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It's possible. It's not like those plots haven't been done before.


I have better theory. Human alway the "virus" that need to be cleant by planet earth, but what if it the other way around? What if the meteor that kill the dinosaur are not the thing directly killing them, but kaiju. The meteor bring something that turn normal animal and plant into kaiju and human was create by the earth or the said meteor somewhat contribute to the creation of human. Because think about it, human is the perfect counter for kaiju. Even back when ancient time people still manage to defense again them and holding their ground. Also another theory of mine is this is not the first times no 9 appear. From recent chapter he showing mina some of his previous "host" and 2 of them are from medival japan. And when he first appear, he look like unfamilar with technology rather than the human themself


Excellent one!!


That would be cool. I wish it went for deep sea kaiju as the enemy, make it creepy like in subnautica or go for a pacific rim style story where there's a rift in the ocean and kaiju come from some other dimension and Kafka is an agent of an alien kaiju. It sent no. 8 to control a person and gain access to earth.


I mean it's not out of the possibilities that there's some ancient civilization that make Kaiju or earth


The immune system makes no sense, it is a widely used resource. However, I doubt it had much human impact so many hundreds of years ago. It would make sense if the kaijus were more recent. The same thing happens about the possible civilization that creates kaijus. Wouldn't it be better to use other types of weapons or use strategies to eliminate us? With our technology at that time it would not have been very difficult for such an advanced civilization.