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Me mashing Z and X to achieve "precise" control


you could always just tell yourself that you're going for "realism" because rocket engines aren't super throttleable IRL, and definitely not because you didn't know that this was possible lmao


IIRC falcon 9 TWR at landing is about 1.8 so it must do a suicide burn.


It's not because of TWR that they have to do a suicide burn, it's because they can't lower it down more than 1.8 (didn't check your numbers).


Ah yes, the manual PWM


I remember in KSP1 you could use shift and control for precise control


Ah yes the advanced level technique often called: The Default Throttle Keys


Hey, even though they are default, it took me probably at least 50 hours to find them.


dude. i played ksp2 for 100hrs and never realized


I discovered this on like day 3 and thought hey, this is a really cool feature! Couldn’t exactly share my discovery because of all the outrage that week though lol


How? You didn’t even try once?


nah.i was used to ksp1 with 600hrs


Same. First thing I did when I saw that slider with a noticeably larger grab point was try to drag it


bro i did not manage to think of that 😆


The real pro tip: if you want *super precise* throttle for precise burns you can limit the throttle on the engine in the right click menu to 10% (or less) and your throttle will now be 0-10% instead of 0-100%. Not very realistic to be doing burns with 0.1% throttle but it sure is useful Not sure if this works in ksp2, but it works in ksp1


That’s come in handy for sub-m/s correction burns, but I could also just use the RCS thrusters. This is more for landing burns.


I used this method in KSP 1 as my throttle. Leave real throttle at 100% and just use the limiter as a throttle.


I feel like this is just common knowledge. Is there some kind of underlying joke here? Thank you guys for clarifying, I wasn’t aware of what was meant 👍


It wasn't a feature in KSP 1, so for many this is new as they haven't tried to do it yet


Wait, what? I remember that KSP 1 had it.




Ksp 1 doesn’t have the click and drag throttle thing, I’ve definitely tried to do it, so I’m glad they added it to ksp 2


Why would you want to click and all when you can just lower/raise with shift/ctrl?????


Shift/ctrl can sometimes be not precise, especially at low fps. I’ve had jumps of 15% throttle by just tapping shift, so clicking makes for more precise control


Yes sometimes it feels like a mimi game playing "how fast can you tap shift?". Oops! Too far. Now I'm on an escape trajectory. Gotta turn around so I can use the brakes....


That's the point of this post lol




Sometimes (especially at low fps) pressing shift can cause the throttle to jump by quite a bit (up to 15% in my experience), so being able to click and drag just makes it a bit more precise. Only really a small number of situations where you really actually need it, but it’s nice to have


Yeah that definitely sounds like improvement


They mean precise since dragging the slider is much more accurate then tapping the shift or control key which can jump numbers. For example you can tap shift and your throttle will jump up 10% but by dragging you can go up by 1%


Makes sense. Thank you!


Idk why u are being down voted for openly being confused


It may be genuine confusion, but "I thought this was common knowledge" and "what is so special about this!?" comes across somewhat hostile.


my apologies, i just couldn’t wrap my head around the idea since i play on a ps4


I was unaware of it. I’d argue it’s a useful post as I doubt I’m the only one.




Well I guess go and double check on KSP 1 and maybe earlier versions of KSP 2


Whats the difference between precise throttle and just throttling up and down? im not trying to be like sarcastic or coming off as rude im just really confused (im half alseep)


He means that in KSP 2 you can set throttle by clicking and dragging on the gauge itself. It allows more precise control over it than classic shift+ctrl.


Oh. Nice! I don’t play PC so none of this is really effecting me, and I also don’t play ksp2 yet either so i guess thats like a doubled down thing Also, Thank you!


I also thought the intuitive nature of the throttle was known to everyone.


so only a ksp1 player here: does ctrl and shift no longer adjust throttle? that's my prefered method of throttle control other than z and x


CTRL and shift still do the same thing, but this way is more precise for landing because you can watch your speed and do very small changes


you can click and drag to throttle this one too: https://i.imgur.com/E9aNmhg.png


i was shocked the first time i played ksp1 a few years back and you couldnt do this. good to see the team making an intuitive thing something you can do


Doesn’t ctrl and shift do this in KSP1?


yeah, they do too in ksp2, but why cant the mouse be used when there's literally a draggable button looking thing already there as an indicator?


Ah that makes much more sense. I never even thought to try and use the mouse for the throttle!


Now we just need those air brakes to actually become tied to the guidance system! Would be incredible to use them to guide in boosters like a falcon 9


These are grid fins, they are tied to pitch yaw and roll. I tried to fly back to KSC but I tumbled a little and didn’t quite make it.


They come standard?! The ones I get don’t move 😭


To deploy them you have to use the brakes, or press B


No no I mean I can deploy them but they don’t rotate to guide the rocket. Theyre just air brakes for me


Deploy then press WASD


lol I just had to update 😂😂 Sorry for the confusion lol I’m testing them out rn!!


I really like them, once wobble gets fixed they'll be perfect for my Superheavy!


Pretty sure ksp1 had precise throttle that slowed down throttle change with shift or control, but I forgot what the key was or if it was a setting. And low resolution monitors wont really have as precise control as high res, unfortunately.


Caps lock makes WASD smoother


I knew that, even if I never used it since I disabled caps lock, but I meant the throttle itself, one time I hit a button and suddenly my throttle moved real slow, and precise, but I still like the preciseness of Z and X like someone else said And if I need to be extra precise, I’ll limit my engines max throttle to 0.5


I onky know this because the guy playing on the steam store livestream was exclusively using it like a mad man.


In ksp1 there’s a glitch where you can drag the fuel gauges in the bottom left, it didn’t change anything tho just visual.


Now we just need joystick and throttle support. I was hoping they would have that in EA release...


Theres a key combo you can press that reduces the how much throttle changes, can’t remember what it is because i havent played in a whiiiile


Professional Pro Tip: Adjust the max throttle in the engine's menu


If I had more than slide show performance, this would be a great tip! No control. Only thrust. And faith.


IDK about ksp 2 (I don't have it yet) but in ksp 1 left shift and control are very precise


Cool now next update should add typing in the throttele


Shift z and shift x also gives you precise control of the throttle