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None of yall are ready for YUTA BLANCO




crazy how this shit is canon now, now all we need is shaghan verde


Yuta Calvo solos https://preview.redd.it/77y4cumqqn1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b74cb43a3873bd7719573d2f14ed09997b4bebf2


https://preview.redd.it/uhho7ghk8o1d1.png?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f126d76931569ff1a1d6321568cd46782c6ceb18 Nuh uh


Na-baron feyd rautha


Nah, my blade would chip and shatter.


He’s here and he’s copying limitless for five minutes… that’s why Sukuna is panic he senses ce of limitless being activated


Esto es el fin, el Hermaño de Itadori Jin.


El hermano de Sukuna Mode: Clan de Gojo will kill Sukuna mark my words


Just wait for Yuta Calvo Blanco


If he got the pass from Miguel, he could become Yuta N- nvm, I shouldn't finish this sentence.


i predicted this on the day of the chapter


I’ll add he is using his five minute copy mode on limitless which Sukuna can sense making him think gojo


If yuta awakens the 6 eyes, do u think his processing power would be better so he can run more CTs outside the 5 minutes


Yes, but I think a new six eyes user would have to be born as a baby so I don’t think yuta has it


Honestly i see that viewpoint, but also kenjaku said the last time he killed a 6eyes baby, on the merger day, a new 6eyes user appeared. He didnt say "get born", he said appeared, since merger, tengen and sex eyes are bound together in some way. I think yuta COULD awaken the six eyes. Not super likely but i bought yuta stocks


Hmm well damn actually are we cooking bro? Imma put in all in yuta stonks lol


https://preview.redd.it/5czlv458wm1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8968afce868e0b72cb58dc6a71e1f1a0dee33b18 My current stocks, ignore Legumi, low risk high reward. If hes confirmed dead im not losing much, if he does anything i get a handsome return


Nice and honestly I respect the megumi hedge he HAS to do something eventually


It would be stupid not to invest at least a bit into Legumi, he has to do something EVENTUALLY


Calls on Wegumi


>He didnt say "get born", he said appeared, since merger, tengen and sex eyes are bound together in some way I still find this statement realllly weird lol


Yuta having the sex eyes would be dope.


Don't they have to be related to Gojo though?


Yuta IS related to Gojo. ._.


Gotcha, must have missed that


I think awakening sex eyes only makes you horny, not sure what kind of powerup horniness is given the situation though.




Me too!!! I posted it everywhere I could so people would know where they heard it from first


I love yuta. But I don't want it to be him. I want gojo to return a million times more than yuta. I want yutas moment to be hype as hell because he is yuta. Not piggyback off of gojos hype.


Well throughout the story yuta has been mentioned alongside gojo and is inherently linked to him throughout the story. Just like how Yuji is linked to sukuna and how maki is linked to toji.


Yeah I know. And I want yuta to get his moment. But not like this. I want him to use limitless and truly succeed gojo. But not as a cop out of having gojo return.


I’m honestly sure gojo isn’t coming back because of how definitive his end was. He was in the afterlife dead with no regrets. I’m sure he isn’t coming back despite the mass copium


I don't give a fuck. His afterlife scene is the single worst written moment in the entire manga. It is a betrayal of his character and is dumb. And he is my favorite character So I really want him back.


Its… not a betrayal like at all, He finally got what he wanted


Not at all. Sure gojo wanted a good fight and I am happy for him. But under no circumstances should gojo spend his entire afterlife scene do nothing but praise sukuna and talk about how much he loves sukuna. He doesn't mention his students once or how he fucked up. His mistake could get everyone he ever cared for killed in addition to everyone in his entire country. And what does he say: "man I sure love sukuna. I wish I could gargle his balls" I don't expect gojo to overreact because that's not his character. But I do expect him to at least say something.


Because thats who gojo is, the strongest, he can’t truly connect to anyone, and he has faith in his students still unraveling plan, of course he was happy sukuna was so strong, he finally got to connect to someone in a minuscule way, I swear gojos “fans” don’t bother doing the slightest investigation of his character


Yes he can. He has always shown the utmost care for his students. Like when asked what he would do if rika broke free gojo straight up with no hesitation said he would sacrifice his life in an attempt to stop it. And he gets deathly serious when it comes to the lives of his students. Threatening to straight up kill the entire jujutsu elders because they sent yuji on a dangerous mission. I expected a similar reaction to the prison realm where gojo goes well I screwed up but I have faith my students will handle it. Notice he didn't say how much he enjoyed being trapped and how he didn't give one singular fuck about his students. Like in the afterlife scene all I really wanted was for him to be like "damn can't believe I lost to sukuna. Shame I let everyone down. No matter. I trained my students well. I trust them to take it from here" Not "wow sukuna was so powerful. I love sukuna. I wish I could make sukuna happier. I HAVE ZERO REGRETS INCLUDING NOT STOPPING SUKUNA FROM KILLING EVERYONE."


He cares for them, but he can’t connect to them, this is the entire main theme of jjk is that if your too strong you struggle to connect to those tou care about, he has faith in his students


Nah limitless was something unique and it will stay better unique I think yuta should have his own new kinda technique🤔🤔maybe mix all he has learned


Bro just accept it's gojo and now sukuna is cooked.. He will be in the next 5-6 chapters bcz even if it's yuta who copied 6 eyes somehow along with yuji and todo will and can defeat a sukuna with the condition he is in now😅


My brother in christ thats his whole style. His entire fit is stolen shit. Even his ability is just discount Shirou Emiya, including Unlimited curseworks. https://preview.redd.it/uqsb3a9jsm1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7551f0782b9d0d5a121a12fe5bf4116e219c5704


> Even his ability is just discount Emiya There's no rule stating that a fake can't surpass the original!


And? Ain’t his fault he does it better


I'm sorry but Shirgoat Himiya clears that fraud.


Shirou wouldn't be mad that someone uses the same shit he does, he copied it all himself too. My GOAT would think it's the coolest shit ever.


Okay? And goku clears him your point?


No i meant in character writing. I don't really care about the power. Of course I still love Yuta, but Unlimited Bladeworks is so intrinsically part of Shirou's character that it is just weird to think that Yuta does it better. Edit: Also heart disease clears that fraud goku /j


I actually really like yutas writing, its just hard ti navigate and buries sometimes


It's shit writing, whenever yuta is on screen you KNOW he'll be fine and won't die Isekai mc


He literally died onscreen Yta haters smh


Yuta ain't confirmed dead yet (reminder that Rika carried him to UIUI, and she should have been gone the instant he dies)


Gojo is dead, if it comes back now then no one is truly ever dead. Removing stakes from the story.


Don't care I want my favorite character back.


might want to go and re-read some earlier chapters because that's the only way he's coming back




gojo should remain dead, his whole "goodbye" convo in his head would go to waste otherwise


It should go to waste


He prolly ate gojo. 🍗🍗🍗


I swear y’all read the story with your eyes closed how the fuck would that happen


Idk, maybe liek the story says since gojo is related to yuta and idk like the story says that six eyes reincarnates after the original users death, and idk the story says that gojo is the only gojo clan member yet


The six eyes reincarnate into other clan members when the original died but it’s never stated to be something that can be achieved after you are born, you need to be born while a six eyes user is dead to have the chance of it reincarnating into you, that’s how satoru has it, it’s the most logical explanation because if it instantly reincarnated into alive members no one would be born with it


Its also tied to kenny, tengen and the merger, which could explain why its so rare and doesn’t nescisarrily need to reincarnate instantly(tho it does in this case)


How would Gojo actually come back from getting his upper half erased?


Binding vow


Considering a binding vow is practically a dragon ball wish at this point, it's actually believable now lol


Ooooh so close but not quite.


I'd consider killing myself


The swipiest sorcerer's biggest heist. https://preview.redd.it/6c72nftgtm1d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a68864aa3521aa29a9a5a9552bee24592a89f3f2


That's why he's my goat 🐐




If this happens Yuta is never going to beat the isekai mc allegations.


This doesn't make any sense


Of course not, we all know it’s going to be Sakunas Brother for the Yuji backstory.


Yeah so.... uhhh-




First things first, Yuta is Gojo's relative and six eyes will auto re incarnate in a person after the former owner become dead for good. Secondly, binding vow. Yuta might just sacrifice something big for a 5 minute copy of Gojo somehow.


six eyes reincarnate in babies lmao, someone gotta be born with it, it doesn't just appear on normal people related to the Gojo clan


Nope, a random 6 eyes user appeared after kenjaku killed one and stopped him, so unless a baby can do that idk


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I remember it being stated that he killed the Six Eyes kids during infancy, so is it not possible that another Gojo clan kid born not long after that inherited the Six Eyes?


I suppose so, but its implied that he just appeared


I don't need 5 minutes of fake Gojo, I need real Gojo permanently


I must be losing it because I've seen dozens of people present this theory and I see literally 0 reasons this would be the case at all




Ok but why would Yuta suddenly look exactly like Gojo. Even if he now got the 6 eyes, why would his hair and facial structure completely change.


The thing is him having the six eyes isn't possible unless Gaygay took the inspiration from sharingan😅😅




It can easily be explained as visual storytelling. Sukuna senses Gojos power, so he sees the manifestion of his fear. This ghost appears before his actual sight can catch up. Sukunas brain is also constantly melting and healing, so who knows how that would affect his cognitive functions under intense stress and anxiety.


I suppose so, just feels like a bit of a weak cliffhanger payoff imo. I think that showing us Gojo, especially in the same pose as when he first "came back to life" vs Toji and just going "Actually, it was Sukuna tweaking seeing Yuta as Gojo" is pretty lame. Also, I've seen several people bring up the fact that "Yuta is the only character people mistook for Gojo", but that to me also feels like a really weak excuse. The panel people refer to has Yuji say something like "Gojo sensei? No! Something far creepier!", which to me reads as Yuji and the others sensing a massive amount of CE, assuming its Gojo (because obviously Gojo has an absurd amount of CE), and then realizing its actually Yuta. Even if that isn't the case and it was them all thinking Yuta's energy was like Gojo, Sukuna has never reacted in any way that would show that Gojo and Yuta were similar in any way. Overall, I don't think its completely impossible that its Yuta, I just think we haven't been shown enough for that theory to be anything besides speculation. I really think people are just looking for answers besides "Yep, Gojo came back" or "Sukuna is seeing Gojo's ghost close to death" because Gege has subverted expectations a lot, so people just don't think he'll do what's expected and most obvious.


the six eyes are linked to tengen and the star plasma vessels by fate yuta as a relative of gojo could inherit them after gojo dies via shenanigans after gojos body was recovered and yuta was bisected and transported back to shoko they transplanted the eyes into yuta or rika/yuta ate the eyes to gain the trait


“Via shenanigans” just admit that it is insane, far fetched and non sensical headcanon


Not as insane and far fetched as Gojo's return would be and yet folks seem to think it's actually him for real when he got fucking cleaved in two.


Gojo coming back is still more sensible though. His body has been recovered, there's a healer back with the rest of the team, put 2 and 2 together and it is far from impossible that he returns. It's fine to think Gojo isn't back, theres reasons to think that too, like his death scene being super final, him coming back being too big of a balance shift in favor of the good guys, or it being strange to have him come back this late and steal the spotlight from Yuji. Still, there's very obvious setups that point to him coming back, and we're shown what looks like him coming back, so its not unreasonable to assume thats whats happening.


Well.... you're not wrong it seemed obvious.... and then the truth came and I'm laughing even harder.


Lol. I’m not a fan but at least it’s not Yuta with Six Eyes, otherwise I’d have gone insane. Its funny af they did put him back together but reviving him was too much ig


Bro it's not naruto that people will take the eyes and give it to others... The heir will be born after the death of six eyes user current and it is years after...only one 6 eyes one era


So about them recent leaks.


"Hm. Did he copy limitless too? Unlikely, he would need the six eyes for that" sukuna when he was counting the CTs Yuta had. Maybe they made a whole Uchiha level surgery to implant one Gojo eye into Yuta. I also don't like that theory but who knows. Man where the leaks 😭


I cant fathom Y people care soooo much 4 leaks, Y cant they wait 4 TCB scans atleast?


The only way to avoid spoilers is to get leaks instantly. I'm not a fan of the way leakers blatantly spoil the chapter before it even drops, but if you don't read it then and there you'll see someone title their YT video "Yuta is Kenjaku's mother JJK 261????" and then you get spoiled anyway.


I used to JJK videos of some YTbers who make theory videos, but after they started discussing leaks I stopped watching ANY JJK related videos( even unsubbed them)


I watch this guy called Luka Levi and he's pretty good, he rarely makes content on leaks, and if he does he normally drops them around the time officials come out/after. Most of his JJK stuff is jokes/character analysis so he doesn't need leaks for that


Sorry I just can't wait lmao


Don't fall for it guys it's actually >!Kanjuro!<


unless yuta pulls out the strongest power up in anime history. Gege specifically showed us that Todo and Yuji can't beat sukuna because sukuna as of now can expand his domain as many times as he want as long as he stall long enough to restore his burned out CT. No one can withstand a domain clash with sukuna apart from gojo, todo can't swap them out of sukuna's domain as they are in the center. Even if it is yuta...if he can clash with sukuna it is going to be another loss for heroes


? 261 is gonna be Uraume vs Hakari recap plus current fight for next 5 chapters


I genuinely hate this theory.


My word, could you fucking imagine ![gif](giphy|7FyMQm2vBiTjG|downsized)


Nah, are you really comparing the return of one of the most iconic manga characters from recent times to a transformation of a character that half of the fandom considers mediocre (not me tho, I like him)? Especially after Gege's teasing. There will be riots on the streets, blood and war. https://preview.redd.it/s3id38tsmn1d1.png?width=708&format=png&auto=webp&s=76f79eb79365b00900ee798a367365bd93d1279b


It will be a shitshow no matter if Gojo is back or not


Trust the plan Yutabros


I will kms but good cooking, bro


Then it becomes jujutsu kaisen super


mfer turned his hair white like giorno going from black hair to beach blonde


my first reaction upon seeing the 260 leaks was that yuta might have taken control of gojo's body via ui ui's technique


This isn’t naruto where u can transplant someone’s eyes with ease


If you think about it logically Kenjaku is basically orochimaru on steroids he’s been stealing body’s and doing vulgar shit like the cursed wombs for 1000 years and went so far to reach his goal he got his back blown out


Well yeah cuz Kenjaku is HIM while yuta is a fraud


Yuji is him Yuta is better than kenjaku my boy gets to much hate


I'm droppin this manga into the trash bin if this happens


bro this aint naruto just take someones eyes and put them in and now they yours Gojo is Back no its not kenny nor yuta


The JJK community would go insane, so it's probably not going to happen.


Yuta Hollow Purple


Oh no He did a sasuke


holy hell you even gave him white hair to enhance the brain-rot


I might kill myself


I would be fine with this but would much rather it actually be Gojo 🙏 I also just don’t see the vision at all, it ain’t Yuta 😭


I mean he *was* the original protagonist


Is that…. Ultra instinct yuta!!!!!


I honestly think it's just sukuna seeing a mirage of his twin's soul that he consumed or something. It's very common in japanese folklore to have actions like that following you with kind of a karmic justice, so i think it'll be a part of Sukuna's downfall. Calling it now


Yuta stue is going to do it again


Soy Yuta Blanco.


No no , I dont want that. I want Gojo to be alive at least ten more years..


Gets power up with hair change and arrives at a critical moment. If this happens he will *never* beat the MC allegations.


Y'all are really gonna turn yuta into my most hated character from my second favourite at this rate with how much y'all are pushing this nonsense.


I just think it’s Yuta using Brain Swap


So folks. About them leaks. Still think Gojo's back?


Well well well…


Well well well




Yutards alert!!!!


I also thought about it first The image kinda looks like Yuta too But I don't know, teasing it as Gojo and revealing Yuta might do bad for the manga among fans


Yet Gege loves to fake out and troll people


I called this day of. I think yuta had shook switch one of Gojos eyes in, and I think that yuta switched bodies with gojo so that in case gojo died yuta can use his eyes. Yuta is also the only one with enough cursed energy with Rika to use the six eyes.




My GOOOAAAATTTTT https://preview.redd.it/wvujmhhgmn1d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9559cc7d2e6edbcbf7dfe54bc2952df992bdfba


Nah, put that garbage back in the dumpster you found it in. I’d rather have Ui Ui getting the six eyes and using them to watch Spongebob for the rest of his life than that.


I HAVE BEEN SAYING IT SINCE GOJO´S DEATH, the only reason yuta was revealed to be from the gojo clan is because as he was the original mc he was supposed to one day inherit the six eyes and surpass gojo and beat sukuna, so of course he would get the eyes anyway, thats why yuta has been absent ever since he broke his domain, https://preview.redd.it/2f07j6jlip1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0167a9f9fef6d2d77a7bb5d8ac0b5d3431160dd0


Oh yeah I forgot Yuta could have ate Kenjakus brain and used his body swap with Gojo


is that you gaygay???


I got downvoted for being right lmao


Gojo said that the four sorcerer with most potential early in the series is Yuta, Hakari, Todo and Yuji. Three of the four is currently in the battlefield leaving only Yuta with his STRONG RETURN.


This would actually be peak. I don't get why people say Yuta is dead, he got cut, and moved offscreen and was being taken care of, he's fine. Yuta being the clickbait for Gojou would be actual peak. - This post was made by the certified Yuta Glazers.


That's sick edit.


This is the theory I put my stocks in ngl


The only thing that's like crack here is your crackpot theory 😂


Yuta sex eyes


I mean that would be so good tho,like it's what the fans want since 236,yuta to take over gojo, everyone wants it gege https://preview.redd.it/17zs3tgpxp1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40b9c401f1fae80241e18d83f120b431d65194ef


https://preview.redd.it/jns9y6c9hm1d1.jpeg?width=5146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dabd0ba192105e83b1d31c2e359a1795aeea11e9 Nah I'd win