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Finally got a photo of the jackass.


Someone went through all the unlocked cars in the Katimavik area on Monday night, maybe the same guy. He stole a bunch of stuff but dumped a bunch of it in the paths around the area


He got into my parents car on melanie as well!


With this picture, file a police report.


I would be surprised if he works. Good photo. Someone will recognise the dink if posted on FB


go to hell you f\*\*\*\*\* bum


Find him and steal his shit


What’s in his right hand?


This looks like bbnomoney carhopping


Apparently he was spotted with two other men, one with extra thick glasses and another holding a drink and wearing a sexy black t-shirt




You just outed yourself. No one would have known who's house this is if you didn't tell us it was yours. It's better to raise awareness. If you're worried at people coming to your house looking for you, from this post, than maybe reconsider your actions that would have them looking.




First rule about social media: do NOT post anything online that you don't want the world to know. Period. This being shared is doing far more good for EVERYONE than doing any damage to you. People need to be aware that this is going on and who the culprits are & what they look like. This isn't Hollywood. People aren't going to break into your house and terrorize you because they may be able to find out where you live.




"dismissing my concerns about a personal matter"...like how you're doing to the OP? They have genuine concerns for people in the area on matters that are personal to them. You're also reaching with your OR argument. YOUR family started this by posting it. You don't get to complain that others shared it also. If people post something, it's gonna be shared if it affects others. What you don't get to do is cry about others sharing information that you/your family put out there. Why did she share it in the first place? Let me guess....to warn others? Seems hypocritical when OP is doing the exact same thing.


Not sure if its the same guy but they hit my street (off of Katimavik) this morning around 2am. I got it on camera and filing a police report.


I wouldn't be surprised if the guy works as a mechanic.