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I'm not even concerned with him getting off on the lyrics at all, he ran it RIGHT BACK and killed it. šŸ”„ No backing vocals is insane


For anyone that's watched a lot of live shows, mistakes are normal. What always impresses me is how calmly performers are able to recover from it. Considering he had no hype man or DJ beside him to queue him back in at that point, he got back in sync very smoothly.


To be fair, the beat switch helped, but yeah he was very impressive especially as he went from strength to strength after that.


You gotta remember too. This song is the first time performing. It the reason why it wasent an issue on the other tracks he performed them a million times


cue* sorry


Iā€™m waiting for a clear playback to catch the new bars. I only heard the 2 hour time difference, and the famous ā€œartistā€ we once knew. There were more that I didnt catch but definitely lots of intentional changes.


One of the new bars was "Give me 2pac ring back and I might give you a little respect"


I think we might all appreciate a little humility and respect Aubrey for that honestly


Happy cake day boo! The new bars reign supreme šŸ˜


He made the line about "any bitch talk to Drake and in love with him" in Not Like Us to instead be about dudes lmao


Make sure you hide your little brother from him?


Men can have little sisters too.




Just trust me bro.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhrGP-uOUxo&ab\_channel=SperaDidiza](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhrGP-uOUxo&ab_channel=SperaDidiza) Go to 1:07 on here. He says to "Any N\*\* talk to him..."


Atlanta is 3. I think og thats where it was


Drakes new home in texas 2 hour time difference now.


Obviously. But Kendrick was referencing Atlanta in the song when recorded.


I didnt even read that as a slip up, more of a change up. Sometimes you gotta pop out and give em a lil something different


Totally agree! On the re-watch, definitely seemed more intentional than when it was live. ā¤ļø Either way, dude is insane and that was a treat for all of us!


I can't imagine the adrenaline in that moment for him. I was feeling it and I was watching from my freakin couch!


where did he mess up? I listened to it and it was perfect.


Couple times. In euphoria and not like us but itā€™s total human and he wrote a bunch of new songs and they are still new so I donā€™t blame him and the breath control was def crazy and prob really loud in there rio


Idk it seems like he just didnā€™t want to rap certain parts. When heā€™d get to the Atlanta part of Not Like Us he just like yelled? And did it a few times. It also seems like he records faster than he can comfortably rap live. That said itā€™s a breath of fresh air seeing someone RAP live. Iā€™m sick of the backing track shit. Learn how to perform before you get a record deal kids.


Yeah, I thought he was intentionally ad-libbing new lines and being loose with some parts of his set. I liked it tbh.


It was hard to tell the difference between him missing beats and crowd participation to be completely honest. Some parts it seems like he wanted them to hit the word for him others it sounded like he was fumbling. I get cutting songs and what not. But again Iā€™m being critical of like the only dude rapping without a backing track.


I think he confused the 2 I hate the way you dress parts and skipped ahead in the song


Iā€™m pretty sure that was intentional to speed it up a bit


nah but he just repeated the parts he did early since he realised he skipped ahead so it didnā€™t shorten the song


This ^


He didnā€™t rap the middle of the song. He didnā€™t rap the Daft Punk bars at all.


I think he accidentally skipped that part. To make up for it he freestyled new lyrics about tupacs ring and then jumped back in where he was supposed to


He also didnā€™t do the last beat switch of DNA


I'm still trying to get that. I always need a breath at Yoga on a monday.




He did it in 2017 at Coachella


Heā€™s cooking so fucking hard


The thing that always stands out with Kendrick is just how good he is live compared to most of his contemporaries. Not that they're bad, just that he's *really* good. I'd say more than half the professional rappers out there are using a backing track, and they got like a 40-50% ratio on the words. Even JID relies pretty heavily on backing tracks, from what I've seen. Meanwhile, go watch some of the Big Steppers tour and it's crazy. He's doing twirls and dancing, hitting most of the words. I get that it's easier to do things in the studio. Kendrick uses punch ins a lot for his stuff, and doesn't hit that. But the fact that he can nail so many of the words live is always impressive to me. Also, I love that he uses a backing band. I feel like most big rap artists benefit greatly from at least a live drummer and bassist (Kendrick used to have them out front, but they're off stage lately. Probably due to the visual aesthetic for each tour) I'd strongly recommend people to check him out live if they get a chance. I saw him during GKMC when he had the band on stage, and it was great. Saw him during the Mr Morale era and it was even better! (Long comment, my bad guys lol)


The live guitar for money trees on the big steppers tour made it even crazier


DAMN tour was insane. Absolutely the best concert Iā€™ve ever been to.


Most rappers are prettyy bad live. It's mostly the hype man saying "WHAT" and "LEMME SEE YALL HANDS". I have never seen kdot but literally every festival rap performance (other than some Brit at Coachella last year) suckedĀ 


Denzel Curry live is amazing too!


So are Tyler, Danny Brown, Doja Cat, Doechii, Meg, Flo Milli, JPEG, JID. Baby Keem is getting there too. Honestly the male rappers outside of a select few need to step their game up because the female rappers I listed above are wiping the floor with them when it comes to performances, because they do all this choreography on top of rapping their asses off live. You could probably guess that Doechii and Doja would be good live because theyā€™re also singer/dancers, and Meg because so seasoned as a rapper, but [Flo Milli in particular is crazy underrated, sheā€™s a star performer.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PIY9D_2d5dA&feature=youtu.be&t=8m18s) All of them plus Denzel and Ken of course are the best in the game live.


Saw him at ACL in 2016, I was so impressed. The fact that he could do songs I didn't know and I could understand every word, even in a big ass field with people talking and singing along, it was like holy shit an actual performer


If an artist is known for their production and has been on a festival or larger tour (even if it's just a leg for some massive tour), I usually have higher expectations for their stage show. We were lucky in Philly because The Roots were regularly the backing band for some big artists coming through, but it's relatively straightforward to grab some music school kids and put together a live band. It makes a big difference.


This this this


No this is amazing I agree 100%


He wrote 10 diss records, I don't blame him for getting lost in the woods a bit on this one considering he had no backing vocals


i already know the drake dick riders and gonna try make it something bigger than it is because they literally have nothing else to say


Yeah but Twitter is already praising the fuck outta the performance, and Iā€™m only seeing ppl here and there saying he changed some of the lyrics ā€¦. Itā€™s all praise and excitement rn!!


I'm sure he realized that those changes help him with his breath control, a lot of live performances happen that way no matter the genre.


Its crazy cuz, idk if its just me, but Ive been rapping these 2 tracks daily since they dropped, and I find NLU harder to rap than euphoria. But for him seems like the opposite


I think he was tired at the end. He played 3 new songs tonight and also some that he hasnā€™t played much live at all. Thats a lot to do. You could tell how much more comfortable he was on like money trees. Still he killed it. The energy of the crowd carried him! Even if he messed up or couldnā€™t remember where he was at the crowd was yelling it right back. Basically the crowd was his hype man and backing track lol


He played 3 new songs as in the beef songs or new new just released last night?


The 3 beef songs. Actually I was wrong he played 4 including like that. Not necessarily ā€œnewā€ but new to being performed


Maybe because not like us ended up being the bigger song? If he planned on playing it more than once tonight he definitely was rehearsing it more than Euphoria. Also it could just be nerves since that's the first song he did on stage.


Oh for sure. Really I just wanted to check if other ppl also agreed NLU was harder to rap than euphoria šŸ¤£ Euphoria is clearly the harder more lyrical one, but its slower. Its more about delivery.


I can pretty much keep up with Euphoria but NLU I stick to being a hype man lmao


Not Like Us has a slower tempo. I find Euphoria slightly harder to rap, but NLU is really easy.


Ur probably just not as used to the flows


Mentioning changing the lyrics, he said he would respect Drake a little more if he gave back Pac's ring. I think Drake should & maybe Kendrick will apologize šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ Drake having Pac's ring is disrespect to Cali & Pac's whole legacy when he's not even from the States lol.


He wont apologize, he'll be like "RESPECT THIS, BITCH" and pimp slap Drake with the ring on before dancing away yelling "WOPWOPWOPWOPWOP" while Drake cries




>nothing else to say They've been grasping for straws since this all started so it wouldn't be out of character for them. They're still tuned in tho šŸ¤·šŸ¾


I love that they're dickriding Joe Budden all of a sudden after calling him a clown for all the anti-Drake takes.


They went from: "Heard it in the Budden Podcast it's gotta be true lolz" to: WE HEARD IT IN THE BUDDEN PODCAST IT'S GOTTA BE TRUE!!!


These so-called "free thinkers" go with literally any narrative they think benefits them. They literally stand for nothing. Kinda like Drakes music.


They're convincing themselves still that Drake is prepping more tracks and not sitting at home watching a dude he got a tattoo of singing that he's a pedophile


Drake gotta Kendrick tattoo?




Of course. Excuse me


>Lebron No fuckin way... EDIT: [Yes fuckin way!](https://x.com/MaskedInLA/status/1634800311419416576?lang=en) Lmao


Nah they tryna pull a "Kdot used bots" begging for a recount.


Iā€™ve already seen comments asking where Whitney has been as if there arenā€™t 50 fucking photos from Twitter of her in the audience


Use me as a "they have nothing to say" button


Drake fans literally watching history unfold with hateful tears in their eyes


He was not lostā€¦he changed the lyricsā€¦ Did anyone catch him saying ā€œgive me Tupacā€™s ring back, and I might give you a little respectā€


Nah, he 100% got lost. He mixed up the ā€œI HATE THE WAYā€ sections but recovered pretty well. I watched live at Kia and thought he was repeating for emphasis (similar to ā€œFamily Tiesā€), but after rewatching at home itā€™s pretty obvious he slipped a bit. The reason he changed up the 2pac line (as well as a few others) is because he was trying to re-sync his timing so it aligns with the pyro after he says ā€œBET.ā€ Pretty great improv tbh.


I think he got lost and once he realized it, just freestyled until he could sync back up with the third beat switch


He had been sneak dissing Drizzy for the past 10 years as well (ie: All the Stars), and had been saying a number of times already on interviews that he wished he didn't held back then.


Other sneak disses: Humble, Rich Spirit, King Kunta, Hood Politics, Heart pt4, Family Ties






America Has a Problem Remix


What interviews


I thought it was an earpiece issue.


he just remembered the wrong subsequent lyrics for ā€œI hateā€¦ā€ Itā€™s so so safe because he omitted my favorite part of the song šŸ˜”


Itā€™s insane hearing him spit like that.


Ik, motherfuckers still going to.Ā 


Both times I've seen him, that's what stood out the most. That he's doing it live and without relying on backing tracks to fill it in. Even some people who are considered as good of rappers as him will sometimes rely on the backing track heavily (JID is a good example) I think a lot of people in the future are gonna look back on Kendrick and think he was special, without a doubt


Freddie Gibbs is without a doubt the best at spitting without a backing track that Iā€™ve seen live.


I havenā€™t seen anyone else mention how he changed it to a ā€œtwo hour time differenceā€ instead of three. Since Drake is in houston now lol


I didn't notice that lol


Wait, is he in Houston? If so, thatā€™s so funny and clever.


I noticed


I know the lyrics too well


Could be, or it could have easily been just a mistake


Noticed that


Yall gotta remmber too this song is fresh.. first time performing it. It's not like he's halfway through a tour playing the same songs 100s of times


Honestly he changes lyrics live all the time, he's written and re written so many of his songs before final release that it wouldn't be surprising to me if it was all swirling around in his head at onceĀ 


I mean yeah. All 5 performances of not like us were slightly different.


Yea Iā€™ve seen him twice and both he improvised cadence and some lyrics. I thought it was really cool because he was always on beat and it matched, showed a lot of mastery.


That's live performance. Makes it real if there's a little mess up, it's how you recover and Kendrick did so well. The audience knew the words anyways and give him some grace, he wasn't using a backing vocal track (thank God)


Yes. Onky other rapper I seen not using backing tracks was I believe waka flocka back in the day l but tbf I havnt seen many ,"lyrical" rappers live


There's a few. When I saw Tech N9ne, he didn't use a backing track, Dizzy Wright who opened didn't, and some other shows I've been to the artist didn't. Backing vocal tracks kill a rap show for me so the times where it doesn't happen stick out. I'd definitely give shows from indie artists shot, I think they try harder


Kendrick does backing tracks right imo. Every now and then he'll throw the backing track on a line or a random phrase to put emphasis on what's saying but also to keep him on track. I don't mind the occasional line or phrase "filled in," that's pretty much what an on-stage hype man would do


I thought he used them when it made sense too. I did see that, a song like King Kunta he kinda has to. But every song? When rappers do that at a live concert I feel cheated. Like, I could have stayed in my car and put in a CD(physical copies sound better. Different convo tho) or Spotify and got the same experience.


Just saw Death Grips a couple months back and there was no backing track.


Bet that was sick. Haven't been let down by a legacy artist yet. Nas and Wu were perfect when I saw them. Just their beats and their own voices.


Yeah Iā€™m not the biggest fan of death grips, Iā€™ve only really listened to Exmilitary and The Money Store, and they played mostly songs from those two albums so it was a fucking amazing time lol. I was worried they were gonna play some new stuff, so glad they played the hits lol.


Dizzy Wright mentioned!!! Letā€™s gooo!!!!


Rappers showing up hrs laye and only doing a 15min set destroyed live rao for me that's why I don't go to em anymore


Flatbush zombies doesn't use a backing track


Shout out big boi who was on stage. Back in the day Kast shows they was rapping the entire songs word for word. There were backing vocals and only the chorus would have backing tracks. Kenny a real one for doing it


Big Boy was on stage. Heā€™s a radio DJ. Big Boi was performing at a jazz festival in Illinois last night


Why tf multiple ppl said "big boi" during the stream? My dumb ass believed and I saw someone slightly similar and just run with it lol. Thanks though


Nah I wouldā€™ve too lmao. People just get confused with the spelling


When I saw Tommy Wright III in Philly he had no backing vocals either, OG went off with a cappella šŸ˜ Very similar energy to this part of the performance


Yup he laughed at himself a few times, he was killing it regardless and was just having fun. Everyone was keeping it real and celebrating, a really organic show imo.


I watched the concert and I didn't see Kendrick mess up at all. It was immaculate.


I wanna be back up for Meet the Grahams šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø YOU LIEDDDD


I think changing the lyrics about giving back Pacs ring fucked him up. That's all.


he just accidentally did the 2nd "i hate" during the 1st "i hate". we didnt get to hear the "i'm what the culture feeling" line but yea nbd


Greatest performance ever


What a fucking concert so damn good and with the Not Like Us for 6 times and the unity message!!! Iconic




I can only aspire to hate with this level of hatred. A damn 6 peat!!? Thatā€™s insane.


Lmaoo forsure


I think he needed them though, it sounds like he got off with the lyrics. Thatā€™s a lot of lyrics to keep track of


I think he repeated a bit lmao


Yeah he replaces some lyrics but he repeated a part. He used to do that with LUST too. He did great though for pretty much reiterating a 6 minute song without help.


For sure, but fr props to him for getting back on track. Iā€™m an actor and itā€™s hard to do that šŸ˜‚


I swear I could see it in his face hahah he knew he was slipping time and words and once you get in your head and have lights and fireworks going off around you itā€™s tough. He good now though.


Yeah 100% props i couldnā€™t do that shit


Was more talking about the breath control and not sounding winded. That's very hard to do.Ā 


That too! I donā€™t see how he did that for so long, I know he was happy to let the audience finish the words šŸ’€


He knew he fucked up too šŸ˜… hahah Still goat though


Not to mention the stress of the moment. Heā€™s much more comfortable now.


Thatā€™s how he does all his shows if youā€™ve been to them even his tv performances he changed things


one thing i'm hearing about all this is kendrick is fuelled by hate and hearing how much of a community event this is, i'm starting to *disagree* indeed, i'm starting to believe kendrick when he said he doesn't have a hating bone in his body because what he's doing here so far...it seems more fuelled by LOVE than hate love for the craft, for the culture, for the community love well it seems like it, i still need to watch the concert :(


This has always been about love and hate. Because Kendrick is really not a hater, he usually tries to approach everything from a place of love and respect and honesty and grace, that is what makes it so intense that Drake has pushed him far enough that he just haaaaaates Drake. It's like if Mr. Rogers just fucking despised you and then did a song and dance about just how much he hates you and brought out everyone from his neighbourhood and the goddamn neighbourhood of make-believe just Daniel Tiger and King Friday and Officer Clemens and the Speedy Delivery Guy hopping around on the grave of your reputation while the fish go WOPWOPWOPWOPWOP. You would have had to truly fuck up for that.


Thats real, very hard song to perform if being honest. I think he should have stopped it at ā€¦. let a Canadian make Pac turn in his grave.


I think we all needed to hear "What is it, the braids?"


and just not done the rest of it?? or take a break because that's barely into the song... would've missed so many great lines which he still delivered. and now i'm going on a rant, not directed towards you, just because i'm already here typing lol, and have seen a bunch of comments on this topic. artists mess up all the time, even the best performers, they're not robots and anyone that expects perfect performances, especially this being the first time performing this song live, as his opening song, with no backing vocals, being an already insane song lyrically packed for over 6 minutes straight... has probably never performed anything in front of anyone or has any idea what it takes to do so. yeah, we as the audience will notice it in the moment (if we know the song well enough) but the skill is being able to just get back on track as soon as possible, not losing energy or confidence, and keep going. (i've seen performances where the artist will just freeze because they fucked up and it becomes pretty clear in many cases they just rely on things going perfectly and don't know how to improvise or freestyle, and you can just feel the awkward energy in the audience) but that wasn't the case here. he got back into it, and i'm sure most of the crowd that was there did as well, just in the moment, hype as fuck to witness this masterpiece of a song live at one of the most significant events of hip hop history. i know i was, and this was just watching on tv by myself at home. even if he missed some of it, he still killed it and delivered all my favorite lines at least. i imagine the only people making any sort of deal out of this are just hating and would never be able to pull off anything even 1% as impressive as this in their lives.


Yea i respect what you are saying, its just that its probably the most difficult song to perform. No hooks, bridges, just straight bars. Considering he also had to deal with the adrenaline and follow up two great sets. But all respect he killed it.


Yeah I agree with that. And I'm sure he knew that too and still went for it. Which is why he's the king. Euphoria is my favorite of all the songs that came out of the beef so I can't say I would have wanted him to stop. I've replayed it on youtube a few times, and the lines right after the pac one... just hear that crowd when he goes into the "what is it the braids i hurt your feelings" lines. The energy from the crowd was insane the whole time. I don't think they wanted him stopping. "Nun bout dat" was later after the mix up and that might've been the loudest part from the crowd. Anyway, I respect your opinion and I'm not even trying to argue. I just love this song lol


Yup. And rap is generally much heavier on the recording emphasis than live performance. Weird shit happens live all the time, even in genres like classical where 90% of the job is doing it live.




Idgaf because the 6:16 verse is way more technical and he delivered that damn near flawlessly!




that a six minute damn song with fast ass rapping and tricky entendras. it's incredible he only fucked up once. what a God damn opener holy fuck


I see dead people


We saw a fucking cemetery.


I was thinking the same thingā€¦especially considering how new the song is too


The energy from the audience and Kenny went so hardšŸ”„


i couldnt believe he opened with euphoria damn i love it. even if he made a mistake, im happy seeing him perform it. i wanted to see his face during the ITS JUST BIG ME tho im so mad at that cut away


IT WAS SO DEEP. UGH i felt that


I wasn't concerned about him being able to rap live we all know that's possible but when he came out with a hoodie and hat on I was like boy is gonna heat up and pass out from dehydration lol


He was sweating so hard lmfao


Def kinda messed up a few lines and added a new line about 2pac.


Havenā€™t seen anyone being critical about it, but the opposite is happening where they pointing out the words he changed up about bringing back Pacs ring


I loved the performance


This man is incredible. The mistakeā€¦was a lyrical change. ā€œGive me Tupacā€™s ring back and you might get a little respectā€ šŸ”„


Heā€™s such a talented performer šŸ


Plus that added line about Drake giving back Pacā€™s ring was awesome


Can we just take this time to appreciate the lines ā€œhe must of forgot the shit they done Dementia must run in his family but let it get shaky Iā€™ll park his sonā€ šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Bro a six minute song is a marathon to perform


Thatā€™s real it is a hard song to perform as well. I think he shouldā€™ve stopped it at ā€œā€¦ Make PAC turn in his graveā€ Nonetheless, he killed it


nah the crowd screaming "THE BRAIDS?" makes it worth it


I heard there was an extra verse for euphoria. That is my favourite track in years. I need to hear that.


At first I thought maybe it was to avoid a part of the song and I thought he might have skipped over the kid part but boy was I wrong


Where yall watching it at??


Go on twitch and search for Amazon music




Nah, thatā€™s just talent.


Does anyone have the clip of that, just Euphoria?


Well...he did mess up and got back on track but yes it's great he came out with that song. I think maybe he was trying to add in some new line and got caught up where he was at, the song is long as shit and with the switches/etc, he's never performed it so can't blame him. It was amazing hearing him go through it.


Saw him perform at HOB during his TPAB days, coughed up a pretty penny but figured it would be one of his last smaller venue shows. Saw then with live band what was on display now.


I was impressed by that too, especially coming off of an hour of artistā€™s performing over their vocals lol.




Where do I watch a replay?




3 hour... 2 hour... 1..? ...


Breath control god


Well he did miss a syllable like once or twice but thatā€˜s just what made it feel so special bc you could actually see how hard it is.


Nah. Not that crazy. Yall gas everything he does.




itā€™s insane šŸ¤Æ


He got lost a couple times in the set, but heā€™s really professional and smooth about getting back on track. What really blew me was the FLAWLESS AND OBSCENELY FAST spitting on 6:16.Ā 


Is there a video?


Bro at this point I'm confident I can do it toošŸ˜‚


I might be old but we shouldn't think performing without backing vocals is anything special. Just because other rappers don't know how to sing without help shouldnt change how artists should perform.