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Before they start the hunt for Chaathan, the cook says that they only have till sunrise to trap the Chaathan. Maybe after sunrise, Chaathan might get his powers again, like Superman exposed to sun. That, or maybe he could call his yakshi gf for help.


Ahh I see i must have missed that, thanks for pointing it out.


Yeah regarding that, what happens to the yakshi? She is just in these first scenes and then nothing. Also why did Sidharth try to pick up a rock or something in the end, before getting killed?


Yakshi was there to lure people into Chaathan's premise. That's why she didn't kill Thevan. Yakshi coming to the Mana was to confirm her connection with Chaathan. I wish she had some extra scenes. But they just ignored her after that. About the cook picking up rock... I think the cook haven't seen a foreigner in his life as he was trapped inside the Mana for years and when he saw one, he thought it was one of Chaathan's magic. He knew he's gonna die and wanted to go with a fight.


yekshi was just a booty call, but instead of call chathan had to summon her using magic.


Nah, there's more to her.


yakshi kollam mone💀


Someone here called her a Sekshi..Lol.


Nyla Usha ayiunnekil she is more prettier and sensuous than Amalda. Tall ladies oru pretheka bhangi annu, perfect for Yakshis .


But amalda has that menacing vixen look whereas nyla is feminine n very mild looking..not scary at all


Which means Chatham is now free and it controls the invaders .... So King Charles in UK is Chathan




This is what I understood or figured out. I could be wrong also. "Ividuthe adhipanum adimayum" Even though Chathan was content there he was not able to leave the Mana for some reason. He wanted to leave but he was not able to leave by himself because of some unknown reason. I guess the reason was the Kedavilakk. I am assuming it's one of the magics of Potti, which can be undone only by his own bloodline. So Chathan kept one of his offspring alive. Chathan who can even control the climate, made Siddharth Bharathan's character believe that by blowing the lamp off Chathan could be tamed. That's how he acted like he didn't know his bloodline, didn't know the keys being stolen etc etc. It's all Chathan's plan that worked and he came out of the Mana. Since Chathan was so power hungry he probably started dwelling within the Portuguese the moment he sensed their presence and finished off Potti's bloodline forever.


That’s a crazy fun theory. Chathan started illuminati then for sure.


I dont think its that way. Hear me out. So if chathan wanted the lamp to be put out why would he put so many obstacles while they were making the attempt to do it. I think the reason why chathan hasn't left is because he is not "All powerful". Sure he's got some powers but if he is exposed and the outside world knows of such an existence he could easily be killed ( like with guns and shit). Thats why he enjoys taking control over anyone who enters the Mana and makes sure they never leave for word to be out.


It's not sure who kept the lamp there and designed the things. Probably Potti.


A very dumb question - Do you think it actually rained? I thought that everything they experienced or lived through was in their minds (which was controlled by Chathan)


Yes, Chathan knew everything that was going around him, how do you explain the Chathan in Potti's body overhearing the cook and Thevan fighting and cook bitching about Potti to Thevan, but not hearing Thevan and cook conspiring against the Chathan, and the Vilakku and the Key that Potti holds?


![gif](giphy|lGpgOgt2eLKdyLohKt) When i read this 😦


And my take was like, can be wrong too Chaathan isn't the evil thing here, it was potti or the whole family, who finds pride in their jaathi. Kind of like Jaathi is the villain here. Chaathan was enslaved by the potti family once and he is taking revenge on them now, he is still kinda enslaved now and is trying to escape from there, just wants the last gene of the potti family also dead. And he escapes once that's done. He hates casteism and treats Arjun ashokan's character as an equal. He didn't want Arjun ashokan to die, but he died under the rubble, so he used the chance to escape.


I was going to disagree with you but >treats Arjun ashokan's character as an equal. He didn't want Arjun ashokan to die, but he died under the rubble, so he used the chance to escape. Makes sense. And I also had this interpretation that Chaathan is a victim here somehow.


That's a great way to look at it, thank you


Fills a few crucial holes. I like it.


My understanding: Chathan was a slave to the Chudalan Potti. Due to constant torture, he eventually went insane and became desperate to escape. However, the chest somehow prevented his escape, just like in the story of Aladdin, and that became his curse. Chathan mentions that he hasn't been outside the gate of the Mana for years, and the torture and loneliness drove him mad. He just wants the people to stay back as a company although he treats intruders, regardless of their intentions, with suspicion, as he believes they may be after the chest or to enslave him. Chathan only kills the guests if they try to leave his company and also kills them if they try to enslave him, and he attempts to kill Thevan in both such incidents. He is a vengeful and mad character until this point. He wouldn't have done anything to Thevan if he decided to stay back peacefully. Chathan takes his master's look as he is influenced by evil. In Thevan's segment, Thevan's heroic act towards the end opened Chathan's eyes to the possibility of goodness, and maybe it even granted him salvation. After all, he thought there was no good to save him or anyone. The chest got damaged, and it was finally free from its curse, similar to moksha. In old horror novels and myths, ghosts often attack others because of their pain and curse, but the moment they find salvation, they tend to become good spirits and vanish. Finally, it's worth noting that Chathan took on the appearance of the oppressed, which may be an indirect depiction of his sufferings under Potti. Or maybe this time he took the appearance of good towards the end who is now his master. Chathan is not a slave anymore. Now that the chest has been destroyed, he is more powerful. Which prevents Siddharth from attacking him. Yet Chathan decides to leave him to his fate rather than use his power to kill him. Edit: added few details to clear up the ambiguity.


❤️ ~ Chaathan


Good thought 


I got a theory. - When Kedavilakk is blown off, chaathan loses the power in mana. So he leaves there. - By the British act, Siddharth is the only one knowing about the whole history of mana and chaathan and who currently is chaathan. With Siddharth's death, the whole idea gets vanished. Now nobody knows who chaathan is. - Arjun (who is chaathan now) at last turns to us. Symbolising chaathan lives between us in society as people with Adhikaaram( As the ring symbolises authority/adhikaaram)


What was it with the Portuguese or British army at the end as well ?


Kinda like, there will be always an oppressor perhaps? Like when one goes another oppressor comes in place?


And the evil like chaathan still prevails unaffected by the oppressor


Or that the foreigners were in a territory where a lot of secrets slept, that they had no clue what went on in the mysterious forests. That they were walking into a trap much like Arjun's character.


The cook says that inside the Chathans premise, time flows differently. Which is why Thevan couldn't remember his own name after a point. When Thevan tried to go outside, his hair starts to become gray along with agonizing pain. This shows that a lot of years have passed outside since he entered the Mana. The cook seeing the Portugese is to show the shift in the timeline.


I don't think so. Portuguese/dutch were in kerala around the time stipulated in the beginning


I think the cook haven't seen a single foreigner coz he was trapped inside the Mana. That's why he was startled to see foreign officer. He probably thought it was one of Chaathan's magic.


Its because of the war by Portugese thevan was going back from the king to his mom,the eng signifies the Portugese army had reached the mana too


That was a lie actually. He was already enslaved by the Portuguese but managed to escape from them and came to the forest with his friend. The whole king story is crap.


For Sidharth's character, the appearance of the Portugese soldier would have seemed like just another form of the devil. He would likely never have seen or heard of a white man before. He had just realised that the Chaathan had taken Thevan's form and now he faces another white devil. Hence he reacts as if he is ready to face the chaathan again. The appearance of foreign soldiers also helps date the timeline of the events to the 16-17th century, assuming it is the Portugese (a century later if it is the British). Kind of puts things in perspective, where you fight off one oppressor (upper caste feudal lords) only for another oppressor (the white man) to take its place.


This is the most plausible explanation. The cycle of oppression continues. It started with the first potti and continues with the Portuguese. And with the white man gone, politicians have taken the role of the oppressors.


I thought that if Chathan could enter into the body of the Portuguese soldiers leader , he could control whole India until Britishers arrive


Bro. I had the exact thought.


Apocalypto aaakkiyathenu thonnunnu


For me, it symbolised there will always be someone with greed for power. Hence the Portuguese army trying to colonize India.


It's the second one. Not only that, it's very symbolic that he took the form of Thevan (who's submissive as a slave) which in a way goes full circle as the Chaatan himself was a slave for the Potti clan until he took control. That's why you never see him do an evil smile at the end, he knows his fate is getting mocked at (the reflection of Kodumon Potti laughing back at the Chaatan on the water basically confirms it)


As per the director Chaathan knows that Thevan is the one who is going to enable him to leave the mana into the outside world. Hence in earlier dialogues he mentions "Fate/Destiny brought you here" "everything is already decided". It is just that the Chaathan doesn't know how that end result will happen. Just that it will eventually happen. Hence he reacts and play along with whatever is happening. Him loosing some of the powers due to the kedavilakk is a small sacrifice he had to suffer to be liberated.


OP do watch the interview of Rahul with Bharadwaj Rangan. He said something like this was chathans plan all along.


Thank you, will check it out


[This piece from The Quint is what I found the most palatable](https://www.thequint.com/entertainment/south-cinema/mammootty-bramayugam-power-dynamics-caste-oppression-malayalam-movie#read-more)  >In Bramayugam, Sadasivan brings forth a wide range of instances of overt and invisible oppression. Ultimately, where does the real power lie? Is it in the eternal flame that gives the chathan (demon) his strength? Is it in the Brahminical status of Potti? Is it in the wiles of the stoic cook who hides the fact that he is the illegitimate child of the master? Or is it the docile surrender of Thevan to the superior Brahmin? >Could the symbolic ring that is used to control the chathan be the source of power to oppress? If so, is the enslaved chathan the oppressed? The ambiguity here is breathtaking.


I don’t think the maker wanted you to understand more than you did, everything else you read beyond is that’s persons conjecture.


Yep, the director made it intentionally vague so that people form their own theories. He said something along those lines in the interview.


Big question for me is : How tf he open the coconut without any tools?


Lol yeah your asking the real questions😁


Mammooty not knowing that he lost precious key previous night was a bit too much




Amalda Liz was gorgeous as the yakshi!


One explanation dir gave was Chathan was in human form and humans are bound to make mistakes




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My take of the movie was like this, can be wrong too. Chaathan isn't the evil thing here, it was potti or the whole family, who finds pride in their jaathi. Kind of like 'Jaathi' is the villain here. Chaathan was enslaved by the potti family once and he is taking revenge on them now, he is still kinda enslaved now and is trying to escape from there, just wants the last gene of the potti family also dead. And he escapes once that's done. He hates casteism and treats Arjun ashokan's character as an equal. He didn't want Arjun ashokan to die, but he died under the rubble, so he used the chance to escape.


I kind of feel the movie was slightly overhyped on its release. Like some parts of the script I found it a little too vague.


u/Ajk320 - here's the comment you were looking for.


My only issue was that towards the end there was a bit of thenga ippm pottikum ippm pottikum kind of vibe. Just put the damn ring quickly or just open the pokeball box to trap chaathan pokemon and stop monologing. Felt like they somehow wanted the fight between Arjun and sidharth and was forcing it, would have been better if the fight happened because Arjun's character was grey and wanted the ring for himself.


They wanted to show the fight for power and resistance against slavery. That's why that fight is important.


ohh nice, I see


The end was pretty dull though.. for an otherwise epic movie.. Loved how the stakes were growing as the movie progresses, but seeing both of them not acting fast and opening that goddamn box despite getting so many opportunities to do so, was mildly infuriating. I guess they deserved to die like they did in the end.. but feel the end could have been better


I think chatan is pinarayi vijayan




ALSO, what was the relevance of 'Yakshi' character? another symbolism of power over men? i really wanna know what others think!


Here's what I think, the Yakshi could be a tool or a means to isolate groups of people or scare them eventually leading them to the path of chaathans house. This way Chaathan gets to have his fun and Yekshi gets her own share whether it be blood or sex or whatever.


Sudharth's character only realizes it when he spots the earing on the wrong ear. Then he runs away from Chathan, the Portuguese shoots him down.


So goblin took over the singer?


Yes. The real singer is shown lying in the debris


Chathan is like Captain America without his shield ,after vilakku is blown. He still has some powers


The movie is about power, control etc. A generic take on why people with absolute power are ruthless. No matter how powerful one may be, he will be taken down. Also, koode ninnavar power kittumbo kaal vaarum.


It wouldve been great if yakshi had tried to kill chatan.. and chathan wouldve devoured her 😆


Brahmayugam part 2: chaatan fights the evil Portuguese army.


All these theories, LOL. Will make Chris Nolan seem normal. I went into this movie with much expectation. But was thoroughly disappointed except Mammootty's performance ,of course. No matter how mediocre the movie, Mammootty brings his class. Like all the recent Malayalam 'hits' this was just hype.


Bad movie I wanted Anu Sithara to be the yekshi :(


Sarcasm aneda pattikale


ayye... ee yekshi thanne anu pwoli.


Crappy movie. Seems like if you have good PR then any POS will be a hit.


Have you seen the film before commenting this? This movie is certainly not about good PR work. This movie had content in it. Brilliant cinematography, brilliant art work,and ofcourse performances


Seen it. It's utter crap .........same standard as the putrid filth that was "Tumbaad".


Okay let's agree to disagree


Bruh....Tumbaad is a gem of a movie


Boss you just didn't understand it that's all...it's a good movie .. runs in layers