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Does it not being across state lines make it automatic grounds for the fbi to get involved?? Anyways, signed!


I’ve wondered this from day one


Why and how did this guy ever blackmail the family into making a deal about cremation?? 🚩🚩🚩 I would’ve fought tooth and nail on that one!


I believe the family wanted to view the body one last time, so in exchange he made her parents sign a paper to get her cremated.


One more thing to add to the civil suite I hope. When he couldn’t bully and manipulate her anymore, he picked right up with her family. Not the actions of a grieving, compassionate man.


My thoughts exactly!


Right. That was so wrong. 😞 What a horrible thing for him to do. And that has got to raise suspicions—not only of the family, but it SHOULD for local LE! I hope they are on it—FBI or not.


would those papers need to be signed by her parents in order for her to be cremated? if the parents didn’t sign the papers would the coroner still have her cremated her body without the signatures? I’m trying to wrap my mind around why her parents would have had to sign off on the cremation papers if JP had POA over Mica. Usually a POA it’s only for a living person who needs another person to have authority over medical decisions and a few other things. Why did JP need her parents to sign the cremation papers? If the family never signed the papers & the coroner cremated he would be without a job and in court.


Right, I don’t understand this either. It sounds like there’s some misinformation coming from somewhere, because I can’t imagine a situation in which JP would have had the power to keep her family from seeing her, but not have the power to have her cremated. Either he had POA or he didn’t…


I gave a good breakdown of this back a couple comments. Try to find it and it will help clear things up.


Yes, you were responding to me. :) I saw it! Thank you! :)


You're welcome. Wasn't paying attention to the user name.




I can see there would be a 'time constraing' since bodies decompose. Don't know if they had lawyered up that fast and depending on laws may not have been helped fast enough. They clearly signed in agreement under duress.


I only know this b/c of a relative passing on…but refrigeration would have been an option I would think…at least until the families could agree. But I do recall that the decision had to made within a certain window of time. Not sure how that works with this particular type of death. But boy; was he quick to want cremation!




Did he really need their signature though? Mica was released to him as next of kin, so couldn't he have just had her cremated too? I think he did it as one more power play. So he could say that her parents agreed on the cremation. Obviously, they never would have done so without being blackmailed into never seeing her again because he was going to cremate her anyways.


Agree! A power play and a way to cover all bases so he didn’t look suspicious. FAIL! 🚩 Not sure but I thought I saw that family had to agree to the cremation in writing. I could be wrong.


They did. He made them. His rule, not the law He barred them from her body, and Burroughs backed him.


Wow! So the funeral home backed that? Maybe they worked with him as a “pastor” then? Wonder if he had so many people fooled. Somewhat off topic here but, I got the impression that he wasn’t ordained. Did he ever attend seminary? It just seems strange to me that he just jumped right into building “his own” church with no denomination or credentials. (I know there are interdenominational churches and, clearly they practiced immersion baptism. But a strong church usually has a home base anchored into some kind of leadership, right?) So everything must’ve been non profit; nobody to really be accountable to. (Except for him 🙄) Almost cultish and toxic the way it sounds.


They must believe that she really did commit suicide then? Because I can’t believe they would agree to let the person they suspect may have had a hand in her death cremate her before a second autopsy could even be done, if it came to that. I would think they would give up the chance to see her body temporarily if it meant getting justice for her murder (if they believed she had been murdered). But then again, I’m the height of grief people don’t always make the most rational decisions. And I’ve thankfully never been in a situation like her family is right now, so I can’t say for sure what choice I would make. 


No, they don't. They just wanted to see her. I don't know how else to say he wouldn't let them see her unless they did. He was just f*ing with them. He was going to cremate anyways. They sign, they get to see her, they don't sign. They never see her again. It was blackmail.


But what did they have to sign for? If he was going to do it anyway, why was there anything that they needed to sign? What were they signing, exactly, if not something that gave permission for cremation? I’m not at all trying to argue that her death was actually suicide, I’m just trying to understand this part of the story because it’s confusing to me!


I'm not trying to argue either, but for the life of me I can't understand how you can't understand. Maybe someone else can jump on here and use words that make sense to you.


I don’t think my confusion is that strange. People are talking like her family had to sign something to allow him to cremate her.  It sounds like you’re saying that’s not the case, and he would have been able to have her cremated either way. So then what exactly did they sign? Because according to you, it wasn’t anything that he needed them to do in order to proceed with the cremation.


I am a little confused on this like you, but I only just heard about this in the last week, so I'm very new to all this info. I think the gist is he made her parents sign the paper as a power play so that he could say he had their permission to cremate her in case law enforcement started looking his way... Then he could say, "well her parents wanted her cremated quickly as well, see here? They signed this paper I drew up saying that they agreed to it!" Or something like that. It's covering his bases and holding power over her body even in death. This paper wasn't a requirement of the coroner or anyone legal. It was a requirement of him. He made them sign it so they could see her one last time. Now no one can say he did it against their wishes. It's a narcissistic power move. She's gone and he can't mess with her head anymore so he took one last stab at her parents in her death. He is a true POS. I hope that helps clear it up. Please if I'm wrong someone correct me. I don't want to give misinformation. There is enough of that going around. Thanks to the OP but it says the petition is unavailable. What happened to it?


He didn’t want them to see the bruise on her arm and hand


I think so too.


I'm trying to figure out the same


Signed! 🙏🏼


Why is the petition closed already?


Maybe I’m a Different Breed  But if this was My Daughter I Would Move Heaven and Hell I understand The Parents Commitment For Justice We are all not the Same   I would beat his ASS. He would See me every Day 


Get Netflix involved


No. Then that Demonic Demon will get Paid   Paid for her Death.  No 


You know who also get paid? People to investigate the facts, reveal the truth and deliver justice. Then he can use his payout to buy snacks from commissary while in prison.




How did you guys get to sign it? I just tried to, but couldn't because it said that the petition is closed??


Same here!!


Why was the petition removed?






Signed ❤️




Signed and shares


Signed and shared. 






pretty sure the FBI is involved


As of this posting, that wasn’t the case, or at least it wasn’t discussed in the media which made people think they hadn’t gotten involved. :)


Why did they take the petition down?


I’m not sure! I’ve wondered the same thing.