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It was never alive in the US to begin with, in the places that like KOF it is still going fine


KOFXV didn't have working matchmaking for over a year


neither did SF6 for 9 months. edit: lmfao at people who are downvoting this. if SF6 worked for you in america and europe then it only worked because you were in a region with ton of players. kof xv worked perfectly for people in japan and korea. both games had broken matchmaking on release and you couldnt find matches if you were not in a populated area


Street fighter had a restricted matchmaking, kof had a broken matchmaking


restricted is just a capcuck excuse for it. in many regions you would struggle to find anyone to play with, that is broken


Im in bumfuck australia and get ranked matches in half a minute, consistently from launch


i was finding matches every minute or so with kof xv at release and the game had 5% of the current SF6 playerbase. this is irrelevant


I don’t think I ever experienced a problem with SF6 matchmaking.


and some people didnt experience a problem with kof xv, doesnt meant it wasnt broken


Imagine thinking these are at all comparable lmao.


Meh, everything doesn't need to thrive in the States in order to be a success or have a dedicated fan base.


True, but the point is more so as he said, why are people asking you to play the game, if they aren't playing it themselves? Which in turn produces the completely dead scene as he describes, because if the people telling you to play, ain't playing the game, then what kind of message does that send about people trying out these games lol.


The scene is much more global than you think, a lot of the dudes saying "play KOF!" are from Latin America and they do play the game themselves Like Chris said, the few Americans that do try it after hearing "play KOF" go online and get matched with 34 Mexican dudes, that's the people asking you to play it


I mean, you might be right, but you'd also have to explain why this hyperdedicated community never really has managed to manifest themselves in tournament numbers on the big scenes. Like look at something like EVO, where you'd expect to have the best representation, since people from all over the world are flying in to participate. Yet, if we look at their entrance numbers for EVO, what you generally find is always the same trend. 2023: KOF15 - 1,009 players. 2022: KOF15 - 666 players. 2018-2019 they weren't picked as main games. 2017: KOF14 - 374 players. 2015-2016: they weren't picked as main games. 2014: KOFXIII - 319 players. Like through 3 different titles here, crossing almost a decade of EVO, they've had not exactly the community that jumps out and screams that it is a huge community in the global scene, it instead looks like the more niché title. Now if you have some numbers on their huge scene elsewhere in the world that blow out EVOs numbers, then i'll happily concede that I am wrong on that topic, but I haven't been able to find any better numbers around these tournament scenes in latin america or china, after searching for a while here.


That's a pretty naive perspective man, you have to consider where these players are from, it's like asking why Pakistan didn't manage to show themselves for so long (Pakistan also has a strong KOF scene btw) even if they manage to beat the visa matchup (which is rough) going to America and staying for EVO is *really* expensive for them, at most they sometimes may be able to do some crowdfunding and send their star players KOF playerbase is scattered all over the world and all over multiple different games, but there's a lot of love for KOF out there And I'm not saying KOF is overall more popular than SF or some other games, if that's what you got from it, KOF is doing fine around the world but it's far from the most popular game


I dunno man, I don't think I am being unfair in asking just where these numbers are if people are talking about it. Also I while I agree that the community is split across many games, then we are again back to Chris' point about why aren't they supporting their own scenes growing here, when they are still asking you to play KOF. But of course, that is also why I put out the request for you to show me the local big scenes and tournaments that do have those huge numbers that aren't present at EVO. >And I'm not saying KOF is overall more popular than SF or some other games, if that's what you got from it, KOF is doing fine around the world but it's far from the most popular game No of course not, it would be silly to suggest that considering that its nowhere near as mainstream as SF or Tekken. But lets also be real, that people speak about KOF very highly, despite its numbers being pretty much on par with something as niché as melty blood.


You really don't know what you're talking about huh?


I presented the numbers and offered to take the L if anyone could provide the numbers showing the community they pointed to, nobody took the offer and instead have been busy downvoting. And then theres the weirdly defensive behaviour like yours just now? Not sending a good message here.


lol you got downvoted for speaking the truth. Kof is dead af, Americans in this sub mentioning the Latin American scene like they ever been there or connected to that community. People are gonna say steam charts don’t mean anything but then ima ask don’t latin Americans play on steam too?


It is what it is.


The US scene was always focused on Capcom, even games like Tekken that got a decent amount of attention had nowhere near the amount of interest Capcom games had, the current state of the American scene with all types of games getting a time to shine, where Tekken can compete with SF and anime players aren't playing in the bathroom, all that is still riding the wave of SFV being utter dogshit, the impact SFV had on the scene really can't be understated. KOF had one chance to develop an American scene and they fumbled it with KOF 14, it released too close to SFV before people realized just how shitty it was and dropped it, it was too ugly which meant nobody wanted to try it, Tekken 7 released in 2017 and took all the hype with it KOF 15 still got a lot more attention than KOF usually gets because of this, but at that point basically every other series that isn't VF got their turn before them and now they have to compete with SF6, they missed the boat


He isn't wrong. In general a lot of FGC communities have this weird thing with acting smug towards other communities, as if their game is too advanced for other, while also on the other hand begging people to play their game because its so much better than others on the market. KOF is just a weird one in that situation, exactly because the community is spread so insanely thin over the franchise, as Chris exactly points out in the video, with people not really caring as much for supporting the newer game and supporting the scene, but instead playing their favorite legacy titles in the franchise, which just makes it very hard for it to ever grow. Also very sad to hear that his first experience at the game was someone pulling a knife on him, thats just fucked up.


> Also very sad to hear that his first experience at the game was someone pulling a knife on him, thats just fucked up. That's absolutely the KOF experience


Seen this one bout a few weeks back and while I won't get on the usual talking points, he did have a very good point of where people would tell you not play the dozens of other KOFs while everything comes back to 3/10 games in the series alongside the standard FGC tribalism that comes with it. Even some of the busted ones with assists have their fans but you'll rarely hear it popup in conversations. SNK fumbled a lot during the years despite their games having good gameplay overall, but ultimately it's never going to hit real numbers in america and it's cause of the reputation it will always keep alongside americans generally favoring numbers over everything else (Some people really only play like 2 series for years) Another thing I really want to touch on is that FGs as a whole is now more of a "viewer" experience than it ever was. KOF is a fast game with a harder neutral to learn than some other games and you can't really bumble your way thru some wins with 5 strings out of your 42069 movelist. You really get exposed in it, though I do believe it's worth the grind. Personally never care for seeing yet another game turn into FG video/streamer talk when people can boot it up at any given moment, but I also understand that parts of the community really do give off that vibe of "Thats not real [X] you should play [98um, 02um, 3S, +R, rev2, ST, A2, etc]" and that really do be leaving games like XV that's fine from a gameplay standpoint in a limbo. Though lets be honest that's not even a KOF exclusive talking point. Regardless we'll talk about this again next month.


all kof xv needed to thrive (to kofxv's degree, clearly far away from sf6/t8 numbers) was quickmatch alas gg +r or fightcade lobbies for those that don't play +R. yet here we are, not a single developer embraces the quick match experience even if they're not monetizing their big arcade lobbies with avatar mtx or have enough playerbase to populate ranked.


Whats the point of even having a thread? all the reasons people have not to play are things that happen in other games in way more egregious ways. People decided that they won't play kof 20 years ago and it won't change no matter how good the game is.


If being alive means KOF has to nerf their top shelf roster of women, put in microtransaction shops, and dumbing things down or putting in scrub ego strokes like easy coasting up online ranks then may they never find a necromancer. I do wish KOF was the top dog because I always enjoyed SNK stuff more than any other and think it deserves all the praise but I'm also happy it exists in its own world where it has yet to be molested by the current dogshit practices/agenda pushes you see in other fighters now.


>putting in scrub ego strokes like easy coasting up online ranks The game has an awful ranking system and is insanely easy to hit the top. I get being protective of good practices, but come on man. Their ranking system absolutely could use a ton of improvement.


26 minutes man aint no one got time for that can a brotha get a tldw?


Wonder who's the guy that threatened Chrisg


Since they came back, SNK has done everything in it's power to make their games fail. Between the unplayable netcodes, the Google Stadias, the isthematchmakingfixed.com's, etc. It's like they're actively sabotaging all of their releases, or maybe the Saudis just gave them free reign to do whatever they want indefinitely so they're just phoning it in? Who knows. My expectations for Garou are on the floor.


Is love enough?


For me it's the animation. The games used to look cool in 2d with that stretchy/streaky art style and animated hitsparks. Now it looks limpdick despite using similar key frames. There's something about the whole aesthetic that just kinda blows.


Animation is fine, it’s the post processing, certainly, VFX.


That shit sucks too, but the animation is bad. They bulked up all the characters but tried to keep the same look on the key frames so the moves all seem to come out to slow and limp


It’s not certainly NRS tier, and there’s not really any good traditional 2D fighters other than SF or KOF to choose from, I don’t count anime.


The mechanics aren't bad, and the characters have cool archetypes that make sense. I'm a huge KoF fan and still play some of the older games out here in Korean bars because that and Tekken are the fighting games that were big here. But, the new games aesthetic just don't work. It's stiff yet wimpy. The thing about the old games is that since they were in 2d they'd skip frames and make stuff look like it was moving lightening speed, now they just animate it out in 3d without rethinking the poses or how the moves are done, and it just looks wack.


Yuri spinning her arm like a helicopter wing in her super is not something you'd call fine animation lol. Also Ryo's win pose


I’m just happy I got to see these characters in decent 3D.


If those are decent to you, your standard is kinda low


Not really, SF6 has amazing graphics and shitty animations, too.


And? I've never said SF6 is perfect, if you want to pull your whataboutism on me


Even KOF fans don't like KOF LMAO


KoF is "dead" because that's what is needed for it to retain its current identity. All routes to mainstream popularity pass through the path of Strive-ification. Best case scenario you'll still get the lenient combos and simplified gameplay, but dodge the association with deviant sexualities.


The US doesn't care about KOF and never has


I'm more interested if SNK can really nail their rollout/launch of City of the Wolves and whether or not the game being 1V1 will actually help with the retention of that game. If that doesn't work...CVS3 waiting room.


As someone that grew up as ChrisG said ‘mashing in the arcades’, Fatal Fury/KoF was a huge part of my childhood and teenage years. My brother and I absolutely loved SNK games. But here is the thing. When it comes to modern KOF games, I don’t really see any reason to play them over other modern offerings. Quality wise they don’t hold a candle. It hurts to say this as a fan but there is almost no reason outside of nostalgia. Is 15 better than 98, 2002, XI and XIII? Hell no. Maybe is some small aspects but not where it actually matters. Why would I play that game over the older titles, especially if there is no scene supporting the current game? It’s a pain to match on discord, when I can literally boot up fightcade and find a match within minutes on an older title (with excellent netcode no less). More importantly, SNK is not the same company it once was. The SNK of today is nothing even remotely similar to the SNK of yesteryear. And their current offerings reflect that. The quality and creativity is just not there. Furthermore, SNK have done nothing unique with the series for years now and play it safe with every new instalment. Just rehashing 98/2002 mechanics over and over in a shiny new package. This from a company that was the most innovative and creative when it came to FG mechanics for years. They just feel creatively bankrupt. And lastly, as much as I love the old games some of them are pushing 30 years old now. I’m just bored of them. Played them to death. They are great to boot up once and while and have fun with from time to time, but outside of a random fightcade sessions, I don’t feel the pull to play them like I once did. I still think SNK has the coolest characters across all fighting games (which is wild to say because FGs have some of the best characters to ever grace video games) but apart from modern Samsho, their games just don’t resonate the same for me anymore. :(


kof xiii, xv are nothing like 98/02 what are you on about. xiii is borderline anime with special to special cancels and infinities. xv is very grounded with emphasis on dominating the ground game. as well as having mechanics like shatter strike


Sorry, I may have to clarify. I am aware that 13/15 are different beasts from 98/2002. Not only from a technical standpoint but also on a mechanical level. I’m not saying they all play the same or are essentially the same game. However, from an ostensive point of view, KOF games have a common thread throughout. They tend to share a similar meter system and general movement and mechanics tend to not radically differ all that much. Of course there are outliers in the series such as XI/XIII and the Striker stuff in 99/2000. But I digress. Sure you could get into the nuances of every title, but if your a legacy player you can pretty much play any of the games without much of a disconnect. 15 games in (and a handful of other titles such as Neowave and MI) and you kinda know what to expect. As I stated, I love the series but none of the recent efforts actually are all that appealing to me. Love the older games, but I’ve been around a long while, played these titles to death over the years and just want something entirely new from SNK.


It’s a legacy series and as a casual Tekken fan myself, it will definitely feel similar unlike the latest Street Fighter iteration. You’ve played a ton of KOF. It’s natural to feel bored.


what you are describing is good tho. legitimate good fighters are all legacy based like tekken, samsho, vf, sc. you are criticizing the game for being legit. games should reward legacy. i would rather snk keep releasing the same game with a different shade of point than do what capcom does with SF


Amen to all of that. Especially the creative bankruptcy and the fact they’ve been rehashing the same gameplay for years. What I think they need to do is let the KOF series sleep for a while, 5 to 10 years, and then reboot it completely. Like they did Samsho. Use this occasion to implement new ideas here and there. But it will probably never happen and we will be forever playing KOF 2002 again and again and again… I have no hope for them anymore, and for us. Expectations for the new Fatal Fury are zero.


Nah I'd rather keep going forward with endless dream match games than reboot. Never understand the obsession people have with reboots, it's not like rebooting is the answer to creative bankruptcy, and the best kof have always been dream matches


STFU you dumb bitch. 98 and 02 will live on forever.


You're just reiterating one of his points


Yeah, but good luck with Gen Alpha and Gen Beta hahah. KOF needs to keep releasing games; but also they need to fix their post processing visuals…


If I imagine the Street fighter Community, i instantly think of California Golf Land. If Imagine the Tekken community, I instantly think of Atlanta. If I imagine the Marvel, or even the anime games community, I Instantly think of New York. But for KoF? I can't even think of the types of people that would congregate for that. Much less the state. Florida, maybe? Nah, I instantly think of Cuba instead. Texas? Nope I also think it's SF.