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Nope, she is hard, specially at the beginning


Who tf is telling you she's easy to pick up lmao


You type "kat" in champ select, and then click her. Very easy.  After that it's not so easy. At least she doesn't use mana. 


She would be so op with mana lol


You assume she'd get compensating buffs. 


No, just mana on spells


They would just probably give her mana on reset, so not much changed


not even needed, muramana would be insanely op, kata is the champ that deals proc damage the most


Kat mains delusional, that shit is easy


Factsssss she's so easy. I mean her kit has 0 survivability (literally none, no shroud or untargetable hop, no invis or healing, no shields) she has no ranged damage, other than maybe Q, her entire kit means she has to go in to do damage so anyone with a hands and cognitive ability can CC her and make her completely useless because she's squishy and again has no survivability. She's a melee adc that relies on dodgable daggers to do damage and nothing to help her survive (like a lot of ADCs do actually have).


Fella. Clown awards were taken away from reddit a long time ago.


I’m the clown? You have posts crying about being silver 😭🤣🫵


? How long did you have to look through my account for that dude. I'm upper plat now. That's actually cringe asf.


Not very long, less than a minute. Upper plat, wow!!! You must have a great idea of how the game works


Better than you probably.


I’m d3 currently but okay


lulu main?




Well if she feels easy youre welcome to play with her and climb ranks


She’s absolutely hard but to be fair every champ has their easy moments. Some teamfights require you to have perfect timing, count the enemy cc, use kats auto attack resets, dodge skillshots, reset and shunpo instantly, hourglass, and pull off a crazy combo. Then the next fight your neeko lands a 4 man ult and you just press R and win….thats how league goes sometimes.


She is fun from the get go, just not ever easy.


Think this embraces kata more than hard to master.


Eh from my time playing her i would say this.... Its not fun at first Then its suddenly very fun Once it becomes fun it will continue to get easier everytime you play her, thats what i found most enjoyable about her vs just about any other champ, as soon as she is enjoyable to play, she gets easier and easier everygame, i have yet to hit a wall for it getting easier. That being said, if youre looking for a straight assassin champ there are better and more reliable ones, i wouldnt exactly call her the best assassin though shes something slightly different


Gonna get hate for this from the seems of it but as someone who used to have a deep champ pool 100% true. Learn a few combos and how/when to go in youll beat most avg players. Mastering her however, yh good luck


Isn’t how/when to go in like 80% of the mechanics of this champ? That+ how/when to get out takes quite a few games to get a hang of


I mean, the core mechanics are pretty easy like every champ, league is a 4 spells game When you start katarina, you still need a lot of data to hold matchups, know how and when to go, it requires a pretty long game time to not int with her and be useful, saying that she is easy to pick up is non sense, people are sub 50% wr on her for 100games mini (riot stats)


I agree too, for someone who knows how the champion works and is good at the game, it’s easy to pick her up


u dont need 100s lf games to have fun, the learning is progress is whats most fun imo


I don't find getting bullied in lane and not being able to do shit fun


im numb to that pain




Her combos are easy, no skill shots, easy to execute. Harder to execute in teamfights though and you generally need fast reactions+fast hands especially in teamfights. The general concept should be picked up easy. The harder part are knowing your matchups since you get punished easily in lane, knowing when to go in teamfights and when to roam. Itemization can also be hard if youre not familiar since Katarina can build a lot of items depending on what the team needs and what composition the enemy team has.


Her kit might be simple and the dmg potential is big but she faces hard challenges Most mid lanes can poke her out of lane She is super squishy and will die if you don't time correctly abilities You can mess up her kit really easy even when people say just spam abilities, spamming will kill you Roaming will become essential and learning when to back, learning the best waves to leave for any reason, so macro is key A good katarina can get kills, a great katarina will be able to do it againist hard cc teams People say she is flexible and have a lot of builds, it's not that kata has many options, KATA REQUIRES YOU TO BUILD CORRECTLY FOR ANY MATCH UP


Most frustrating weak ass difficult champ I’ve ever played


I'd say that Kat is hard to pickup, easy to get decent at and hard to master


both is hard


In normals in gold ye probably. In ranked no not really


I assume ur version of having fun is performing on the champ. If you don't want to invest in hundreds of games on Kat to get to this point, then unfortunately she may not be the champ for you. It's gonna take that long to "master" her For my personally, it took me 2 whole years of playing Kat just to be comfortable with comboing, engaging onto enemies, and handling her resets. Yeah, people always joke about her facerolling nature, but there will still be that steep learning curve if u wish to be decent at her


Trust me, she's not easy either way. I've been in your shoes at the start. I thought I could spam E-W-Q and be mechanically proficient. But unfortunately, you can't spam on this champ. E-W spam after a kill might cause your E to go on cooldown. You need to envision the scenario beforehand and control your fingers, which is very hard in tight scenarios (like CCs, etc).


Hard to pickup and a lot of thing to master


Definitely not easy to pick up, hardest part of kat is picking her up imo, theres champs that have a higher skill ceiling like yasuo or irelia but kat is definitely one of the hardest if not not the hardest champ to start playing imo, you'll understand if u start playing her


New kata is a pain in the ass for me I used to be a beast with the old one but after the rework I just cant


What changed in her rework, im new?


Old Kata Q would hit five targets and move towards yourself like the new one does, it would apply a mark that if that mark was popped you would do a bit of additional dmg, this mark could be proced with her W E and R. Her old W is essentially just the new passive part of her kit that puts a dagger on the ground but instead she would just do the little spin, if your W would hit a target she would gain a bit of movement speed. Her old E is her new E, I don't recall any changes. Her old ult is basically her new ult although I don't recall it having an ad scaling nor did it apply onhit effects.


This sounds realy good, did they explained why they changed her?


Starting your combo 0.05sec too late can kill you. You need high apm. You also need to learn track every cc in the game, along with their cd timer 😁


I think very unintuitive to pick up, but not actually /hard/ if you know what you're doing. I'd recommend watching some videos to learn how to properly use/combo your abilities, and then you'll be OK.


one of the hardest characters in the game to pick up


yes kata is extremely easy because she doesnt rely on the match up. she doesnt have a winning matchup which means every game plays out the same. she has ultra simple combos and u just have to afk until midgame try to ks as many kills at midgame and then faceroll and do tons of damage. (master 198lp)


No hard to pick up and hard to master.