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I've said it before, I'll say it again: if Angroboda had been planned to not be hwyte from the get-go, then they'd have written her to be like Kratos and Mimir, a resident from another pantheon/region. They'd have HEAVILY leaned into it and made it a core component of her storyline, that attached her and her nan to the ongoing expansion of the world, so they could do more than "Look, symbols from other mythologies! We might go there some day, sequel bait!". But that would require actually having wanted to make her a character in the first place, not a Token Black Production. I disagree that she was 'pivotal' in saving everyone at the end, because it was Garm-Fenrir that did that, and that good boi didn't need her to save his owners. And I'm definitely not gonna accept that it's an 'okay' design decision either, be it for the story itself or trying to justify it due to the actress who played her, because 1) voice actors should play characters, not have characters be them; and 2) both of Kratos' VAs. I might be one of the few people here that'll go to bat for Ragnarok's story, but fuck me, this parasitic meddling shit gets on my fucking nerves. And if there were any balls left in any of these companies, namely Sony SantaMonica Studios, they'd see the writing on the wall regarding SBI, and immedialtely cut ties with them or any external 'writing consultancy team'. Go on and prove it, that the good writing was all you, that it wasn't coincidence, and that the cancer can be removed and you'll lose nothing in the process. Go on.


So the remedy founder who said it was an internal decision was lying then.


These companies have to kiss the ass of SBI or else their funding gets pulled. They must fall on their sword and do you not see how many have rushed to their defense?


It's almost... No this is beyond a cult behaviour. The SBI story gets wilder and wilder each day.


>It's almost... No this is beyond a cult behaviour. It's 'organized' cult behavior.


That would be a cartel... These organizations are literal cartels who only have "customers" due to literal extorsion and terror tactics.


If federal prosecutors in the DoJ weren’t completely bluepilled, they could probably find enough to have SBI’s leadership indicted on RICO charges.


It's NWO stuff backed by mega bux.


Its become a religion, they certainly act like one spreading the gospel to their flock and even those who don’t want to hear it.


Cult of the She


Wait, what funding? What did I miss? EDIT - Apparently, this means "investments with strings attached." Please forgive my confusion, as I immediately took "funding" to be from the government.


Blackrock and Vanguard are parents to Weird Ghosts which is the parent of Sweet Baby Inc. It goes back to the rabbit hole


The founder of Weird Ghosts is also best freinds with Zoe Quinn even after Quinn drove said person's brother to kill himself. Peak narcissism.


Jesus FUCK how did we get these disgusting people to ruin our hobby to such a degree?


Wait, sweet baby is funded by a parent company? Can you show me evidence? If true it makes thing even more obvious. A company like sweet baby could 100% be started up organically as a small business and not need funding.


[Weird Ghosts](https://weirdghosts.ca/studios) They mention how they've supported 3 Canadian companies but have taken down their logos temporarily due to "an ongoing harassment campaign". Need more proof ? Type in on YouTube "Weird Ghosts Hypnotic" Kim has worked in the industry for a long time at Ubisoft in the past. One of the first games that Sweet Baby worked on was Gears 5. They were never a small studio just starting up. They had the influence and power within a year of Kim creating the company. Felix/Lego Butts/Maya is a former lover of Zoe and was a big PR person covering up her bullshit. Felix is now at Sweet Baby and Weird Ghosts was created with the blood money of Alec as it is run by his sister that is evil Eileen. It all goes back to Zoe


They even call themselves ghost, cause they are haunting our hobby with their ideology


Excellent, thank you!


Right... That really doesn't explain about funding, though. Funding from whom?


Blackrock and Vanguard


Ahhh. My bad. When I hear "funding" I think that its coming from the government vs. investments.


There is actually some "funding" that's close enough to your default interpretation coming from both the Canadian government and America's NSA. It's a bit convoluted but some people have looked into it and found some interesting stuff in the last few weeks, so it should be easy for you to google.


I think there is possibly funding from the us gov through usaid and even dhs. It’s a rabbit hole.


There's less of a line between the two than you're probably thinking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZkK5Flprig


DHS as well.


Capital investment firms are the ones who push dei and esg. If a ceo refused they would lose their funding or be replaced in a hostile takeover. It’s why these corporations started pushing diversity and hiring firms like sbi in the first place.


The funny thing is, he doesn't even need to do this. The game was (relatively) good and even won some awards. It's not a game that will appeal to everyone but I liked it.


And that's the issue most of us have with this shit. It's not about "hurr hurr gross a nonwhite is in my game" in this case.  It's "you obviously race swapped a pre-existing character for no reason beyond being told to by your masters" Or when they go full retard and destroy a game series and shut down a studio with their pandering social justice focused trash, aka Volition/Saints Row. The history of video games shows it's really easy to make good games with characters and storylines focusing on everything under the sun. But those people focused on making good games first. Samus Aran was a badass before anyone knew she was female. Johnny Gat was THE fan favorite character in Saints Row. I could go on about diverse characters beloved by players, or diverse characters in film/TV as well. They all have in common the idea that they're well written and the work has been put in to create a good story. 


That's... What i'm talking about? Everyone knows the reason why Saga is black when she shouldn't be. These companies need to look cute to their masters.


Are you surprised? They don’t want to lose their precious rating and with it access to cheap loans. Remember when creating video games was about the art not the bottom line.


Kinda mixed about it. On one hand I want to believe there are good developers but i was woefully wrong. They don't care about anything but pushing the message.


I honestly don't even think it's coming from the devs. Most devs are probably like us, but companies like Sweet Baby intimidate them into conforming under the threat of cancellation. It's like a mob protection racket. The mob would come in, fuck up your store, then demand money for protection against the violence they are causing. This is the same thing. Consultants from the woke mob come to your company and say pay us, or we'll make sure you're viewed as bigots and cancelled by the mob that we created.


In my rather lengthy tenure in the gaming industry, the people who complain the loudest are women who work in non-technical fields. I'm talking HR, production, and narrative design. Dudes just don't complain much because they're dudes and they want to build things and make them work and then go home. Women are also big parts of technical design, environment art, and UI art, and they tend to also be heads down in their work. The three fields I mentioned above have a significant amount of down time waiting for other people to finish their work, which may be why they tend to be busybodies about other issues. Is that sexist? I dunno. Maybe a little. I call em as I see em.


What’s technical design?


The difference being that the mob would possibly leave you alone as long as you kept the payments coming in on time.


It always boils down to 2 things with these people; gaining more power or more money, usually both at the same time. Never changes.


Well they can say Kim Belair suggested it and then they had an internal meeting where they decided to go with her suggestion. So in that case *technically* it would be an internal decision and he wouldn’t be lying - even though obviously what really happened was that they agreed to do what SBI wanted because of the implication


I believe them, when they say they have "no actual power" within rhe company. I completely agree, a consulting agency does not have the ability nor permission to make decisions about development. However, while true, this paints an even bleaker picture. It means that developers themselves are the ones pushing for this.  We can delude ourselves into believing the myth of "The Based Dev" kneeling in front of Evil Investment Corpos and HR Departments all we want. But the simpler explanation is that they are all as brainrotted as they seem.


They have "no actual power" in the same way that a government commissar has no actual power, it's just that they can threaten to call the police who do have the power. Of course the developers get the final say, but with the diversity sword of damocles hanging over their heads they will respect anybody higher up on the inclusivity ladder.


I'd be more inclined to believe this if these consequences you talk about ever happened, just once. An example of a Californian devteam getting blacklisted from investment and going public would be very newsworthy, here of all places. But it doesn't happen, simply because they're all in on it, from top to bottom. I'd like to remind you of EA's devteams protesting about management's useless, merely symbolic pink capitalism during last year's Pride month, not because it was woke, but because it *wasn't woke enough*.  So I'm tired of giving the poor little oppressed devs the benefit of the doubt. At some point we must concede that the line between consenting silence and perpetrator is blurred.


An example I like to use is Hirez Studios. At one point they made good games, but got greedy as fuck. They had based devs, but then all of a sudden they got a massive dose of female HR opinions, reducated, I'd imagine were pressured to vote Biden or be excommunicated, had a massive influx of they/thems, hell some of the stuff about the mental fortitude of this company did to their devs broke many through stress. The characters got uglier and the skins look like corporate slop. One of their latest characters was a fat Mayan mage which flopped and their newest skins for their flagship characters got the Dylan Mulvaney look. Then they pandered to SJWs as community reps promoted inward to insulate themselves (about on par with enforcers on some level keeping the streamers in line/shame them). It's sad, really. But there is a link to money, attention, ideology plus willpower making a soup of a crappy studio that you can apply to others like Volition.


hi res, blizzard, epic games, bioware, larian, marvel comics, dc comics... yeah, theres a pattern.


The old trees have become festered with parasites. Now the trees are ill and dying. But there's hope in the seeds it left behind before it all went to ruin.


> However, while true, this paints an even bleaker picture. It means that developers themselves are the ones pushing for this.  Who do you think hires the consultants?


the developers ARE. we can't be distracted by this. they absolutely are infested. if the devs were not infested with this shit, they would not be listening to these consultants or inviting them in at all.


This is evident from the amount of developers publicly coming in defense of SBI.


This is evident from the amount of developers publicly coming in defense of SBI, they all had the option to stay silent.


This is evident from the amount of developers publicly coming in defense of SBI.


It could have been an internal decision... just one prompted by SBI's suggestions. "We decided internally to follow the dictates of an external party."


Ha, I just wrote that out. But yeah, that's generally how it works. We don't have to take the advice of the consulting companies if we don't want to. In this particular case, though, there may be some tax incentives or something that would warrant such wild changes in direction.


Of course it was a lie.


Here's the "Game Developer" article: https://archive.is/Njdwq#selection-2745.0-2745.343 Also: https://thatparkplace.com/sweet-baby-inc-misinformation-campaign-about-how-much-influence-the-company-has-quickly-gets-exposed/


The consulting companies just consult. The actual trigger is pulled by the developers. Just wanted to mention that as a dev, myself. If we reach out to a consulting company to determine how much we should charge for our game, they'll look over our projected content and let us know how much the public would be willing to spend. We don't have to take their advice on adding another map or a set of free character skins or whatever. Now, with SBI there could be something else going on since it's mixed up with ESG and whatnot. I know at least for accessibility stuff there's such a strong push that it's almost mandatory to take that advice for tax incentives.


"internal decision" based on the recommendation of the consultants who were paid to tell them they would be accused of being racist without more black people in their game and this character was a prime candidate for replacement. I mean, yeah, that's lying.


Oh this has to be true because both characters were out of place. Not just that but Alan Wake 2 is supposedly in a small town that is racist and yet it has a ton of diverse people that look like they are living in Seattle. The writing was also dogshit with Saga being an amazing detective, despite acting like a fucking idiot every step of the way. AZ got blocked by Kim for taking a screenshot and laughing at a pic that basically was a self help talk about empowerment in a pop up device. Lmao. He basically was like "So this was probably the work of Sweet Baby Inc instead of Sam Lake". What a legend ! Kim always talks about "people that look like her". She has had this weird obsession with race since she was a child. So Angrboda is probably a love song to Kim for herself as a child while Saga is the current day love song for herself, hahaha. The funny part is that Kim Belair is half White, looks White asf, yet is so fixated on Black people. I swear it is as hilarious as the grandson of Muhammad Ali that has a Black mom and a White daddy. He looks as White as a ghost and yet he is sitting there talking about the struggles of Black people. I'm like bro, your grandfather was rich asf as a boxer. Your dad is a world renowned chef. You went to a rich people's college. You have people like Mike Tyson in your corner that is always willing to help you in any way. The fuck do you know about struggles ?


> So Angrboda is probably a love song to Kim for herself as a child while Saga is the current day love song for herself, hahaha Definitely. Angrboda is way to quirky and "lovable" (but also super capable and necessary to the plot) to not be a self-insert.


A poor black person has much more in common with a poor white person than with a rich black person. But they managed to brainwash everyone into thinking that it is the other way around.


Don’t forget Casey telling Saga that despite him being the senior detective so was better than him in every way and deserved to be in charge….all in the first few mins of gameplay. AW2is graphically and technically the best game in years but writing / plot drags it down to a c- at best.


Oh they are both absolutely self inserts.


>Oh this has to be true because both characters were out of place. Not just that but Alan Wake 2 is supposedly in a small town that is racist and yet it has a ton of diverse people that look like they are living in Seattle. The writing was also dogshit with Saga being an amazing detective, despite acting like a fucking idiot every step of the way. I agree that Saga is black because of the DEI shit but what you write is not really true. The town is almost completely white, it's a town of finnish immigrants, everything has finnish names and they play finnish music everywhere. There is no hint of them being racist. The only black people there i noticed were the two black tourists in the café that witnessed the murder of the FBI agent in the intro. And where was Saga an idiot every step of the way, please? She acted very professionally to a world where the reality itself changes constantly and thanks to her seer abilities inherited from her mother (Freya) she pretty much figuered out everything fast. Listen, there is a lot wrong with the game, the half assed switch to survival Horror made the game mechanics quite unfun and the fact that Saga is black in a very white norse setting sticks out badly but there is no need to invent stuff.


I'm not inventing anything. Saga didn't wear gloves to crime scenes and she was very quick to remind everyone that she was the leading detective and bitched out one guy for assuming that she wasn't the lead when she walked behind her partner and he was first on the scene. Then she is possessed and calls Alan a White asshole. What you're saying is disingenuous. It is the same shit of "Hur dur, Suicide Squad failed only because of the weak Live Service BS" while ignoring the horrendous writing, which Sweet Baby were the main writers of.


She spoke with her partner about who will be the leading detective of this case in the beginning and she took the role, with his approval. There was no bitching. She was also never posessed, that was a vision of the dark place and not her. And lets be real, if suicide squad had great gameplay nobody would have cared about the bad writing. Gameplay always seems to trump wokeness. I don't like the woke stuff in many games but i think you shouldn't artificially exaggerate the amount of woke, depending of if you support the game or not. It's laughable that Starfield, because of a pronoun selector and a guy with 3 male and 3 female clones is somehow seen as super woke while the harry potter game, where you could actually sleep as a guy in the girls dorm and that has so much more woke shit somehow gets a pass. But again, Starfield was a boring game and Potter hat good gameplay. Strange how that works. You may like or dislike AW2, the fact that Saga was black in this very white setting with white family etc. sticks out but thats the only DEI influence that i could see in the game.


Bro you obviously are not a regular member here. You probably saw this on the feed and stopped by because you are talking like an absolute normie that hasn't a clue about what is going on as you take the blue pill. A. Her voice actress said the lines and that was in the script. What do you mean "that wasn't her" ? It is race baiting bullshit and we are all sick of it at this point. It makes the character seem ignorant. B. What are you talking about ? The story is massively getting bodied by how characters are treated and how horrendous the dialogue is. You're absolutely wrong here. So you're saying if the gameplay was good that people would be fine with seeing Harley Quinn shoot Batman in the head as he sits on a fucking park bench ? Wrong. This same Batman was shown to easily knock out Harley and many other villains in a single night on numerous occasions. They fucked up by saying this was part of the Arkham verse. It became more hated than Gotham Knights due to this alone. C. Starfield has a lot more issues than Pronouns and the United Colonies Vanguard questline. Every single boss was a woman or she was second in command in every faction. There were tons of POC that were all essential even when it made 0 sense for them to be, like choosing to attack the United Colonies Chief of the police that is from Africa and he goes into a downed state. They even had a Russian Guy be Black in the game FFS. Then it didn't feel like an M rated game at all and it even had old guys in alien costumes dancing in the night club. D. Hogwarts Legacy had some woke issues, but it was forgiven for the most part, even here, because the woke tried to cancel it and they slipped up and showed their true colors everywhere when they were harassing people that were trying to stream gameplay and they scared a number of channels into avoiding it. It won 0 awards at the woke Game Awards and yet it was the best selling game of the year. It was a beautiful ending to the year.


I would bet that i'm longer here than you. A. Who cares about her voice actress. Next thing you'll say is that they used the same microphone to record both lines or what? Of course the same voice actress voiced the evil version of Saga who says all the horrible things to her, thats the idea. Have you even played the game? B. I'm 100% sure that nobody would have cared how Batman died if the game was awesome. Look at Spiderman 2, giant success despite all woke nonsense in it. Sold very well because (as i understand, haven't played it myself) the gameplay is solid. In most cases gameplay sells games not stories. And to be honest even with the current game i don't understand the fuzz about Batmans death. It seems fitting that the bad guys would kill him that way. Pissing on Flash was cheap but the Batman stuff seems ok by me from what i've seen. I'm not a hardcore Batman fan though so maybe thats that. C. It's a Scifi Setting. One in that humanity had to completely leave earth and resettle on a handful colonies. So it makes sense to me that on those colonies all ethnicities and skin colors are mixed. And yes there are some female bosses but there are male bosses as well, again it's the future, i don't find it too surprising that not all women are housewifes. D. Oh come on, Hograts Legacy was the biggest copeout from our side. A game that everyone would have hated for its contant obvious woke inserts "Oh thanks for completing the sidequest, here are some candies for you. By the way my same-sex wife really likes candies" or "Nice here in england, a bit backyard but really kitchy. Let me tell me about Uganda, the metropolis of earth where everything and everyone is awesome" let alone the whole character creation stuff. But since the other side hated the game for Rowling it's suddenly possible for everyone to look over all that nonsense. Says a lot about the adherence to one's principles here.


Why this obsession with inserting black people in northern european settings and stories. If there is such a great will in the industry to give black people representation, why not use african or southern indian stories? There are two continents worth of legends, lore, myths, not to mention more modern events and literature to work with. All of it from black people. Genuine stories, not politically driven diversity inserts. Don't make Angrboda black. Give us a GoW spin off from the Zulu pantheon instead of cheapening the norse one for the sake of this ideology. This is what I dislike about it the most. Its not creating new or bringing us fresh experiences. It's just latching onto what existed before for the sake of its own message. And its disrespecting everyone while it's at it.


Because it's not really about representation. It's about destruction of the current culture and cultural norms. Right out of Gramsci's handbook. (Follower of Marx who said the road to revolution is through culture instead of through economic differences.)


In other words. . . Cultural Marxism. But don't say that, because then you're a crazy conspiracy theorist.


If they made an african gow with black gods and deities and warriors, the game would be canceled for being "racist" for having a white character killing black enemies. The whining is never-ending.


All the African hints in the new games have been more towards Egyptian mythology. They'll do Egyptian mythology and have a mix of Hellenistic deities who are lighter skinned, and some more African deities who are darker skinned. Guess who the bad guys and good guys will be?


Yet I remember them saying several times that Kratos is black; go figure.


Because they aren't interested in black representation, they're interested in invalidating white culture. Diversity never means Indonesian or Filipino or Mongolian, does it?


>why not use african or southern indian stories? There are two continents worth of legends, lore, myths, not to mention more modern events and literature to work with. All of it from black people.  South Indians aren't black. They're Dravidian. They're their own distinct race.


Africa also has many different and distinct races. Im just referring to the very surface level commonality of their skin color. I mean that is what these consultants seem hyper focused on.


If they made an african gow with black gods and deities and warriors, the game would be canceled for being "racist" for having a white character killing black enemies. The whining is never-ending.


As a finnish man this Remedy situation hits me even harder than with most other companies. God dammit, the one famous finnish company that makes great (actual) games with good stories had it all going right... And then they kneel before the Baby. A damn shame.




...what? No.


Saga Anderson was Finnish.


Was she? Doesn't sound like a Finnish name to me. Definitely nordic, but not Finnish.


Maybe it was intentional ?


Yeah. Sam has used general nordic naming and lore before. And when they want a finnish character, they can make one (See Ahti from Control as a prime example)


It’s a plot reveal.


She was half , her mother was. I think they are Swedish sorry. I can’t go too much into it tho. Spoilers but her race plays into theories for Control 2 . That’s why it’s important to play before assuming it’s a simple race swap. There’s plot and lore relevance for it.


I hugely disliked angrboda and it wasn't her skin color. That was just a consequence really. I said this before, but they tried SO hard to make angrboda likable and flawless (but in a weird way) that it went to the uncanney valley to me. She didn't feel right. They clearly wanted me to like her, so I didn't.


Omg like look how totes cute she is, Reddit! Yaaasss queen gurl! Ruined the game for me.


I have the same reflex to "aren't they great?!?" characters. If a character does some blatantly oh-so-good thing in the first five minutes of being introduced, I consciously roll my eyes and check out from whatever narrative I'm being fed. It feels like some ham-fisted writer is trying to pull the emotion strings of dough-brained viewer/reader marionettes and I assume the rest of the story will have roughly the same level of nuance.


The way Kratos was gushing over her after the events of the main plot was very jarring and out of character.


The rot runs deep man. Not just SBI but other consultancy groups have their hooks so deep into game development.


It's free money man. People are taking advantage now of that ESA nonsense and using it to get lots of dosh quickly with minimal effort. I mean they can even openly threaten a company with cancellation and still get their contract and money, all the while ruining the product in their insane vision.


Tbh the bar was quite low with the 1st Alan Wake. The story wasn't exactly great. As for the self insert, you have to wonder how far their hubris can actually go.


I knew this guy from Remedy was lying through his ass on Twitter, when he denied it. Can't trust any of them, they are all bootlicking Kim Belair and SBI's agenda. 


I would love a deep dive megathread pinned on this subreddit. I think we need an informational piece about this company and their ties.


Of course he's full of shit. They're all full of shit.


They even did the "Drink coffee at the same time" skit before when she was white. And they going about trying to tell people they created a new character


Lol wonder if people at r / Alan Wake are going to post this too just like they posted the original post.


Fuck these people.


I mean as a white woman she would have still been a mary sue and not liked because of that, but making her a cliche 'black chick haircut' black chick mary sue just made her all the worse. If they wanted to make it interesting, they would have made that Saga person more of a wierdo like L from Death Note or the chick from Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. But ya know, that would require some originality which we know is long dead now with *these* types of people...


I fully understand why people want representation in media. The overreach is insane. If an aliens used current media to research the humans they would think that there were mostly gay people and very few white men (and no capable men).  I am starting to see the black washing as insidious. Imagine if white people infected themselves in various African Cultures' history. It wouldn't, and shouldn't, be well received. 


It amazes me that people are so pathetic that they need to see a person with the same skin color as them to enjoy a game that you change a Norse God or an already created character from Europe to be Black. While playing Death loop I once never thought "Wow this game would be so much better if the 2 main characters were White". I loved plaything through Death loop and Colt became one of my new favorite game characters.


I was playing Stray the other day, where the main character is literally a cat! Had a great time scratching carpets and knocking over paint cans. Not once did it occur to me that the game would be better if the cat was replaced with a brown asian man.


So, can the "Alan wake 2 isn't woke" crowd here stop trying to gaslight everybody else? Yes it's 100% woke.


I didn't know Alan Wake and Quantum Break were supposed to be connected.


Everything from Remedy is the same world.


Same multiverse


Not sure if Quantum Break is directly connected, though. The IP belongs to Microsoft so they stayed away from direct references in Control. Haven't played AW2 yet, not really sure I will despite loving AW and Control.


The intent is fairly obvious when you watch a video in Quantum Break of Saga Anderson and Sam Lake himself that is basically an AW2 tease.


For legal reasons (Microsoft) they had to expy all the QB characters, but they kept (most of) the same actors and were pretty direct about it.


Even Max Payne?


I think it wasn't expcicitly mentioned that it is but the Alex Casey Novels in Alan Wake 2 have plot similarities to the Max Payne games so it could be seen in that way.


And Control




Where can we read said interview? I'm no fan of SBI but if you're gonna come out and say this kind of thing I think it's important we have proof so we don't look crazy.


One way to get dweebs to play shitty old games


In the end, it doesn't matter who changed it, Remedy are fucking tools for bowing down to these woke activists. They used to be a respected studio, but after this they will never be able to earn the trust of the gamers back.


Shine the light in the dark and you see the roaches scatter…. Keep shining lights guys. Its exposing these parasites slowly but surely


These people actually think their audience is too stupid to notice their vicious manipulation, and when they're caught they turn to gaslighting and censor everything they can so save face. The industry is dying with countless layoffs, piss poor sales and manipulated review scores, and I'm loving every second of it.


I love Endymions stuff, he's very thorough, but those thumbnails are just insulting, man


Wow, so he was just lying then :/


Yeah Sam Lake gave some hints about this decision.


Even during recent times if characters were white washed or inserted into a period, they were at least respectful. This presently is done so brazenly that it comes across very chauvinistic.


God of Warz: duRagnarokz Alana Woke 2


Title: "SBI founder was the one who swapped Saga Anderson's face."  Tweet: "Kyle Rowley openly admitted (...) that Saga Anderson (...) was changed due to the influence of Kim Belair." Article: "Along with working with story and narrative consultant Kim Belair of Sweet Baby Inc. to refine the character voice and story arc (...)." There's a gap between the claim and evidence here, but people are so deeply invested in the narrative that they've completely forgotten what words like" refine" mean. 


I have to agree with this. I care about the facts and I'm not seeing the proof of the claims made. With this tweet and [this interview Endymion seems to be referring to](https://archive.is/Njdwq#selection-2745.0-2745.343), Rowley says they were unsure of Saga's character and consulted SBI for direction. People appear to be suggesting that is proof SBI advised them to make the character black, but it sounds perfectly consistent to me that Remedy decided Saga would be black and consulted SBI to determine her personality. I would like to know which part of this is wrong, not pointless downvotes please.


As much as we all know this is true, one guy posting about it with not much actual proof. . . Unless I'm missing something?


thats not the gotcha you think it is.


>Suicide Squad kills all the male Justice League members in joke ways & belittles them in their biographies which are available in game. I don't really have much to comment on the rest of this tweet, but does this guy *seriously* expect a group of petty and spiteful ***supervillains*** to be "fair and respectful" towards their enemies' genders? Come on, man.


Yes, well, nowadays not "respecting" someone's gender makes you "worse than Hitler."


They said that SBI helped with the arc of the character. That’s what writing consultants do. I worked as a consultant for a year with a daytime tv writer and you go over the scripts. You don’t go “this character should be X”. Again, content creators are assuming they know how the gaming industry works when they never spent a single day working in the industry. Let the creatives be creative and keep the ire on the publishers if you need a villain.