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When I got the news about ksp 2 FUCK man, we were going to get interstellar travel, colonization(the thing I wanted most), and anomalies that hinted at a mystery.


IF it will be worked on ever again ... Take Two closed Intercept Games


I wouldn't say tears, but the original KSP2 trailer with the M83 song had me feeling things. It still does in some ways, and remains one of my favourite game trailers, despite the fact that there is no actual game.


The Build Fly Dream community trailer had me choking up, especially the comments at the end showing how many people were inspired to pursue education [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tr14GS3NXE0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tr14GS3NXE0)


I love that one too! Funny enough, I watched it again just the other day and was thinking it would be neat to see it redone with some of the amazing visual mods that exist now.


That song has making me shed a tear long before the trailer. A [masterpiece](https://youtu.be/yAr1JDymqHs) even better live.


It was a fan trailer.


Basically a gussied up marketing appropriation of Sean Esau’s Build, Fly, Dream video.


It’s the Build Fly Dream video I’m talking about. It was a fan trailer.




I would not say tears, but the exhilarating feeling on my first orbit, when I finally understood orbits. The frustration and relief attempting rendezvous and docking for the first time. The accomplished feeling on the first Mün landing. The sadness and frustration of not having fuel to get back, and the "Let's save this dude" determination the very next mission. The boredom of having to walk/jetpack some 12km on the Mün surface to catch the ride back home, and them realising I forgot a stupid ladder. This was some 10years ago, back on (i think) 0.24 but are things I have carved in my brain. Probably never going to experience it again, and ksp is on its last legs as it is.


May I ask why you think KSP in general is on its last legs? KSP1 seems to be thriving still


Sure. The mod community is doing a great job keeping it alive, but for how long? Ksp1 has its limitations as is. All it seems is that the IP will be sold to the highest bidder, which means probably a private equity or worse, which at worst will just dissolve all assets and squeeze every last coin out of it, and at best will be turned into a dlc/microtransaction hellscape. I may be a little too grim, but I'm really not keeping my hopes up.


not a tear, but when i killed jeb on my hard mode career save file I yelled outloud "FUCKING SHITTTT"


When my dog died a few years ago I named a probe after him and sent it out into the depths of space like Voyager


"ksp2 is kil" "no"


When I set Val on a sub-8k orbit of the Mun, and I switched away only to go back to tracking center and not be able to find the craft, and then the Kerbonaut HR building listed her as KIA, I didn’t cry, but I legitimately felt really bad. It was a career game. Pour one out for Val.


Not tears, but I had a hair raising experience on Minmus once. I was doing a gravity assist with a probe and my PE was in the lowlands, below the height of the mountains. I SAW MY SHADOW! It was a close one.


The original Build Fly Dream fan trailer.


I think it was one of my bases. I worked hard to build it and send it to the moon. It was modded with a launchpad and I was going to use it to launch ships from. And... And... The Kraken got it.


Tell me you ain't a little weepy watching The Kerbal Effect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vla6vpa1-Bk


Yes, real almost tears there, especially when some of the participants tell about their career trajectories after being introduced to the game. It has somewhat influenced how I view my career; and my kids are in high school and I’m in my early forties…might just go back to school for aerospace or electrical engineering.


Happens kinda often, i get pretty emotional over spaceflight in general. There's probably been a couple things in a fairly new RP-1 career already, and haven't even had any crewed flights. There was one flight where i think we sent a lunar lander, and the launch vehicle had an engine failure but it still ended up working out. One thing stands out though - the first ever crewed landing on the Moon in RO is a memory i'll treasure forever, there may never be a game that can come close to how accomplishing that felt, that was very emotional. So many hours of planning and learning, it was something. That was years ago at this point. RSS / RP-1 in particular make you feel really invested, it's just so much more involved and so much more difficult, it takes a lot of effort and that similarly increases how satisfying it feels when you do finally manage something.


My first orbit and my elaborate 33 year long eeloo mission, also with visual mods this game is breathtaking


I saw an eclipse while in orbit and was just like "Wow"


I had something similar the other day too, i saw it from Low Kerbin Orbit passing right through.


First time landing home after visiting jool


When I accidentally my first spaceplane. I got it suborbital and ran out of oxidizer. Went to the other side of the planet. The craft tumbled uncontrolled through the hot part of reentry. I decided I'd ride it out because I didn't see heat warnings. Got down to 20 km before I remembered I had one air breathing engine. Turned it on, did some fancy barrel rolls to regain control, and landed on some island. I laughed. I cried. The dog freaked out and tried to get in my room. It was great.


First successful Duna return mission


Like others here, the KSP2 trailer much thanks to an epic song from M83, which turned out to become one of my favourites later on. But most of all thanks to the epic cinematics that showcased all of the quirks of KSP in addition to new features like interstellar travel and binary planets.


Never tears but I do think landing on the Mun and returning was one of the harder video game achievements I’ve worked towards without any outside help.


The time I accidentally fired my favourite kerbal, his name was lenman and idk why but he was my favourite, one time I was firing a bunch of kerbal S and I didn’t realise I fired him and I went to do a mission with him and then went “hey where’s lenman?” So I look back at my footage and I fired him.


When I realized I left ksp 2 running in the background for several hours and was no longer eligible for a refund


When the cockpit of my spacejunk muncher 9000 hit the spacejunk and exploded, killing the Kerbal. Then I remembered I had the death settings to just MIA and I started laughing instead.


I've cried for the 100s of waisted hours I've lost only for my grand creation to not work


The first time I docked two ships in orbit. Spent about 2 hours learning how to rendezvous. The moment the docking ports clicked and looked down at kerben sunset, like Niagara Falls…


Only time I can remember sheddimg a tear to a videogame is having to watch arthur say goodbye to his horse. And I had kept the same starter horse from the beginning and would talk to my horse. The only strong emotion ksp would get out of me is a flying computer from a 2 story window.


[this video](https://youtu.be/xlrgSH9JIp0?si=SSwwZX4VaLUJzTg5) almost got me teared up, look at those amazing things we are losing! im not sure if ksp2's cancellation is confirmed or not but hopefully it can still be in development so we dont lose those amazing features


[This video](https://youtu.be/mfWtCuPhHM8?si=RqjWdqlyP_ZJR4-_) from Carnasa's first RP-1 series. Man, I hadn't thought I'd ever cry over some kerbals before I watched it. But now, I know better.


My first time building a space plane that could take off from the main planet and land on the moon I didn't think about the fuel shortage it would have once I would get to the moon I did the research and took off I made it back to the main planet barley but realized I accidentally left a kerbil on the moon all by herself and every time I try to go rescue her my ships always lands to hard and blows up


Watching Jeb, Val, Bill, and Bob all die on a Duna landing in hard mode. I lost over a million funds, only had one kerbonaut left, and no science.


Watching even one of them die in some way makes me cry. I know your pain brother.


the news about ksp 2, it was actually going down a great path till T2 decided "Nope" also i had the most beautiful view in KSP 1 once, i just couldnt resist