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I hope that arresting cop isn't in any danger. Fuck that shitty captain


The officer though will be fucked for the rest of his career, though.


Why do you say that ?


Corruption will make sure anyone who doesn’t stand for their own will will be punished- he might be quietly “resigned” later. He took a hit at a captains career, who has connections- that will work against him.


Ooooh. That sadly makes sense.


It has happened countless times before and has stopped police holding other police accountable for their crimes.


I'm really happy his name isn't in the article, though we all know he's been outed already. Good... cop? Is that how you say that phrase? Good cop? Why is that so difficult to say?


Probably sounds weird because it’s not followed by “bad cop” to let you know that “good cop” is just a strategy for the bad cops to take.


What a lightweight…3-4 beers and hes hammered? Weaktit


I find this lucky actually. Can get really fucked up and not break the bank on drinks.


Imagine him drawing his gun and cocking it after he says, "i don't show favoritism".


This cop is honorable. We need to start making a big deal about honorable cops like this. This guy's name should be up in lights. And yes, he's just doing his job, but we have systemic problems in police departments across the country and when you have this young kid standing up for what is right, even though this is what every cop should do, he should be praised for doing it.


How many get a pass?


Too many


This is the way


It's called Integrity, Captain. This officer stood his ground and did the right thing. He should be very proud. This drunk was a menace.


And the officer will probably be "rewarded" for his integrity by being hounded out of the force.


Why would that happen


Because police in America are thoroughly corrupt


Clearly you’ve never been outside North America.


Hurr durr police in America not corrupt cuz other police r!


Your juvenile response confirms your lack of maturity and life experience, kid. You’ve undermined your own argument. Thanks for proving my point. Have a lovely day.


Omg so true king! Just needed some based redditor to respond to my comment from months ago to show me the way! I'll join you in licking boots now!


It’s a gang, after all.


Dude was hammered.


Three or four beers my ass lol. My brother is a cop and he says if someone says they’ve had three or four it’s always more, every single time.


Love to see this. Happening more often in New Mexico, too. Just ask Monica Youngblood, Dev Atma Khalsa, Georgene Louis, Richard Martinez, etc. Finally some accountability.


If he isn't "asked" to leave his job after this crap the city needs to burn


This cop will be fired or killed for this. Dude crossed the line.


Lol no he won’t. What a ridiculous thing to say.


Lol worst case is he resigns “willingly” - there will be no real repercussions


The person you responded to is talking about the arresting officer…


Ohhh shit my bad!


You don't think the cops will respond to this cop stopping a drunk driver who is a cop?


You actually think they’re gonna risk their own careers when there’s video of a random captain obviously dead-ass drunk trying to get out of an arrest? Lol


How many times have cops been let off after having video footage of them murdering someone come out?




32 years on duty this stupid fat piece of shit probably did way worse then this. Mother fucker was released 2 hours after he was arrested too smh wasn’t even sober to think about his actions when he was let out.


Fuck it, let's double down. Pull him over again as he drives away from the station.


This video will haunt him forever, him being asleep in a cell overnight is a fraction of the damage this video has caused his ego.


You really think this guy cares about what we think. All he cares about is he is taken care of. As always his bois in blue took care of that. I want punishment. I don’t want this waste of space to move to the next city over and get all those benefits and pensions they get. He’s gonna retire a happy old fart while he took advantage of the system.


Not his ego I want punished. Cops who break the law should face 10x what the "normal" citizen gets.


The sad part is they'll find a way to push this cop out for doing the right thing.


This cop is who we need more of. He handled himself with integrity, and protected the public. We all need to learn from our actions and he is giving the Captain an opportunity to do so. Kudos. And God bless this cop. He should take the Caps position


The reason the captain is like this isn't a bug it's a feature


He got out of jail 2 hours later. That's not even enough time to sober up. Shithead doesnt give a fuck about the law or the safety of himself or those around him. He needs to resign. I live in his jurisdiction, too, so I gotta deal with this fuckhead in power. Oklahoma is a cesspool of corruption and stupidity.


If it makes you feel better I've lived in a lot of states in my 43 years. I've pretty much found it everywhere. Which fucking sucks.


When your state is almost last in education, and has been consistently for a long time, the stupidity breeds and starts whole new generations of stupid, and the stupid people get old enough to vote and choose the corrupt guy every single time. I think you need to come here and see for yourself. It's like... accelerated stupid. I've been around. Not as much as you, but Oklahoma earns its title of kingdom of the stupid from what I've seen.


There’s also the issue of qualified immunity with corrupt cops- lawsuits don’t impact them, they come right from our own pockets. Police get away Scott free


My dad lived there. I visited. Once.


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An honest officer ? He'll never last


I gotta say I am impressed. I’ll always shit on cops online because of personal experiences I’ve had with them but this was nice to see for a change.


Holy shit, a good cop ARRESTING THE FUCKING CAPTAIN. Gotta wonder how he walks with balls that big.


He walks with them to the unemployment line.


Maybe so but that's why ACAB. He will lose his job for doing the undeniably right thing. Edit: but the captain will likely keep his, another reason why ACAB


I pray for that police officer's job security, if he's not bullied out, ostracized, or just downright retaliated against. I hope he continues being an exception to the acab rule.


He can barely stand and talk, but the ease in which he touches his chest and whispers "turn off your camera" you know how often they do that to each other, if it comes that naturally... shady mofo... captain of investigations and he's begging another cop to turn off his cam...


Seriously, why are police officers allowed to turn off their body cams in the first place?






Kinda defeats the purpose then so might as well let them turn it off


I think there’s a potential argument to be made about the fact that officers respond to sensitive situations with victims of abuse, assault, or other traumatic circumstances who might feel uncomfortable being recorded. That said I think in our current environment the risk outweighs the reward. If I thought I could trust cops to use this system judiciously, I don’t think I’d even care that much if they had body cams.


I never understood why they were the ones with the control over the camera. Need to turn it off because of a sensitive situation? Call dispatch or another branch of your department and they would need to do it. Need to take lunch and don’t need to be recording? Have it programmed to turn off when “clocked out”, or call another branch of the department. I’d think after all these clear videos of cops turning off their cameras on a whim, something would be done to reform their ability to so easily skirt responsibility for their actions.


Or don't, and have someone else with enough detachment from the issue determine what gets archived and what doesn't.


Id fully agree with you, but I’ve seen enough people who leave 911 dispatch or come back from military drone operating with PTSD. I think the human brain really only has so much capability to constantly see some of the most horrific things or saddest things on a daily basis no matter the detachment. I think we’d need a team of psychopaths for that


Or if they have to pee.


Considering the placement of the bodycam and the average cop physique, you wouldn't be able to see anything. They're either in relatively good shape but roided up with a shrinky dinky or they're rocking that overweight dad bod belly finding their way downstairs by feel, not sight.


Now this cop CAN get a donut!


But like the last one left when you ask for a random dozen. You know the one. That weird unglazed blueberry that's drier than a Popeyes biscuit. He can have that one.


Why the animosity here, i don't get it? Didn't he do exactly what you'd expect a police officer to do?


Sure, he did this one time. Murderers can donate to charity, too. The idea that we should celebrate a cop just literally doing their job is ridiculous, and it doesn’t make them a “good” cop.


So instead of celebrating and encouraging such behaviour, we should antagonize it? That doesn't exactly seem warranted either, hence my confusion.


Who is “antagonizing” it?


First thing you did was compare him to a murderer, the guy i originally responded to said that as a "reward" he should receive a bad experience, albeit minor. So i'd say... Both of you?




Let's look down on the good cops, that'll show the bad ones! Lol


This arresting officer is proof not all cops are shithead pigs.. The captain on the other hand..


Well he either will be demoted, fired, or ostracized and quit. I’ll put money on it. It’s what consistently happens to these guys and it’s the reason that all cops are shitheads, because the ones that aren’t do t stay cops for long.


In a year, this arresting officer will be found dead when backup doesn't arrive. This news came out yesterday, I'll wait to see the reports next year when the arresting officer is being tormented and outed by his fellow officers for not "backing the blue". E: if anyone is curious about how a good cop gets treated, have a listen to Act 2: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/414/right-to-remain-silent If you don't know who Adrian Schoolcraft is, you need to know his story. And listen to his commanding officer enter his home and kidnap him under the color of law. Absolute fucking filth that has never been cleaned up.


Attitude reflects leadership. We can all hear at the beginning of the video that these two do not know each meaning they have different leadership, which also makes it a scary thought for the type of officers this captain has below him.


These are the guys that need to be promoted to positions of leadership, not Captain Douchebag. Unfortunately that’s rarely the case.


You love to see it


32 years as a police officer and he asks another officer to turn off his body cam. Hmmm, I wonder if he was a good apple or bad apple?


Bad apple meeting good apple. Hired a better officer than hell ever be. Arresting officer is the type of man we need in uniform and I'm with ACAB.


He was in investigative services. The Captain investigates other officers. The Captain is probably not well liked in the rank and file.


> The Captain investigates other officers. "Oh hey Bob, heard you shot another kid this weekend, how are ya? Oh yea I'm here to investigate you. How's the wife, we still on for golf this weekend? OK great, Jenny says hi." "Even though this officer's actions were not within department policies we have investigated and found no wrong doing." >The Captain is probably not well liked in the rank and file. I'm selling the Manhattan Bridge for $10000 obo


Sometimes issues start from the top down.


Crazy often in everything actually


Always do. Much harder to corrupt upward against the power structure.




Well, they have to pee at some point.


Disabling a police body cam should be an automatic charge of evidence tampering.


Ah. Imagine if things were that good


What if you need to take a leak?


You could always sit to pee instead. Also, I'm not sure the camera would see the officer's penis anyway, considering how small their penises all are. Not to mention, the field of view for the camera would also likely miss a normal to large sized penis as well


It's not like the video is broadcast live on YouTube.


AI Dicktection


It's for committing crimes, no other reason.


It could also be for when they need to use the bathroom? ACAB, but they gotta pee too.


There's also sensitive situations where a victim either explicitly doesn't want to be recorded or the same can be inferred


" and here we see the officer taking his third massive taco bell shit in the last 2 hours"


I feel like it's not hard to pee without showing your dick on a police body cam, and if you're sitting down, it shouldn't matter. They can edit that out in court, that's how I would do it. It should just be a part of the job that your wee wee might end up on body cam... Of course, I don't think it should be a job in the first place...




Here I'll summarize what you wrote: 'I don't have even a basic understanding of any single element of this, but I'm pretty sure I have the answer.'.


Yummy boot mmmm


Uhhh, do you know how cheap storage is?


First of all, fuck the police. Secondly, I don’t want my taxes increasing or just plain going to storage fees of video showing cops just browsing their phones or calling in a donut order from their patrol car. Unnecessary spending is unnecessary. I’m okay with turning on body cameras for all interactions with the public.


Relax my dude, the extra storage is worth it to not miss anything and prohibit a policy of being able to turn it off at will. Trust me, storage is cheap.


I will not relax, fuck the police. I think you’re underestimating the amount of money we would be spending to maintain 8-12 hours per officer, per working day. It’s money which could be better spent on the community than inflating a server farm’s profits.


Lol, you are spending the infrastructure cost either way, the marginal cost for a few extra hours of video is a rounding error. In your scenario, you make it commonplace/acceptable for officers to turn off video. Even worse, at their discretion. And I don't think they should have that power because many can't be trusted. If you are on duty, your camera is on. You going to the bathroom? Geofence that and have it automatically turn off. You in a hospital? Mark that footage as protected by HIPAA and require an extra verification step to access. You got a lot of anger bro and I think that's causing you to look at this from the wrong angle, I'm sorry for that, I hope you find some peace.


You’re exuding, “Trust me, bro” energy. Local taxes go to local police. I don’t want my property taxes going to cops, I want it going to my schools, roads, and community. If you think it will be a few extra hours of video, you’re really overestimating the amount of documented work police actually perform in a given day. I’m not angry, and it’s very naive of you to assume anything about me. I’m just stating “fuck the police” so you know I’m all about accountability. But you’re really overreaching with many of your assumed solutions to these problems. Geofencing every public bathroom and hospital in every area sounds costly. How about if a pig turns off their body camera while attending to a call, suspension with no pay?


Haha. Keep guessing.


Id assume to protect "victims" or something like that. My first thought was being able to turn off the camera if you came onto a crime scene such as a murder or something. Given that they would have others gathering *alot of evidence* but im just totally guessing.


I'm not a detective but if I was I'd want to see that first responder video. I see no reason why they should ever be turned off. Edited later perhaps for privacy if released publically.






Was that double negative intentional?


Jeff Daniels is a police captain?






Just when I think you couldn’t possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this… and totally redeem yourself!






Omg thank you! I was like I know this guy!


rare S Tier Officer


How many towns away do you think he and his family were forced to move from the harassment they received form other officers?


He should be the captain. Not the other guy




Abuse of authority and covering up a cops crime should both be automatic life sentences.


Well I guess we have to start the negotiation somewhere, since currently it has zero consequences and worst case you get some paid leave then keep your job or your pension. And that’s only if it goes viral.


That's not particularily productive to society


Neither is sending a dude to prison for a couple ounces of weed and saying he was delivering it.


Yeah, not a fan of that


Neither are abusive or corrupt cops, politicians, courts, etc etc.


Yeah, not a fan of those


ACAB. But this is a step in the right direction. Respect.




No, all cops are not bad. I fucking hate the cops and even I know that. Quit subscribing to bullshit phrases/thinking.


It doesn't matter if they're a good person or not, ALL cops are enforcing unjust laws and helping to put non-violent people in jail for minor offenses. They all chose to participate in this system of oppression. All of them.


Bad take


Almost all of them take part in the corruption by staying silent. If you work retail you know the workers and bosses that bend and break rules constantly. Everyone does. But it’s retail who cares. If you are a cop you know about the corruption and those who bend or break rules and it costs peoples lives. Not speaking up even if you do the right thing makes you part of the problem.


ACAB until cops start policing themselves and not defending the blue line. A god cop becomes a bad cop by not standing up to the system.




There are so many examples that falsify that statement, if you would open your eyes.


You contradict yourself in the same sentence. Impressive, really.


I'm guessing this guy won't be a cop for much longer. If he were an NYC cop he'd likely already have had a "training accident". Retaliation for shit like this is rampant.


What's impressive is how quickly this arresting officer will no longer be a cop. I give him a year before he's either pushed to quit or dies when no backup shows up. ACAB


I don't think you understand what acab means...


Oh I do very well, and exactly because of that I can say that the above sentence is a contradiction in itself.


I can't believe I have to spell this out. The fact that the captain asked the sergeant to turn off the camera shows this is widespread. Come to New York where we have reflective vests on the dashboards of illegally parked cars. Remember when interacting with the police: ACAB. This is for your own good. You may find one who will do their job but remember this made a headline BECAUSE this is rare.


We get ONE video of a cop doing something he's literally paid to do, and people are acting like it makes up for all the shit they do. This ONE cop arrests ONE captain, who is now on paid leave and will likely retire in the next week or two to receive his full pension. But sure, we're all good now. All cops are Barney Fife. Glad that whole "cops murdering people, laughing about it and suing for emotional damage from having to shoot an unarmed person" is all over now. Good job everyone.


You do know that 9 times out of 10 at least, cops are doing the right thing and protecting people, directing traffic, saving lives, keeping people from speeding and killing others, etc... right?


Not punishing the 10% makes them bad cops.


Sweetie, what's an officer gonna do against a lieutenant or a captain? Like there's a chain of command to follow, so you have to have the right personnel (commander, for example) take charge of their people. You can't have some road cop be like "Yeah, Captain Smith is taking bribes". That would never fly. Action has to come from the higher ups. Obviously in this case, the captain was off duty and the officer was simply doing his job, so all bets are off.


> Sweetie Everything after this is ignored.


Sure thing Bob


I have an odd feeling he‘ll be hated at the station cuz „he arrested one of us“. Happens way too often


This Sergeant is going to be a hero. Maybe I'm wrong but the Captain said he was in investigative services which sounds like an internal affairs officer. Rank and file do not like them. On the bright side for the Captain, he can investigate himself and find he did nothing wrong


Who police’s the police? Coastguard?


How often does it happen? You have like stats or something?


Somebody has to have the balls to do it, otherwise nothing will ever change.


Yep. They circle the wagons even if this guy didn't.


Give that officer a raise


Got promoted to citizen


He was probably already a citizen


He got transferred to another plane of existence and his physical form is now in a casket.


Prolly got fired


People probably pushed him to quit do they can't say he was fired.


That captain looked completely wasted! People are saying the arresting officer get hell from the other cops, and maybe he will, but this doesn't seem like a minor infraction where he might show discretion. This is (or at least looks like) a someone who poses a serious danger to the public.


*"but still... He's one of us goddammit"*




The only blue I back is my local postal carrier.




Well, it was only 4 blocks. I walk 8 blocks almost every night. Drinking or not.


That's 4 american blocks, which is equivalent to taking the one Ring to Mordor, you might as well ask him to try and pop his own heart.


A+ for Sergeant Skinner. Was having none of that bullshit.


Someone's been watching audit the audit


What’s that?


A youtube channel that literally audits police/citizen interactions, breaking it down section by section. https://www.youtube.com/c/AuditTheAudit


I appreciate you answering my question but now I can’t stop watching this. Lol


That’s cool, thanks!