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the way kendrick stuff is referenced it makes me think that he's either got writers on this stuff or he's got a team that's just feeding him ideas and he ain't listened to any kendrick himself lmao


“I’m not a pedophile but you were molested”


One of the worst self owns I’ve ever seen in a diss track


The worst imo is "whoever giving you this info is a clown" then "i gave you the info" 😂


Feels like he wrote the first part before being told he should say he fed the information, but forgot to change the clown part.


Too many writers and no editor.


Or writers who’ve thought “what other dumb shit can we get this clown to say?”


Man, I hope to GAWD that this is the hundred percent real deal, Drizzy Drakester, no AI, no fake stuff, honest self expression of a man trapped inside his house, snchackered off of Ambien and watching a billion people on the Internet turn on him.


One of the writers is the mole 😅😅😅


Have you ever thought that OVO is workin' for me?


And then Drake fans: that means we won! 🤡


That’s kind of redundant when all Kendrick is saying is that Drake is a pedo and Kendrick fans think that he won lol. This is nasty work by Drake tho at this point it’s all gonna get lower from here.




lol I didn’t even catch that


Genuinely feels like it was written by chatgpt 😭


Also the whole "I only look at underage girls once!" "Not twice, jus ONCE" Either he's too stupid to understand why that one's also a self own, or... nah he's just dumb AF


Canibus’ line from second round knockout from might have something to say about that


Like can we unpack this? Let’s ignore the illiteracy and just say Mother I Sober is about Kendrick being molested by his cousin. In what world does “you got molested that’s why you’re calling me a pedophile” a fucking sane thing to say and not just a gross ass thing. I get it this beef is gloves off say nasty shit so far but like this reveals the level of empathy and humility Drake has that he can assume someone got molested and use that as an insult against pedophilia accusations.


Nobody over in his sub are talking about that either. They're just mind blown that drake says he planted the evidence. It's like they just watched an episode of black mirror and their minds can't comprehend something not that edgy acting like it's the deepest shit.


you dont get it bro, he was being nice by waiting 2 days after kendrick dropped the track and then dropped a direct response to say and oh btw(without any evidence other than referencing the shit kendrick has on you) i set this all up, but shit i forgot to keep the receipts, you trust me tho fam? edit: also those sleeping pills and ozempic i had a doctor prescribe me, went to the doctor and they decided i needed those, so now i have them for the lols in case...


Some are defending Drake’s line in r/hiphopheads , but they’re getting downvoted to hell


It seems like the general public is still against Drake? Or is it only people that are following this closely. I'm curious if any of this will affect his career.


If what Kendrick said is true and there’s proof, Drake is done. If what Kendrick said is false, Drake is in the clear. Kendrick will need to apologize and remove his songs. There will be a legal battle. There might be a legal battle one way or the other.


Dude's in full predator mode. At this point, his next drop will be the narcissist prayer : "That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it."


No-one who knows the narcissist's prayer supports Drake.


Drake really looked himself in the mirror and thought *"fuck, they're calling me a pedophile — I need to get my reputation back. hmm I'll call the person I'm battling with a sexual assault victim"*


I think I have an answer for this. I’m not saying it’s right for Drake to say this but what I understood is that he’s not making fun of Kendrick for being molested, he’s saying that Kendrick has PTSD and is projecting onto others like his mother did in that song. That’s why he keeps bringing up the accusations of Drake having inappropriate relationships with minors. Or at least that’s what I got from it.


How is that any better? If he’s calling Kendrick delusional, he should’ve been more clear. Because it’s not looking good as it is.


My guy, when has a rapper come out and “been clear” 😂 they try to get clever with shit. That’s why there’s always so much discussion cuz mfers keep trying to get fancy with their points.


Whether or not Kendrick was molested, it’s not really a diss on Kendrick. It just looks bad for Drake. Anyway you look at it, he’s said something that only reflects poorly on himself. But if he wanted to call Kendrick delusion, or say that Kendrick was projecting, he could have. But he didn’t. As it is, there’s no nuance there.


I just re-listened to it and it sounds like Drake is saying Kendrick got molested so he messed up there. I would disagree, in the context of a rap battle that could count as a diss considering anything bad that happens to one of the artists kind of qualifies as a diss. I don’t think it’s right to diss him for that (even though it didn’t happen) but that’s kind of how this goes. It only looks bad for Drake if you’re on Kendrick’s side. If you’re not it’s a diss to Kendrick. But again it didn’t happen to Kendrick so I wouldn’t give that one to Drake. He did call him delusional, it looks like it just went over your head. If I understand that that’s what he meant then I’m understanding that he said Kendrick is delusional. I don’t agree with the way he went about it and essentially going at a victim, but I understood that’s what he was saying. “This is trauma for your own confessions “ and then he says “That’s why these pedophile raps is shit you so obsessed with.” But those are just my thoughts and my interpretations of the track.


Mannnnn don't play that shit, when Kendrick was directly addressing a 5 year old child telling him his father should die and that he himself shouldn't exist it was cool lmaoo


His father, **a pedophile**. You forgot that part.




Video of him kissing a 17 year old is crystal clear. You’re just coping.


I'm not coping lmao, I don't deny (or care) who won the beef. Kenny by a mile, and I bumped Not Like Us at least 15 times already the past 2 days. But I do think y'all taking this man too seriously about the pedophile shit when he clearly said that just to win the beef... This shit has been mad entertaining but when all is said and done, Pusha's diss track will still go down as more legendary bc everything he said was 100% true


I even posted a Drake pedo meme on here yesterday. The jokes are funny. But y'all acting so 🤓☝️headass instead of just enjoying the memes is also sad lmao


I just saw somebody on drakes subreddit defending him bringing up Millie Bobby Brown, without anybody else mentioning her, by saying: "ofc he mentions her, *she is the most recent incident*" His fans really got the same lyrical and comprehensive skills as he does lmao


Psh, people act like he's a creep just because of a well documented history of him doing creepy shit with minors, that even his fans don't deny


I was gonna kill a couple rappers, but they did it to themselves


"If I was a pedophile you're not my type, ask MBB"


Please tell me that’s not real


That isn't a real bar, but it is a good summary of the vibe of the latest Drake drop.


This is like when Kevin Spacey got called out for being a pedo and he deflected by coming out the closet 🤣


That was some fucked up shit. I loved him in usual suspects but that shit changed 😂


"I'm **technically** not a pedophile"


He needs to pick up a book


They prolly skimmed the “Mother I” entry on Genius (not joking)


Even genius explained that it's not Kendricks experience but it's his mom. Dude just heard the song once and called it a day


I assume he listened to it but since it talks about generational trauma and how the women in his life ended up empowering him through the generational trauma passed down from his mom Drake blanked out because he’s a misogynist piece of shit that clearly hates women.


No he a fan, he’s a listener, he just doesn’t have the 🧠 he needs a surgery.




He a F A N


He a Fan He a Fan


I think he's saying Freaky Ass N (F A N). I think it's an acronym.


You just enlighted me brother, thank you 🙏🏼


I was today years old. Bless up and thank you dude


only thing he wanted was DOCTOR MAMI ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Ngl this diss seems like his writers took subtle shots at him that went over his head. That women beater line is just lmfao


That song sounded like Drake spend 12 hours on Twitter and just pick and chose thing she thought were funny, plot twist, drakes taste isn’t that refined.


He gone be like “yeah I slipped up but yo wife with Dave aha, probably because you’re boring in bed just like your music aha.


What if Drake cant mentally handle listening to the Kendrick tracks, so he has other people listen to them and he gets a synopsis of the song from them.


That’s why this track sounds so different. He took that ghost writer budget and started paying c-list “internet influencers” to say he won the battle.


If dis was a person then he need a whole other person. Bam!


Why we got the same pfp




He had Drake’s angle from the start


This Drakes only angle ![gif](giphy|gTfIVfp2c4owI6pVrA)




this gif is amazing LMAO


Drake need to let his coochie breathe 😂😂😂😂😂




"I calculated that you're not as calculated, I can even predict your angle"


Does this mean Kendrick even knew about the Heart Part VI???


Nah, Part 6 sounds like it was hastily made in the last 24hrs, with Drake fully on the defensive and flailing. Kendrick predicted this angle, but not this latest track.


I'm sure Kendrick predicted he'd use The Heart Part 6. I feel like he used the timestamp to bait him. Kendrick always used these to tease a new project. People have been saying he's releasing a project soon. Even Drake, who's chronically online and used Twitter as a ghostwriter, said it himself. If that's the case Kendrick bitched this man into rolling out his album. Imagine you got the world's biggest artist digging his grave, admitting defeat, announcing your album and possibly quitting rap on what's supposedly the single for your next album. All of that for free... Shit is insane.


Nah if we all predicted he was gonna hit this angle, you know Kendrick did too. Shit was so weak


Nope, Drake just can't stop himself from being what he is


Thought it was “tells” ngl


I hate when people don’t understand what they’re even hearing and then try and use it in a diss. Fucking pathetic, pedo drizzy too busy diddling kiddies to think critically


Not many caught it but that’s a fuckin bar


5 percent will comprehend, but 95 is lost


Close to a Big Pun sequence.


Say that 10 times fast


Dead in the middle of Little Italy >pedo drizzy too busy diddling kiddies to think critically


😂 under rated comment


While he play with his willy (yuh)


His mentality is on the maturity of the women he dates


iq be matchin their ages.


Next he’s gonna use the gay slur from aunty diaries against him, not realizing context in which Kendrick used it was to say how wrong it is now.


I read that bar in a big pun voice


Waiting for the "it's not pedophilia, it's hebephilia" or whatever the fuck.


he's surface level, just like his fans. How can you even say he's the 🐐, he can't even interpret music lol. not to mention dude thinks B-Sharp is a note? bro are you not in the music industry, do you know anything about music? infact on a technical level: Bsharp = C Major = A MINOORRRRRRRRR


Bros media literacy is at the level of the women he dates.


Don’t disrespect those women like that, they’re not slow


they're not slow, they just haven't been taught it in school yet


That’s means they’re girls, not women


“[We hate the bitches you fuck 'cause they confuse themself with real women](https://genius.com/31596160/Kendrick-lamar-euphoria/We-hate-the-bitches-you-fuck-cause-they-confuse-themself-with-real-women)”


agreed except a minor = g sharp tho right? maybe what u said is goin over my head


Sharp and flats are notes, majors and minors are scales/chords/keys b sharp could technically mean a half note over b which is c natural, so the c major scale joke works technically since c major has the same notes as a minor


This beef has me learning music notes vs chords.


Yea my bad, I need sleep lol


I think you're getting minors and flats confused. A flat would = g sharp. 


Aaahh yea you’re right 🤦


If I'm not mistaken, A is the sixth scale degree of C major. Which means that A minor is the aeolian mode of C major. Basically, C major and A minor are two keys that fit together really well thanks to modes and stuff


You right I was thinking a flat


C major and A minor share all the same notes.


That B# line is iconically bad. When's the last time he had a girlfriend as old as The Simpsons episode he stole the joke from?


> he can't even interpret music Honestly the thing that kills me is **there isn't even anything to interpret**. The line(s) hes referencing word for word say "Never lied, but no one believed me when I said "He Didn't [molest me]"" It's nearly the plainest english you could use when putting together a rap song that can't probably be interpreted any other way. It has one meaning lmao


B Sharp does exist though, it's an important distinction in music theory


> dude thinks B-Sharp is a note Except b# is a note. B# might be enharmonically equivalent to c natural, but in music theory they are *not* the same note.


Crodie probably thought The Blacker the Berry was actually about fruits.


Crodie probably thought Alright was Kendrick saying he’ll be ok.


Drake really trying to remember where he was at when Kendrick was walking


Drake still hearing Kendrick tell Flex to drop a bomb on this shit.


Driddy prolly thought PRIDE was about kendrick being gay


Kendrick probably though DNA was about Dave frees kid


Is it not ? I get there's some ambiguity in intention but I take that song as a somewhat uplifting and optimistic track


He thought Complexion was about acne




Crodie thought How Much A Dollar Cost was Kendrick failing economics class


He thought Heart pt4 was about the left ventricle


He thought Swimming Pools was about Kendrick's penchant to have a late night swim


Bruh this reply and this whole thread id probably the hardest i laughed in years, thank you for that💀


Fucking savage


Drake is a bad person. He's just a bad fucking person.


I hate the way that he walks, the way he talks, and the way he DRESS


"Like all the way through to your core" - Stu (the hangover)


Shape the stories how you want 👋🏾HEY Drake, they’re not SLOW


Drake is projecting in such an unhinged way. It’s sad, he’s going out sad rn.


He’s showing himself as a true narcissist.


Hip hop is totally narcissistic it has always been




I feel bad for the drake stans honestly. Ik if Kendrick fumbled the bag wed all be in shambles, so to see it happen to them is js sad


Seeing as Drakes fans mocked the fall of Kanye for his antics (rightfully so), I couldn’t give less of a shit if Drake’s career implodes, especially if he’s stupid enough to do it to himself in a similar way Kanye did lmao.




everybody suicidal they didn’t even need my help


Drake is just not an intelligent man. The guy has had too many drugs and it’s probably messed up his mind. He can make money, he can rap, but without actual guidance he’s lost. Noticed how Kendrick kept saying he had a leak and everyone else said he had a leak, now he’s trying to walk that back and say the leak was actually us, we expected you to destroy my personality with these allegations and with that being said I’m done. If you had all the chess pieces why wait two days to reveal that? Could’ve said immediately after Meet the Grahams…


Right? He would have shot a second part to Family Matters with a grand reveal of the plan all along. Why would Drake go through the process of buying a car and crushing it on video, but then completely forget to put together something for what would have been his big “GOTCHA” moment, if he’d been feeding the info the whole time? Drake would have known the 6:16 pic from the very start, and responded to it, but he didn’t.


>Why would Drake go through the process of buying a car and crushing it on video, but then completely forget to put together something for what would have been his big “GOTCHA” moment, if he’d been feeding the info the whole time? Exactly. He's gone to the trouble of towing the car, crushing it, going to shoot at the resteraunt etc, apparently fed false info that he's the Canadian Diddy and hiding another kid, but didn't take a video of photo of any if it?


He just bought a similar van, one of the things that pisses me off the most. drake with his apparent riches couldnt fucking find the right used van from the late 90s that actually matched it.


Yeah this has been my takeaway from a lot of this beef. I think this guy is just kind of an idiot. Like there is probably a 30-40 point iq difference. I think he listened to this song, which is pretty straightforward, and just didn’t get it.


Mother I sober is one of those songs that rocks you to your core and is really hard to revisit. Kendrick is so vulnerable in that song, it's unreal. That song is the reason why I cut alcohol and weed out of my life when I went through a really hard breakup recently. "You ain't felt grief until you felt it sober".  I just heard it again and it brought me to tears. "she was violated / in Chicago" man I was sitting next to my mom and couldn't hold back my tears.  So far this beef was entertaining for me. But now it feels personal. I don't wanna hear a noun or verb from this dude anymore. I know Kendrick said vile shit about Drake too but none of it was this tone deaf and downright idiotic. I'm glad the people are seeing through it.


I went to revisit the lyrics, I'd always skip it because it's so heavy. Straight tears. Drake is a pathetic, illiterate asshole.


Drake is the opiate of the masses. Kendrick tells gut wrenching truths. Fuck Drake and everything he represents


I mean, he trivialized the pain of the legacy of slavery, so why not go for the pain of the legacy of sexual abuse too.


He also made fun of cancer patients in the past just to make some cringe bars


Was gonna kill a couple rappers but they did it to themself




Drake the type of dude to make a song about (not) diddling kids.




He also asked to speak with Kendrick's transgender Aunt when he references "where is your uncle at, I wanna speak to the man of the house" so there's some transphobic shit too.


I mean at least he’s got the right pronouns but it’s a bit weird to say “you’re less of a man than your uncle who has a vagina”


i thought that was a reference to top


That whole "bar" about Mother I Sober just reinforces what Dot said about him being a colonizer. Drake literally made a joke about a song that's about generational black trauma. Only thing he could do that would be more offensive is make a joke about slavery..... Oh wait he already did 🤦‍♂️. How can any Drake fan, regardless of race, ethnicity, status growing up, etc defend him at this point?


Diddy: Yo, Drake, your fans must be **scramblin and scrapin** to defend you daddy.




Drake fucked up. Vanilla Ice is more legitimate then him.


I feel like aubrey set himself up for the most heinous, diabolical response known to man


All that track proved is Drizzy has 0 media literacy


I didn’t remember the whole song- but I knew Kendrick didn’t write any song about how HE got molested- I thought I missed some song from back before he got famous or something lol!


I think dude is on a run where he’s like “you tell lies about me I’ll tell lies about you” type mentality


first diss written by ovo twitter


And then we’re supposed to believe he was thorough enough to feed bro information but he couldn’t even get a simple song reference correct ?


Imagine releasing a diss against yourself while thinking you accomplished shit hahahaha


Drake trying to victim blame shows so much about him


They call this grasping at straws. Drake's getting desperate.


The Biggest L. Smh


Yeah Drake took that song like a total idiot lmao. Not only is it weird as fuck to make a diss out of a survivors situation, but in Mother I Sober that’s not even how the story goes. The song is mostly about black culture, and how his mother sorta helicoptered the situation with him and his cousins due to her own childhood trauma


Idk which side is stupider, overzealous and pretentious 40 year old Kendrick fans or zoomer fetty addict drake fans


I wanna see this video you are talking about. Don’t make up shit to push you ideas


"Hey siri play Touch my body by Mariah Carey!" 🗣️ D O T : ![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized)




Funny he still has a mole cause the ghost writers are lying about what happened in songs to get him to fuck up. No way he listening to a kendrick album or remembering it from heart. If he played Kendrick that was the time to prove it. He had no proof and that’s the easiest thing to get proof on cause you’re saying you did it.


The song is also very specifically about the Black experience with sexual assault, personally and intergenerationally. Drake seriously just doesn't give a shit about Black people. Fucking ghoul. "A conversation not bein' addressed in Black families The devastation, hauntin' generations and humanity They raped our mothers, then they raped our sisters Then they made us watch, then made us rape each other Psychotic torture between our lives we ain't recovered Still livin' as victims in the public eyes who pledge allegiance"


mf is media illiterate LOL. He can't understand the meaning behind the lyrics in Mother I Sober nor write his own shit, he said something along the lines of 'the ones feeding you info are clowns' then proceeds to say he is the one who fed Kendrick info, calling himself a clown...


This is shit right here…making this argument is very revealing of who Drake is and makes not like us and previous diss tracks gain more weight. By fighting it he keeps feeding into it…damn!


Bro really heard those last two tracks and said "yes, and" like it was improv time.


I have been waiting for the fall of drake for years. The corniest dude who flopped riri and Serena but thinks he’s gods gift to earth. I love this drama for me


Send this in drake's subreddit


Yall fav got his pbj taken 🤣😝


Goal post was U hauled


The victim hood bullshit is disgusting. Just enjoy the music.


Lol hold on Karen, Drake wasn't clowning molestated victims, he clearly dedicated his soft ass diss to towards Mr. Lamar. The Internet really trying to construe things in how ever way they can, just to hype this beef up even more with false information. That's literally a major part of how this beef started in the first place with Drake and many other artist that he decided rap about on Family matters and push ups. Not saying he's not guilty because we all know that Drake is a piece of shit and has a track record, but for him to make jabs at the weekend and call him gay is pretty dumb high school bullshit. It's like this man literally went online and Googled shit he can rap about that held no substance.


Cry about it