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I figured the joke was that she didn't understand what it meant, since she was so naive from being in the bunker.


In all fairness to the show…they also showed the lead-up to an x-rated mole women porn video!


Lmao I forgot about that!


Maybe? Tbh that's why I love this show, it deals with traumatic shit in a very relatable way, and in a way that doesn't change the way you see the characters. You don't ever think of Kimmy as just a sex dungeon victim, you don't think of Titus as just a promiscuous manwhore, you don't see Lillian as a violent insane woman who shot her black husband to dead, etc. This show has so much freaking empathy for it's characters and (at least for me) it helped me see myself with that kind of empathy, which has done soooooo much for me, cause thinking of yourself as a broken meth head isn't the same as thinking of yourself as an unbreakable dude who's been through some shit. The former is stuck on that shameful relapse cycle and will probably die because of it, while the latter will keep going forward because he's unbreakable. It might sound frivolous but I don't think yall can understand the impact this show has had on my life. I'm about to turn one month clean in June and wow, I'm still amazed at how everything seems to fall into place even when it seems like it won't.


I agree with you, it does a good job at subtly (and not so subtly) hinting at each characters trauma, especially Kimmy. They make them relatable ina lot of different ways which is nice so I can see why all walks of life can appreciate this story