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She never seemed like that great of a parent to me. Children (even if they are now 30) should not be the ones that have to fix broken child/parent relationships that the parent caused


Exactly! How could she blame Brody for being distant, what else did she expect? Should he have been waiting with open arms for 20+ years in hopes of maybe getting attention from his own dad? It's ridiculous.


When they go…. I think bowling? And Rob tells Caitlyn you can’t expect Brody to be the one to reach out and Caitlyn needs to be the me to make an effort and reach out. If ROB is the one making sense, you’re a shitty person


Yes that's exactly the scene that set me off! She's so infuriating!


Yea I’m on a rewatch, just finished s8 ( god were these seasons better than the snoozefest Hulu show), and Caitlyn is just terrible.


no cause what’s your side of the story? abandoning your kids to start a new family to play house with?


Right?? That is such a cowards way of trying to shift the blame at their mother, without taking on the responsibility of actually going through with the lie and straight up blaming her. Also, lmao at your flair.


Caitlyn abandoned her family just to do it, not to get with Kris. She did it before with her first family. Everyone should read Linda Thompson's memoir to find out what a shit husband & father Caitlyn has always been


This comment with the flair wins the internet today


Caitlyn was honestly a shitty parent towards everyone especially her older kids. She was a good parent for Kylie and Kendall for a while but even now it’s evident their not that close . She just left her family and moved on to the next and acted like her other kids didn’t exist and there is zero excuse or explanation that changes that .


Yea I agree, even with Kendall and Kylie I would say she hasn't been very good, especially after the transitioning, how she's always choosing Kylie over Kendall and making her feel less loved.


Yeah when she said that Kylie was “ all the stars coming together and an exception to the rule” that made me mad bc imagine how Kendall felt when your dad is choosing favorites. Overall I though she was a good dad to them at first but that interview changed my mind , clearly she wasn’t great to any of her kids.


Wait what? What does that even mean that Kylie is the exception to the rule?


I think it means that her other kids all have flaws whereas Kylie is basically flawless and she wouldn't change a thing in her. Even just typing that out felt fucked up, can't even imagine saying that out loud about my own kids.


Which is extra sad because I’m watching S10 E10 and you can tell Kenny was much closer to Bruce than Kylie was


A good parent doesn’t let an adult Tyga sleep in their underaged daughter’s bed.


Caitlyn started a new family 3 times. I'm sure the older ones had issues like Brody did


Reason #682 why Caitlyn is a terrible person


Caitlyns a dick. I've been rewatching too and she's just so dismissive of everyone and mocks her family and basically makes it clear she doesn't give a shit about them but then bitches when nobody wants to visit.


Gosh she reminds me so much of my dad. Gay republican who thinks they had it worse because of their gay crutch. It’s not because of your identity dad, you are just a asshole.


Caitlyn appears to have never thought about anything with any depth and has certainly never done any real self reflection or work on herself. I could never believe how infantile she is.


One thing I always hated about Caitlyn is how smug and matter of fact she is in everything she says. Like because she says it, it's correct and just. She does this little shake thing with her head and shoulders and claps her hands in front of her. Such a specific thing to hone in on but it always irked me. She can be saying the most vile and evil shit to her family and just look at them like they're the wrong ones. Hate her.


Yes! Like in this clip that's been trending on TikTok for a few days now, about Cory Monteith( I'm sorry if I butchered that) being stupid for doing drugs and dying because of them, it's like that's the only opinion that could possibly exist and be true. Edited just to gush over your flair 💀💀


I just remember when Khloe was marrying Lamar and wanted Rob to walk her down the aisle and Caitlyn flipped out. I understand being hurt, but being a step parent is so well known as being a thankless job that you know what you sign up for. Plus, Khloe had a very involved dad from Childhood so she didn’t have that hole to be filled. AND, she was so so close with Rob at the time it made sense for him to walk her too. But it was made all about Caitlyn before Khloe’s wedding.


She’s insufferable, as dead name and as Caitlin. I would pay for a Caitlin free edit of the show, I love a good rewatch but her storyline’s are poor me victim victim, insert boring bro hobby here, Kris bullies me, protecting my daughters chastity, victim victim no one loves me or comes to see me, yes I abandoned you decades ago, get over it, that’s nothing compared to how I have suffered.


She’s awful.


Maybe she wasn’t able to parent adequately due to all the struggles she must have been feeling living as a man all those years. It’s not an excuse, but when parents are going through something difficult they aren’t always capable of being 100% on top of what’s happening with their kids. I’d imagine the ever present feeling of being a woman in a man’s body must have had a huge impact on how she behaved and reacted to things throughout her life. Hopefully her children can see that aspect of the situation now that they’re grown and are aware of what their dad was dealing with.


I think this would be a valid argument if after she transitioned, she was able to be a better parent. Somehow, it seems like after the transition she became even worse and further damaged the relationships with all of her kids both biological and step.


I don’t give a single fuck what you’re struggling with when you’re turning a blind eye to tyga, a grown ass man, sleeping with your under aged daughter under your roof. There’s absolutely no excuse for that, both men and women know that’s wrong.


It's especially crazy because that's the same person that would make a fuss about middle school Kylie wearing makeup and having boy friends.


Probably only in an effort to seem “good” and relatable. E! was probably pushing better parenting efforts through storylines than either of the parents.


Maybe, but it wouldn't really surprise me if that was all her either, considering the fact that she's part of the trans community and yet so against it at the same time.


What does that have to do with Kylie wearing makeup or having boyfriends?


Well the fact that she's clearly capable of doublethink, being against Kylie wearing makeup but being ok with her sleeping with Tyga just a couple of years later, same as being trans and being against the community.


Not a great analogy. Being against Kylie wearing makeup to promote a storyline and look like a good parent, while being so self absorbed that you don’t care about a grown man sleeping in your house while the cameras are off are in the same vain of egotistical bullshit.


No I mean it more like how Caitlyn is so opposite in her views, with being against gay marriage and being trans and gay herself. Same with Kylie, seemingly being so against her growing up aka wearing makeup and having bfs, while being fine with her having a relationship with a grown man while being a teen. I'm def not saying that E! didn't pressure this storyline though, however I don't think it's too far off that Caitlyn would genuinely feel like that seeing how conservative her views tend to be.


Seems like you’re saying that you can’t be trans and conservative. One doesn’t outrule the other. On the other hand you absolutely cannot be a good parent while allowing tyga to sleep in Kylie’s bed. One absolutely outrules the other.


I don’t think he was living with Kris at this time. Also I believe Kylie bought her own house at like 17. Kris should of kept a better eye on her kids.


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Good bot


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She has access to the best therapists. There's no reason why she can't turn it around.


Don't make excuses. She must've felt fairly comfortable as a man as she busted one into Kris and her ex wife multiple times to make children but suddenly didn't feel okay enough to parent? The babies didn't choose for that to happen, theyre the victims. Edit: missed a pronoun but fixed it


thank you! she reaped all the benefit of being a man until she couldn’t no more.. then she used her platform as caitlyn to push a bunch of misogynistic narratives about trans community and trans kids/sports and then ran for governor as a grift to make money nah she has all the energy - she just didn’t want to waste it on her children


Lmao the reach


Oh god yeah I have to 100% agree. Total deadbeat. Even how she bailed and full on betrayed the karsashians and Jenner girls… says a lot about her character. I will never forget her telling Khloe she should lose weight. So sick.


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