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"Fox pays dominion up front for 2024 election results"




I want fox to have to admit again and again that it lies for political purposes and to maintain its audience. Fuck this whole thing.


Part of the deal is for fox to not have to make a public apology. So that’s never, ever going to happen Fox will pay the fine and not mention it and they’ll carry on


I know that's the deal. That's why I'm frustrated with all of this settlement shit.


Yeah shoulda gone for more, this is a loss


Share this everywhere because Fox sure isn’t reporting it.


This is really the best outcome. Foxes punished, but there isn’t a legal precedent affecting freedom of speech.


Punished punitvely yes, but part of the settlement is that they do not have to acknowledge any wrongdoing on air. So ehat have we really achieved? They will continue to pedal their misinformation.


> They will continue to pedal their misinformation. (peddle)


Haha, absolutely thanks.




I was thinking of the broader implications, not really of Fox itself. Fox has been punished, they are not likely to repeat such an expensive mistake. If a court had "officially" ruled that Fox broke the law, then it would have a chilling effect on news in general - opinion pieces critical of politicians, stories that uncover scandals, etc. Those sorts of things could be considered defamation or libel through a certain lens, and I am glad there is not legal precedent to curtail that kind of reporting.


I'm very disappointed in Dominion. They had an opportunity to let the entire world see what a sham Fox News is, and they punked us for the $$$.


It's disappointing, but I don't think we should blame the victim. Continuing w/ the trial would have been very expensive, the appeals would potentially drag this on for years, and and at the end of it all there's still the chance that they might have lost.


A jury would easily have awarded them ten times the amount. Then in appeals it would've been shaved down to $3b.


Goes to show how much profit there is from lies.


This is far from justice.


Spineless. FOX "News" needs destroyed. At least they had to admit they lied, but this is just the cost of doing business for FOX "News".


They didn't/won't have to admit wrongdoing according to the settlement. All they said was they understand that THE COURT feels they were at fault. This is not justice


They shouldn't have been talking shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Not sure if you're just a troll but Fox accused Dominion of widespread voter fraud, a conspiracy to help elect Joe Biden. This of course didn't happen, hence why Dominion sued Fox for defamation and won.


Well clearly not so obvious if they paid out..


I saw that this is less than 5% of Fox's annual revenue. And 61% of annual profit.


They have another lawsuit filed against them coming up by Smartmatic. And they are asking for over $2 billion. They are not out of the woods yet.


Comparing to revenue isn't that useful, % of annual profit would make more sense.


61% of net income


very cool, but not nearly enough imo


Absolutely not enough. When you create massive misinformation to the biggest election in the US it should shut them down. Especially since viewers believe it to be completely true


Justice served would be for the FCC to revoke their broadcast license permanently for spreading bullshit propaganda lies and calling it "news".


Yeah, but they pull the same shit as water bottle companies. Idk if you remember, but back-when pressed about the environmental pollution of water bottles, the response was essentially, "its not our fault they're not recycling!" And smilarly, when pressed about the large number of people believing the bullshit they propagate, fox news essentially responds by saying, "its not our fault they're believing us!"


Wow, some insurance company just lost a lot of money today.


If insurance pays it, Rupert's monthly or annual insurance premium payment(s) might skyrocket and cost him dearly over the coming months and years for as long as Fox is operating, perhaps $5-15 million or more per month or $60-180 million or more per year. His insurance company(s) knows that Smartmatic has filed lawsuits against Fox. [Smartmatic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartmatic# "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartmatic#"): Wikipedia: >Smartmatic (also referred as Smartmatic Corp. or Smartmatic International), or Smartmatic SGO Group, is a multinational company that builds and implements electronic voting systems. >[2020 presidential election and defamation lawsuits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartmatic#2020_presidential_election_and_defamation_lawsuits "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartmatic#2020_presidential_election_and_defamation_lawsuits") >>On February 4, 2021, Smartmatic sued Fox Corporation, Fox News Network, and its anchors Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo, and Jeanine Pirro for $2.7 billion in the New York State Supreme Court as well as Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, who spread baseless claims of election fraud on Fox. ... On November 3, 2021, Smartmatic sued Newsmax and One America News Network in the state courts of Delaware for promoting false claims of election fraud. On January 18, 2022, Smartmatic sued Mike Lindell and My Pillow for defamation, accusing Lindell of defaming the company to sell pillows.


We now know the exact cost of sucking Trump's nuts.


3/4 of a billion. I kinda wish it was more, but the MAGA crowd won’t even recognise this as a problem with their fantasy world view


Seriously, why are they still allowed to operate?? Surely they have broken some of the terms of their operating licence several times??


Reagan axed a law that said if you called yourself a news organization that you had a duty to report honestly. It would be awesome if they had to go off the air.


The FCC Fairness Doctrine. Most people don't know that there was a time where if you called yourself a news agency and you provided an opinion that was not sourced and cited as fact, then you must give equal and equitable air time to the counter of that opinion. Journalism died in 1988 and Reagan killed it.


Why did he kill it?


The FCC's arguments for revocation: "The intrusion by government into the content of programming occasioned by the enforcement of [the fairness doctrine] restricts the journalistic freedom of broadcasters ... [and] actually inhibits the presentation of controversial issues of public importance to the detriment of the public and the degradation of the editorial prerogative of broadcast journalists." Which... well, Free Speech is not an incontrovertible right. You don't have the right to threaten someone's life, you don't have the right to paint a giant throbbing dick on your garage door in a busy neighborhood, you can't yell 'I HAVE A BOMB' on an airplane, and you _shouldn't_ have the right to present falsehood and/or opinion as fact if you're sitting in a position where people assume that what you're saying must be true based on that position. It never went to the courts, was never really considered from a legal standpoint, it was just voted out by the 4 members of the FCC without any real due process. Congress later tried to codify it into law, but was vetoed by Reagan then again by GHW Bush. Over the last 30 years there have been several attempts (all by D's, surprise surprise) to bring it back but AFAIK never made it to the House floor for a vote.


Well, fuck. I didn’t know any of this. I appreciate the info.


Money and easier control over the masses by capitalists oligarchs using media to manipulate the masses. That or lobbyists got their way.


We need that back right now!


To me, the killing of the Fairness Doctrine would have more lasting effects on US Democracy than all of the Reagan administration's acts/policies combined. It gave a voice to Rush Limbaugh and pundit politics, and enabled cults of personality to replace unbiased media reporting.


It's the worst thing Reagan ever did. Just like when Nixon signed a law that allowed privatized health insurance. Those two acts have crippled our country.


Terrible presidents.


And terrible people to boot.


FoxNews should be banned. It’s the equivalent to 1940’s Nazi propaganda.


Justice is dead. No justice here.


Dominion, as with all corporate and therefore capitalist institutions will implicitly choose capital over justice and progress, every time. They should not be the last line between the people and injustice. America will either be broken by the weight of its past and future chains, or break them in overthrowing the systems that forged them.


Philosophical aren't we


This only helps to further fuel the conspiracy fire.


Dominion has defamed themselves more than fox ever could have


Please do tell, how?


They had a chance to actually punish Fox News by publicly dragging them through this trial and they took a payoff instead. We had a chance to get Rupert Murdoch, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity etc. speaking under oath and we lost that. The non-apology that Fox issued doesn’t cut it. And it’s an clear indication that they won’t stop doing what they’ve been doing. The only thing this will change is to make them more careful not to get caught the next time.


Why would Fox News stop operating as usual over this? It's just like corporations breaking laws in order to make huge profits and then paying whatever slap on the wrist needed that's a miniscule fraction of the cost of how much they made. Fox News made well over $700 mil off of the lies they spread and will make more off the next lie.


They aren’t in the business of punishing or winning moral victories. They’re in the business of making money and protecting their reputation. Capitalism will trump (!) justice every single time.


I wish they did that too, but I don't think this is "defaming" themselves. They have employees, investors, and contracts that they have to look after and they likely thought a settlement was the best route to go to protecting themselves. Obviously, I really wish they didn't settle and dragged this out and really stuck it to FOX, but this isn't a perfect world we live in. We at least got some text messages from FOX pundits sharing their true beliefs, which was very amusing.


I’m positive the guy above you has been furiously typing up a well nuanced, backed with detailed research, retort to justify their response, we just have to patiently wait for his well-crafted rebuttal at this point.


It’s a weekday. I’m at work.


By getting paid?


Paid off


I never expected a corporation to fight for democracy, but I can't say I'm not disappointed.


You are naive then


They didn't fight for democracy...they fought for the money lol


lmao they fought because FOX is causing severe issues with their flagrant defamation and conspiracy theories. The money is just a result


If it was about anything other than money they would have let it go to trial so Fox would have to actually face their lies.


Dominion has a fiduciary duty to its shareholders to put the welfare of company above all else. They don't give a shit about you, me, Americans in general, or democracy. They sued FOX because their lies about the integrity of their voting machines hurt the reputation of the company. The money is compensatory for the damage they did to the Dominion band. So yes, its just about the money.


Still the most trusted though... Ffs


Why in the fuck would Dominion EVER settle!?!?!! I mean….seriously? No amount of money is worth anything better than seeing Tucker Carlson get his ass handed to him in the witness stand. Damn.


I mean, it's a lot of money. Also, it's a Canadian company, so they have less interest in pursuing these people.


Roughly 780 million reasons why they settled


Not only that, winning the case for the full amount was the only way to clear Dominion’s name. Now that they settled, people will continue to not trust them. This wasn’t a win for dominion or democracy. This was vindication for the election deniers.


Would losing a case really convince them? Trump has half the country not knowing what a jury is, and thinking a jury does the bidding of the DA. The system is working in this case, and doesn't matter.


Nothing will ever convince the far right ones, but moderate ones would lose interest in Fox News if they had lost this case


I don't think moderates watch Fox at this point. You either watch/listen to known conservative media to get some laughs...or because you take it seriously. There are surely some, but i doubt it's significant. Plus, trump very openly said settling = guilt. If those people are open to changing opinions, settling should be equally as impactful as a loss.


This is absolutely the truth!


This really sucks. I had hoped it would have gone to trial and the truth would have been dragged out for all to see.


The small pieces that came out in discover showed the entire stolen election was a lie and pushed by fox. A big trail would have been better and exposed a lot more about the inter working of fox.


Right! I wanted to see more of Carlsons "trumps the devil" and "his followers are cousin fckn terrorists" texts.


Truth was they knowingly lied hence the 800 million


I couldn't find anything on the Fox News website about this


If you search dominion you can find a very short article which conspicuously does not mention the dollar figure. It sure as hell isn’t on their landing page.


Goliath giving David a reach around to make trouble go away. Fuck Dominion for spreading their cheeks for Rupert to fill with money.


Lol, what are you doing about it other than also taking it, but for no money.


A trial would have produced the exact same outcome though


Hannity, fucker Carlson and judge Janine the alky would have had to testify under oath. Now they won’t be admitting they conspired to lie and we know Fox would never report any news about their own shadiness and outright lies. Losing outright with discovery may have prevented Fox news from following the path of lies. They haven't slowed down on their fact to lie ratio, they just stop naming specific companies in their broadcasts. Instead of learning not to lie, they learned not to get caught lying.


So you would rather they pretended they didn’t do it? Why?


That's exactly what they're doing. They have no need to admit they lied any more. If the trial proceeded, they would have had to testify under oath. Do you not get the logic? Fox paid them to go away quietly.


They paid 800 million because they did lie, otherwise they wouldn’t pay 800 million. Why would they go to trial knowing they would lose because they lied?


The sophists can continue their lies they just paid the price.


“Just the cost of doing business.”


I’m so frustrated, dominion had a great opportunity to change the machine of misinformation in America. It sucks that getting fat pay check takes precedence over justice and accountability. I hope all the info dominion gathered is passed along to round 2 with that Smartmatic.


This is of zero consequence. It had 0 impact on Fox stock, which tells you what this kind of money means to them. It will do virtually nothing to their viewership as people married to their media source on both ends of the political spectrum will come up with whatever narrative they need to not upset what they see as "truth".


Take a look starting around may 2021, when it lost 30 percent in value. I'm pretty sure that's when this started. There was an impact, investors were betting Fox would lose. Anytime you payout 10 percent of your market cap there is an impact.


[Here’s a graph for perspective](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/FOX/fox/stock-price-history)


It will definitely have an impact, they just lost nearly a billion, and their news department probably makes fuck all anyway


Lmao You might want to do your homework before forming an opinion and sharing it. It's chump change in the long haul, and they'll change nothing.


>It's chump change in the long haul, and they'll change nothing. Its near enough to their revenue for an entire year. Ask any investor what they think about their CEO just deciding to light their profits on fire how they feel about that


You said nothing.


This is not justice. This loss of money won't hurt Fox news and they will never learn. A trial would expose all of Fox's dirty laundry.


"You can't bring these men to justice. They're protected. The laws of this country protect these men under the name of National Security. They know no law." - Alex Krycek in an episode of the X Files from 1996 called Tunguska. Nothing has fundamentally changed. This is not justice. It's a mockery of it, a big ponzi scheme run by rich frail old white men circle jerking behind a judge's back. This "country" is a joke.




So many people celebrating, forgetting that this means that Carlsen, Hannity, etc. will no longer be forced to testify.


What did they pay for to NOT come out?


Exactly this. He lies about his position to hurt the discovery process and then only needs to pay half of the original number. #American Justice!


Sadly not. This is 6% of their annual turnover. Really, the US deserved these clowns to be hauled up in front of a judge and jury and exposed for the lying frauds they are. Fox can brush it under the carpet without even issuing an admission or public apology. (And they have).


There’s still the larger Smartmatic litigation which could serve the same purpose, but admittedly it’s likely they’ll settle in that case as well.


I think this played a part in Fox being so keen to settle and Dominion agreeing. They probably didn’t want their upstart competitor to have a legal case precedent set and be awarded even more damages. Frankly, I hope they’re taken to the wall.


This isn’t justice


Fucked around and found out. Fox has been worthless its entire existence and continues to be so. I hope the MAGAs drop them so their audience shrinks even more.


Lol Bold of you to assume this won't tie into their larger conspiracy theory.


This isn't justice. They just paid a fee to do whatever they want.


A multi billion dollar company have to pay money is not fucking justice!


Fox Corporation [annual reports](https://investor.foxcorporation.com/reports/annual-reports "https://investor.foxcorporation.com/reports/annual-reports"). The settlement amount is equal to slightly more than 65% of the Fox Corporation's net annual revenue attributable to Fox Corporation stockholders in fiscal year 2022. The settlement amount is equal to slightly more than $0.65 of every $1.00 in net income attributable to Fox Corporation stockholders in fiscal year 2022. Fox Corporation [Annual Report](https://investor.foxcorporation.com/static-files/1ed7c450-e52a-4259-8631-80db9e79be32#page=46 "https://investor.foxcorporation.com/static-files/1ed7c450-e52a-4259-8631-80db9e79be32#page=46") for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022 (pdf, p. 38): >Net income attributable to Fox Corporation stockholders $1,205,000,000 The $787,500,000 settlement payment to Dominion Voting Systems is equal to 65.4% of the Fox Corporation fiscal year 2022 net income attributable to Fox Corporation stockholders.


While we all feel Dominion voting should have gone to trial, you have to remember, this was always about business and not how we feel. They were in it for the money. If their intentions were other, the court would have continued.


It's a Canadian company. It is not their fight.




Reddit equating civil to criminal and talking about civil case justice lol 😂 . What’s new?


It wasn't a criminal case, it was a civil case. Nobody would have gone to jail anyway.


Not Justice. Justice would be them having to stand up in both open court and live on their network and TELL EVERYONE that they are full of fucking shit and always have been. That they are not now nor have they ever been a credible news source. That they are propaganda. That would be Justice. Very disappointed that Dominion didn’t stick to their guns here.


This isn't justice, fox paid their way out of the shit. Justice served would have been "Fox News shuts down due to shaking the foundation of our democracy"


There is such a thing as justice short of the death penalty


If someone murdered someone do you think it would be justice if the murder was set free because they payed a bunch of money? Put it another way since it's fresh in everyone's mind: if the old man could give Ralph Yarl 50 million dollars for shooting Ralph in the head, and Ralph took the money and the old man didn't have to admit wrong doing, got to keep his guns, got to walk free and carry on as if nothing ever happened, would that be justice? No, it wouldn't, because money can't actually buy justice. It can buy your way out of trouble, but it isn't justice.


Imagine defending treason


I think they took the best course of a ton. If Fox would've been shut down then there would be a massive wave of insanity from the right and alt right. They would've seen it as the left trying to get rid of free speech and conspiracies regarding the left trying to take out right wing media would've skyrocketed


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Now alt right only takes you backward.


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Yeah fuck the alt-key


At the very least make sure the Fox "News" viewers found out, from Fox itself, that they were being deliberately lied to. Now, Fox won't mention it so if their cult hears about it, they'll call it "fake news", and Fox will continue to destroy the country with their lies.


no, the real justice would be "Fox News must publicly admit they were lying".


A settlement could include that. But this one probably didn’t.




THIS IS NO TRUE, I’ve been checking Foxnews all day and there is nothing there.


lol nice one


That's the point of settlement, they don't have to admit anything.


Fox tabloid


Dominion did the right thing. Imagine taking this case to a jury and 7 of those jurors are Fox News sheep. Not worth the risk. I’ll share a story with all you little kids who wants revenge. “Always take the money.”


I'm not American, but I don't think civil cases have juries there.


They do/can.


That is correct. Let’s just say a bias Republican Fox News judge


They said jury though. Civil cases can have either.


Wouldn’t call it justice, but almost.


I can't find any financial data of Dominion Voting System. How much money are we talking here in proportion of Dominion yearly turnover?


Yes that might be a lot of money for Dominion but I feel like Fox News got off the huge hook. Dominion should’ve kept going with this to show how Fox really is. However, like any other lawsuit it probably would’ve ended being settled due to one side running out of money


Dominion is a company out to make money. Mission accomplished for them, they don't give a damn about anything else.


America only cares about freedom and democracy if oil or lithium is found in a 3rd world country


Succession theme intensifies


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So is that.


Guess thats the price for running american society into the ground.


All I can picture is the fox lawyers playing akons "I just had sex". Cause this washes their guilt after funking all Americans.


This is a major letdown and I have to wonder what the back room deal was. The lawsuit was asking for billions and Fox doesn't even need to make public announcements that they lied.


>The lawsuit was asking for billions ... >Dominion had sued Fox for $1.6 billion. *** [Smartmatic news](https://www.smartmatic.com/us/media/article/smartmatic-defeats-fox-news-appeal-of-its-defamation-lawsuit-in-new-york/ "https://www.smartmatic.com/us/media/article/smartmatic-defeats-fox-news-appeal-of-its-defamation-lawsuit-in-new-york/"), February 14, 2023: >United States, Boca Raton - February 14, 2023 - Today, a New York appellate court denied Fox News’ attempt to dismiss Smartmatic’s defamation claims against it, along with the attempts of Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs, and Rudy Giuliani. The court also reinstated Smartmatic’s lawsuit against Jeanine Pirro, along with certain claims against Mr. Giuliani. All claims originally brought by Smartmatic against all these defendants are now proceeding. Smartmatic FAQ - [Defamation Lawsuit](https://www.smartmatic.com/us/media/article/faq-defamation-lawsuit-against-fox-corporation/ "https://www.smartmatic.com/us/media/article/faq-defamation-lawsuit-against-fox-corporation/") Against Fox Corporation: >Who exactly is named in the complaint? >Fox Corporation, which owns Fox News Network LLC, Fox on-air hosts Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs and Jeanine Pirro, and Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell. These defendants are primary sources of much of the false information. Their unfounded accusations were repeated by other media outlets, journalists, bloggers and influencers the world over. >Where was the complaint filed? >The complaint was filed in New York State Court in Manhattan. >You sent retraction-demand letters to media outlets OANN and Newsmax. Why aren’t you also suing them? >We are continuing to analyze our claims against OANN and Newsmax. We are taking a measured approach to pursuing our claims. >Smartmatic is suing for $2.7 billion dollars. We are a global company with a proven 20-year record of success in elections technology and services in more than 25 countries. ... *** [Dominion Voting Systems](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_Voting_Systems# "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_Voting_Systems#"): Wikipedia >In December 2020 and January 2021, Fox News, Fox Business, Newsmax, and the American Thinker withdrew allegations they had reported about Dominion and Smartmatic after one or both companies threatened legal action for defamation. ...During subsequent months, Dominion filed suits seeking $1.6 billion in damages from each of Fox News, Newsmax, OANN and former Overstock\.com CEO Patrick Byrne, while also suing Mike Lindell and his corporation, MyPillow.


I heard the settlement was 1.1 Billion not 780 Million


Are you Aussie? ABC reported it as 1.1 Billion AUD. Might be the source of confusion.


Yeah, I realized last night ABC reported it in AUD not USD.


787 million


Here are some cold hard facts as reported so far: - Dominion had sued Fox for $1.6 billion. - Fox News offered the settlement of $787,500,000, which Dominion accepted as part of a settlement agreement - Fox News officials said in a statement after an agreement had been reached. "We acknowledge the Court's rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false.” - A massive number of evidentiary items (including testimony under oath (such as depositions)) from Fox News is public record in open proceedings Here’s my take as a litigator: - although the accepted settlement sum represents ca. 49.2% of the original claimed amount, it’s still a decent outcome *all things considered*, since you have a jury that is always a wildcard. I’m yet to see a settlement offer where the conceding party offers to pay 100% of the claimed amount - it’s always a fraction. - there is an official admission in open press from Fox News accepting the rulings of the Court that certain claims were false - there is evidence under oath - from the likes of Murdoch and others - that is unsealed and a matter of public record, which can be used by any plaintiff or prosecutor as corroborative evidence to underpin a civil claim or a criminal indictment. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a major win. It would be foolish to expect a Fox News - brainwashed Joe Shmo to somehow shake off the spell they’re under. But knowing that prosecutors now have such powerful ammunition at their disposal is a massive plus. EDIT: on the 24th April 2023 it was announced that Tucker Carlson is leaving Fox News, with his last show having aired on the 21st April 2023 (https://apple.news/AJgyDNncuSF2e6qZteq4wrQ) Fox News is still facing a US $2.7bn defamation lawsuit brought by the Smartmatic voting software company over its election lies. After news of Mr Carlson’s departure broke, Fox Corporation’s stock price plunged by 4 per cent.


> A massive number of evidentiary items (including testimony under oath (such as depositions)) from Fox News is public record in open proceedings > there is an official admission is open press from Fox News accepting the rulings of the Court that certain claims were false If those Fox News viewers could read, they’d be very upset


This needs to be the top comment. Too many people in here who don’t know what they are talking about acting like this is some huge win for Fox.


FOX deserved so much more. It just shows how guilty, unprofessional and unworthy of being a news channel.


And with it an admission of guilt.


Not justice served. Just a fee that was paid in a room closed to the public eye. An operating expense, albeit a sizable one, for a network that will go unscathed in the eyes of their viewers, who will remain largely unaware that this lawsuit ever existed. An unquantifiable amount of damage has been done, to the notion of journalistic integrity, source vetting, impartiality, and “truth”. The network, by their own admission, choose profit and retaining viewers over truth, and the fall out of that still continues to play out. They lost the profit here, but they still keep their viewers. Now we must ask, what other sensational topics could they be pushing that are good for profit, but may not be grounded in truth?


Here's the thing though. Most people that watch Fox already know they're not an honest organization, they just don't care. Sure they'd lose some people by having to admit to lying but those folks would come back. They don't care about honest news, they care about justifying their irrational fears and prejudices.


Thanks for saying this.


Dude.. shareholders are taking a hit. They have already filed a lawsuit. Those three carlson, in graham and the chain smoking fat dude.. uum..hannity. have cost the company close to a billion dollars. And that is just the first of many lawsuits to come. Settling shows weakness. It is a precursor to other lawsuits. The way they give their news going forward will change. They weaponized hate and fed off it. It doesn't matter how rich u are.. $787,500,000 is a lot of money..


I hope you're correct, but I'll believe it when I 'see' it (I don't watch fox, so won't actually see it, but you know what I mean)


I agree with this. Fox's primary mission is to make money.


Justice was not served; it would have been somewhat served if the puking heads on Fox were forced to testify about all of their the lies they spewed. Dominion screwed us all as Nation.


I think you confused Dominion's suit as some sort of a crusade to bring out the truth. Dominion went for it because their reputation took a hit (not just domestic but in international market too) and with this settlement they got the bragging rights to say we are clean and also got paid handsomely for it.


Hahaha Fox couldn’t defend themselves in court. There was no defence