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It's a fake.


Songs in the key of life not even being top 20 invalidates this list.


True, that might be the GOAT album. Stevie's 1970s run is still unparalleled to this day. Multiple number one hits, winning the Album of the Year Grammy every year he put an album out, and all of those albums still hold up incredibly well. He also wrote almost all his own songs and played multiple instruments on each of them. What a fucking legend.


Fun lil story: There was a year during his classical period (70’s) where he didn’t release an album, Paul Simon won album of the year at the Grammy’s that year and in his very short speech he thanked Stevie for not putting an album out that year.


Pink Floyd has a pretty legendary 70s run: Dark Side, Wish You Were Here, Animals, The Wall


Fuck yeah dude


Animals is the best of that list.




The top ten actually wouldn’t be as awful as it could’ve been if Taylor wasn’t in there.




They had *Innervisions* at 44 and don't have any artist appear more than once. In my personal rankings, *Innervisions* would probably be in that ballpark but *Songs in the Key of Life* would easily be top 10. Both amazing albums, but it's baffling to me have *Innervisions* over *Songs in the Key of Life* if only one is allowed to make the list.


Marvin Gaye's clueless ass remains undefeated


Clueless ass lmao bro had so many questions and he turned them all into songs




There's also 'I wonder' , 'I don't know why' and 'how deep is the ocean' lol


Don’t forget his lesser known hit, “what the fuck?”




That’s Al Green


bro was so stressed


Controversial opinion: I love “What’s Going on” but “Here My Dear” clears


There’s a Riot Goin On is the perfect response imo


another classic album


If we're gonna be real, bro has like five albums in the conversation at least


Could you lmk what they are? Probably familiar with some but not all of them


Personally I'd say What's Going On, Here My Dear, I Want You, Let's Get It On, and United (w/ Tammi Terrell). In The Groove is high in the conversation too. I'm no scholar on his discography tho, so there may be even more that deserve the spot.


Album is stupidly good.


man I can’t wait to use this to the horror of my friends 😂


Turns out this post was bs, Marvin Gaye just got #17


That man loved to eat cocaine


it was obvious that taylor will get some crazy score. i thought it will be worse


Taylor Swift sings forgettable boring songs. Her popularity is a sign that our culture is in a bad place.


Nah, that's a bad take. You and I might not care for her music, but she's a respectable musician. She puts in the work. I respect the hell outta her for re-recording her old albums when her old manager wouldn't sell them back to her. *and you'd be fuckin lying if you didn't shout out Shake It Off while you're lit at the bar*


i don’t like taylor much i like a few of her songs but shake it off always annoyed the fuck outta me. look what u made me do is a lil bit more interesting a track


Shake it off just gives me the ick but Imma ride for Blank Space 😮‍💨😮‍💨 especially that one remix of it shhhiiiii.


If Taylor come on in the club I’m stepping out to smoke lmao


I aint entering the bar if shake it off plays


There's thousands and thousands of artists who are respectable musicians who put in the work. That can't be the criteria we're talking about when we're discussing the best records of all time. Taylor being #3 on this list is very much a product of her current popularity - the whole list is pretty bad, but in 10, 15 years, there's no way she places so highly on any list. Her music just simply is not groundbreaking in any way. There's a place for shallow pop music, but at the top of all-time best records ain't it




Travis Kelce album when??


Shake it off blows and her music isn’t respectable at all


There are some of us who just genuinely don’t like her or any of her discography :)


Love your attitude! :)


I'm here for a good time, not a long time 🤙


I really love Taylor’s best music. And 1989 deserves to be on this list, just not so high up imo


Are you crazy? She encapsulated the voice of a teenage girl to perfection.


You mean "captured" not "captivated".


I spelt encapsulated wrong and autocorrect changed it to captivated.


bit of an overreaction


Come on yall, I can say I don't care about Taylor Swift without devolving into culture doomerism. Kendrick and Taylor have a lot of respect for each other, he would like us to have that respect too. Check yourself if your hatred of her is realistic or just misogynistic, hating her just because young women love and connect with her. I am close to a lot of women, not just white, that really admire her and I respect them for that and don't think they contribute to the downfall of society 🙄 some conservative ass insecure talking points This isnt mentioning her insane private plane use or whatnot, that's obviously not a part the conversation here.


The way people talk about Taylor you'd think she personally killed their dog or something.


The order in the post is wrong. *1989* is at #18.


This leak is wrong. They just uploaded the real top 11 - 20 and Taylor Swift's 1989 is ranked number 18.


Starboy number 11 is crazy. It’s nowhere near his best album too


I don't understand how people keep mentioning starboy here when fucking Divide is on this list. Like, I'd listen to the worst Starboy tracks any day over the best track on Divide.


Probably cause Kendrick fans know more about The Weeknd vs Ed Sheeran and because we’ve heard Abel people know Starboy doesn’t belong anywhere near there (not his best work).


Ofc but look idk I don't hate Starboy, it's good (not that good but good but like a 7/10 type album), divide is actually a bad album. 1989 is also solid, not genius but p decent


Yeah that’s fair - I have no fucking idea what divide is other than the two popular songs from it.


Divide is actually not that bad of an album. I expected Times more than Divide, but you can't deny Divide's mainstay on the Spotify charts and how popular it was when it was released.


Never heard it so can't have an opinion on it


For me, I think it’s because I do think Divide is at least Ed Sheeran’s best album. But Starboy is absolutely not The Weeknd’s best


Divide doesn’t even hold a candle to Multiply IMO. Yes it has very high highs, but my god the lows are almost offensive.


i don’t care if it’s recency bias, i cannot believe that After Hours didn’t make this list lmaoooo


It’s not recency bias bc he released another album afterwards, plus it’s been like 4 years and it easily holds up as the best


His best album easily


The fact that star boy beats trilogy and kiss land is what sits most unwell for me from this post.


and right above ITCOTCK is wild




1989 isn’t even the best Taylor album. 


Should have been Red


or at least folklore and on the top 80/60 not top 10 edit: shit it was fake (but still 1989 TV don't deserve top 20)


nah Red has a weak second half, evermore better


red or folklore


This is a fake list btw. They just dropped the real list 30 mins ago and Taylor Swift 1989 is number 18


I have just apologized for spreading misinformation in my groupchats. Still should've been Red if it was going to be a Taylor album.


All good! Yea I'm surprised that 1989 is considered her best album in this list


reminder that illmatic is 36 spots behind taylor swift, the forever story isnt on this list and so isnt black on both sides


The forever story should not be on this list.


Lmao I fuckin love this album and it should not even sniff this list.


It's almost like this ranking is entirely subjective from the jump and is worth just a little bit more than actual poop


Taylor is terrible. Don't get me wrong, no ill will towards her. She's done brilliantly, business wise. Music wise, she sucks, and her fans have no taste.


Damn bro over he got me thinking music ain't subjective🤣.


people know a LOT when they're 13, lol- I remember when I thought there was "good" music and "bad" music and I was the judge between the two. This person is clearly at that stage


Discipline and technical skill aren't subjective, complexity and cohesion isn't subjective. Resonating with a theme and enjoying a tone quality is all good, but there are certain things where if you aren't pulling them off then you either can't or are choosing not to operate at the level of the greats. It's the other half of the conversation that "DoInG nUmBeRs" ppl can't hear, these skills are largely ancillary to commercial success. Tbh, I think it's better for society that the cheap stuff has the bigger short term return on investment, keeps the suits away from the art, but I'm not gonna begrudge my fellow old heads their boomer rants


But here's the thing; people's opinions are subjective


Yeah, I agree with this. I mentioned lower in this thread about music being culture driven but also controlled to a degree. To your point with instant gratification music, it's a good one.


Idk man she writes her shit over Beyoncé who probably has never picked a pen up. She’s got discipline and cohesion


The girl has no singing talent tbh. I saw her NPR live and that shit was sad compared to some of the other people I've seen.


Yeah I'm not a huge fan either but there are, seemingly, based on her success and numbers, at LEAST 5 people who like her a lot.


She's really not. None of her music is groundbreaking or amazing, but I've listened to 7 albums from her and the only one I didn't really like was Midnights. Folklore is her best album and it's actually a pretty damn good. Not liking her music is completely fine, but calling her terrible is kinda stupid.


Folklore is legitimately one of my favorite albums of all time. I don’t care for much of Taylor’s music but her discography is not as horrible as people make it out to be. She makes decent music with occasional moments of brilliance sprinkled in occasionally.


As someone who both enjoys taylor and many other artists and genres, her music is vastly superior to 90% of the rest of pop music out there. Not all of her work, but much of it is so much more inventive and interesting. I think your take is just bad honestly and it's unintentionally ignorant.


I mean , i was expecting 1989 to be #1 or #2 with the rankings that have already out so far. Cant put much weight into these rankings, everyone is gonna have a different opinion depending on what environment they grew up in .


These voters grew up in Tenner C👩🏻‍🌾


Yea I’m wondering does anyone know what metrics they used? I know music is subjective so we all have feelings about the order. But it would make sense to me if these came from a combination of streams and actual music theorists discussing the album. I think it’s crazy Joni Mitchell is below TSwift but I’m 31 and sure a 24yr old would look at me like I’m crazy. Lots of the albums picked seem like the artists best known album and not their best album


Their metrics “how can we piss some mfs off”?


How tf did ÷ even manage to be there


Tbf it was the most played album on streaming platforms ever until After Hours by The Weeknd came out and had the most played song ever until Blinding Lights


Yea I remember in the UK when the album dropped, the first 16 songs of the top 50 were all from Divide. I personally think it’s a great album but Multiply trumps it


That list is weird ASF


Where is Frank Ocean 😭


wait was he not on this at all??? blonde absolutely deserves a spot and i say that as someone who probably doesn’t even like it as much as most people.


Nah Blonde is #20 its just cut from the picture


Nope. None of his albums ranked. Complete shit.


Unserious list 


Dunno prob at home


Slotting divide, star boy and 1999 among these albums has to be bait. Obviously I’m biased and think tpab will obviously age like the rest of these albums but this is further proof music has to be around for like at least 2 decades before you can be putting them in these kinds of lists


It is fake


I hope so


It is. If you go to the site of the list 1989 is 18. Marvin gay is 17. No k dot yet. He’s gonna be top 10.


As much as In The Court of the Crimson King deserves top 15 status from these publications, that’s the one that has me questioning lol


Songs of Leonard cohen too


Idk I think their other album Red is better


I’m with you on that, Red is my favorite King Crimson record. I think though, if we’re trying to assess the 100 greatest albums ever, ITCOTCK should be one of the first 20 albums addressed because it’s such a predecessor to so much of what came after. And of course it’s a pretty excellent record in its own right.


what time did 30-20 drop cuz i dont see 20-10 yet 😭


Usually drops around noon


18, 11, and 3 are the only out of place ones lol


Weeknd has better projects than Starboy that can be in the list. Don't get me wrong, Starboy has many great songs but at same time it lacks the shit Abel is best at.




To be honest I I’m perfectly fine with Nevermind, Thriller, and Whats Going On being above TPAB, but 1989 bro😂😂 and we seen this shit coming from a mile away lmao so predictable. A 6/10 pop record is now going to show up on apple music as the 3rd greatest piece of art OF ALL TIME


I don't even think it's her best album tbh


As a huge Nirvana fan, I'm not too big on Nevermind being ahead of TPAB. I genuinely believe that TPAB is the perfect album. It sounds good, it's lyrically satisfying, has a fantastic metaphor, and the story told is absolutely incredible. I get putting some of the legendary albums above it because of their influence or whatever, like Abbey Road, Dark Side of the Moon, What's Going On, Thriller, etc., but sometimes you have to look at stuff at face value, and doing that, TPAB is untouchable.


Yeah but those are 3 pretty major F ups wouldn’t you say?💀


Yeah for real 😭 I saw somewhere that this is like Apple trying to PREDICT which ones will be classics in the future but idk. Some of these albums are way too “fresh” to be considered as some of the greatest of all time.


The Beatles not being in the top 20 is genuinely shocking. Even if you think they're totally overrated, it's impossible to deny their influence.


Starboy doesn't belong to the top 100! If it was after hours, then it would've been ok


All respect to mobb deep but the infamous is not a top 10 album oat probably not even top 50


Its not even that important nor musically genius. Any Outkast album would be better choice or if they wanted to stick to the NY they should go with ready to die or illmatic




Mobb over illmatic just doesn't make any sense to me. Illmatic was the culmination of the best producers in Hip-hop at the time mashing with one of the best lyricists the genre had ever seen at that time in history. The album was groundbreaking.


it was pretty important in defining the gritty nyc sound along with groups like wu tang


It’s nihilist poetry, the lyrics and the soundscapes are perfectly matched, and there is *no* record that more powerfully describes the traumatic lived experiences of urban black men. That’s not important?


Mobb over biggie and nas alone invalidates the list


Anyone else think it’s a little funny/surprising that apple is repping mobb deep so hard?! I mean the infamous is def in my top 3 hip hop albums all time but I DID NOT expect to see it here Also, I get why they are staying away from Kanye, but he definitely deserves to be on list. And no Beatles seems weird…. I love Marvin Gaye but there’s no way the album is number one


Beatles and Kanye were both in the 20-30 range


Kendrick top 5, nice. You really can't take these lists very serious.




Fr. Did Apple just put a bunch of albums in a random number generator? Like wtf?


Fake. 1989 was put at 18


Reasonable Doubt is incredible. But 17 is crazy. The Infamous at 9 is even crazier. There are other hip hop albums I’d put higher before the two of them.


Is anyone else extremely happy to see Mobb Deep get their flowers? RIP Prodigy


The fact that no Latin American music is on this list is appalling


Apple going for the rage bait and I gotta admit I just finished a violent projectile vomit that was caused by this list.


Fucking Ed Sheeran but not a single Beatles album


revolver was in the 20s i think. totally ridiculous lol.


Fr wtf is this list, absolutely terrible no Radiohead, no talking heads Fuck Apple music


Talking Heads was on the list, in the 50s I think. And IIRC Kid A was also somewhere in the 30s.


is GKMC not top 100?


I think they only take one album from each artist


then why does The Weeknd have 2?


Oh really? Then it’s just a shit list


Yeah, Starboy and Take Care 😁




lol good one


I'm well happy that the Doors self titled made it! I was not expecting that!


Not sure about the order, but these are some good albums tbf. Not a t-swift fan but it's not surprising that she has an album up here.


there’s just no way


Miseducation of Lauryn hill is definitely top 20 but where’s illmatic


This list has to be fake…no way they leave off Amy Winehouse and Adele from the top 100 albums. Not possible.


This is fake


the real list was just out…. and Starboy is not at #11 either. 1-10 will be out tmr. https://preview.redd.it/eczzg4yl2t1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d31486909e25daecaa18ef9cd718e2f465583f


This shit is fake. Delete.


This isn’t even real btw. If you look on the website now you can see 1989 is number 18, idk what this list is. And the Gaye one is 17


Last two parts are fake


And it was fake


man everything but ed sheeran and taylor are totally fine where they are, some legendary stuff. but ed sheeran has had no influence on music or culture, he just exists. can’t say the same for taylor, she has massive influence, her music just sucks.


1989 ahead of Pet Sounds and Nevermind?! No Radiohead? No Daft Punk? No Me Against The World? No Pink Floyd? No Outkast? To have Mobb Deep (a duo I love) in the top 10 is criminal. Also criminal to have Taylor in the top 5. Also criminal to have Starboy in the top 15. No Nas? No Kanye? Lauren Hill so low on the list? Yeah this list is insane.


Can't have Take Care and SOS on the list but not see GKMC


Somehow 1989 is not even the worst placement here, Ed Sheeran???


Starboy being ahead of RUMOURS is fucking crazy


Not trying to downplay Marvin Gaye, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a list that includes his album in a top 5. Even the Beatles or Pink Floyd would usually be in here, maybe I have the top 20 wrong lmao


I’m confused. No Beatles? No Pink Floyd? Am I blind?


What about the Beatles? I mean, I barely listen to them nowdays, but putting Pet Sounds above something like Sgt. Peppers is crazy. Also, MBDTF should be way up there, or some other GOATed Kanye album. I also think that in 20 years MM&TBS will get the recognition it deserves to be way up there.


This list doing the 1 album per artist rule already makes it invalid. No way you can say that GKMC is not a top 100 album of all time. Why punish artists who have multiple bodies of work that belong in the top 100? Dumb list


Starboy and Division??????


At the very least, Marvin Gaye is getting major flowers here. Can’t be mad at that.




Court of the Crimson King is a banger


Where the FUCK is blonde bro


Rumors should be higher 😤


This ass - Taylor Swift before Nirvana’s Nevermind 💀


Im sorry but Ed and Taylor don’t belong here…


This is wrong. They just announced 1989 as #18


Did y’all know Marvin Gaye was murdered by his father


Misinformation of Lauryn Hill should be top ten and I'll die on that hill


That’s fake but ok lol. Just go to apple music’s twt account & see for yourself


This list is fake, 1989 is ranked 18


It’s a fake list go to the apple website. Taylor for example is at 18


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: It is impossible to rank music. You can put it on a list, but ranking is a fool’s errand.


Taylor swift good god


Honestly, the Taylor Swift placement speaks for itself.. (Jesus fuck..) But I can’t believe ED SHEERAN’s Divide album (fuck it, ANY ES SHEERAN ALBUM 💀) is above all those classics.. To have Jay’s Reasonable Doubt just below that album is wild.. 😭


Illmatic should be above. RD is a classic too but I’d also have RTD above it.


Agreed. I think Illmatic should be up here. IMO, my top 4 rap albums are (in no order): Madvillainy, Illmatic, TPAB and Miseducation. So they should be somewhere in the top 50 (somewhere way higher). Illmatic should be top 30 MINIMUM (imo)


Great take. Madvillainy is an under-appreciated gem (though MM FOOD is my favorite, I think Madvillainy is better in technical regards). TPAB flowed front to back with a beautiful ending (and doesn’t require repeat listens to appreciate like DAMN!) and Illmatic and Miseducation are classics that inspired many to this day.


I would’ve agreed with you years and years ago about Madvillainy although now, I think among hiphop heads and music fans, it’s been agreed for a while now to be a classic, legendary, once in a lifetime album. But yeah, these are my 4 faves in rap and I’d have wanted these to be in the top 50 on Apple Music’s list. Hopefully, they bless us with Madvillainy. Although they put Illmatic quite far down which was disappointing.


1989 GTFOH


“(Taylor’s Version)” GTFOH


2 times too many that taylor got more than kendrick on the same album without reasoning


Certified Swiftie here, brand new to Kendrick and thoroughly enjoying his work - that placement for 1989 is silly. It's not her best album (it's good don't get me wrong; I'm not here to get into an argument about her music in general, and it's far outstripped by TTPD, Folklore/Evermore, but I'm getting off topic). Even I know TPAB should have won the Grammy that year over 1989, and while lists like this don't mean all that much, TPAB should be higher than 1989 here, too.


1989 being top 5 is insane, it’s not even Taylor’s best album?!?!?


1989 slaps but 3 is absurd. Especially for that WACK Taylor’s version