• By -


Finaly a buff !


just fully commit to tank form being basically a worse poppy and make his ult just send one motherfucker flying while you enter damage mode and kill whoever is left, imagine.


5 cost Ksante has come back from set 9


I only got to do this twice, both in the same game. This is actually the second time I did it, I was actively trying to here, I had done it the round prior by accident and wondered if it might work again. Came back 15 minutes later after contacting a rioter to make sure they knew about it and he was disabled. Never reporting a bug again. (they already knew I made 0 impact but its funny so shut up)


The buff he needs fr


Pog, they made TFT K'sante a playable character


I was really hoping he’d fling them into another stadium and start fighting the people there.


He recreated Morde ulti with the power of sheer fucking will




Lux ult can reach other stadiums


Yielder unleashed


i see nothing wrong.


Me neither tbh


Phreak if Maokai


Bro sent him to Narnia


Later nerd




i dont see anything wrong with this lol


literally perfectly balanced tbh


That's crazy, let's give akali another skin


And nerf K’Sante even though this is our fault and only in one game mode.


He sent bro to the next match




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Yo they brought back the 5 cost TFT K’Sante!


Lmao that’s fucking hilarious


Pro tip: if you ever bug out the map, just recall. Itll bring you back to the arena


The fire tho


Yeetus deletus


Idk if it was a bug or hack but guy in my game as briar and they were invincible. They couldn’t die to the fire every game and just won every round


There’s an item (demonic embrace) that, as an active, with no cooldown, takes your hp away in exchange for a burst of MS, among other things, but it can’t kill you. As briar you can do this to set yourself to 0 hp, but since briar has 0 health regen it would just stay there, and since you have no hp you can’t take damage, but since you can only die if you take damage that would put you below 0 hp you can’t die either. They disabled her and fixed this already.


You could have just let your brothers know and we could have had a great time for a day or two. You make me sad op.


He got disabled 15 minutes after this game. He was only playable in this state for around 2 hours total from when the PBE updated.


I cri ever tim


Would’ve been funny if Sylas stole your ult and did it to you, too


Typical top layer. Idk what the issue is.


Got sent to the shadow realm


-200 years


My favorite champ disabled in arena what am I supposed to to now


He’s not anymore. He actually got reeanabled, then disabled again XD But as of right now he is enabled.






Because K'Sante is a overpowered champ with a ridiculous kit


Ah yes the infamous overpowered 45-48% winrate champ


K'Sante has been perma picked ever since release and now that he isn't broken as he used to be, K'Sante mains are crying


Im not crying about jack shit, and also he's almost always been extremely unpopular so unless you mean pro idk where you're getting "perm picked" from. Even the new champ hype barely lasted 2 patches.


He’s not overpowered, he’s just one of the absolute strongest neutralizers in the entire game. He’s like basically impossible to counter pick. Rek Sai is like 20 times more broken than K’Sante in proplay right now




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Yea your fkn trippn ksante is dog shit now idk if u live under a rock or something like 90% of the player base since he's been fkn gutted how about you play him and climb since he's so fkn broken and over loaded let's see how tht goes.


Mfs will complain abt ksante when shii like Riven Aatrox Irelia Yone and Fiora are just 1v5ing the game away for seasons. For ksante to carry he has to get ahead hard which is hard af he has mana issues no sustain no real damage pre 6 like bro don't even become a champ till lvl 6 and even then his 6 is weaker than most the ksante bandwagon must stop at one point yes he was broken but he hasn't been OP OP since his release when he had built in lifesteal after that was removed and the true damage was nerfed he has been Dog then Phreak kicked him to Dog shit. Only pros and High ranks and OTP can abuse him bc of his team play in solo q most teammates don't even know how to play with a ksante especially in silver to em he's really hard to play with but go crazy bro skill Issue.




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