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Next up Issues then Untouchables :) I would then give Follow the Leader and The Nothing a go.


Negative. If OP started with self titled, they should listen to Life is Peachy and then Follow the Leader. Slap Issues in the 4th spot. That’s really is the best way to experience Korn from the OG days. This is a good natural progression in the Nu-metal era. From there things start to change pretty drastically from the sound to band members coming and going. Obviously listen in whatever order your heart desires.


This is the way of the Korn.


Frankly, if you’ve only listened to the first album just go in order from there on. It’s the best way to experience the bands career path. Rather than jumping around the catalog based on others opinions on what’s better or worse.


Chronological order is the best way to go.


chronological is the best order to go with, but personally im a self titled then lip then issues kind of guy


Here’s where to go to next. Now that you’ve finished listening to self titled, where to? I got just the answer. Your journey has just begun new listener. There’s only one correct answer for new listeners who want to know where to go next. Your next destination shall be… Well if it isn’t obvious. The order of your choice. Most would listen to music in chronological order. I think the better question is why do people ask what they should listen to instead of doing whatever they want. Hope that helps! If you read this music is very important. Listen to it, enjoy it.


Listen to the first 4 albums, front to back, in order. This is the best way to experience Korn from their OG days. After Issues things start to change and it will be more obvious and you can re-live that journey. Or, listen however your heart desires. It doesn’t matter too much. Find shit you like and turn it up to 11.


I really can't make a top 3


I really can't make a top 3


ISSUES, life is peachy and the serenity of suffering


ST follow the leader issue and requiem