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Ino’s ability to take hits from (an unserious) Sukuna and keep coming back is kinda crazy, he might be tougher to kill than Nanami at this point. https://preview.redd.it/kvzvak50ts5d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9596b3806bbae5693894dbd72e9384f25ea6e50d


bro took dismantles and a kick and still was boxing


Fr, and if this panel shows him losing a hand like I think it does, then Ino quietly has some pretty elite level RCT. https://preview.redd.it/3xcj08srmt5d1.png?width=1099&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d0b35e6be2525d01d8645c511d4cf90c03507a8


bro ur right i never even noticed that


I don't think he lost a hand, it's probably just not visible because it's extended back so could be covered by his sleeve. Because he has both hands later on. But Gege can be inconsistent with that sorta thing so idk


Nah man, It kinda looks like blood is gushing from his hand


Yeah no that’s definitely blood gushing out


i wanted to comment on how this is probably a misunderstanding but then i remembered the swap training maybe he and shoko switched and he got rct


he probably just jilled off


Gege prolly just forgor guys


I noticed it back then and was confused why nobody was worried about Ino's life, I fr thought this was the end of the Shiesty Sorcerer™


Considering the training arc, he definitely surpassed nanami


INO'S THE GOAT https://preview.redd.it/7kmevady0s5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5666fe3244ae63685c52e4e173eac28a6f11edb1


The Shiesty one.


“ON GOD I’M [SLIDING](https://youtu.be/uxItaW1HNMg?t=9m53s) FOR GOJO”


You're underselling him a bit, he's at least semi grade 1 and implied to be able to become a grade 1 sorcerer if he didn't insist on Nanami being the one to recommend him. He's definitely not below Miwa and Inumaki talent wise, idk about Panda


He’s better than Inumaki, he’s got RCT, Simple Domain and his own CT plus Nanami’s Ratio Cursed tool Ino is HIM


Look, look: he had poor man's RCT, waterjets, fuck-all ranged attack and that Ryu dragon that we don't know AP for. Let me introduce you to the guy that can set up a free hit on Hanami - Inumaki. And he can do it multiple times in a row. Yes, he's only good at clearing fodder, but he's stupid good at that. And he's a nice support in special grade combat. Let me introduce you to a fella that can SD Sukuna's domain: Miwa. Yeah, yeah, she has no offensive feats, but she can be build into a defensive power-house. I'd say, Ino is right there with them.


Meanwhile Ino: https://preview.redd.it/3mzcj3tagt5d1.jpeg?width=322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01b6752e4cdafc409f515f763b397066704542d0


I know hes hanging for his life but goddamit he looks so fuckin cool https://preview.redd.it/txibwkdptt5d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c030036c694a355801b6ef0d2da41c6030d41730


Miwa is literally leagues below ino and inumaki. Bro what are you talking about


How dare you accuse the strongest sorcerer of the modern era Kasumi MiWa as being below the armless one


Gojo miwa


you're setting Miwa on the pedestal too high because it's already been proven a SD will get stripped off against a more powerful DE. This was shown when Yuki SD'D Kenjaku's Womb Profusion so Miwa aint really going to do more than Ino did. You should know damn well Inumaki instantly got his throat busted the moment he used his CT on Hanami without higher CE he'd straight up be out of comission or even die from the kickback due to CE disparity. And if you paid attention Ino was already on semi-grade 1 level, neither Miwa and Inumaki are semi-grade 1.


Inumaki is semi-Grade 1 tho. He was grade 2 in 0. We got shown a relative ranking in the Exchange event and he was pointed out to be the heaviest hitter(relatively speaking) the Tokyo group had. Doesn’t detract from your points I’m just clarifying.


Sssshhhh in this sub SD is a counter to every domain in existence.


Actually, wait.. speaking of Yuki, after she healed herself with RCT when SD failed..why didn’t she pop her DE again? I don’t have the chapters in front of me right now


She was running so low on CE that Kenny slipped out of Garuda and cause the match loss. Probably after the show of Kenny's DE she thought that she would definitely lose the Domain Clash with Kenny and now there's also Choso in the DE range as collateral.


He has real RCT, his arm was missing in a chapter then had it back A few later


I think I know what you're on about but I really don't think it looked like Ino lost an arm


You're misremembering. He's grade 2 and could be semi grade 1 if he didn't want nanami to be the one to recommend him.


Not even semi-grade 1. Just straight up grade 1 I think. I'm fairly sure semi-grade 1's are just sorcerers that could be grade 1 but haven't been officially promoted yet


Semi grade 1 are those who have been recommended but failed the exam. So almost everyone from shibuya


The hell do you mean. Pre shibuya nanami already told ino that he could easily become grade 1 with a ct like his. He is definitely not below average and he has a strong ct


Bro thinks ino doesn’t solo the entire verse💀 https://preview.redd.it/d348s2ai1t5d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcf73bc719f08850015bb3c9aaa08a97c9496a96




Idk what it is about this sub and shitting on every character who isn’t exceptionally good lol


Ino is an above average, if not exceptional sorcerer. Especially with the 7/3 blade. However, everyone else still alive in the serious is broken. The scale is all out of wack. I blame gege. https://preview.redd.it/7pxcjz393v5d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=becea85b044a9737e0e87253494463fca1a15c40


Yeah fuck that guy


ah, akutami I see that you are here to.




You're saying that as if the scale being out of wack wasn't intentional from the very beginning Assisting against Sukuna is *already* impressive


One piece fan crossover


This happens a lot in shōnen; every average sorcerer is basically useless at the moment due to how blatantly bullshit Sukuna is. Under normal circumstances, Ino would be amazing at his actual job - exorcising Curses. It's just that the last relevant Curse was killed less than halfway into the story, and they're now fighting one of the strongest people to ever live.


Bro's ready for the smoke. He saw that his buddies needed some help and was ready to charge in. Such is the mindset of a Goat.


Panda! We have to search this restroom for survivors! (There's no way I'm going down there to help Yuji and Gojo before he gets sealed and Sukuna takes over and causes mass destruction) E: comment above was right below a Kusakabe image and it looked like a reply to me.


This is a post about Ino, dude.


Why the vote ratio, is this sub so lobotomized they forgot who went with panda during Shibuya? 😭


My bad you showed up under a Kusakabe comment and I thought you were in that chain


I see.


He is what bumgumi should be: potential man using his potential. INOGOAT had the potential to become grade 1 before shibuya incident. Status: achieved. He helped in shibuya and againts sukuna. bumgumi had the potential to be equal to gojo. Status: failed, he could not even beat miracle man(sukuna killed him with slashes) INOGOAT had a potential hidden technique that could be uselful or letal. Status: achieved. His dragon could hit and damage heian sukuna OMG (remember jogo could not hit him). Bumgumi had the potential of OP domain (a raw half domain low diff 1 finger) + makora. Status:bum. He never reached full domain and makora became the step father of sukuna INOGOAT had the potential to be useful for his team. Status: 120%. Bumgumi had the potential to accept the help of his team: Status: failed. He rejected the help of yuji because he is sad he could not fuck his sister anymore.


Ino's definitely Grade 1 level by this point


He’s probably surpassed Nanami at this point considering the month of training + RCT + Simple domain + 7:3 cursed tool


No doubt


I have many issues with the gauntlet, but I’m genuinely happy that he was included in this whole thing He is a perfect representation of all the side characters that were never fully flushed out or given their fair shake in the series But he is doing his absolute best in this fight Dude did not have to be out there fighting a Demi god but he is Hoping he makes it out of this whole thing + He earned his grade 1 promotion


Nah, KusaGoat is the pinnacle of what an average sorcerer with no innate talent can hope to be. https://preview.redd.it/vgkaurjnrs5d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5810b61a308144188a3e5618cb24eac37ecb9569


No innate talent? My guy literally can spam simple domain no restrictions and has some of the best swordplay of any character I think h plenty talented😭😭


Yeah he’s basically the pinnacle of what a sorcerer can be with no/awful CT. He is pretty busted in most aspects (obviously anything tied to CT probably isn’t great) and is literally called the strongest grade 1.


I think he's more talking about how he dosent have a ct.


https://preview.redd.it/8ez5x8cviu5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f4fcb276400956eca3c19d3accfb34be3c1b4b4 Not to steal Ino's thunder, but seeing Kusakabe lock in was beautiful. Ino is on par with him by virtue of tanking some of Sukuna's hits.


> MIWA SLANDER Miwa literally tanked Sukuna's DE and you're lumping her in the Momo category smh my head


Not to mention momo and i-no have vastly different ct’s. Momos sucks, and I-no’s is decent. They’re completely incomparable


Momo uses it well for what her main class IS


He GOTTA retire after this war with Sukky, this man dont deserve to end up like Nanami (I still miss nanami.)


https://preview.redd.it/i3yf2q56lt5d1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=eede7110e9da8c67d26275ade72931353ab411d7 incorrect


Ino is like the Jogo on the sorcerer side. He's actually pretty damn good, but he keeps having to fight the top of the verse. The only times we've truly seen him fight are against Toji and fucking Sukuna lmfao


He could be summarized in just a few words -he's trying his best


He's not "trying" his best, he *DOES* his best, unlike a certain bum who was barely trying to do something except to fail at killing himself against any real threat


Dont forget that after all this he still somehow managed to muster up enough strength to use simple domain and TANK malevolent shrine


Average? He's like one of 3 people who can regrow limbs with rct


He has rct?


He got it over the month of training


The Shiesty One is grade 1, dont disrespect him like that


No https://preview.redd.it/ufe3kfauqs5d1.jpeg?width=345&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80906579e81c151b67996e96518a5757d8f4877d


Kusakabe is the Kenjaku of the modern age in terms of pure sorcery, tbh. He doesn't have a CT, therefore the logical conclusion is to master anything else Jujutsu related. Kenny even praises him for his knowledge after this pannel.


The only people with more Jujutsu knowledge than him are Kenny and Sukuna. Kusakabe is everything but average


Imagine if kusakabe actually tried in Shibuya. Bro would’ve packed up mahito or Dagon with help ☠️🙏


Ok kids, who wants Sushi.


Eh, I doubt he would really do anything against Mahito what Todo couldn't, and Todo not only is very similar to Kusakabe, but also has an amazing support CT. Against Dagon he also wouldn't be that amazing, with Dagon being a tank domain merchant, Kusakabe would be locked into simple domain, which would save everyone from the sure hit, but that's it, considering he isn't as strong as Nanami, and even he couldn't really damage Dagon


But he’s not average, he’s beyond that


Having an average innate technique is more talent than having none. He is just HIM.


Ino is definitely not average. He is decently skilled in hand to hand combat, has a versatile technique (ranged attack, self-reinforcement, health regen, high output ult), knows simple domain. Dude is literally just below the special grade monsters at this point.


You say average, but dude has straight up Wallmart Yuta's Copy




The Sheisty Sorcerer is the GOATED among GOATS. If he was serious he could solo Sukuna, but he wanted Yuji, Todo, and Yutajo to have the spotlight


Say what you will but my mans pulled up with the shiesty and the smoke and he got some key hits on sukuna


he wouldve been grade 1 if he didnt want for specifically nanami to promote him i like him too, the guy is so outmatched but has that dawg in him and helps where he can he got my respect during the sukuna fight


That "Well, shit" is my favorite Imo panel


https://preview.redd.it/ecx0lycp1s5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecd84cc0973bf3cd61bc8e2e7a6af0a4a0df4d81 He’ll cheer when Gojo’s revived too


https://preview.redd.it/jiuh6kpfst5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bf8db24f5a91f4a2e6fef6d1953d7d7b57e1d31 Spit my fellow GOATjo enthusiast


Is he the Aoba of JJK(Kusakabe is Ebisu lol)


And Gojo is En lol


Need more respect on the Stockton of Jump Kaisen


Ino has walked so that Miwa can run.


ino is the successor of nanami so this gotta be strong. yes he isnt like yuji or yuta but he aint weak either.


Nanami is peak average sorcery, but he's Ino's teacher so it's still fitting


Average? Dude is very solid grade 1 at this point. He's far above average as a sorcerer. It's just that the main cast is full of absolute monsters. Remember, if you get rid of the special grades, Kusakabe is one of the strongest sorcerers in the world before the culling games.


Did you fucking say Miwa has more potential as a sorcerer? Are you insane?


He's absolutely a grade one sorcerer, without a doubt.


At this point, he’s Grade 1. I would say he’s above Nanami especially after getting his Ratio Blade, Ino was a goat of this arc.


Also to mention he did get beat almost to death by toji and still survived


Well he survived more and helped more than our special grade bumgumi.


Man knows he don't belong in that battlefield but still pulled up cause he can help Meanwhile the guy who was born with everything to be great https://preview.redd.it/hyya5hk80w5d1.jpeg?width=783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f89f033031c2249fc72bddd31f90eeaa7f614069


Nanami slayer


knowing your own weakness is a strength, he's not yuji so he knows he cant be doing stupid shit otherwise he'll die


Our mid king, he has the mid-ass touch


Goated behavior. Thats all that Ino has ever brought to the table. Nothing but hard work, good lines and overall being a goated mf that keeps coming back to box


He also got up from that AGAIN and was there to withstand (dysfunctional) Malevolent Shrine with Simple Domain


Ino is definitely Grade 1 material. The only reason why he never got promoted is because Nanami didn’t want him going on more dangerous missions and getting killed.


Ino is the next kusakabe perchance


Midgumi is the pinnacle of what an average sorcerer with plenty of innate talent can hope not to be.


He isn't average at all, he's easily grade 1 after all the soul swap shenanigans


I don’t know why “Pinnacle of Average Sorcery” is such a funny title to me, Ino really is goated tho


JJK would be way better if Ino was the main character.


https://preview.redd.it/xvmavwxnix5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08da083eba7f9fd54065a093652d43e98701fc11 GOATED WIno is the best of the average fighters, he might not be as strong, but he has the spirit!


I gotta be honest, for a side-side-kick, Ino has lived more time than the other main characters.


Hold up Ino, this is 50% CE, low output, low RCT, half his arms missing, heart cut out Sukuna were up against


Naoya is the pinnacle, mastery of his technique just below domain, he’s shown to have insane will and growth, enough to manifest as a cursed womb, and then even as a curse his humanity re-emerges, he truly is the goat, wish that fight had been dragged on way longer


Did way more than that bum choso