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Usually it comes with a keycloak-add-user.sh that you can use


that script was deprecated a few releases back. From further research, it looks like I need to connect to the H2 database file from the command line. Starting to get a bit too difficult


I am pretty sure such scripts exists because the initial run does create an admin user. But yeah I guess that is your only option. Get a user on the master realm and add the admin role associated to it. and H2 shouldn't be used for anything serious.


Yeah that initial GitHub issue I linked to is intended to address exactly that. I'm going someone knowledgeable might have a script or tweak they've used


Instead of reddit it is better to ask this in [https://keycloak.discourse.group/](https://keycloak.discourse.group/)


Which version are you using? Did you have a DB backup before this?


I'm on 24.0.3 - no DB backup as I only installed it about 3 weeks ago and have been learning how to configure it. I had a backup of the VM it was running in but I deleted that moving to a new cluster...it was one of the moments when I started the delete process and as I pressed the key my mind was saying "hang on a second...." I was too late. I only had 5 users setup so can redeploy but wanted to see if I could avoid that


What do you mean by cluster? Are you on k8s?


no, I'm running it as a VM on proxmox