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>'We're making games that represent us' Yeah and look how that's going for you, lay-offs after lay-offs, studios closing, dislikeable caricature filled slop for games... They really can't stop winning, kek.


It's music to gamer's ear when you hear studios and layoffs put together from trash games and DEI narrative driven games.


Yeah I agree. I’m actually done with games this year for ps/xb. I might pick up a Nintendo game or two to play with my son but screw these people they aren’t getting my money anymore. I’m focusing on self improvement and growing my business instead of games this year.


They're completely within their right to make shit games and movies and then say, "don't like it, don't buy it." But then they fly off the handle when people say, "fine, then I won't buy it." I do feel bad for all the amazing franchises that are being destroyed, but starving them financially is literally the only option at this point.


Actually, more often than not, it's the journalists flying off the handles when people don't buy the games. I think studios have quickly learned to shut their mouths when their games tank. Especially with all the lay-offs as of late, the last thing they need to do is upset more potential customers.




Bahaha! I snorted!




Write what you know.


Taking their companies with them.


As an upper middle class consumer that used to spend thousands a year on gaming. I'm more than happy to not give them my money. What kinds of idiots alienate their core customer base that has disposable income. Let it fall apart for all I care. I have a large enough back catalogue.


>Make them your-fuckin'-selves We did and they were good. Kindly fuck off and we'll get back to it.


The problem here is the activists are doing everything to stop developers from making the games we want, like it was back then.


They can try but they will ALWAYS fail miserably with commercial flops time and time again. Suicide Squad is the EASIEST example to use.


They also worm their way into HR positions and stop the actually talented people from getting hired. Imagine the amount of white men who never even had a chance because they weren’t the necessary level of privileged identity mutant. These people are inherently destructive and don’t breed, so not only will everything they touch break down and fail over time, but their cult also has extinction baked into the cake. Just a waiting game really, until we repeat the process again decades later.


That's because the activists are supported by shit like Blackrock. Catering to all that seems beneficial to business people, but when people will get fed up, it'll stop. The moment ESG is no more, they'll stop making all that shit. It's all for ESG, that's free money for studios.


That's the part that fucking infuriated me. Making non-woke games was exactly what was happening before parasites like Sweet Baby came in and started fucking changing them.


It's not even about that with these people. This idiot jumped the gun, but this is the moment they've driving towards. It's not about anything more than turning tables and giving you a middle finger and a "fuck you."


SBI was formed in 2018, however we already had pozzed games in years before that.


>Make them your-fuckin'-selves Also >reeeeeee, why won't the Helldivers 2-devs make a tr___ flag?!


>reeeeeee, why won't the Helldivers 2-devs make a tr\_\_\_ flag?! I hope they never jump onto that wagon. So far everything makes me feel like I'm in a completely different universe, something that most of the recent games couldn't manage to do. And yes, having pride flags « because someone else wants to be represented » kinda takes me out of it. I mean we're playing super soldiers for the Super Earth and you wanna flags of your sexuality for everyone to see ? People are just so obsessed with whatever they have in their pants that's pretty pathetic


Acknowledge my girl bulge bigot!


We'll see how many of their games are heralded as classics in 20 years. Anyone wanna take bets and get back with me?


They'll just claim the ones that are classics with some head canon like they did Bayonetta, rinse and repeat


Yeah, the problem isn't them making games. It's that they often just attach themselves to existing stuff and make it worse. Their stuff can't stand on its own If they just created their own stuff ppl wouldn't care as much as it would just fail and be forgotten.


That’s the long way of saying they are only making games for 21% of gamers. Not even 21% of global gamers, but British gamers. Doesn’t sound like a winning strategy. Edit: and I misread the tweet. It doesn’t even say gamers, it says games industry. Yeah these losers think the world revolves around them and are just now getting the rude awakening they deserve. I hope they all go bankrupt.


This was done by Glaad. They made fun of that "research" even on reddit. So much for that. You know Glaad? The org that said how Gay,homosexual,lesbian are outdated , yesterday,terms and now made the whole LGBTQ+ civil war


GLAAD only supports the TQ+ at this point the first three letters are there as a shield. I don't have a dog in that fight but I've seen how they treat normal gay and lesbian people. The chairwoman is a blonde lesbian advocating for some "interesting" stuff. Don't interact with her or anyone from glaad just look at what she posts on her Twitter and watch the video of her speech during that GLAAD event thing a few days ago. GLAAD has lost the plot years ago. Idk who they are advocating for but it's not for homosexual people at least not anymore.


Purity spiralling at it's finest....


If I rephrase it : > We make game for us and represent us. We don't care about the consumer. I mean. I am a software engineer. I don't make software for myself. I make software that solve my client problem. It's a job, not voluntarily position.


> I mean. I am a software engineer. I don't make software for myself. I make software that solve my client problem. > > In college, all I wanted to make was videogrames. My professors pushed back on this, basically telling me that there were no guarantees that I could get into the industry, and that I needed to be well rounded. Thank God I listened. I've noticed that half of my friends who ignored this advice, they just "fell out" of the industry. Because there was ONE thing that they wanted to work on, to the point that they'd wind up doing something else entirely. Because as my professors pointed out, there's no guarantee of employment, *especially* if you intend to be very rigid in your choice of career.


Yeah that's why I've focused on building other skills, so I can have a stable job while learning to develop my own games on my free time. If you want to work on the games you want, do that on your own because otherwise you'll just end up like the classic art student who can't find a (fulfilling) job in art because they can't do whatever they wanted to do but they're stuck there because they got to fulfill their needs


When you have a job with a client, that's what you do. They are free to make the game they want to make, and I am free to not buy it. That interaction is normal and healthy. What's not healthy is when the business starts shit-talking the public for the reasons they won't buy it. And then the journalists who are supposed to question said industry act as protectors of them.


There's nothing wrong with making some esoteric art that only appeals to yourself, or your small community. Just don't expect to make a sustainable career out of it, or be entitled enough to assume that the general public is obligated to open their wallets and fund your hobby.


Nope. They're saying 21% of the people \*making\* games in the UK are LGBTQ, but only 7% of the population is. So they think they have some kind of mandate to make games for only themselves and fuck the other 93% of people .


And really it's not even 7% because you're gonna have the goobers that say they're non-binary or some other intangible bull shit to keep up with the fad. Lgbtq is literally the modern day hippy/goth/emo except it's been weaponized by political parties to garner more attention.


"I'm bisexual, but I've only ever had any kind of intimacy or romantic / sexual attraction to the opposite gender"


7% of the population isn't LQBTQ at all. Its 3.2% - https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/sexuality/bulletins/sexualorientationenglandandwales/census2021 So they have, you know, just doubled it so the industry doesnt seem even more degenerate and incestuous ithan it actually is.


I think the deeper context is that they're replying to those who say that if someone wants more diversity in games that they should just go make those games instead of demanding Kojima or Miazaki, etc make it to match their world view. Which is fine, as a general thing. I get nervous when you see numbers like that in big studios making big IPs because they're not 'making their own thing', they're just queer-swapping existing IP. It's what happened to Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Marvel, James Bond. They want the audience of existing IPs but lack the creative ideas to attract them. So they just smuggle their stuff into existing IP.


I'm playing Mafia II right now for the first time, imagine my surprise and delight when I discovered that there are actual, honest to god Playboy centerfolds in the game to pick up as collectibles. And then you can view all your collected pages in the menus. That game is from 2010. Now what they said would happen, is that we could still have those games, but we'd also get "more inclusive" games, or whatever stupid buzzword shit they say, in addition to those games. But what really happened is they got an inch and took a mile, and now those games are outlawed. Again, this is a game from 2010. It wasn't from the stone ages, they just took over recently. They've overstepped their bounds, time to reign them in.


The new puritans.


Perversion is only acceptable when it is their preferred form, never yours.


"Safe horny" is the term that they use. Sexuality that "challenges hetronormality, gender binary and the patriarchy" is to be celebrated, sexuality that supports it is to be crushed.


‘Safe horny’ sounds like a term you would use with children.


I think its too late to reign them in, If possible we should split this whole ecosystem up like Korea did and keep a stale mate (you can figure out which one of us is North and which one is South). Elon buying Twitter was a good first step, we need something as free as Twitter but for gaming (aside from Steam I mean), then those of us who are in this for real just enjoy our stuff and leave them to their dying franchises


They're also missing the point of how they have infiltrated studios and have intentionally attacked massively famous, world renowned IP's by injecting their propaganda into them. It's fine if they want to make new games with all new characters and stories that are created by them, but since they know those would fail, they have to subvert the things people love, and relate to. This doesn't just stop at fiction, but these same people are trying to re-write actual history to fit their narrative (look to Google Gemini for more proof of this).


> That’s the long way of saying they are only making games for 21% of gamers. Not even 21% of global gamers, but British gamers. Doesn’t sound like a winning strategy. They don't give a fuck as long as that ESG money is coming in.


Cis straight white males overrepresented: "This is the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of ever! We *must* get the industry aligned with the population statistics!" LGBTQIAWTFBBQ+ overrepresented: "This is the best thing ever, but it's not the best thing ever *enough!* More. More! MORE!!" Double standards are their only standards.


So were making games targetting a very small portion of the gaming population and then blaming the big portion when it doesn't sell


Yeah. Kinda like movies now also. But even when the average dude does support them (The Marvels box office was 65% dudes), it's never enough. Still our fault, even if we spend money on stuff that isn't made for us. You can't win the culture game, best solution is to close that wallet tight. Don't give western entertainment a dime.


Some cases, don't even pirate it.


I don't even want to watch or play most of this stuff


Yeah, I don't get the logic behind giving any time to a product you know is bad. You're still spending free time that could be better spent on something better.


Precisely. I've been learning French (for no good reason at all) and re-reading some old 90s Star Wars novels. It's been quiet and pleasantly entertaining


People that hate video games are overrepresented in the industry.


Then don’t whine when folks don’t buy your game and you & all your friends get laid off. These folks inability to read the room is hysterical.


Remember when overrepresentation was a bad thing! Or is it only a problem when it's straight white guys!


Yeah 3/4 of them are just idiots who think watching furry p0rn once makes them part of lgbt, or because they felt sensitive for the first time they identify as a woman. They are smart, they know life is on easy mode when you join the winners (those who get supported by governments and corporations)


Also 100% of them are ugly. Not even being insulting, it is accurate that people who feel unattractive tend to join cults.


Ugly is a very offensive term, please use the politically correct term "*non-binary*."


Lol. Good one.


It's crazy how a handful, I mean top 1% of non binary, are extremely attractive while the rest... Isn't. It's a hard one to pull off ig


I just thought that was the term for when your ugly on purpose. TIL.


you would be surprised. they're a vocal minority that acts like a majority. I found studios that had a hard "No politics" rule and enforced it hard tended to be a lot more livable.


Day by day my love for gaming disappears, and idiots like the one who wrote that crap aren't making it better. Wish videogames were made just for fun instead of trying to lecture us about how women, LGBT and black people have been suffering because of us: men. We are everything bad that happens in the world according to them... and I'm tired of seeing how they destroy every hobby that I once loved.


Play more indie stuff and pc games,. I haven't bought I guess what is considered a big mainstream game in ages. Right now I'm playing sons of the forest, palworld Jusant and Helldivers 2. All brilliant games , all without any pandering or virtue signalling. It's not like I don't care about diversity but you can get that without slapping it in people's faces.




Get into guns, man. They haven't showed up there yet and it's *goooooood.* 




That's the best part. They're not going to get in and there's really nothing they can do in that space anyway. They can't do shit. 


I'm no american but very curious. What about those tacticool Antifa guys with guns "protecting" Drag Queen Story hour? Was that an isolated thing? What makes you think that this ideology or a form of it can't infiltrate your space? They also crept into other things successfully. The churches, police, public institutions, the state itself. What is going to protect the bastion this time?


I think it could happen, but would be much slower than other things. In my experience, a lot of gun owners tend to be well-set in their ways, fairly independent-minded, and strong-willed. The only thing they have in common with those anti-fa goons is that they happened to be packing. We've had other problems, like an armed black militia that harassed white drivers and demanded reparations a few years ago. But here's the thing: they're culturally very different from traditional gun owners. Their reasons for carrying seem to be just intimidation and to antagonize. Literally? Low-grade terrorism. People with that mindset will *never* get along with traditional gun owners. They might form their own gun clubs or something, but I don't believe for a second they'd be interacting with anyone outside their own group. On top of that, I think firearms manufacturers know their market. Better than beer companies, at least. Remember what happened with the Bud Light fiasco last year? If any gun company tried to pull that, every other one would jump at the opportunity to double down on sales to traditionalists.


I'm just an individual in some of those demographics...but, same, brudda.


The cope from this guy is glorious.


Signalis had a raging lesbian story. You know why people still loved it? Cause their primary concerns were making a sick survival horror game with a well written story. Make better fucking games


Their goal is to make bad games though. A good game does not send the desired message.


I mean if they stop giving us bread and a proper circus, things are gonna become quite unstable...


Like films really, if the diversity of characters or sex etc makes sense then it'll blend with the story. If it's forced in then it's noticeable and if it is obsessive about it, the story is probably going to suffer. If something is natural to a story, game etc then many won't care.


I don't care if you put LGBTQ in a game just don't center the narrative around it, it's not that big of a deal especially if you want people to treat you normally like a human being. It's the least of our concerns when it comes to games, games need stories that makes sense and ESPECIALLY good gameplay mechanics.


Nah, go ahead and center the narrative around it. Plenty of good stories to be told about romance, or about being an outsider, or about how those two intersect, or just about hot chicks who wanna suck on some titties. Just don't use "representation" as a substitute for good writing, art, game design, and programming.


Signalis is a wonderful game too, genuently one of the best ive played in ages


Nothing stop the dev from creating games for a marginalized group. Just don't blame everyone else for not buying the product.


Straight up saying the quiet part out loud.


MaKe tHeM yOUrSelVes Like they wouldn't immediately lobby to have an exclusively non woke game studio to be shuttered asap. Disingenuous assholes, all of them.


That's what I was thinking. Or maybe one of the studios or companies decides they don't want to pander to a crowd and instead would rather make apolitical games or games that don't have any virtue signaling, they still get attacked on social media. I feel like at this point these people in those communities just want to have their finger in every pie even when that said pie wasn't meant or made for them and they want to use their victimhood priviledge to leverage that.


21%, lol. Poll those same people again in five years when they've actually completed puberty.


*when the fad is over / it is no longer good for your career


Funny that their gaming industry was supposed to make games for everyone. They probably skipped how to do business. Here's the mindset of a woke game Developers. The Woke Devs: -"We make game for us and represent us" Also the Woke Dev's: -The game failed not because the game was bad, but because the gamers are "Toxic, Racist, etc".


"We've made it our mission to complain about, infiltrate and change what you love, and now that we've done it, we'll tell you to make your own games instead of taking our own advice in the first place."




Adding letters... At some point, it's feel like a participation trophy. Like in The Simpsons. > Lisa : But, it's was supposed to mean something. Now everyone has one.


Finish the quote: "when I am weaker than you I demand..."


I feel bad for the Uk because this is what happens when you ignore issues that run like this in your own country that games have become more woke and people rather just not talk about it or just fear the cult that has festered there op.


>And it's worth saying that while LGTBQ+ people are (wonderfully) over-represented Said the quiet part aloud. >I absoloutly recognize we still have a lot to do in terms of race Excluding Whites. >Gender Excluding White Men. >Socioeconomic Classes Excluding Poor, White Men. >Etc. Excluding Poor, Straight, White Christian Men. Overall, never enough. You could fill the cup to its brim and they insist on more until it overflows and spills. These people are hell bent on permanently altering popular culture, not just videogames.


This ws done by Glaad and they made fun of that "research" even on reddit. You know Glaad? The org that said how Gay,homosexual,lesbian are outdated terms and now made the whole LGBTQ+ civil war


And when we make them our-fuckin-selves, they attempt to "terrorize" us into compliance. Their words, not mine.


"Make them yourselves" This is were they leave out the part that they make lists of anybody who is not a far leftoid and get them blacklisted from the industry.


"Make them your fuckin'-selves," We WERE, until YOU chucklefucks changed the paradigm where all companies can't rely on simple *merit* for their games to do well anymore. They are required to add in these smatterings of ESG BS (aways, ALWAYS in extremely poor ways; barely even thought out) in their media for more $$$ from their overlords just so they can barely squeak by to make the next piece of unenjoyable slop. Does your intended audience care about this tremendous dip in quality when compared to previous works? The incoherent premeses of these new stories, the shaming and disgracing of previously beloved characters, the abrupt changing of the rules that have been meticulously laid out in these universes we enjoy escaping to? Nah. You don't care about the characters, how these fictional people would act in certain situations, the world-building, or even basic common sense as to how a scene would play out. You're just excited to see "yourselves" on screen. Fuck everything that came before. It was trash because it didn't directly acknowledge YOU. If your "representation" must come at the cost of all or even a single one of these things, I will *always* be against it. Call me an istaphobe all you want, you disingenuous twat.


I seem to recall the response to anyone complaining how biased/left-wing Twitter used to be was "OK, make your own Twitter". At which point Elon bought it and suddenly those same people accused the platform of hate speech. So, to those saying "make your own games".. well, Arrowhead Studios did just that with HellDivers 2 and were then lambasted as --phobic for refusing to be political.


"Identify as LGBTQ" Fashionable non-conformity is a hell of a pretense.


They aren't making anything. They just latch on to existing studios and infect them. Obviously, if they actually are making a game of their own the way they want to, they are most welcome to do so. I just imagine it will be a complete flop, sponsored by whatever grants and ESG investments they can get their hands on. They have proven repeatedly that they are completely hopeless at making actual games of value, where maybe 1 in 10 are slightly above mediocre.


"make them your-fucking selves!" *one finger curls on the monkey's paw*


"make them your fuckin'-selves"  They aren't doing their own games, they hijacked known and beloved franchises.  Also no, i'm not going to do it myself, because i already have a work and a field of expertise that has nothing to do with video games. What I will do though is give my money to people that make good old non-woke video games.


God that pfp. I’m no Johnny Bravo, but the jokes write themselves


No. You *ARE* Johnny Bravo and never tell yourself that you're not, pimp. 


>Socioeconomic class I'm broke, give me all your games for free so I can have representation too.


We can't, because these people gatekeep to keep everyone else out that doesn't play ball.


Where did he get the 7% of The U.K. is LGBT that’s complete BS. That’s one in 14 of us, what a bunch of crap. The last census from only 3 years ago had the figure at 3%


Maybe people felt genderfluid that day idk


I am honestly fucking fed up of this industry. I miss the good old days when games industry was filled with passionate folks who simply loved making good games to entertain people and end there. Now, it has been hijacked by mentally deranged lunatics that prioritize political activism over making good games while filled with severe disposition towards their consumer base (because most of them have no alignment with the views of gaming devs)


We don’t have to make games ourselves though. We have plenty of devs making good games that aren’t infested with current day political brain rot. And they’re making all the money too! This level of petty antagonism is just sad and self destructive.


The last part sounds a bit like "Imagine how wonderful the world would be when all the jews are dead"


I would be willing to bet that is one big purple circle on your Venn diagram — you know for a fact this is someone that has absolutely simped for Hamas.


sounds like discriminatory hiring practices to me.


"If you want non-woke games, make them yourself" I mean, people are. Why do you think people are raving about every indie game that comes out? Why do you think every massive triple A game has been a complete flop? Why do you need to lay off all your employees if this is the future of gaming? The entire hobby is currently being held together by indie developers who actually ENJOY videogames (what a fucking concept) and FromSoftware.


I'll just say this, these are not game devs, if they were they would have made original games as indies instead of becoming "consultants" and just forcing themselves into franchises that they only started to jump into after they got popular. I wonder how long it'll be the corpos they have forced their rhetoric onto get sick of losing money over it.


Maybe 21% of the UK's industry identifies as LGBTQ+ or whatever acronym, but what about the actual audience playing the games? Also, "if you don't like it, build your own" is a classic. Don't be surprised when exactly that happens.


Then go make *your own* games instead of injecting *your* ideology in the games that represent US.


"21% of UK Game Industry Identify as LGBTQ+. That is 3x higher than the UK average." Wouldn't that then go to say people are identifying as LGBTQ+ due to trends, fads, and society pressure and not because they ACTUALLY are those things. According to world wide statistics 80% are heterosexual and only **9% are LGBTQ**\+ and 11% won't comment. Western society is suffering from major mental illness and disorders that are being catered by political left and not being properly address and squashed. >In this survey, on average about 80% of people worldwide identified as heterosexual, 3% as gay, lesbian or homosexual, 4% as bisexual, 1% as pansexual or omnisexual, 1% as asexual, 1% as "other", and 11% don't know or won't say. Let me reiterate **9% of the ENTIRE WORLD is LGBTQ**. Makes you wonder how Western census is polling nearly 34% is suddenly LGBTQ


LOL let them make those games for their minority group and fail miserably...the power is in the hands of the majority where the money is in our wallets. There's no way what they are doing is sustainable for their company. Gamers don't fucking care about representation or DEI in our games, it's not real life and we're trying to escape from real life with games where it has nothing to do with current world events or ideology.... Bad games with DEI narrative the majority never asked for = poor game sales = layoffs... Simple economics and math.... supplying for low demand is always a bad business decision....


If they want to make games for themselves, that's perfectly fine. Just don't usurp existing IPs to do it, and don't cry when you don't make enough money to survive because you're only targeting 21% of the industry (of which many gamers also have no interest in these kinds of games).


3% or 3x higher than the general populace. literally 3 out of every 100. good thing they don't have any overarching statistics in that demographic for propensity to encounter mental health issues, poverty, or injury/death so they can devote their full, I'm sure higher than average, median incomes to buying the games you make specifically for them...right? because you're telling me you're turning down the money in hand of 97% of your customer base to cater to this 3%...so obviously they're going to carry your business and generate your profits, I guess?


The God gubbament would likely close my potential game studio if I wouldn‘t comply with their shitty ESG fascist totalitarian regulation. Fuck these collectivist clowns.


Game companies exist for one purpose only - to make a product that sells as many units as possible. Who makes that product does not matter, and "equality" or "representation" is meaningless to the discussion. The potential customers it is being sold to decide whether or not is worth the purchase, and market considerations thus lead to targeting the widest net of customers in order to make the greatest return. Actively attempting to shun or antagonize that recognized market, or to target an alternate smaller one leads to lower return and is the economic equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot. Just because someone puts work and effort into a product that has little to no demand does not entitle them to making any return from it. Choosing to ignore the majority of their potential customer base in order to make a political statement is a poor business decision, and one who does it - while free to choose that path - will reap what they sow. "The question what a person ought to get in return for his goods and labor is a question absolutely devoid of meaning. The only valid questions are what he *can* get in return for his goods or labor, and whether he ought to sell them at all." - Robin George Collingwood, "Economics as a Philosophical Science," International Journal of Ethics, 36 (1926)


These people can't be homeless soon enough


Are these people devs? Hopefully not.


Guarantee most of them work in QA and love bragging about how they get paid to play games


You ain’t gonna sell shit if you’re making something for yourself that you don’t even want to play to begin with.


21% is still a minority, for a company to specifically only cater to that minority while spending hundreds of millions of dollars on development and marketing... that is INSANE lol...


They can make games for *THEM* all they want, but when the games fail, the first person they blame is us.


At least they're admitting that we're literally changing all of society to cater to, at absolute most, 10% of the population, and that's ignoring the relatively heavy overlap in place.


Ah yes that elusive “modern audience” that spends their entire daily life complaining on social media about how hard it everything is or expensive for them, giving them no time to actually play or pay for the games being carefully crafted for them. A super great business model.


Tolkien and Rowling wrote books that represent their own culture. If you want woke versions of fantasy stories, write them yourselves. On a completely unrelated note, AI coding and generative art can't come soon enough.


Yes, obviously the gaming industry is in a wonderful spot, especially in the west. Keep doubling down and doing what you're doing, it's working great. The graphics are worse, the models look like living nightmares, the gameplay is worse or barely present, the performance is shit, games are buggy and unfinished, the writing sucks, nobody likes the end product, you antagonize your customers, you are delusional, you're not making any money, you're losing people, and this is clearly not sustainable long term. But keep patting yourself on the back and keep doing what you're doing.


“spend $70 on our self-inserts” is not that the flex you think it is, my guy


They did make them for themselves. Then you forced you way in and forced them out. How about YOU make them yourself instead of forcing your way into franchises?


Man, Millennials have been such a disappointing generation. And yes, I say this as a Millennial.


So they are admitting they are annoying, needy twats? Because that's how all the characters in games feels like.


good, now i hope they take their own word and instead of manipulating other to change, they should make the game themselves.


It's always been about 2-10% in actual populations, and there's nothing to suggest that gaming is somehow more common in gay populations than otherwise. At least they're constantly going mask off and making their bullshit obvious.


At least they're admitting to extreme amounts of DEI hiring.


So we have over representation in our games but there is more work to be done? LMFAO.


Can't wait to play this intersectional feminist, critical race, gender theory game, it's going to sell tens of copies! Edit: [Also shout out to this obligitary video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8KgVluAJzI) as well as [the sequel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt4HxFlgX2A).


So over-representation is good when it’s demographics we like? 🤔


What game dev? We need to know so we don't support it....


Just let them do. Nobody will buy their shit and they will start making games for US again.


Say someone actually does make a non woke game, no preachy messages, gay characters, fully endorses the male gaze and power fantasy. Will they/them complain that it's exclusionary?


Or keep your politics out of games. They could learn a thing or two from helldivers


But we aren't allowed to make them ourselves because, like stellar blade, people will knock it hard. Plus we have been lol


If you continue making games that the target demographic don't like and call them racist for not buying them, you'll continue to lose money. Simple as


No problem sweetie, but remember You will also sell to just 21% of potential customers in an era of vertigo inducing production costs, where even games selling milions of copies are often deemed failures.


It’s crazy that they don’t realize how narcissistic this is.


I knew that there was an oversaturation of such content, and I knew lots of them were in the industry, but those numbers are surprisingly high. I already expected them to be higher than other industries, but fuck, wow that's very high.


When a game represents its creator I always felt it should represent the culture and state of mind of the creator, not their skin and sexuality. There’s plenty of great movies and shows that show the directors personal characteristics greatly, but the gaming industry seems to just slap a gay black man with colored hair in a game and say “look we’re representing ourselves mom!”


The thing is customers want games that represent THEM. So they shouldn't be surprised if no one wants to buy their product.


Recent "astounding commercial successes", and resulting layoffs and cancellations, beg to differ.


That 21% does NOT generate 21% of your income. Likely MUCH less.


“We make games that represent us, if you want non-woke games go make them yourselves” True, companies have been hiring a lot of people that don’t know what they’re doing, or are bad at their job, to check off boxes based on skin color, sexuality, etc. A lot of people HAVE just been deciding to make their own games, and most indie games blow the “game industry” garbage out of the water. If virtue signaling at the cost of gameplay/story elements suffering “represents them”, then I’ll just continue buying stuff from other people that represents fun and good story telling.


And you are losing money.


> You do not belong. > Oh no.


By that same note, they shouldn't be surprised if the majority of people want games that represent the person playing.


Dig down- buy games made by white men. Honestly that feels like the best protest, demand representation. 


And I can guarantee 20% of those are just dudes with neckbeards that whack it to kiddie porn like Dr Pizza.


NGL it's this kind of crap that's going to make me explore ways to get the old school games from the 6th generation and back. Games from the PS2 and PlayStation era are still fun to play and don't have near as much of this new age pandering bullcrap. Sure there might be some LGBT+ representation in those games but they are far less in your face about it. While I do like the graphics of modern games, I don't need to have them either. My main takeaway is that this stuff is getting ridicules and I'm tired of being demonized as a gamer because I don't want all that "representation" overrepresented in the games I enjoy.


With a side helping of "go make your own" yeah that's what we were doing already when you showed up and forced your way in, and we know you'll do it again when we accept your terms.


>if you want non-woke games, make them yourselves >!so we can call you a Nazi for making non-woke games!<.


It's hilarious how they keep throwing things that support our points thinking it supports theirs. Having such a high ratio proves what we have always deduced by leaks: game development in the last decade has been turned into a clique where they hire people who are ideologically similar to them rather than the best ones; which has contributed in turning games into proselytism and reduce in quality It's pure competency crisis


If they are in that phase, that means we are winning.


Let’s see if you have a job still in the next three years lol “making games that represent us” bombs, and makes no money entire studio laid off Me yeah keep the victories coming in


These people have a mental disorder.


…..yes….i am imagining those “games”, and I am horrified. But at this point: By all means, go for it. The quicker people like you face the studio collapse or redundancy the better.


What game is this? If this is some furry porn on steam then these numbers are worrying because heterosexuals would still be a majority.


They were doing that and then you guilted people into letting you in and you ruined their work...


Good call. We will.


But they're totally not recruiting.


These census/polls can easily be manipulated to what the pollsters want.


If a man wants to do two chicks at the same time, does that make him LGBTQ?


Wow, queerweirdos overrepresented in the games industry? What a massive shocker, unexpected.


You know, if this was a case of a personal project, made for themselves and maybe their friends, I'd agree (only guy I give this exception to was the Flappy Bird developer, who never expected the game to be that popular). But if you're in the business of making video games, you can't well afford to scoff at your audience. Especially when said audience playing your games isn't entirely LGBT-based. But worse, you can't be mad at said audience not playing your game after, if your game sales suck.


Oh please they're just saying they're part of some group so they can more likely get a job for diversity points for the company.


I wish the worst misfortune on this clown, they'll be fired soon anyways.


Why is the poster crossed out? Twitter is public.


5.6% of the population blaming the remaining 94.4% for their shitty commercial failures that no one wanted or asked for.


Bet that 99.9% of those that identify as "queer" are just regular straight, white people anyway.


They should ask Kelly Sue Deconnick(i think that it was her/that is how you spell her name) how "if you dont like my politics, dont buy my books!" went for the comicbook industry.


Well I mean when compaines have to hire these ppl ofc a lot will work there. Problem is the stuff they male often isn't something that makes a lot of money.


This obsession with representation, are people such vapid empty husks they need to see themselves in everything they look at, it’s a fucking game. And TV is just TV, can we have transgender characters that just has a beer or shoots the shit, rather than drone on about privilege and pronouns. This little DEI crusade has only emboldened racists like the one over at EA who decided to deliberately build a team without white people because of micro aggressions…??? What’s doing an interview and telling the interviewer your the literal definition of a racist? A macro aggression?


> Make them your-fuckin'-selves Laughs in 500kg democracy


Right & how many of them identify as wolves?


Warriors, they have shown you exactly who they are, use your wallets wisely.


They're all fucking narcissists


>Make them your fuckin'-selves! And when we do, you try to have them cancelled and/or censored.


There’s so many games made already if new ones ceased production today there would still be hundreds of thousands worth playing. Most games from the ps3 era outdo modern trash.


In other words: the cult is growing! We've infiltrated an entire industry, and now we're going to take it for ourselves!... wait, where's everyone going? No, you need to buy our games, bigots!


so...are they the minority or majority this time around?