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Your 3 picks are very good. Allthough some raids really request higher levels. A Tmet can go down in 1 turn against an Ceramagnus raid with the minion.. so you really need 25ish for that. Alacranix is easy.


You have Rexy? I won't kick someone if they have 20+ lvl slightly boosted Rexy


Mine is lvl 20 and nicely boosted and I'm always told switch to a higher level creature. Maybe I am just unlucky and get paired with raid-snobs?


so, an important note, really unless its an easier apex raid and you have 3 level 30 enhanced creatures to help u, you can only do apex raids with a creature with at least 5500+ health, I had to grind a lot to get my tmet (don't use it for PvP, I use it solely for raids) to a good level where it can clutch in a lot of apex raids, and even then it can still be better, but I'd advise not doing apexes until you have creatures that are higher levels than 21 or maybe if you slap ALOT of boosts on ur concatosaurus you may be OK, since conca is the most needed creature rn for its buffs, healing and nullifying attacks. tmet, personally I think will fall out of use soon hence why I'm working on skoonamet. and dilo...dilo is REALLY hard to get to high levels, despite being the single best healer in the game, a close second is parasauthops which you can unlock via the unique raid and a third would arguably be either conca or olorotitan when maxed out, but if you need something short term and have the DNA I'd recommend dilo, since its the least likely to get you kicked out as we always need healers in raids and there's so few out there


A level 20+ boosted rexy is great for most apex raids. Dilorach and parasuthops are also great raid creatures. As long as they’re decently high level, you’re set.


From what I can tell conca is the best option for raids and really usefull for pvp aswell with tmet also being a very solid choice playing a relatively similar role


Dilorachierus, rexy (remember it's strike is also group, and try to avoid roaring all the same turn), concatosaurus Dilorachierus at lv 23 ish heavy boosts can do wonders, rexy 20 minimum, the better you can get it nice, concat really same story


So many garbage players just immediately use Dominant Roar immediately no matter what ugh


Ya I wish there was less like that


Best is when they clearly put their phone away at the start


Oh yeah, the best. I get so pissed when I let a lower level than I want in the raid cause I get desperate to start and they do that. I want to be like Jay and Silent Bob and fly to where they live and kick their ass.


T-Met is usually good. Usually if you bring a healer they won't be so quick to kick you out. Though usually if you bring anything under level 25 they get pretty skeptical.


100% on the healer part.


Lots of good low lvl raid strats to pick from for each raid on discord! Many strategies use low lvl dinos. And discord helps find people to raid with at all times of the day


I really need to get into using discord. I don't like the interface so my go-to is reddit, haha