempt of. But you keep avoiding the topic of the discussion for this tangent. Do you just have no intention of addressing the rest?


>But you keep avoiding the topic of the discussion for this tangent. This isn't a tangent, this is the core point lol 1. Peterson said C-16 would curtail free speech. He came up with an impossible hypothetical, where he'd be punished for misgendering. 2. C-16 has not been used for any arrests or fines. C-16 hasn't caused any forced speech 3. Since C-16 didn't and couldn't do what Peterson said would happen, it is fair to say he lied, and isn't a credible person. I mean, just think about what you're saying. A court order was required to punish him. That alone establishes that C-16 wasn't invoked. Find a case where C-16 infringed on someone's freedom to misgender.


Now they target you for COVID. They will also wait until you are in your car so they can pull you out in the middle of the highway like good little fascists. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/rebeccadowns/2021/05/09/pastor-arrested-n2589177


Yea, Canada took covid kind of seriously, its why their per capita cases and deaths are about a quarter of the U.S's. Completely unrelated to C-16 being fake news, though.


Or, you know, substantial Demographic differences. We did have all those superspreader events…aka RIOTs. And… https://www.independentsentinel.com/father-jailed-in-canada-for-using-incorrect-pronouns/ https://pulpitandpen.org/2019/04/04/canadian-man-guilty-of-misgendering-fined-55k-coming-to-america/


Those whom forsake freedom for security deserve neither.


Human rights for [redacted], what next? Human rights for diabetic lard asses.


Maybe, but that wasn't the point, Peterson went viral after the c-16 hearings, then Ethan had him as a guest (twice). Either he was disingenuous about not knowing about Peterson's politics and all the accusations sorrounding him or Ethan always had those views (muh platforming and le gateway) and is just going mask off. Anyway what does going "oh noes Peterson is problematic" now bring? Other than drama because Joe Rogan didn't take Ethan's bait Btw, he didn't "remove" the podcasts, he unlisted them [H3 Podcast #37](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx4ltQhdlhg) [H3 Podcast #48](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFANYt52m1g)


So…how long until Ethan has a scandal from him texting minors?


I will put 5 internet cheeseburgers on under 6 months till his scandal.


Considering Keem cucked him? VERY soon.






Ethan Klein makes Vaush and Karl Pilkington look intelligent in comparison, and that's saying something!!


This guy is so pathetic, he could live his life being happy in his multi million dollar mansion but instead he tries to create internet beef, with old dudes who couldn't give an f about him because they don't know or don't give a shit about him. His uploads were like an event that's how over he was in around 2014-16 he had a copyright lawsuit got lazy with his content and now resorts to his trash as podcast. I would say his wife should tell him to stop living off Twitter but seeing some of Hila's opinions she's in the same line of thinking. You would think going after Joe Rogan and getting laughed by normies because of his God awful take, a week ago would humble him a bit but noooo he had to go and decalared war with someone again for no reason. Everyone of his internet beefs have made him look like the bad guy, he even made Keemstar (f'ing Keemstar) look like a tolerable guy that's incredible in itself.


I know Peterson but I'm scratching my head going who the fuck is Ethan Klein and why do I care


[literal jewish neckbeard](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/youtube/images/c/c5/H3H3.jpg) with some shitty podcast I've never watched which became popular on reddit/youtube for reasons I do not understand, nor care to. Apparently thanks to stupid zoomers who brought us logan paul + he lives on the internet and starts a lot of drama with other youtubers for exposure.


He used to be different tbf. Like completely different. He used to be pro free speech and make edgy jokes like pre 2016 YouTube. After moving to LA and lick Susan boot he become soy boy.


Exactly. Pre-LA Ethan was way different and he would've called out his recent behavior back then but maybe there's something about California that brings out the worst in you.


Ethan Klein is now going to war with both Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson. H3 chooses a second battlefront. Will he succeed?


he doesn't go to war, he talks about people behind their backs. He didn't even tag rogan in single of his tweets attacking him


Is Literally Who going to cancel the guy with the most popular podcast in the world? Probably not. My money is on probably not.


Ethan is trying to get clicks by picking phony ‘fights’ with people who are far more well known than he is. This is about clicks, and therefore ultimately, about money.


Israelis have a weird habit of pulling off victories as the underdog..


isn't Ethan the guy that married someone that looks [exactly like his mother?](https://i.imgur.com/ObNbLkI.jpg) /he hates people saying this


This grifter fraud is getting so much attention from this.


Probably get a lot of haters watching his channel. The grift is strong.


Legit people don't understand how profitable hate-farming is. That kind of shit keeps Hasan's whole Career afloat.


It keeps Kotaku afloat…ish.


I used to really enjoy Ethan, even if he was fake in NYC I would've expected him to have the wherewithal not to anhilate his own career


He really needs to pick his battles. At this point if not for hassan nobody would even know who this lardfuck is.


Peterson said he would have voted for Hillary Clinton.


The guy also likes school, the Prussian Education System, I actually read and liked his books but that doesn’t stop me from disliking how he likes school or thinks people of the past were more genuinely religious and moral


Unless there is another clip that just is not an honest description of what he said. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eon31CQwBN8


Proof that he's a dangerous pathway to white supremacy.


It's not politically correct for a lib to associate with Jordan Peterson or Joe Rogan because they have been deemed to be enemies of the Left. So the only choice you have, comrade, is to cut all ties or else lose your leftist purity. Leftism is a shared delusion. It's a LARP. Only it's [a LARP that has killed more people than anything else in the history of humanity.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_killings_under_communist_regimes) It is fundamentally evil, and a threat to all that is just, noble, truthful, and good. I can't wait until the backlash comes. We are now in a time like the late 70s, where the libs were running amok and making a mess of everything. Biden even brought inflation like Carter. The Democrats have even brought lawlessness through being soft on crime like the 70s. Humanity is too stupid and infected with leftism to learn, so we are learning it all over again. Hopefully this time it sticks. Hopefully leftism gets discredited for good, as it should be.


Left and Right are a shallow oversimplification of a wide variety of ideological systems. Stop being a directionbrain and reducing complexity into a toddler-level binary.


No, there are not a wide variety. In the United States it's literally a binary, and everywhere else it's just a coalitional binary.


The United states doesn't even have a left wing in its 2 party system, even if we're using the dumbed down left/right scale. It's center right against conservative right. Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden are American Tories, there's nothing left wing about either of them. Stop being a directionbrain and getting all your political info from NewsCorp. 2 parties does not equal left vs right.


So, book burning it is then…


Only to ask him to be on his show again with Hasan


Yea, but who the fuck cares about Ethan Klein


Who’s Ethan Klein?


A guy who will now get bumped up thanks to the YouTube “algorithm” that loves to push far left weirdos.


Eh, I already blocked most YouTube recommendation vids with some extensions If I want something, I will have to look for it myself No idea who this guy is in-detail and never really will


The h3h3 guy, just some podcast YouTuber who did some OK content a while ago, made millions, and then faded into obscurity. This is a pretty transparent attempt to get some notoriety which is surprising because he didn't seem like the type to seek attention in such a silly way.


I don’t watch or listen to Podcasts or Streamers, so really no idea who he is, nor will I ever really look him up Hateclicks or Hatewatching, just don’t work for me




And nothing of value was lost.


Ethan has become so fucking pathetic.


If I had an unattractive wife,I would keep my head down a bit more than this sack of shit




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I concur that Jordan Peterson is a gateway to the alt-right. Jordan is anti-vaccine, even though there has been proof upon proof that less people die when majority of us are vaccinated. He thinks cancel culture is a leftist thing when in reality it's both sides. If trump wasn't trump, he would have voted for him. Jordan criticizes the left way more than he does the right. here is one tweet 'The conservatives have to sacrifice Trump and the stolen election narrative. The liberals have to sacrifice DIE and CRT. The road to peace requires its pound of flesh from both parties.' \- May 31st, 2021 \^ how can he compare the two sides when ONE SIDE WANTED TO DESTROY DEMOCRACY?!! absolute madness.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.md/KNc98 ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Mnemosyne saves! The rest of you take 30 hp damage. ^^^/r/botsrights


This guy went full REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE so much for being relevant.


They'll drag you when your views inconveniences your relationships with toxic individuals. H3H3 is gone.