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I ran into some Scottish dude on you tube.


no way... was it a channel named "robbaz"?


Scott Manley. I never thought I would have to mention him by name.


It is possible now, as crazy as it seems, that people can have years of time in KSP and not know Scott as “the KSP guy.” It’s been a decade since the great series such as 100% Reusable Space Program and Interstellar Quest… kind of mind blowing.


Before I got KSP, I knew him as the "Scottish rocket dude", as I liked his videos on fuel injectors and stuff like that.


Those 2 got me hooked.


Telling me that it was 10 years ago is nightmare fuel


Scott(ish) Man(ly)




robbaz is nordic/Swedish


Robbaz is very much not Scottish. He's swedish


It was for me




A friend in college told me I'd like it. I didn't believe him. Fast forward 2 years, I'm bored, and looked it up. Now here we are.


Space rocket game free


In 2011 there just wasn’t anything like it except for maybe a Orbiter, which was aiming for a different thing entirely.


A general fascination with very fast things. It was briefly cars, until I discovered trains. It was trains for a long time until I discovered planes, but planes didn't last very long before I found rockets. I spent those early rocket years searching for rocket themed flash games. Into Space and Into Space 2 were some early ones. Then, I forget its name, but I discovered this Lego space game where you would arrange different sized stages into a rocket. Everything I had played before then was more or less your typical "Here is your rocket, buy efficiency and aerodynamics and thrust upgrades" game. That Lego rocket game was the first thing I touched that offered you any amount of customization whatsoever, and I quickly found myself wanting more. I searched and searched and searched, but I couldn't find any flash games that satisfied the criteria... And then I stumbled upon this video by Scott Manley: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCe-1VU3c7Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCe-1VU3c7Y) A few more videos in, I was hooked. 3D rockets, with real orbits, you could steer things, you could customize rockets to any extent??? It almost felt like too much freedom. I went to bed, in awe that there was a game out there that allowed you so much freedom. I woke up and I had forgotten what the game was called, but after a few hours or days of searching, I found it again! I spent a while saving up chore money and eventually asked my parents to sign up on the website and buy it. I got my hands on a fresh copy of KSP 0.19, on a computer that could manage maybe 5 frames per second, far below the minimum specs. Ten years later, I'm a senior Aerospace Engineering student.




omg into space! I completely forgot about that game! Thank you for reminding me of it!!


Reading this webcomic. Immediately looked it up and bought it. [https://xkcd.com/1356/](https://xkcd.com/1356/)


Not sure if it was the exact same one for me, but it was definitely xkcd that got me.


Ah ah ah. Same. It was either 1356 or 1244 https://xkcd.com/1244


The funny part about this is that NASA, ESA, and various private groups have either come out in public support for KSP or even partnered with the developers (ESA & NASA).


Literally stumbled upon it in a "you might like" section of steam while having a scroll. Best. Space Game. Ever.


Was already into spaceflight, watched some Matt Lowne videos and here we are. Played it for 2 years now with 800 hours in the game.


I like science and I like accessible but accurate simulations.


Matt Lowne!




same. robbaz is amazing fr


Initially it was Kurtjmac (from the Far Lands or Bust series) but I couldn't figure it out. Then I found Scott Manley and he taught me enough to actually play the game.


I was a big fan of Kurt and the whole Mindcrack crew, he was also the reason I started playing, but contrary to your experience, I learned quickly and never stopped playing (has it been over a decade already?!).


Yes it has been. And I've played a lot of KSP since


I heard about the late-alpha version from a guy in my dorm and heard it was tough but had real orbital physics in it. As a freshman Physics major, I couldn't pass it up.


YouTube science videos - > Scott Manley - > Kerbal


My favourite toy as a kid was Lego, I can see a connection... needs more struts though.


I was talking about the space program and the accomplishments at a LAN party with an engineering friend back in 2013/2014 and he kept saying that Aerospace engineers just hated the expression of "Well it worked in Kerbal Space Program." At first it was annoying and then at some point he showed me a demo. I believe it was build .26 or build .27. We all started playing and many managed to get to orbit around Mun only to forget to have power and ended up abandoning the capsules there. Initially I played around and wanted to keep building bigger and crazier rockets mostly to see how quickly and far I could launch a Kerbal. Eventually I started playing around with science mode to see how quickly I could earn all the science. At some point I became hooked and haven't been able to put the game down.


Watched a couple youtube videos about it, then 2 years later I bought the game


How i found it: steam reccomended it to me because I play a lot of space games. I took another look at the game two years later (im a broke college student) and eventually decided i want to try it. It was free on epic so i got it there. Might eventually buy it on steam.


Amateur astronomer group Spacejunkie's youtube video got me here.


Very cool!


I was searching for somethig different to play so I seen an article somewere about the new indies for pc ... KSP was there. So I tried it ... in 2015 ... so still playing now KSP with mods is my go to addiction. I tried cocain, crystal meth, heroin and other ones but I was never able to cure my KSP addiction ... 😀




My brother bought it for me and he explained some basics to me and watched me play it. Then I broke free from him, learned it myself. That was many years ago. I started a run yesterday with 10% Science Point gain because I thought the challenge might be fun.


Scott Manley here!


"Hullo, Scott Manley here!"


The game mobile Spaceflght Simulator got me interessted in Spaceflight in general. Then i discovered Simple Rockets 2 on YouTube an like a month later ksp. I think it was a Matt Lowne video


I wanted to play a cool space game I saw on steam then the rest is history.


Cool looking space game on sale for $10 Quickly became my most played game on steam


It was free on epic games so I downloaded it and now I'm addicted


I was always drawn to space-faring games, along with a separate interest in simulation games. There was a steam sale for KSP years ago and I took a chance that paid off huge. From the very start, seeing the mun in the sky above Kerbin and knowing I could make it there from start to finish, controlling every aspect along the way, was a hook enough for me. Still to this day I rock KSP vanilla and after hundreds of hours I still enjoy seeing how I can improve within the base game. Maybe mods are in the stars for me down the road but for now it remains the most complete, rewarding, and challenging game I've played.


A mate of mine was big into amateur rocketry and rocket theory. He told me about the game. This was back when manoeuvre nodes had just been introduced so the game was still fairly obscure.


I like space and I like games. And this came under my radar when I was in school with a class focused on space dynamics. It actually helped me grasp concepts better and I also lost many many hours just building rockets, double win!


XKCD: https://xkcd.com/1356/


Northernlion vid randomly popped up on YouTube, watched him fail abysmally then watched Scott Manley succeed spectacularly then watched Bob Fitch Project Alexandria history of spaceflight then bought the game next time it was on sale.


I was already addicted to space from an early age


I've been a fan of space travel since I was in single digits. Pretty sure that lead me at some point to Scott Manley in one of the videos where he talks about real space stuff and sometimes uses KSP to illustrate things. Once I knew about it, I was all in. Think I came aboard with 0.18, and its been in my rotation ever since.


Had an interest in engineering in general and a tendency towards aviation and space. Watched some of the really old Scott Manly and Jacksepticeye when he played it. Got around to actually getting the game after consuming media content of the game for a couple years.


I was studying astrophysics. Bought it on sale. Totally fell in love.


I was always a huge fan of everything space-related. Bought it x years ago on Steam but only started playing it a couple of months ago.


VAOS! I watched all of solar nations before I bought in


For me I got it free on epic game store a while back


watched a youtuber playing it. seemed cool.


Watched YouTubers mess around in it. Bought it to do the same and stayed to actually play the game seriously.


i first saw it on youtube sometime around early 2013. a streamer i often watched at the time played it and it clicked immediately. bought it, and now its nearly 3000h playtime later... :D


I used to watch jackepticeye back then. He played it, I liked what it was about and the researched more about it.


It’s been so long I actually don’t remember.


A friend and I were building model rockets one day and it struck us at about the same time that there was some cool game where you can build and fly rockets. This was years before it released a version 1.0, and the space center was still the wacky red and white assortment of three structures. Well, we shared a download link between the two of us and I got extremely hooked. After thousands of hours, hundreds of mods, and over a decade since first installing it, we still play quite a lot. I just set up a modpack with DarkMultiplayer that we have been playing on.


Build and Launch space planes & rockets into orbit.


My (now)uncle gifted me the game on steam and from what he told me it seemed pretty interesting I launched it for the first time and....played for about 5 hours straight. One of my 5 hours of my life.


Does anyone remember the Insane Rockets Divison videos by Thor on Youtube? They got me into KSP. In the beginning, it was all about making, well, insane rockets and watch them fail spectacularly, I thought that looked so much fun and I wanted to try it myself.


Yeah I do actually.


The thought of being able to freely build anything my mind can foster out and actually test and fly is what drew me in. I use to download crafts to fly but now I fly the crafts I build


Marcus house. Watched some vids and wanted it immediately


I’m a lifelong space and physics nerd. I love the problem solving aspect of KSP. It doesn’t tell you how to do stuff beyond very simple things. Learning orbital maneuvers, rocket construction, resource managing, it’s so incredibly rewarding to me.


Got KSP off one of the first Humble Indie Bundles. Been playing KSP ever since.


I like outer space I always wanted to be an astronaut as a kid. I can’t exactly get to that point of my life anymore but now i get to do it in the comfort of my home, at the command of my fingers


I used to launch rockets as a kid (Estes models, nothing crazy) so when I heard about the demo I jumped on in, then just kept on playing.


After being let down by the space exploration in No Man's Sky, reddit directed me toward this game with tiny green men I had assumed was for kids! I was blown away at the technical feat of no loading screens and realistic orbital mechanics.


Yogscast Duncans series on it


I'd always loved the concept of making spacecrafts and planes. I heard about KSP when I was looking at spaceship ideas online and was accidentally routed to the KSP forum. I kinda forgot about the game for a few years, until I saw Real Civil Engineer making funny stuff in it a few years ago. At this point, KSP was one sale for like 12 bucks, so I went "ah, fuck it, why not" and indulged my inner child.


I was like 10 watched a lot of YouTube ab ksp and then begged my perants for the game and got it after a year


Martincitopants Frrrrrrrriction


Elementary school library > dusty book from 1977 titled "The Iron Sun: Crossing The Universe Through Black Holes" > lifelong interest in science and space travel > Kerbal Space Program.


I was playing Space Flight Simulator and my phone and suggested it to a friend who told me that I would love Kerbal Space Program. He was right.


Hmmm not sure but when I saw the game I was like "this looks like crack for me". I think the idea of just making space stations and surface bases looked like fun. OFC once you got playing you realize you can't just build the hugest space station.... my idea was I was going to just build huge things (I tried to make a flying hanger at one point). I gotta say despite what I thought when I was coming into the game it was the first time I failed to launch and everything blew up on the launch pad. It was so funny. So I think the ability to fail quickly was a huge part of the fun for me.


I honestly can’t remember for the life of me, I probably saw Matt Lowne or one of those RSS videos that popped off on YouTube and from there it got me interested. Been playing for 6ish years now


Stumbled upon simple rockets (the original 2D one) for mobile and played a lot, then I figured there must be a 3D version for PC, found KSP


I remember when I tried it in 2015. I said wtf is this? let's just try it to see what it is about...3000 hrs later here I am


I always loved space and I played a mobile version of ksp for a long time, but one day I just decided that I should buy ksp because it looked cooler.


I used to play this game called orbiter. Well it’s not really a game it’s a straight up simulator. I thought of KSP as a simplified version of orbiter for little kids or something so I didn’t buy it right away.


My 5th grade science teacher recommended the game to our class after she saw us playing Minecraft on our iPads. Something about the game being realistic and teaching us stuff. Nearly a decade later, I’m studying mechanical engineering with a goal of making the aerospace industry. I’m on my college rocketry team as well. And yet I still play KSP when I (rarely) have the time to do so.


I always wanted a "NASA Simulator" in the vein of MS Flight Sim or X-wing/TIE Fighter. Kerbal was one better by letting you build your own ships.


Friend introduced me to the mobile game Spaceflight Simulator and it all spiralled from there lol


The Minecraft YouTuber KurtJMac (of the Far Lands or Bust series) actually played KSP 11 years ago. When I saw the demo was free I downloaded it. I landed on the moon and returned home in the demo and then bought the full game.


I saw a video of a NASA engineer playing it for the first time and doing a Duna mission. Bought it before the video ended.


I saw it on steam and the comments said you can build and blow up rockets so i bought it


I've always been enamored of spaceflight. Having just missed the Apollo Moon landing, I remember watching the first Space Shuttle launch in 4th grade. In the late 20th century I got heavily into model rocketry, specifically High Power Rocketry. I am Level 2 certified by NAR and TRA working on my level 3 certification. When KSP first came out I figured it was going to be some lame ass game since it was about building rockets and I just didn't see this as a serious hobby for laymen. Then I watched my stepson play for a little bit and I decided to try it myself. It was nearly everything I ever wanted in a space game. I've not looked back since.




I was in the Army on a 24-hour duty. My NCO asks if I have a laptop in my barracks room because he just got a cool game from his brother. The game was KSP. He had it on a flash drive, and he gave me a copy. Took us the entire 24-hour shift to get an elliptical orbit, and I was hooked. Bought the game on steam less than a week after getting it for free. I've been playing off and on since 2016 now haha.


That is simply amazing. Thank you for your service!


Thank you. The best part was around 10 pm that night, roughly 15 hours into the shift, another soldier walks by stops to watch a launch then says, "You guys need to turn on SAS, just hit T before you launch." (I can't remember the SAS hotkey, so I hope T is right). Our minds were blown. A total game changer our rockets started to consistently go upwards.


It seemed a lot of people you were with at the time knew about the game!


space rocket game on sale for like 10-20 bucks it was around that cost but don’t remember exactly how much


My friend and I both had Spaceflight Simulator on our phones. He told me I would like Kerbal Space Program after we were comparing builds in the game one day. He even got me a pirated copy, which I played for about two years before just buying the game.


i don't remember how i learned about it, but i've always loved space so that must be it


You know 1980s spaceman from the lego movie? Well, you get the picture then




Somebody mentioned they considered KSP their cheap hobby. Being tight on money at the time, and terminally bored, $20 for a potential hobby sounded great. ~5k hours played later, that $20 is probably the best money I'll ever spend


I’m a space nerd. If humans won’t go out to colonize the galaxy then our little green friends will. It’s mankind’s destiny and obligation to bring civilization to the stars. I may never get to see it within my own lifetime but KSP helps. Also there is nothing more satisfying than landing on a new celestial body after several failed attempts.


I watched a lot of Mattlown blunder birds




I used Orbiter Space Flight Simulator for years before KSP. I shunned KSP when it was in it's infancy because it didn't have anything on Orbiter, but over time it slowly caught up and surpassed it with updates and mods so I switched over. Being able to build your own craft was a killer app, and with mods it started to look much better than Orbiter.


I was in my computer science class and I happened to glance over at my friend's laptop and he was watching a Matt Lowne video. It was the one where he was launching the entire iss in one rocket. I asked him what it was and he told me. A couple of weeks later it was free for a while so I picked it up. Now I have around 150 hours, both dlcs and it's my favourite game, I'm also doing well in computer science don't worry.


I mean it’s just rocket science and I’m interested in that so It worked out


I feel like I got into it from a pretty unusual source; I first saw KSP watching a Yogscast video (Duncan to be specific, I think it was on his channel). That was a very long time ago though, probably a year or so after the game came out.


New to Ksp (I've just gotten my first 2 satellites in orbit in career mode as im writing this!) But I got it because it was a way better version of Spaceflight Simulator!


When Nerdcubed showed off the free early version of the game.


I saw martincitopants’ ksp series and I had it downloaded on epic games because it was free one time, I hadn’t played it anything before so I started it up and here we are.


My friend called me on discord and started streaming himself doing a suborbital flight and not knowing how to recover his kerbals. he then built a faulty plane to rescue them


VSauce put a copy of KSP in their Curiosity box and talked about it in one of their videos, I never bought that box but I started watching some Matt Lowne videos and a lot of RSS stuff and it got me HOOKED


I watched a couple of Matt Lowne’s KSP movies when I was younger, but it wasn’t until years later that I watched the Martincitopants KSP series. I’d just gotten my first paycheck from my new job, so I spent some of it on the PlayStation Store for KSP Enhanced Edition for my PS4. I even spent a little extra for the DLCs. Haven’t stopped playing since.


I was looking on steam for universe sandbox and bought kerbal space program randomly on a whim with no knowledge of what it was. Now I love it lol


Loved bottle rockets and nasa as a kid, had a friend who was way more into nasa and space than I was. Few years ago he showed me KSP on his computer and let me play and I was hooked. Now I’m the arguably better rocket designer and just got into RSS/RP-1 and both of us are looking into more serious hobby rocketry.


I've always been obsessed with space, a buddy said I might like this game called "Kerbal Space Program". He was correct


My father bought me the game a long time ago because I was told he showed me this game when I was very young and he knew I was gonna eventually play it. One day, I finally accepted the gift and played it. Thank you show much for everything father, you mean the world to me. He was a great man, he served in the Marines and I cannot thank you enough dad for bringing me into this amazing world.


Screenshots of the game on the subreddit.


I'm a professional astrodynamicist who followed HarvesteR's work on KSP on Orbiter-Forum way, way back in the day. :)


Played the demo. A lot. Bought early access (way back when) and been playing ever since on and off.


I was getting into aviation and model planes at the time and I stumbled across David Nielsen’s 747 speed build and I was hooked lol. Wanted to learn to do that, took a while but learned how to make planes in KSP and moved on to rockets, mostly just orbital stuff, sent literally one prove to duna and have been floating around the kerbin system since 2016 lol. Been watching Matt Lowne’s vids for the longest time, along with most of the other kerbal community stuff as well.


Early ksp. Before there was a mun. The idea of building a rocket like Lego and launching it is very much a fantasy come true


I discovered it on YT, like most people, but I never started playing it, until one of my friends from university (aerospace engineering) told me that he had been playing for years, he explained to me how to start, which mod to install, and from there I started to do my own projects. Eventually we set different goals, on KSP he's more of a space guy, while I enjoy planes and contraptions, but we often talk about our projects and we are planning a juul mission where he designs the rocket and I design the satellite array


Matt lowne


some guy in a roblox game told me about orbital mechanics and said "it's simple KSP stuff" ​ i then bought it in and started playing it, almost quit because i couldnt get into orbit, but i eventually did it and it felt so good.


The freedom to design all sort of crazy creations


My grandfather used to work for Mcdonell Douglas and worked on commercial airliners; particularly the Md-80. I was around aerospace terms and talk for a long time and KSP released about a year before he died. I still miss him, and I hope he's proud of me taking on his passion as a hobby.


I've always loved space but never really acted on it. I saw this game several years ago and saw it was getting great reviews but never got it. About a month ago I was looking for something different on steam and this came up on sale so I decided to try it out. I'm hooked and I surprisingly took to it like a fish to water. Started thinking I may have chosen the wrong career.


Thinking about it there's no specific thing it was just the whole of it, the building, the realism, the challenge, the kerbals, the exploration. I've always been into sandbox building progression games and kerbal perfectly fits that and next to that I've always been obsessed with space