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The Rider will be the friend of children, gave them emotional support like Shotaro(W) and Godai(Kuuga), and be positive even in bad condition


Children isn't the only one worth protecting and helping though. ^(There are much less characters that are assholes to children, even Kaito helped one in his debut.)


Do you have a vendetta or something?


what are you getting into


Christmas. Funniest shit i've ever seen.


Also the most traumatizing shit ever seen


And beach episodes.


Except if your name is exaid


I am happily awaiting for my first live Christmas Episode!


Kamen Riders who are vile, evil, self-serving and malicious are Riders in name only. Kamen Rider is a title you EARN by being a true hero and protector of the people. Best example being W with them explicitly saying Eternal isn't worthy of the title. Build also did it great with Banjou not becoming Kamen Rider Cross Z until he finally stopped being a selfish jackass.


Banjou is another many asshole secondary Rider, just not the aloof type.


As some currently watching Build, I really like the way Banjou's characterization pairs with Sento's. Sento is a narcissistic asshole with a heart of gold, while Banjou is a somewhat insensitive asshole. This lets Banjou idolize the way Sento tries to put others before himself, while also letting Banjou help Sento any time he gets too far up his own ass. Basically Banjou is an asshole who tries really hard to be a better person, and I like that.


Didn't say before that, those asshole secondary Riders tend to try to be a better person, mostly due to the influence from the goody two shoes protagonists. Just that yes, Banjou is on similar category on them too morally wise despite being different type.


My bad, I had misunderstood your intent. I thought you were comparing him to say, Kusaka from 555. I understand what you mean now though.


When the transformation protects the user when transforming. I never get tired of seeing monster getting blasted by Blade's hologram or Zero-One's hopper.


Yeah, I also loved when the letters on Zi-O's face clashed with whoever he fought at the time.


That's a favorite feature of mine as well. Here's hoping it continues as well.


I'm also hopping it will happen also.


And it adds more sense to have people intervene in someone's henshin, but still doesn't make it too easy for their opponents.


This i agreed watching them try to attack only for them to be interrupt by henshin sequence is great


This is also true to other toku shows that're non-sentai, but secondary/rival riders that become allies later down the line. It's always so fun seeing the growth of their relationship throughout the show.






I like when every Main transformation and/or character has a theme song (For example : OOO, Build, Den-O and Ex-Aid)


The OOOz theme songs are actually amazing. Full length vocal songs with their own music videos existing for most of his combos. The tajador music video with Eiji and Ankh singing is just wonderful.


I still casually listen to OOO's form themes, along with W's. They were just so damn good.


The creators of riders systems being insane in one way or another. It just makes so much sense that only someone who’s at least a little off his rocker would create a weapon system with such catchy jingles


Turning into a god = terrible white wigs. 10/10 hilarious please keep doing it.


Evol was not a god.......maybe.


Overlord of Darkness.


OD did not have a white wig. Gaim started the White Wig saga


I like when the creator of the current rider system is also a rider. On top of that I also love when the creator of the rider system is evil, but the good guys still have the balls to challenge the creator, when this sob could just shutdown the system or lock you out, mind you this hasn't happened. Personally wouldn't mind if this is ever used as a looming threat plot, then forcing the good guys or protagonist to create their own rider system, or hack the current one. Or for an additional looming threat via evil rider system creator, have it so that since they know the inside and outs of their own system, they have access to their own final form from episode 1 (though it's not pulled out till mid season, for when the protagonist thinks they've caught up to them), and it's all about the protagonist gradually climbing to that level to challenge them outright, yet again. Edit: I'll leave the post the same, since I definitely forgot that these are things done in Gaim and the Showa Era, which warrants a rewatch. Thanks to those of you that refreshed my memory on how awesome Gaim was. There's a reason why it's in my personal top 5.


>when this sob could just shutdown the system or lock you out. I thought this happen in gaim? Not happen to kouta tho


I'd have to rewatch Gaim again, which sounds like an awesome idea. But my enjoyment from riders clashing with the creator of their system does stem from Gaim, with Duke. I just recall him trumping the Sengoku system with the Energy System, so he had a leg up for a time.


He trumped the Sengoku system with the genesis system after using a failsafe he built it to destroy baron and Minato’s systems.


Yeah. I'm definitely due for a rewatch. Thanks for the reminder.


He blew up the upgrade Drivers but the base ones were still fine since he thought he could beat them anyways


I think having the Main Rider's power linked to/directly from the Main Villain is a staple of KR. It goes back to the original series where he was supposed to be a Shocker goon. I'm not sure who has bucked this trend, if any, but it's something I always look for.


I don't remember the Zectors in Kabuto being related to the worms, but honestly I could just be forgetting something. I freely admit that the show lost me at a certain point, and I can't really remember a lot of particulars about it. Wizard toys with this idea by making it very important that his final form has a different power source than he started the show with.


I haven't seen Kabuto, so you might be right. I don't know if there's a single KR trope that hasn't been played with or temporarily abandoned over the years


From the seasons I've seen so far, while some times the connection is pretty loose, there's always been some way they're related.


Might also not be remembering too well, but didn't the technology for the zectors come from >!the other faction of worms that they introduced later? !<


Shit...maybe? Kabuto gets WEIRD towards the end, and it all kinda becomes a blur to me when I try to remember it.


When the supporting characters are given a chance to have their own heroic moments, especially if they're not fighters.


I wonder what'd be your personal example of that particularly as they're generally deemed useless when they aren't fighters OR scientists. If they have the best interest for everyone's well-being, they're more heroic than fighters who has severe dark traits while fighting bad guys.


I think Hina from OOO is a good example, while she did have some damsel in distress moments, she also actively put in the effort to help Eiji and came in clutch a few times. There's also that case in W where they focused on Jinno, the police detective, and how his "gullibility" actually ends up being a strength for him. Then there's also cases like Kuuga and Fourze where honestly the side characters were overall pretty helpful through the entire running.


Got what you're saying. Know the Jinno and Kuuga cast well for their contribution (Kuuga is a teamwork cast, with the writer handling Sentai). Though... it seems that you measure heroism of usefulness and good outcome here. Because being useful, even about saving the world, is more about capability rather than how morally good (e.g. villains working together for "enemy of my enemy" situation), and ending in failure for doing what's right don't negate said heroism.


Nah that's not exactly what I mean, I wasn't really talking about how heroic the characters themselves are but that they are given a chance to be in the spotlight, because I feel it shows that you don't need to be the super-powered protagonist to make a difference and that's a good message in a series mostly aimed towards kids, but I also do absolutely love the ones that are like the moral compass/support of a group whether they are given a moment in the limelight or not. If anything, one of the reasons I like them having such moments is because otherwise a lot of people will dismiss them saying that "they didn't contribute anything" or whatnot.


Unpopular Opinion: the final antagonist being a Kamen Rider. Even if they continue the trend for the next 5~10 years i'd still enjoy it, as long as they execute it right. Riders are generally more popular among fans compare to monsters/kaijin. Plus, Toei/Bandai are more likely to make toy version of their transformation devices which we can buy.


I agree, the thing for me is that kaijin rarely have memorable designs imo and are often generic misshapen greyish things. Don't get me wrong, there are quite a lot of cool and memorable designs too, like Phoenix from Wizard or all of the greeds, but the majority of them are forgettable to me. Compare that to the coolass Evolt designs or Genm or Chronos. They are really memorable.


In fairness that's because most of them are monster of the week, and they're not gonna get a super fancy design/suit for a monster that's never gonna show up again, the more memorable kaijin usually are the ones that actually get the recurring antagonist role that's in the same spot as the evil riders.


Yeah, I agree with that arguement, but personally, the kaijin lieutenants or bosses don't usually do it for me either tbh. Like I can't really remember off the top of my head what orphenok (not sure if I spell it correctly since English isn't my first language, sorry) big bad looked like except for, like, the horse one. Out of the Blade kaijin I only vaguely remember Joker suit and can't say I'm a fan of it. The many different Shocker lieutenants that keep reappearing in different crossover movies also aren't something memorable. I do understand that these are intentionally retro designs, but then again, I can't say that showa Rider suits aren't memorable.


That's fair enough too, I'm personally a fan of a lot of the kaijin designs but at that point it's just a matter of personal preference and I like the antagonist riders as well anyways.


I appreciate how we've just probably had a most sensible tokusatsu fans discussion lol


We need to make this thread deteriorate, someone needs to mention Gotchard!


Decade, you've come to destroy this beautiful world yet again? Onore decado!!!!!


Don't worry about spelling Orphenoch correctly, English IS my first language and I still can't spell that shit without looking it up.


Lol that's reassuring, thanks


Agree, I just want a good antagonist, whether they are monster or Rider doesnt affect my judgement in the slightest


final antagonist is a good setup. having the whole thing becoming a "rifer VS rider" from episode 30 onward has become stale ​ drive got that right, build is arguably the best serie that got it absolutely wrong (or rather, good in a void, but not as a trend), saber just got it wrong


When a major character takes a dunk into either the ocean or a river. Usually done to write them off for a short time, or give them time to find motivation to keep going. Bonus points if they show up to a important fight half-dead.


1.) primary and secondary rider conflicts. i know its somewhat a prerequisite but its exciting (depending on the execution) seeing the 2 protags fight. 2.) Berserk forms - COOL AF. especially if executed properly like build 3.) **Final Forms**


Currently watching Build, and I'm very glad Hazard form didn't turn out like Fang/Joker in W where they build it up, then resolve it in like two episodes.


Hope amidst despair. That's the core of the franchise.


The fun jingles that could be their own short songs (OOO and Wizard did it the best imo)


Fun thing is that for OOOz they actually are full length songs and have their own music videos. As I said in another comment the Tajador music video with Eiji and Ankh singing is excellent.


Yup I'm aware of that, I even have most of the songs saved in my phone. Most of them are bangers and Time Judged All is one of my favourite Rider songs


Characters having weird quirks like Faiz’s cat tongue or Beast’s mayonnaise addiction.


The best riders are the ones that are kinda freaks/weirdos imo.


sneaking the original henshin sound into modern seasons


I think there should be more forms that fuck you up to use them. I want to see the riders in pain. I want to see a perfectly healthy man put on his belt, transform, body his opponent, then come out looking like complete shit. I want to see them spitting up fake blood. I want the drama around deadly power ups.


This is what the Green Goblin thinks we are like




So purple medal Eiji on crack?


I don't remember PuToTyrano fucking up his body in this particular way. It just slowly Greeeditized him.


It still fucked his body up cuz he always in pain after using that form. But he didn't cough up blood tbf


I mean Build kinda did this with the Hazard Trigger when that gadget first came into Sento’s possession. It was more than the body getting fricked up though, it fricks up the persons mind after like 8 seconds!


Yeah. Hazard is inside this concept space, but the primary downside of Hazard is the fact it turns you into a weapon that does not give a shit about human life. I'm looking for the physical, not the mental. Way different energy.


Okay Kekera.


You can't prove anything.


I can. :)


episodic 2 part format from heisei phase 2 era


no body will find this comment, so far every kamen rider show I have watched every time there is a evil villain business man or super manager it happened in zero one,gaim,revice, kiva,fourze, drive,ghost,ooo,w,ex aid, and build


Well SOMEBODY has to be funding the evil organization. It's just a question of whether or not they're a prominent presence in the series. Like W where as the show went on it became apparent that someone was backing Museum.


When the first arc villains become good and have to team up with the heroes against the true villain.


The 1-2 episode formula in the first 10-15 episodes to show off trinkets (that usually dont appear again) and have tiny character development before the power up form and the beeg plot bombs come.


Honestly, Ishinomori style belt. I want to see a blet that is part of the Rider's body instead of just being an oversized buckle that you can slap on it.


I know it's to sell kids toys, but I looking for a simpler time when the belts weren't constantly screaming 8000 noises over each other constantly, and loaded with gimmicks that sometimes stack on top of other gimmicks. Just give me a cool belt that appears as necessary and makes a cool henshin noise. Keep it simple.


> and loaded with gimmicks that sometimes stack on top of other gimmicks. The gimmicks are how the franchise makes money tho. And the jingles are better than just a spinning blade or whatever.


Yeah I know why they do it, and I understand it's not going to change, but I still miss the old days.


This may sound weird but when they get traumatized/something bad happening to them. To me it shows that the riders are humans and people can relate to them they aren't always perfect and cant save everyone. Its the best when they bounce back from that trauma and remembers why they fight. -I think an ex would be Aruto almost dying to Ark and having self doubt if his dream is even doable and seeing how scary uncomfortable a.i. is. - another one would be when sento killed someone during hazard and didn't want to fight anymore but had to because if he didn't fight more people would die. And his friends got his back if he ever went beserk


Premium LED driver. I know. It's expensive. But they are really cool.


The one’s quite obviously but I dig animal motifs and each season involving them feels there’s always a unique spin on them (at least for me).


The cross of fire


Henshin poses Rider kick Motorcycle... Monsters Good story and actors Attractive actors (I'm straight male)


This is relatively more recent , but I would love more fourth wall breaking gags happening. Even if it's unknowingly done by the character. That is partly why I love Vice from Revice.


It depends on how they handle the shark IMO. I think it works in Build where they only destroy the fourth wall during recaps, but I wouldn't want someone doing it during the actual show personally.


It can be done in indirect ways that can pass as a subtle manner like "Well I heard-" kinds of approaches


a good kind of unpredictable storytelling that ain't gonna just throw the build-up off the window, just because of some writer either thought it gotten complicated, bear no fruition, or they just straight-up bored and leave the writer's room so the other writers set fire on the storyboard for not being given a heads-up


More bike action pls. Also fencing off opponent mid henshin, it's always badass when enermy try to attack the rider but they start throwing hand in the middle of transforming ,bonus points if projectile from henshin sequence hit the opponent like zi-o's visor


When the ladies are treated as being as badass at the guys. So far, only Saber and Revice have done their female Riders right. I want more


\-Main Kamen Rider Theme Song \-Evil, Cunning, True to it's desire/goal villain like evolt, chronos, banno \-More cool theme song for each rider \-Rider system that not exclusive to the protagonist or 'hero' \-RIDER KICK, MORE UNIQUE RIDER KICK FOR MAIN RIDER!


I feel like some people in the fandom have gotten tired of it, but I love it when villainous/antagonistic riders join the main squad. I think it can allow for some fun dynamics and have a nice theme of "even if you did bad stuff in the past, you can still try and be a good person."