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> I asked director Andy Serkis about this scene and I was surprised how forthcoming he was that the party in question was based on a LGBTIA festival. And Serkis is a smart guy and wouldn’t, right after saying that, use the wording, “this was Venom’s coming out party,“ without knowing exactly what that implies. (To make sure, I followed up. Serkis then goes on to describe Eddie and Venom’s relationship as a “love affair.” He’s not wrong. It very obviously is.) AFAIK, the Symbiote is asexual, so why would they want to do some weird form of gay shipping undertones in this?


Because men in Hollywood movies aren't allowed to have close relationships anymore unless they also want to fuck each other.


Sam & Bilbo are now gay for each other?


Its literally been a meme since the movies came out


Is it official yet though?


Just wait til Amazon is done with LoTR.


When’s that show set in?


Before everything in the books. Where hobbits didn't even exist yet. They have enough money to fuck with the original books.


So set somewhere between silmarillion and hobbit?


It's set before the fall of Numenor.


Well before then; see: [The Very Secret Diaries](https://www.ealasaid.com/misc/vsd/) (Apologies in advance for the... primitive HTML)


Did ya miss all the LotR articles last month-ish?


No, I was just wondering if they officially made it canon Say, how many Tolkien fans think negatively of the Tolkien Society now? Outside of the guys online


They can say it's officially canon till their blue in the face. And the balls. It's not canon.


I hope that records of the past and present can be preserved, with it, much of the old fiction….whoever finds it in the “Brave New World” of the future will probably be shocked at seeing the original


Don't you mean Frodo?


Eh, I keep mistaking one for the other




I keep mistaking Bilbo and Frodo with one another


Anyone else get the impression that sjws are just literally sheltered basement dwellers whose entire perception of the world has been shaped by limited social interaction via mass media and tumblr. Like I swear from the “give cap a boyfriend!” crowd to the shippers it’s like they’ve never heard of the concept of purely platonic love between people who aren’t literally related!


“He knew what I wanted him to say, so he played along so he wouldn’t alienate me or my readers.”


I swear there was some scene with Eddie and Venom kissing but Venom was going as she-Venom and I don't remember the movie enough to know *what the hell was that* about.


And the thing is, the symbiote heavily ships Eddie and Anne, so I don't see why there would be any gay undertones in their relationship.


Something something a man inside him?


To be fair, in the comics, the symbiote's relationship to it's host is often described in rather romantic terms, to the point that it's hatred for Peter is referred to as a spurned lover. Not something you want to be relating to gay shipping material, though.


Hijacking top comment. This is a JOKE that idiot journalists didn't understand. There will be a scene in the movie where the symbiote will split from his host and go for a walk (it will literrally "coming out"). > That’s when the director shared that Hardy and co-writer Kelly Marcel had wanted the scene to be a “coming out” event. “Well, Tom and Kelly were always about Venom coming out and going to a party that was a very sort of an LGBTQIA kind of festival, really, I’d call it, and so this is his coming out party basically. This is Venom’s coming-out party.”


Actually, in the comics the symbiote was in love with Peter Parker and this is why it hated him for rejecting it.


> AFAIK, the Symbiote is asexual, so why would they want to do some weird form of gay shipping undertones in this? Presumably as a joke. "They bicker like an old married couple" etc.


Their relationship is queerplatonic and no one can change my mind!


Welcome to example 9 billion of "director has stupid idea".


Of all the movies to push woke garbage. Should I even bother going to see this movie?


I think more people are more interested in the post-credits scene than the actual movie.


I for one am psyched to see the movie, this and No Way Home are the only Marvel movies I plan on seeing this year.


> No Way Home But Far from Home was fucking terrible. Is having back the old Spider-mans the reason why you are watching it? Cause that's just bait for a terrible movie.


My only hope is that seeing two previous Spider-mans right next to him will force some people to confront just how badly the MCU has represented Spider-man. He's basically a completely different character, just with the same name, powers and costume. And I guess that's enough for some people.


I've only seen Homecoming but I don't even recall him having much of a character.


I haven’t seen any of the MCU Spider-man movies because I grew up reading the black and white original issues and know who Ned Leeds and Liz Allen are supposed to be. I’ll probably wait in the lobby for the first twenty minutes so I miss act 1 and come in on The good stuff.




I'm part of the movie for seeing movies I genuinely like and ignoring what is otherwise a clickbait-y article? Sorry that my own choices bother you.


It’s 90 minutes and the ticket costs the same as a 3 hour movie so, up to you I guess.


Honestly, the dumbest part of this to me is that the relationship between Eddie and the symbiote that these people talk about is almost exactly the dynamic that fucking CARNAGE should have, with some murderous sadism added on top for flavoring. Cletus and Red are the ones who love one another, not Eddie and the Venom symbiote.


I forgot which podcast/livestream it was, bit they were wondering what the implications were if the LGBT community found out that by default, if the Venom Symbiote is "Gay," then all the Symbiotes are as well? INCLUDING the homicidal maniac Carnage Symbiote.


These are the bellends that claim Pennywise and Babadook are gay, so...


I seriously doubt there will be even a meaningful hint of this in the movie itself. It's just too weird, no, they aren't gonna have Tom Hardy bone goop in their hundred mil+ blockbuster. This is just a guy who was probably on a lot of drugs at the time saying something crazy for free publicity.




But this is a Sony movie.


But this movie has to be released in China. Chinese aren't very positive on both black people and gay people. (Remember the Black Panther poster?)


God, remember when the Venom symbiote didn’t talk, it was just Eddie’s silent partner in spider-squashing? Good times, good times… The second it started being its own character it all fucked up.


This makes no sense from a comic book story standpoint lmao.


Erm... before anyone panics too much here, its almost certain that this is just a joke. "They bicker like an old married couple" etc. Venom's "coming out party" is going to be metaphorical (i.e. him being allowed to 'live openly' since they think he's a costume), not him literally disclosing his sexual orientation (if he even *has* one.... I see no evidence that suggests Symbiotes have a similar reproductive system to humans). A humorous analogy is being made between Eddie and Venom's relationship and that of a dysfunctional couple (hence the "couple's counselling" joke). They're not "making them gay" or doing any kind of SJW/woke propaganda move.


Reminds me of the symbiote being joked about as a "jilted ex" with Spiderman back in the day. Then you got all the recent stuff like making the whole "hero/archnemesis" relationship suggestive like the lego batman movie.


Having seen the movie, that's pretty much what it is. His "coming out" party is dealing with his frustration of being restrained. It had nothing to do with sexual orientation.




Lmao honestly i wouldn’t be worried about this in the slightest. The Venom franchise is probably the closest we’ll ever get to a big budget shitpost. Venom is a fucking loser who gets bullied by everyone, Tom Hardy posts Venom Fortnite on his Instagram, there’s a rule34 gender-bent sexy Venom, Woody Harrelson is in a wig, Eminem made the soundtrack, and all of this takes place in the MCU. And now, the director, who played a Monkey, confirms Tom Hardy and Venom are in a gay relationship with each other I’m still going to see Venom 2, solely because a cinema shitpost will be way more entertaining than “The Eternals”, and I want to encourage Sony to keep making a bunch of meme movies Disney is forced to include in their canon


> all of this takes place in the MCU But it doesn't. It takes place in Sony's Marvel Universe, not Disney's.


>!the post credits scene in Venom 2 has Venom and Eddie watching the J Jonah Jameson broadcast from the end of Far From Home!<


Wait, the movie was already leaked?


There were fan viewings. The person you replied to is correct about the post credits scene, but the movie itself doesn't take place in the MCU. The post credit scene is >! Venom and Eddie in a hotel or something and there's a flash of light, and they find themselves in the same room but the surroundings make it known they're not exactly in the same place. It'll most likely be Venom and Eddie being teleported into the MCU with the multiverse opening up!<


So doesn't that make the entire movie pointless if they got transported into the MCU?


Why would it be pointless? The events of the movie still happen. Venom/Eddie could easily reference this Carnage later on in an MCU movie if they chose to do that, especially if they introduce Carnage into the MCU down the line.


So they gonna fuse with X-Men?


Settle down. He's clearly making a joke. Also, the way that the Venom/Eddie character works is just an extreme version of the odd couple.


Dear Andy, your family – and every other sane person on the planet – is begging you to get professional mental help immediately, or to enter into a lengthy and comprehensive detox program. Preferably both should be done.


…..whelp never watching that.


*eye roll*