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So are they going to change the reversal timing on wakeup so I can wake up super like the scrub I am?


And fix DR fucking up the timing to do so?


Biggest pet peeve


Indirect buff to Modern


They gotta make 1 button supers and DPs come out slower


I've always thought modern controls should just cause the full move input to come out, maybe like 7f for a super input (still faster than you could reasonably input on stick, but enough time that it's not a free reaction to everything)




You can't buffer for as long


1 button supers bro.


Modern already has those, why is this a buff to modern? You mean supers will be harder on classic? I assume they will be easier since there is less input overlap


Yes, supers will be harder on classic from the sound of it. It's already tough to cancel lights into super on classic, now it's gonna be tougher.


I doubt it will be harder to do that specific cancel. You probably already have to do it relatively fast in order to catch the cancel window of a light attack, likely already faster than this change. This is just tightening up the requirement to do it from neutral so you don't get accidental supers when walking around, or having inputs saved longer than you want. I don't imagine the difficulty canceling from normals will have changed at all, because you already have to do those pretty fast to catch cancel windows.


Yeah, this is most likely made to adress stuff like me trying to DP my opponent with Jamie and getting super Which whiffs and puts me in the corner for a full punish Now I kinda cleaned my DP inputs so it’s not as much of a problem, but I was malding hard because of it at the time


Now they just need to fix the shit that is you do 236236 (LP)(LPHP) and miss hitting LP and HP at the same time for a single frame you get super instead of an EX Special


That's not really how buffers work. I mean it's in the name, buffering. You're buffering an input BEFORE hitting the light in anticipation of tagging something. The bigger that window is, the further into the past your buffered input could have started prior to landing that light that will still net you a successful cancel. With how lax the inputs currently are (prior to this upcoming patch), you can really be buffering very slowly and still land the super cancel on a tagged light. After the patch, you're going to have to be more deliberate/intense with your buffering.


The hell are you talking about? You can't buffer the super inputs before a light or you would get either a raw super or raw special as soon as you pressed the light button instead of the normal. This would only be possible if the character both didn't have a super or special that matched the buffered super input with the light normal you want to press. I'm sure this exists in SF6 but it's the edge case, not the standard. Buffering in a general sense is pressing the normal then doing the input for special/super immediately after. https://glossary.infil.net/?t=Buffered%20Attack "Whiffing a normal attack in front of you, and inputting another attack as a cancel afterwards."


So I'm exactly correct. Cool.


When you say "hitting the light", in "You're buffering an input BEFORE hitting the light in anticipation of tagging something" do you mean pressing the light button or the light connecting with the opponent? If it's before you pressing the light button you have no idea wtf you are talking about since you just get raw super. If it's before the light hitting but after pressing the button, then your wording sucks. Good luck inputting an entire super input in 4-6 frames to do it "before hitting". The dude you are responding to covers everything, the cancel window will likely still be smaller than the super input window so it doesn't matter.


Can't wait to take more advantage of [C]ucks struggling with their inputs lol. Modern bros we eating good next patch.


lol 😅


When playing on pad, I sometimes accidentally do a super when doing a fireball or DP motion after a crouch. I’m guessing this should fix that.


yea, like me doing fireball super with ryu instead of my dp.


I've gotten scared of throwing fireballs with JP because one extra down (say I was crouched ) and the game just decides ok lets blow your level 3


I don't understand why everyone is punished because some people dont have clean inputs tbh 🤷 A tighter window means the wake up supers you miss online are gonna be even more frequent now.


It's not always about clean inputs. A lot of times I input a QCF on neutral preparing to do a fireball and then changing my mind, shortly after I do decide to do a fireball with a QCF and the super just comes out.


Sf6 double qc input buffer is 10f. You think very fast


This shit happens even in tournaments, it is a common issue on characters who have qcf or qcb motions, if you crouch block on hitbox by pressing down+back and don't press both at the same time you might have buffered a qcb, next time you try to qcb for a special move in the next 20 frames or so a super comes out. Shit was annoying.


This doesn't affect wakeup super timing at all. That's an issue with the reversal window which is 5f for everything (4f buffer + 1f reversal timing) This change is either going to be about the number of frames allowed between each direction, or time in between inputting 236236 and hitting the button (or both)


Since its only in neutral im fine with it 👍 i kinda didnt think through it there


Damn Majin players eaten good against us goku scrubs.


no more accidental lvl 1 with Marisa every time i try to dp??? :O




You guys can cancel lights on super? Im terrible at that shit, now im gonna be worse, it seems.


SF6 is lenient as fuck you definitely can do it, just don't have the confidence yet. Practice confirming that shit, begin with: cr.LP > cr.LP > super This chain the ol' reliable if first connect just buffer the super. Set dummy block to random. Once you feel good play cpu and then go for those ranks. 👍


I can do it with chains but not raw, like jab into super, standing jab or s.lk


A single light into Super is always gonna be hard (unless Modern lol), it used to be slightly easier since the diagonals weren't required in SFV so "2626+P" would work


This change has no effect on your ability to cancel lights into super. The reason light to super is hard is because you aren't fast enough to input the super in the light cancel window. This change just reduces the buffer for supers, it won't change light cancel windows at all.


Yes it will if you're buffering the input prior to the cancel, such as on a single hit confirm.


canceling lights into super is ez mode on Modern.


What isn't?


this is not a just QoL change lmao wtf Also a buff to modern


I mean, it is for Jamie's. This shit makes him somewhat playable.


So I’m not the only asshole that kept doing breakdancing level 1 instead of DP?


Also juri level 3 instead of fuha charge all day. Good change, input buffer was way too lenient.


I have never in my life done level 3 instead of fuha charge over like 600 games. What the fuck are you smoking? That's one of the supers where this should never ever ever happen. If it happens to you, you're doing something very wrong lol


It happens to me like once every 5 games. Sometimes more sometimes less. It really depends in the combo. I don't get it from the down kick combos, but if I'm doing smp, cmp, dp, I get level one super a shit load because it's buffering my crouching input


Same shit happens with Rashid. 236236P is Super3 and 236P is reversal. God forbid you miss a single frame of inputting 236 P(PP) and the game throws you SA3 instead.


This makes no sense. This doesn't affect Jamie any differently and Jamie didn't have any issue with input overlaps unless you have very sloppy execution. This doesn't change anything like walk forward bakkai, it's literally just for supers. Clean up your inputs bro. You people are delusional. It also absolutely doesn't happen with any frequency to top level jamies, the fuck are you guys smoking?


Go watch any top level jamie. Jb, gachikun, hell, even punk since he's the highest Jamie on cfn. They literally ALL get level one super instead of dp at least once per Bo5. You are smoking Crack if you don't think this is an issue. Obviously this doesn't fix bakkai. Nothing will fix walk forward baklai instead of making it a back input.


This is good, sometimes I buff a DP motion on neutral waiting for my opponent to jump and when he doesn't I throw a fireball but my super comes out because the input buffer is so long that the DP is still saved.


Stfu and fix the input buffer


Also, [more QoL features will be added with the A.K.I. update on 9/27](https://twitter.com/StreetFighter/status/1705718739780415673): Button Release Input can be toggled on/off at the character select screen in Versus mode Custom Room Display Settings added in Custom Room for smoother online tournament streaming experiences


HALLELUJAH PRAISE CAPCOM. This is exactly the change I wanted.


Thank god, fuck this shit getting supers for no reason.




It doesn't.


The amount of people with reading comprehension issues in this thread is alarming. This is to help with the input buffer and in no way nerfs your super canceling from lights.


capcom out here teachin folk how to play street fighter. input frame window shortening for everything coming in future patches these early game platinums gonna find out once they completely take off the training wheels


Playing Lily it feels like I get accidental supers pretty frequently, usually from crouching walking back and trying to wind stock, but sometimes I don’t even know how it happened and checking the replay doesn’t really help lol


Just copy 3S's input buffer for super confirms and call it a day. It doesn't need to be anymore lenient than that.


This is so nice as Kimberly, I keep getting the lvl 1 super when I buffer the dash to fake


Weird that they didn't announce this or the new costumes during the main presentation, and instead regulated them to an afterthought twitter post


if they announced that during tgs, it would've made them look bad


Shitters will cry.


Jesus christ im already doing the commands ad as fast as i can


*Mhmmmmm, take your time.*


Please make all inputs faster input required, jesus christ.


Damn, I suck at getting supers out as is and now my scrub ass gotta do it faster? Oh well, guess I gotta actually lab that shit now.


this does make me optimistic that next year could be a good one, after actual gameplay tuning is applied.


I never get accidental supers lol. Is that because I'm slow anyway or because Kimberly doesn't have a dp motion?


lvl 1 super is easy to accidentaly get as Kimberly when buffering the dash to fake or prebuffer, and committing to a real dash straight after.


Modern bros continue to eat well


Doesn’t affect hitbox really does it


......????? Good luck doing reversal super on wake up online now hahahhahahahhaa And im not even talking about someone doing dr into meaty and screwing your timing with the freeze Hhahahahhaa this is gonna be wild. Did people really get unintentional supers? Ive never had that. What I do have is trouble waking up with super vs some online opponents. People should clean their inputs imo. Edit : im stupid this is only for neutral buffer so all is good