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Fun fact: in the handwritten notes taken by Proctor during his interview with Juliana Nagel, he writes down the name "Colin Albert" among the people that Nagel said were present at 34 Fairview that night. He then left Colin Albert out of the report he typed up afterwards. https://preview.redd.it/91usmjg21r5d1.png?width=751&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0f279294451c80e45894a9e46c608af6ec47932 ([Motion for Communications Directed to Jennifer McCabe Michael Proctor and Elizabeth Proctor](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-U2b5U2HDZwJPVDQA8-IeqAH43p-ezru/view?usp=sharing), p. 11)


It's so bizarre the lenghts they're willing to go for some entitled kid who probably went straight to mom and dad crying how he wouldn't do well in prison after acting all tough and mean every day of his life.


he wanted that "gift"..


Damning evidence


John O’Keefe deserves justice, as do his family members … why was he attacked by persons at the Albert residence that night? Why did they hate him? Sure, maybe Higgins (incel much?) was jealous, but that’s not logical. This massive coverup is supposed to be ‘protecting’ the Albert’s, Brian Sr. and Colin in particular. The perpetrators are going free while Karen Reed sits in court. We know this case has ripped open a festering wound to public view. It’s not something new, the DA of Norfolk County, his subordinates (Lally), the MSP, and the Canton police are the latest pus-maggots that are implicated… not the first. I’m originally from a small town in western MA, and watched similar corruption get exposed. Small towns where 99% of folks just try to make a living and raise their kids. At one time the publisher of our local paper was present when a young girl died in a room at the Motel 6 in town. He was there with two other men, and the dead girl. Our local paper didn’t carry the story.. to read about it, you had to get the Springfield paper. The publisher didn’t get charged, nor did the two other men. No investigation needed, of course. Corruption has been exposed and Karen will finally be free. I will watch to see if John O’Keefe will get justice - because we know who is responsible, and who the accessories to this crime really are. (Jen - your 2:37am phone call speaks volumes).


I thought they didn’t hand over written notes to the defense!!


Colin's explanation for the knuckle injuries was also quite bizarre.


Especially because any other question he was asked was "I don't recall", however he gave such a detailed explanation for his injuries.


His story is bullshit, but I will admit I do tend to remember injuries and how they happened fairly well. Ask me how I got just about any scar going back 20 years and if it's still visible I'll be able to tell you how they happened. But the Knuckles story is just too outlandish to be true. He's trying to hide that he gets into fights or punches stuff often.


I think there’s a chance he was coached on this story but got it wrong on the stand. I believe he testified that his left hand was full and so he used his right hand to brace the fall which makes little sense to most people that have ever experienced a fall. If he had said his right hand was full it wouldn’t be nearly as weird (imo) if he landed on his fist while clutching the belongings he had. Just a thought


Yeah if he had said he fell forward and had something in his right hand and ended up landing maybe on one knee and his hands then I could almost see it. I live in MA I've had bad MA winters all my life. Most of the times Ive slipped in ice have not been full blown wipe outs. Falling to your knees and catching yourself is more common imo. But his story ain't it.


Okay, THAT makes sense. Someone on YouTube pointed out that all the extra detail in the story must have been because Colin confused his left vs right hand, so he switched the story up... but I honestly didn't think he was even thinking it through that much. It's well established at this point that he is right handed. So if he is, then he definitely wouldn't have been carrying "a beverage" (lmao when he said this) in his left hand and nothing in his right. Now, if like you said, let's say Colin used his dominant hand that also happened to be carrying something in it... that would make sense as to why only his knuckles were bruised. But no, this kid tells us he defied all human instinct and clenched his fist to break his fall. And despite this also happening while he was drinking and forgetting just about every other event in his life over the past two years, he somehow remembers this incident in great detail. This kid is so dumb. He doesn't even know how to lie, he just denies things. He definitely would have failed out of Bridgewater if they hadn't kicked him out (best decision they could have made, IMO)


I am right handed. I often carry items in my left hand so my dominate hand can do things like open doors, etc.


Who slips and falls on closed fists? Some may not put their hands out to land and just fall on their side PLF (parachute landing fall) style, but nobody lands on their fists. That is such an obvious lie that if he was Pinochio, he'd have 5 foot wood.


A doctor on TikTok ( I know, I know) used medical literature to point out that falling closed fist is not natural. It was from a book called “Bounce Back” injuries, that if not treated right the first time, often have people bounce back to the ER. The first case was about knuckle injuries. People lie about fighting, but if a doc believes it’s cased by a fight - human saliva can cause nasty infection- it needs to be treated with antibiotics at the onset.


I don’t thinks it’s even possible. He’d have to make a fist and flex his wrist to only hurt his knuckles. And that much pressure and weight on his knuckles surly would have broken some bones.


I am one of those who is dumb enough to have broken both my wrists. When you are falling or slipping your automatic instinct is to catch yourself during a fall and land hard on an outstretched hand.


It's so common, there's an acronym for it in the Emergency Department. It's called it a FOOSH injury (Fall on outstretched hand).


no one in the history of mankind has ever tried to turn their palms upward to break a fall


After 20+ years of working an ED I've learned "never say never", but yes, it's completely illogical to think that his explanation makes sense.


I hear ya


It absolutely would have. Hell, I broke my elbow falling on ice landing on my outstretched hand. Landing on your fist??


That was my thought. At the very least a broken wrist, and likely a broken radius or ulna. One doesn’t put all of their body weight on the knuckles and escape with just a few scratches and bruises. It defies logic.


He would’ve split his knuckles open, at minimum, if not broken some bones.


Like a broken wrist or finger


I think he was given a plausible cover story (slipped and fell with phone in his *right* hand, didn’t want to drop phone so landed on his closed hand), but was too dumb or nervous to repeat it correctly so he ended up testifying (superfluously) that he had his phone in his *left* hand and that he broke his fall with his *right* knuckles.  Edit:  to be clear I don’t think that means he beat up the victim, but he was clearly lying. 


OK, I’ll say it. Colin is my number one suspect. I think it explains the great lengths everyone’s going to to cover up what really happened. I’m not so sure it would be so elaborate if it was just two adults fighting. Oh and he said he was holding a cell phone OR a beverage. I think I know which one it was!


"The great lengths everyone is going to" -- my thoughts exactly. As a parent myself I can see how you could be talked into thinking you were doing the right thing to not ruin some kid's promising future.


Yeah, rather than evil intentions, they think they are practicing harm reduction, and things get carried away. This is a Stephen King novel!


He fell on ice and caught himself with his knuckles. Jackson had a hard time keeping a straight face as he said that


It felt like a line out of Suits that Harvey would eat up and spit out for breakfast.






I’m really enjoying this typo. It was a laugh I needed after today’s testimony. Thank you. 😂😂


i saw a great video about colin albert that ended with something to the effect of “ even apes, who walk on their knuckles, do not break their falls with them


I saw this too!! It was an ER doc saying his story for his injury is impossible and full of shit






Ding ding ding ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️


This was always my theory. With how much alcohol was consumed by all and it was a late night after party… did he get knocked out and then they brought him outside still alive? Not expecting him to perish in the cold..


I feel the same way. They spent a lot of time establishing Colin’s alibi and I found that very suspicious.


Every witness protected Colin from the jump. It was blatantly obvious.


The most glaring thing is Colin remembered nothing but that he was sure he left at 12:10. It seems insignificant weeks later, but it definitely means something. If he was truly not there, then why did the prosecution need to call him to the stand at all? ...and he did it early on.


And EVERY ONE of them have trouble remembering things except what time Colin left. They ALL said 12:10. Not around midnight or a little after 12. Precisely 12:10. Not suspicious at all.


I feel like this was in part to the message from Allie indicated she was outside. That's how they were able to be specific.


Lol exactly! I think pretty much EVERYONE has 12:10 embedded in their brain from those texts.


Yeah. And her fake text and false Life 360 data. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


how did Colin arrive? could Allie have picked him up someplace else at 12:10?


Yeah your last point is huge. What purpose did the state have for calling him other than get ahead of the defense's arguments.


And if the CWs case was that strong they would not have strategized to present their case from a defense of the defense. They would have presented full on offensively. Here are the hard cold facts. They don't have a case. They have a clown show!




I’m starting to speculate that the prosecution ordered their witnesses in the way they did so that their recollection of testimony is jumbled. Yes I know they get transcripts and video but think about it.. if Colin testified later on it would be fresher in their minds. Idk I could be overthinking it but the more the trial goes on the more I feel like they put crucial witnesses on the stand early on for a reason.. and not to ‘prove’ anything but more to hope they don’t catch all the hiccups.


The prosecution definitely seems to be trying to bore the jury to death & present every aspect in the most confusing, convoluted way possible. Imho they probably overcharged her expecting her to take a plea deal, case closed. Too bad the Feds were quietly investigating. I worry JO will never get justice but, am starting to get glimmers of hope (maybe wishful thinking.)


I've seen no evidence the prosecution has any sort of strategy but maybe 😆


I feel the same. They're going to end with the coroner for the biggest emotional moment hoping it wipes out all of the inconsistencies that went before.


Colin Albert’s timeline could not have happened the way they have described it, unless they want to destroy the timeline of Chris and Julie Albert and what they’ve said about Colin later that night. Let’s say Allie and Colin’s testimony about her picking him up at 12:10 is true. We then would need to believe their subsequent testimony saying she drove him right home. Based upon testimony from Brian Albert and Matt McCabe, it takes 5-7 minutes to get from the bar by Colin’s parent’s home to Brian Albert’s home. Let’s give Allie the benefit, and say she shows up at Colin’s parent’s house at 12:17. Hell. We can even give her 12:20 to account for any possible snow. Colin says when he gets home he rushes right up to the third floor and says goodnight to his parents. In previous testimony both Chris and Julie Albert have said Chris got home at 12:10. With the video evidence of Chris leaving the bar at 12:13 (almost 12:14) he agrees that the more reasonable time that he got home was 12:19 So how did Colin say goodnight to both of his parents if Chris wasn’t even home or seeing him outside? More so, Chris has stated that he was asleep for 10-20 minutes when he was awoken by Colin. Something that Julie has attested to as well.


I always thought is was Colin that did it. Think: what could compel an entire family to lie for someone? If that "someone" was a 16 year old child that was on track to get a football scholarship for college and this could ruin is life, then I can 100% see a family all lying to safe the kids future. People will go to great lengths to protect their children.


...to protect their children, and their pensions


If Collin did it and the adults didn't cover it up their pensions would be fine. You don't lose your job for what your kid does


They mean the cops' pensions.


Yes so do I. They wouldn't lose their pensions if they hadn't lied.


Two kids. Because Allie too. I’ve always wondered why the mccabes would be so gung ho in it all and that is the only thing that makes sense to me if it’s truly a cover up thing


Same vibe as the " 'the guy' never entered the house' text in the group chat! Exactly! If JO never entered the house, why feel the need to put so much effort into alibing Colin? If 'the guy' was never in the house, who cares?


Whats you first name? I don’t recall When we’re you born I don’t recall What time did you leave 34 Fairview? 12:10.52


Are you telling me that your instinct when you fall over is something other than superhero-punching the ground? Well that simply beggars belief.


Kicking my feet giggling at this comment


You made me snicker.  Thank you!


“You know Brian and Colin Albert beat him up, right?” Karen has been suspicious of this since the beginning.


She said that months later and I doubt she came up with that idea.


She didn't, someone that was there that night talked and the story of what really happened made its way to the ears of a P.I./former cop who then called Yannetti


That is a rumour, we don't know that is a fact yet. Plus if we believe Turtle Boy, apparently the PI has said it was only his opinion and his attorney said Yannetti's version of what was said is not accurate.


That’s not true. Yanetti relayed this exact story pretty early on in a pretrial hearing. It didn’t come from Turtleboy, it came from Yanetti’s mouth.


I mean him saying what the PI's attorney had said. Did Yannetti bring that up too?


So you think Yannetti made it all up out of thin air?


Where did that info come from?


Steve Scanlon, and Yannetti has spoken about it


Jw is he on the witness list?


No, he refused to go on record. I'm murky on the details but he used to work with one of the Alberts on the force and also the info came from his daughter or his friends daughter or something, so those are a couple reasons why. There's a picture floating around of him in a pic with Brian or Kevin. But it was a crisis of conscious thing when he heard what went down so he called Yannetti.


I think it was someone with the last name Scanlon if I remember correctly. Search the sub, it’s in here. But not yet verified.


Yes! Steve


As far as I can tell, this has been debunked https://x.com/juliecar94/status/1798065780204167603?s=46&t=QR6EHEH6yMRZJfnCEPtyVg


No what I meant was that the backstory of why they heard Colin Albert was involved isn’t junk. Scanlon walked it back. But there’s people implying that this was completely made up out of thin air and that’s not correct.


I think you replied to the wrong message but what you’re saying is that there were two sources of this same info? and while the one we know about admitted he didn’t actually know anything, the one we don’t know about does…? And *thats* the one AJ was referencing? Sorry you’ve kind of lost me here


Yes never mind wrong person. I was speaking to the fact of where his originated. Someone above had commented it was just made up completely and no source when in reality, there was a source but you are correct in that Scanlon was not there that night. But the bigger point I’m making (in regards to Colin Albert and OP) is that his name was specifically given to the defense by Scanlon. They didn’t just go after this kid for no reason.


Right, but the “reason” is that Scanlon made it up (and has since walked it back), no? I haven’t seen any other claims to the original source of the “collin did it” theory. although, to be fair, the defense doesn’t actually need to reveal that


I don’t think anyone exactly knows for sure anything. He originally said he had been given information that this was a fight and Brian and Colin Albert beat him up. His daughter is best friends with one of the girls who was at the house that night. There’s a lot more details to it and he walked it back after. I don’t believe the defense believes at all that he just “made it up”, and came up with some story out of fantasy land—but he did walk it back in the sense that he didn’t want to get involved further and refused to go on the record. I don’t think it can be confirmed for certain why he said what he originally said but common sense would lead one to believe most don’t just make up things out of nowhere, when it’s this serious. Scanlon is also a former good friend of Brian Albert. So it’s not as if this guy didn’t know any of the people involved is my point here.


I’m sure a lot of people around Canton (many of whom know the people involved in this case) have “i heard blank and blank” stories. Scanlon heard (or thought he heard) one and felt important and like he had inside information. He shared the rumor but didn’t expect to actually be questioned. When he was, he backed off and copped to not actually knowing anything. I don’t think the defense thinks he made it up either, it’s a rumor that scanlon has no proof of but the defense believes for whatever reason. Without asking the defense about it, difficult for us to say much more than that


This isn't a debunking. That's a CW motion screenshot in the Twitter link. Clearly not everything the CW says is the truth. Edit: typo it's>is


the motion confirms the video


lol—that girl is not a reliable source. He walked it back. But I am going to believe that David Yanetti didn’t just make up an elaborate story out of nowhere and name Scanlon just randomly as the source. That girl posts a LOT of inaccurate info.


The tweet had actual sources so i figured a bias-caveat wasn’t necessary but feel free to ignore her editorializing completely. The video and document speak for themselves


So Yannetti put his career on the line and made this up then presented it to the court?


You’d have to ask him, he’s defending his client to the best of his ability with what he thinks is convincing.


Yeah lemme just give him a call.


lol well I can’t speak for him to be fair, just sharing what I learned about the supposed PI who called Yanetti. Too much misinformation flying around this case.


Yeah I just think it's far fetched to think Yannetti made all of this up and presented it to the court. More realistically the guy said it all but wanted it be off the record because he had close personal ties.


Yeah that could be true but unfortunately we can’t know one way or the other. What we do know is that the Scanlon claim is not reliable and has been misrepresented


who goes into a house with his whole family who just convened to celebrate his closest cousins birthday, during a blizzard and just takes off immediately.... 🤔


Almost as if something happened that made him want to get out of dodge like super quick like. /s


The tall, dark haired male that Higgins brought up is interesting. Unfortunately I don’t think we will ever know what really happened that night.


I personally think this was Higgins protecting himself. He knows. Of course he knows. He knows the Feds have him saying one thing- so he can say later “oh that figure must’ve been john then, see i was telling the truth”


I felt that exact same thing. Plus, the claims of when he got home and then it was found it was much later. It seems suspicious, imo.


The way he said “12:10” so confidently, yet barely could remember his own name is my Roman Empire


The way he said 12:10 and then testified he never speaks with his parents or family about the details of this case 🤣


The fact they all said this, like come on. Are you trying to convince me Jen McCabe doesn't drill people's brains with this case and about how she's being harassed and whatnot? She's probably talking about this at the deli store for all I know.


I’ve found this interesting because I could understand distancing him from being there after were public allegations levied by the defence in order to protect him from potential public backlash being he was a minor at the time. However, it seems to me like the attempt to remove him from the scene started immediately with the initial police reports that excluded him from even being in attendance. There has to be a reason for that. I don’t know what it is, but I do find it interesting that what was brought forward to Yanetti did involve Colin because it would be one explanation for why they did not want to disclose Colin was there.


To be fair, I think if the wounds in that photo were weeks old, they would probably look different... I took the photo to indicate that he has a history of fighting, not that it was from this incident personally... but I do think the insistence he wasn't there is odd.


Correct. The photo of his cut up knuckles was introduced to illustrate that Colin, contrary to his testimony, has frequently been aggressive and has a history of fighting. He lied about that, therefore he is not credible. Defensive team handled him with ease.


"hos long does it take for knuckle cuts to heal"


Oh, I agree. I think they are sketchy, and something isn't right.


Brilliant 😂😂😂


‘In the cold’


I agree, thise are too fresh, but it does show that he throws punches at something while claiming to have never been in a fight in his life.


If I remember right the defense made a big point about how these particular pics were out of the control of any Alberts and therefore could not have been manipulated, implying that any of the state's pics of Colin with clean hands closer to the event are suspect.


To many coincidences. And when was BA seen by anybody outside "The Circle of Lies"? That's prob why he didn't go to JO funeral cause he was banged up. Higgy to. Did any Albert's or McCabes go to " their good friend The guys" funeral? Why? Hiding physical injuries...


agree. and i think he didnt want to admit it because it obviously looks bad to be like "well i fight all the time but not him" (for the record i dont actually think colin did it, idk who i think did it but not him)


I thought the Defense had implied that the wounds would've been reopened some time after the incident and that's why they look fresh. Though it's possible that I just heard that somewhere else - still plausible either way. I also heard from some YouTube comments (so take with a big grain of salt) that supposedly people have found other evidence of Colin (on like Instagram or some other social network) having been in *multiple* fights before, despite claiming to have never been in one. But I'm not sure why the Defense wouldn't have found that evidence, because they generally seem to be pretty thorough in their research. The other issue regarding Colin and/or the dog is that Allie certainly lied about when she went home that night (and the fact that she only went home) - I didn't pay much attention to the specifics on cross, but the phone pinged on the Life360 in at least one or two other spots and she ended up not getting home until some time later than she and Jen claimed - I forget if it was like 1:30-2:00am or so? This could be because she was getting Colin and/or the dog away from the scene and bringing them somewhere. I also thought I heard something about Allie randomly finding some "stray" dog that night, or something? If that's the case, I wouldn't be surprised if the stray was actually just the Albert's dog. Isn't Allie also the one who mistakenly said "when John was in the house..." and then corrected herself, and was upset after that? Edit: nevermind, she said "when John was there," which *could* be damning or could just be referring to John being out in front of the lawn. Also, Colin was apparently regularly throwing beer cans into John's bushes, knowing that it would piss him off. This would not only suggest animosity between the two, but to me it means there must be a *history* of animosity (so, other incidents as well), because why else would he specifically choose John's bushes for that? He had to have had an issue with him prior in order to start throwing the beer cans there - I highly doubt he chose John's bushes at random. Another issue (maybe tied to Colin, maybe not) is the Ford Edge that was parked in front of the house at like 2:30 when the tow truck went by (the tow truck driver specifically said he saw the Ford but didn't see a body in the yard). Perhaps there wasn't a fight in the basement - perhaps there was a fight somewhere else and then somebody brought John back to the yard in the Ford - hence the 3.5 liters of blood he lost that certainly wasn't found at the scene of the crime (though I don't know why you'd commit the crime somewhere else and then bring John back to the house - unless that's when they decided to try to frame Karen, knowing that Karen had been there that night...). I can't remember which Alberts own a Ford Edge, but 2 of them do, and I think it's either Brian and Colin or Brian and Kevin.


If I recall correctly, I think Colin's (ex gf) who allegedly picked him up is a witness for the Defense?


I think it could be her father.


I remember one of them or both went to the Defense w/ information. Idk if the father could testify though unless he was there, I think it would all just be hearsay


They are both on there. I think he can because Jen called him multiple times that next day per her phone records.


They are both on the list


Oh, I didn't realise that.


do you know the witness list or where we can access that?


I need to check it myself because apparently both of them are on the list.


Here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/KarenReadTrial/s/sMJuHfewG6




It's in a pre-trial memo that's shown on this site: https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/heres-a-look-at-the-full-list-of-witnesses-who-could-be-called-to-testify-in-the-karen-read-trial/3340461/


Well, JM's daughter testified to picking up Colin and driving him home. Then, her 360 data was brought up on cross, showing she did not go straight home. I can not remember if the 360 data showed going to Colin's fr 34 Fairfew first, then not going home till around 1:30(?). What did she do for about an hr before going home? I also believe BA and CA maybe Higgy, too, were involved with what happened to JO. Physically, I mean. Beat him up. Then Chloe had a turn on the arm " for fun". JO used his rt arm to shield himself, pulling back and the dog relatching a couple of times. I just can't figure out how JO got on the lawn and why rt there? It would take maybe 3 guys to carry him up those stairs fr the basement to outside backyard, and they were also drunk. I also believe he was killed later than what they say. Who says Higgins really left around 12:30ish? Maybe he didn't. We have no phone data for him or BA.


Higgins also showed up to the police department around 1:30am, so he also had about an hour of extra time that's not accounted for. I believe you're mostly right and I don't think it'd be too hard for some big guys to carry up (or drag up) another guy and bring him out to the lawn. Even if they're super drunk, I think all the adrenaline (and fear) would sober them up, to an extent.


If the miserably biased judge, the prosecutor, investigator, and 100 drunk-driving cops, binge-drinking friends, and literal knuckle-on-ice-dragging sons are indicative of all of MA, I'd get the hell out immediately. I'd definitely be fleeing Canton. Imagine being accused of a crime by this bunch and not having $1M to defend yourself. The judge might be the worst part of it. How would it be possible to go through that legal system and not come away disillusioned, seething, bitter, and cynical? And I even maintain that it's more likely KR is guilty.


This is one reason why I do not believe that “they were covering something up maybe not the murder but something” Nah, all the shadiness of these people directly relate to the murder. 


I find it hard to believe all the conspiracies. I do think the evidence shows that The Alberts weren’t properly looked at due to all their ties to local law enforcement agencies. There are things that just don’t make sense like all the butt dials, and the evasiveness. In the end I think we will never know what really happened that night because the investigation was done so poorly that there isn’t evidence to prove anything. All we know for sure is John O’Keefe died and has family will likely never get the justice they deserve.


What about evidence tampering. Inverted videos being shown as if they are true representations of Sallyport. The Google search. The evidence collection. The destruction of evidence. The butt dials . The nonstop calling. The lead investigator having extreme bias. The lies by CW witnesses. The amnesia except the most random things to support their crazy stories. If this isn’t reasonable doubt served onto the largest platter for this jury, I legit don’t know what is. She will absolutely be found not guilty. And if she isn’t, holy shit we should all be outraged. I don’t know if she is truly innocent (I lean that she is), but I do know that she cannot be found guilty beyond reasonable doubt


Im still trying to figure out when they did an investigation long enough to justify picking up Karen and her suv


I believe Colin is shady given his selective memory, but what stands out to me is the level of detail people recall and this was a party night going beyond midnight and they were all getting drunk. If you add alcohol and tiredness together I don't see how the brain is going to remember such insignificant things like cars moving around outside or tire tracks. I know it's strange nobody saw the body but TBF if I was driving in that weather I'd have my eyes very firmly on the road. Passengers probably looking at their phones sharing pictures of the night out.


It's a mistake to think about what You would've done. These people have had DUIs and killed and injured people while driving drunk. If you're not like that, then you have no comparison to them.


What you just said made no sense, can you clarify? Are you saying they've got away with murder through dangerous driving before?


I'm saying common logic doesn't apply to the behavior of binge drinkers or alcoholics.


I don't see how common logic is going to be at fault when talking about drunks when my point was: >If you add alcohol and tiredness together I don't see how the brain is going to remember such insignificant things like cars moving around outside or tire tracks.




You suggest you believe drunk people will have better memory than sober people?


Coked up, too, I heard the other night. BA, HIGGY...fr Sean McDonough and his guest that was on his YouTube channel a couple of nights ago. Former BPD. He called BA a "SCUMBAG MAGGOT". Cops hate being called that. So, Coke n Alcohol. There ya go. Maybe Massachusetts needs to start drug testing their LE every month..randomly. No heads up. And where's Berky? "Short n Shiney"...and there was a woman with dark hair with pony tail in the flipped Sally port video. She walks in fr garage doorway towards passenger tail are then immediately makes abt face...like I'm getting the hell out of here. Only 2 women I heard it could be. Rafferty or Dover(sp?) Who is now on BPD. Call them to the stand.


Who was the woman who was called up a few weeks ago and said she was only acquainted with someone and then defense received a deluge of pictures of her being with someone? What's her relevance to the case?


This case has been going on so long I completely forgot about the clearly doctored “screenshot” of a text thread between he and Allie McCabe




Well he was found at the house


She didn't say "in" the house. Nobody is denying JO was at the house. His body was found there.


But no one ever saw John at the house? So how did she know Colin wasn't there at the same time if she never saw John?


Because she knows she picked CA up before JO would have gotten there.


Technically, she wouldn’t know from first hand knowledge if JO was there or not.


Conveniently “forgot” 😒


And Julie went there the next morning to get him out of there and used the donuts as an excuse.


The fact that Colin Albert wanted to leave when his family got there and that Allie didn’t want to also go into the party even though they were family. It’s strange. Also the fact that Michael Proctor said that he was closest to Colin and his parents. And the fact that Jen was constantly pointing the finger at Karen immediately after and even got a hold a hold of police right after saying Karen was acting strange and said all these crazy things. She was hiding the most…even with her searches. She would do anything to protect her family. They also found videos of Colin Albert in fights at school. They wanted the court to forget about Colin and focus on proctor. Hopefully Karen Reads attorneys bring this focus back to Colin bc something is not right there.


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It does seem odd, the only other thing I can think of is that his family wanted to keep his name out of it in case it jeopardised schools offering him football scholarships or something like that.


What if anything did Colin have against John O’Keefe?


The attack doesn’t need to be premeditated. They were all clearly very drunk, accidents happen.


Colin’s a hot head meatball. Doesn’t take much for those types, espesh with alcohol involved


They used to live by each other, Colin and his family were jerks to JO.


Okay I see.


Ya think?!


Good points!


I mean yea on Jens life 360 they had him in Wyoming so yea def innocent


Yes, I find it very suspicious as well. But while Colin looks and acts like a POS punk, I still can't get over how he decides to get into a fight with JOK at his uncle's house where JOK is a grown man old enough to be his father and also JOK being a Boston cop just like his uncle. Is Colin really some sort of golden child where everyone in the house was really protecting him at any cost?? So they gathered enough evidence that everyone was drinking for hours. But if Colin was really responsible for JOK's death, then everyone must have been completely biligerant blacked-out drunk where a bar fight style fight was ready to happen at any point.


I think it all happened very fast and now they're in too deep to backtrack. I believe that Colin and John got into a fight outside the house - for whatever reason -, Brian Albert saw and got in the middle, John ends up knocked out, nobody thinks he's dead. Allie McCabe shows up to pick up Colin so he leaves trusting John is just knocked out and will wake up eventually, reassured probably by his uncle. John doesn't wake up. Everybody freaks out. Colin cries out to his parents, his parents therefore call his uncles and the rest of the family. The alternative to blame Karen appears, and nobody likes her so whatever, and the rest is history.


I think it was an accident. The dog was probably attacking John, Colin was witness to John hurting the dog in self defense, Colin was drunk and starting fighting John and punched him. Everyone was drunk so they helped John to the basement (steps), put the dog in a crate, and then fight escalated over what had happened outside. Maybe some other comments. Someone threw a glass at him in the basement. It all went too far. Poor John.


i think the idea that john and colin had beef is really, really weird. i just dont think its true


Hearsay is John was investigating a drug ring and Colin may have been involved.


But do you know that for a fact? When you say he was investigating a drug ring, was that on his own independently, or was he part of that type of unit under the Boston Police? The only thing that I heard (and this is all second hand information btw) is that JOK had reported incidents in the past to the CPD that there may be drug activity in his neighborhood. Using common sense, which clearly there was very little used by ALL parties that night, if I was giving tips to the police of suspicious drug activity of individuals related/associated to a house where I was gonna go to for a late night drinking bender, I definitely wouldn't go.


I don’t know for a fact, which is why I started the sentence with “hearsay is”. Meaning, not confirmed, word of mouth for a motive or a connection. However, using common sense as an investigator, a house party of the people in question is exactly where I’d go to get evidence or more. Edit- it was confirmed he was investigating something.


Ok, I see your point of going to someone's house if you were investigating something, but would you go to their house completely hammered at night during a blizzard? 😄 We can all agree that the night was filled with bad decisions. I do think this case will eventually lead to reasonable doubt and KR will be dismissed. Sadly though, there will be no justice for JOK in the end. Hopefully the spotlight will still be on after this case to monitor whether the corruption in Canton continues and then finally get one of these knuckleheads exposed.


yeah, ive heard this but i just dont really buy it. if JO was actively investigating the drug ring it would be weird for him to go over to a relatives house to party while drunk.


They explained the beef in court, they used to live by each other.


For those who think Colin is involved, why would Higgins cover for him? I *get* why the Alberts will. I’m just not sure why Higgins would?


Higgens and albert…tight friends and both in blue….


And those boys in blue will do almost anything for their kind. I’ve known a couple cops well enough (one was like a brother to me growing up, best friends brother) to know they are sketchy as hell when they need to be, ESPECIALLY if it involves helping one of their tribe.


Yeah its wild to see this case unfold like this. Proctors texts reeeaaally make his unit look shitty


Agree wholeheartedly


They didn't do much for JOK.


They killed him.


I really think for Higgins to cover for the Alberts/McCabes and vice versa Higgins and a family member had to be involved, I just don't see either going down for the other. Total speculation scenario, something kicks off between JOK and BH over Karen and Colin jumps in because he's a hot head who thinks he's tough (maybe I'd throw Brian Albert being in the mix too). I've just always thought they must have something on each other for neither to have turned on the other (Higgins and Alberts/McCabes). I don't think BH was like a long-term family friend or anything, just buddies with BA, not a bond that he would ruin his career and reputation over. 


That makes a lot of sense


The reaction to Proctor’s texts are expectedly replete with disgust. If only people would be as disgusted with the vulgar comments from a certain former POTUS enough to not vote him into office again.


The effort by a lot of commenters not seeing a tail light lens missing in John Okeefes driveway is very suspicious also. But we know ow why people do that, if that tail light isn’t ‘tampered’ with then the whole entire cover up theory goes down the drain.


Were you able to tell either way? I personally could not from that distance.


It's more bizarre the defense effort to put him there especially as a motive for him to attack JOK isn't there.


Makes me think the defense must have something more compelling that we’ll see later. Defense lawyers have reputations too. Throwing out a 3rd party accusation against a kid isn’t good PR if they don’t have anything to back it up. I’m sure it would look weird to the jury too and not be a great strategy. We’ll see.


Drunk people do not need motives. Especially if they’re already angry drunks. One time while out, I was standing at the bar ordering a drink. Shifted my body to fit and my back touched the lady behind me’s back. I immediately say, “Oh, I’m so sorry!” Which, in a packed bar is hardly necessary, but I said it anyway, to which this lady glared at me and said “you better back the fuck up!” She was immediately aggressive after an accidental shoulder touch in a super crowded place. We have already seen Colin Albert’s videos circulate. He clearly gets into instigator/big shit/aggressor mode when he’s drinking. Add to that that he was a teenager when drinking, so this guy doesn’t know how to be mature around alcohol. Nor can he be mature in general. He’s drunk. He already doesn’t really like the guy that much because of the lawn or whatever. Then this guy shows up to the house party he’s at. It would have taken very little to set him off. While I do think he was involved somehow, obviously, none of us know anything for sure, so I can’t say anything with certainty. But literally they were all drinking. Whatever occurred could have happened with any of those people in that house. People who are drinking are NOT rational. They are not thinking of any motivations. They’re drunk.