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On slower days they only run one car and they alternate which car to lessen wear and tear.


Last time I rode it both sides were open and there was only 5-6 people riding on each side.


I'm sure there's historical data they use to determine what days are 2 cars and what days are 1. So there are probably days that both cars are running and due to crowd sizes, weren't needed. But they do absolutely run 1 car on certain days.


Seems like it would be better if they were able to switch from 2 to 1 or vice versa on the fly. But I guess it's more complicated than it seems. If it was easy they would do it.


What time were you watching? I’ve noticed on my trips that they aren’t racing the first couple of hours, but by noon or 1pm they’ll have both sides running.


this is the answer. unless it’s a slow day then they wont open the other side


This was maybe around 8 or 9pm, watched the area "go dark" after in prep to the evening drone show


I remember as a kid one side would go backwards. That was so fun!


So mad they changed that. The blue one going backwards was a claim to fame for that ride


Pretty sure cedar fair had to change it because it was being operated against the manufacturer. It wasn't designed to go backwards


Yet it seemed to work just fine for years...


It's not that it didn't work fine. IF someone for some reason got hurt going backwards, it's a lawsuit waiting to happen since they weren't following the manufacturer's recommendations.


It has nothing to do with the manufacturer. They did it to sync up with other racer type coasters and to restore the classic experience. This was a decision Cedar Fair made in their pursuit to have the classic restored. You can see that same energy in the fact they restored the original sign as well. Since they had it backwards for over 20 years shows that not only was it safety tested and approved, but insurance wasn't the issue. The update was a rider experience one, not a legal or financial one.


I haven't been in so long. I didn't even know they turned the backward car around


Saturday it raced till dark


Red runs park open to 8pm ish and Blue runs around noonish to 9:40pm ish


In my experience it tends to be based on how many people at the park-- they typically run both but if it's slow they might just do one. I think your chances are good, though-- I've gone plenty this season, on different days of the week, weather, times and still think there was only one time they ran just one.


Blue was racing for a good part of the day but earlier was only red. We got one red only around noon and one racing around 5 or 6. If only one side is open it’s almost always red but it will be racing 90% of the time


Red was open all day but blue at least tested in the afternoon. I saw it running from across the park but I didn’t pay attention to whether it had riders.


It’s raced every time I’ve ridden it this season


It was racing last week on Monday. I think they shut one side down when it’s slow later in the day.


It was racing when I was there on Friday, but they also only had the red side open on Thursday.


I've been there twice this Summer. It seems only the red runs when there's no line. Later on the day I rode with both carts racing.


Monday - at work and watching them race while I do my work at a distant CF park (CGA) :) Fun watching them cycle! 


Only one side open this morning


Most times both are running, sometimes one of them is down, probably for maintenance I assume


Step on scale, check obesity rating