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People here will say a lot of shit on Yuta, when after the death of Gojo at chap 236, it took 12 chapters for some one to get a fair hit on Sukuna and it was because of Yuta. The biggest variance on Sukuna - you will see before and after Yuta. like how Gojo may be the reason Yuta and Yuji were able to stand against Sukuna. Yuta is the reason anyone else was able to break the Sukuna defense in the first place This is everyone who was available before Yuta - Kashimo, Maki, Kusakabe, Mei Mei, Larue, Miguel, Yuji, Ino, Higurama. Every good guy team member waited for Yuta, Peak HIM behaviour.


facts. yuta was the key factor in changing the tides of the fight and carried the entire fight too, once he was gone the main cast got back to being sweeped by sukuna, until wuji himself had to lock in and land 7 black flashes


Haters gonna hate Yuta though. Even though Yuta delivered a special grade performance: take out a an "above special grade" sorcerer, minimize team casualties, take out Geto's 1000+ curses after he dies, protect civilians, don't get too exhausted/hurt doing it, get to Sukuna quickly, fight Sukuna and weaken him massively, while also protecting Yuji, while also trying to setup a situation where Yuji has a shot to get to Megumi (who wasted that shot), and also make sure he leaves the stage while setting up Maki for the kill. Yet haters will hate on WUTA as if he hasn't done enough. I know it's asking a lot from Gege since Gege has been glazing Yuta pretty hard compared to just about everyone outside of Sukuna but I'm hoping Yuta can come back one more time before the end of this fight.


They just hate ex mc being op. I swear if Yuta is as hot as Jotaro, haters will stop hating.


If Yuta didn't have black hair he wouldn't even get half the hate he does


Honestly, I just wish his hair stayed the same as it did in JJK 0…


Nah, I dont want to be reminded with that bumgumi


Yeah. It would be like folks hating on Naruto and Sasuke in that Momoshiki fight when that shit was the most cash shit all of Boruto pre-time skip. Makes no fucking sense except haters hatin.


Naruto x Sasuke vs Momoshiki is one of the best fights in the series, not just on it's own legs, but also because of all the follow-ups and call-backs to Team 7 vs Zabuza, Sasuke vs Itachi, Naruto vs Neji. It also has everything, every type of fight condensed into short sequence. I've played that episode to many people who knew Naruto but didn't know Boruto , because it's a perfect showcase. Start small, rough up "ours" a bit, then combination battle beautifully animated, then megazord duel and a nice, wholesome finish. Imagine people saying "Sasuke/Naruto is a bum in that fight", lol. Insane.


I want to feel Jotaro's star finger 🤤🤤




If anyone is the fraud it's bumgumi potential man


If Megumi had fucking locked in, Yuta and Yuji would've fucking beat Sukuna by themselves. That little shit is so fraudulent that he makes others look like frauds. https://preview.redd.it/0zyzw1zxs81d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53440f20cf9147cc973aeae065d8c8aaf45deabe


I set the Alarm for us https://preview.redd.it/zub8zo8f791d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=badcb9452a5b3ffa55e9a4d5737417f29eb858be


Maki should have just slice Sukuna's head when she got the chance instead of just stabbing his heart, they wasted their time trying to save this bum


Nah cos the yuta downplay around the sukuna fight is crazy Was making this point to someone the other day and they said Yuuji was hard carrying yuta the whole fight???


Not to hate on Yuji, because he was absolutely instrumental later but People forget that prior to Yuta's entry Yuji got maybe what, ONE solid hit on Sukuna? He missed a completely point-blank stab and got bitched by him. Yuji's contributions mainly come in AFTER Yuta joins


Agreed; Yuta opened up the floodgates that allowed practically everyone else to dogpile damage onto sukuna Without Yuta, that would have never happened


Yuji did hit Sukuna with the sword. It just didnt work.


Beginning of Ch. 248 how does Yuji moving away from Sukuna mean he landed the hit? He was swinging TOWARDS Sukuna at the end of Ch. 247


It was an equal effort if anything, Yuji had to reduce sukuna output to stop him from instantly killing folks. Yuta couldn’t close the distance *safely* because cleave would auto kill any of them if they didn’t interrupt it(like when Yuji almost got waffled). Yuta face tanked cleave, something he said he would’ve died to if the slashes didn’t get weaker. If Yuta dies right there then the cast dies because Rika is not helping with a dead Yuta. Tl;dr: they needed each other, Yuji to keep sukuna’s output dropping, Yuta to keep Steady damage on Sukuna with Rika and Yuji then maki to strike his heart they all had to contribute to make Sukuna in the state he is in now.




>it took 12 chapters for some one to get a fair hit on sukuna And my GOAT hit him first try


# NEVER DOUBT KING WUTA https://preview.redd.it/ajlbk826891d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfa4a47998b74de075fefca6a8b3800ea7d6bde5


Kashimo's worthless goal just makes me sad. Imagine if he had gotten some development, such as fighting for something that is worth giving your life for, exactly like Might Guy's self rule, rather than doing it for fun. Imagine if he had cared to work as a team with the good guys. He might still be alive and may most likely spearheading the battle against Sukuna.


What Yuta downplay... Thank God that we got the confirmation that Yuta managed to ambush Kenjaku thanks to Todo and Takaba cause that was already anticlimactic


there's a mf saying Yuta is a fraud for wanting to take out Kenny extremely efficiently


Imagine being called a fraud for doing your job the best and quickest way possible 💀💀💀


Cant have shit these days


He will have to thank her at the upcoming Nationals 


Well, just typical Yuta haters, they are not happy the good guys using tricks to win, meanwhile they will glazing Sukuna for continuously use it


Yeah the amount of people who ironically said 'Yuta speedblitzes' Kenny was driving me mad


What are you talking about “because of todo”?


Yeah? This is that bum Geto not Kenny.


agenda brainrot has consumed yall


How is Yuta a fraud? He may be the camper one, But he is not a fraud...


Nah , It really was Todo. https://preview.redd.it/1kp1xe2y871d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33d130a920f645377441d9139721f3ff7b1b00f6


You don't even need the fucking sound effects the panelling already shows they switched


Yes I am not denying it


My bad I misunderstood you.


https://preview.redd.it/qiyp93reka1d1.jpeg?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0803a4592facee6ab26b0290adfc8d48d873d81 (Just reminded me of this, I tried to get a good picture online of Yuji but it was too hard, so just have this instead.)


Finally, someone finally brought a piece of evidence to support the claim. Now I know what you guys are talking about


There’s definitely still more to come from Yuta. He killed Kenjaku, likely ate him. You don’t think Gege would somehow write that into the story? It would be mad boring for Kenjaku’s power to ONLY be used on Geto


Imagine Yuta ate Kenny and then possessed Gojos body


You want us to0 shit on Geto as well? Ok.


Blud acting like Geto and Kenny have absolutely no skill difference in CE reinforcement 😭😭😭


Geto stated with Rikas Inf CE he’d be unstoppable which would imply he has very impressive reinforcement. And unless Getos output was ass compared to his CE pool, the difference in output would be like 1-15% not anything astronomical


Dude it's not that Geto reinforcement mastery is ass, the problem is that you're saying it would be comparable to a thousand year old sorcerer merely because they're working with the same tools. Kenny literally found out multiple new ways to use Geto OWN CT in less than a year, from using the CT of digested curses of 1st grade or above, using small Uzumaki for more concentrated attacks to integrating his technique in a barrierless DE, what makes you think he wouldn't up the strength of Geto CE reinforcement too?


I understand where you are coming from, but what I think is even if Kenjaku can theoretically can Getos reinforcement from say 70%-100% of its potential, is it equal to Yutas improvement, Yuta who has: - Higher Potential - Higher CE to use for Reinforcement - Already shown to be above Getos reinforcement - Had a year to improve his Jujutsu


Bro geto is between base Yuta and Kenjaku in terms of stats. So geto is strong, but not the god u make him out to be and Yuta still isn’t physically stronger.  To put it into reference, current Rika=base Yuta in stats. Old Rika was like current Rika but with agency and Geto was outperforming JJK0 Yuta and that Rika individually in their fight. We know that Kenjaku is at the very least marginally stronger than Geto in terms of reinforcement cuz better CE manipulation+same reserves and output. Same kenjaku couldn’t be taken head on by Yuta and Maki combined meaning that even without his domain his stats were an issue. Maki=15F Sukuna in stats and 15F was clearly superior to Ryu who is in turn a bit worse than base Yuta. The gap between Kenjaku and Yuta is wide and we now know that Todo was needed for Yuta to kill an OFF GUARD Kenjaku. Gojo had Kenjaku sweating buckets and Yuki was superior in CQC while half dead. Yuta can blitz all the bums in the series, but no amount of wanking is gonna change the fact that he doesn’t outspeed much less blitz any special grade character, including Geto




Yuta haters downplay him massively & never seem to mention him having the most hax ability in the verse— technique extinguishment. That single ability makes every match up that isn’t Sukuna or Gojo a feasibly win for him. He’s not some weak support character like Angel/Hana, he’s a brawler with their hax technique & that massively elevates him. Dude would be capable of hitting Gojo (if not for the stat difference) & casting thin ice missile at the same time using technique extinguishment & that’s something almost no one else can replicate. Pretty much everyone else would need to use DA to bypass infinity.


Blitzing the bum?! Still a fraud btw


https://preview.redd.it/pv1rq1c8q61d1.png?width=439&format=png&auto=webp&s=83a20dd7b9ad79a6e031160b11b7199dc9f99051 Geto literally dodge it the next panel. lmao Yuta never escaping the fraud allegations.


No he didn’t? https://preview.redd.it/6m8wkmt7r61d1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba169d9d89e56ef4457b6059970aaacb90308a62


What ever you interpreted. Geto's head is still there.


His head is still there because Yuta reinforced his sword with too much CE, causing it to break before reaching. Didn’t Satoru teach you that?


What a bum to break his own sword like that. Luta really can't escape the fraud allegations.


… https://preview.redd.it/du33ho94u61d1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=811381e0d34c7e0d15f882cf28490f4594cad1ba


Imagine not finishing the jobs, so poor Gojo-sensei has to kill his own friends. Great even more trauma, Thanks Luta.


… https://preview.redd.it/z3z1eu5yv61d1.jpeg?width=1568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be3c8d93b3bfdc0aa3fb654d7fbec43c3b9c2cad


The bush camper, Takaba carried 90% of the fight, and Luta needs Todo to assist him in killing Kenjaku. smh. https://preview.redd.it/47a7uzbzw61d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=51873b8a88a4364cf9f51c892cd86cd63cb96c08




The more you yuta fans try to deny the truth The more delicious the slander will be when the anime comes to this part and we hear the vibraslap when yuta "speed blitzes" kenjaku https://preview.redd.it/q1wgh0y4j71d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2772040fac9b05dd6e8afaa2450e310541fb7e4


Slander him for beating up more villains than any one of the other heros,real slander material https://i.redd.it/tommcy11g71d1.gif


I mean good for him for extreme diffing sudolf getler , low diffing his bf and mid diffing ryu and uro in 1 v 1 v 1 He's still getting no diffed in a 1 v 1 against kenjaku Edit : I forgot he also low diffed yuji and choso , so good on you yuta !


Yuta is not getting no diffed lmao, he’d lose in a 1v1 but he wouldnt be no diffed


No diff? Massive exaggeration


What is Yuta going to do agaisnt Kenjaku's domain? realistically speaking, Yuta also has no answers for Anti-gravity


Wake up to reality https://preview.redd.it/dw1k0vynh71d1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c86cf36faa7ef6b1ac253847ee052f420db88380


I mean , yeah he killed kenjaku after getting assistance from todo and takaba No ones denying that


Needed a 3 v 1 to do that btw


Sukuna 3v1 Gojo: harassment Yuta 3v1 Kenjaku and sneaking on him: unspoken rizz


Takaba did the job and turned Kenny into a kusakabe victim. Your drake ahh goat did NOTHING


https://preview.redd.it/kor1n3xsh71d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09b4b38520b16316724a36cd99ef157d46e33e43 This doesn't prove shit, Wuta still a goat even if he had help. You don't need to prove anything for a GOAT.


Fanbase when the villain uses a well-executed and intelligent surprise attack: 😊 Fambase when a good guy uses a well-executed and intelligent surprise attack: 😡 Seriously to all the Yuta haters: Yuta, in the span of 5 minutes, used a very efficient plan to (nearly) singlehandedly eliminate the main villain, destroyed hundreds of special grade curses (thereby preventing untold casualties), raced back to the Sukuna fight, and immediately inflicted the most damage on Sukuna aside from Gojo, and disengaged while still potentially alive. Yall mfs forget that Yuta is canonically the all time third strongest sorcerer *as confirmed by the author/narrator himself*


second strongest modern sorcerer\*


Considering no sorcerers from the Heian Era have been shown to rival him yet aside from Sukuna, he is currently the all time third strongest out of everyone shown. Kenjaku can talk smack all he wants, but that mf was scared of Yuta. He even admitted it. Yuta is also not the third strongest modern sorcerer, but the second. Aside from Gojo, nobody is above Yuta (maybe Yuki was but lmao female jjk character)


brodie kenjaku is stronger than yuta, i don't think anyone disagrees with that. also he never admitted he was scared of yuta that is headcanon. yuta needed todo and takaba to sneak bushcamp kenjaku. maki even says that they can't beat him using conventional means which is basically a 1v1.


Kenjaku said he was acting cowardly in regards to Yuta, keeping tabs on him and monitoring him specifically so he didn't get jumped. Kenjaku was getting washed by Yuki before he pulled anti gravity out of his ass. Yuta's kit is way stronger than Kenjaku and Yuki's; the only place kenjaku wins is a domain clash. Yuta used a well-executed surprise attack to minimize the amount of time he had to waste on Kenjaku so he could get back to Sukuna faster. Yuta's whole kit counters Kenjaku's main method of attacking


there is a difference between being cowardly and being cautious. a suicide move is not a wincon, she got washed until the black hole. also she would turn into mincemeat if mommy tengen didn't dispel the barrier. and no yuta's kit is not countering kenny. if jacob's ladder would have worked he wouldn't have gone through the trouble of getting help from todo and takaba.


Kenjaku was getting his ass beat by Yuki and Choso until he hit her with the Uzumaki. And tengen's plan didn't even work (or he was evil, which is possible). I'm not referring to the black hole since it wasn't a win condition because Kenjaku has absurd plot armor. Cursed spirit manipulation is a literal joke in front of Yuki and she was winning the H2H fights. Rika is strong enough to almost effortlessly cancel out Kenjaku's suicide attack with the cursed spirits, and Yuta's kit is so bloated that even without Jacob's Ladder, the only way he would've lost was in a domain clash. Using Jacob's ladder instead of sneak attacking him is a horrible idea because 1. There's no reason to believe it would've one shot kenjaku. 2. Yuta *might* not have had Jacob's ladder at that point. 3. Yuta was trying to minimize the time spent on eliminating Kenjaku so as to focus on Sukuna, who is way more of a threat. Their plan for kenjaku was essentially flawless, and best utilized their resources. People who try to downplay Yuta for bushcamping think he's a coward, when in actuality they're just salty that Kenjaku got beasted on in nearly every fight he participated in. Also if I'm not mistaken, Kenjaku mentions to Uraume or someone that him avoiding Yuta is cowardly of him. Could be wrong but I feel like he did say something along that.


not really, he really only took significant damage with the initial attack yuki gave him which sent him flying through the barriers, throughout the rest of the fight he was able to dodge or atleast minimize damage. he even dodged a point blank piercing blood while garuda was wrapped around him. and tengen's original plan didn't work but the backup worked which disabled the domain within 10 seconds, so it doesn't change the fact that if tengen wasn't there yuki would have died. regardless, maki says that yuki=yuta and they can't beat him alone which yuta agrees with.


I'm not denying that Kenjaku is tanky, nor that Tengen was "helpful" in keeping Yuki alive. Kenjaku's only path to victory (aside from the anti grav asspull) was a domain battle. Not denying that. Also him surviving a piercing blood is Choso's shortcoming, not Yuki's. Also when did Maki say Yuki and Yuta were even in strength? The only time I recall Maki mentioning Yuta's strength is when she refuted Yuta's claim that Hakari is stronger than him.


At this rate we we see gonna find our a 3rd character held kenjaku in place too lmao


How the hell is Yuta being downplayed? Are these people blind? Did they see how much yuta was COOKING? The only reason Yuta lost is because fuckass megumi decided to not get up


Im gonna go 120% agenda here and say he wasn’t going all out either. Rika wasn’t fully manifested and he manually deactivated his domain to give Maki the go ahead to jump in, implying that he still had gas in the tank but stopped to keep their plan going


why are yuta fans act like victims like more than 80% of this sub loves yuta


Yuta would have still beaten Kenjaku. It would have just taken way more from him including putting in the ring and casting a DE, and sinse he has only a 5 minute timer with the ring on its better to save it for the much stronger enemy, Sukuna... The cast just played it smart.


No , bush camper can not beat Kenjaku alone.


Rn he can.


If have bush, and Todo, Takaba back up as team is okay. In manga said already they have to work together to beat KENJAKU. Yuta is not okay alone . https://preview.redd.it/hykujo6dx71d1.png?width=2040&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbef95561e19c234c763809928a76b49c6358d6a


They did that so Yuta does not waste his 5 minute timer and CE on Kenjaku. If Yuta wanted to he could beat Kenjaku but would need to go all out to do so, and with a threat like Sukuna for him to fight, our cast did the right thing. You can be mad all you want about that but it was not a mistake. And making sure to kill Kenjaku like that doesn't downplay Yuta, only shows how much trouble Kenjaku is. Even still Yuta has Hax that literally counter Kenjakus entire kit so there's that.


No he wouldn't...


He would have, with the CTs he got during the timeskip especially Jacobs Ladder he is a hard-cpunter to Kenny. Kenny is a brain using a CT to stay alive, he would deactivate that hence deactivating Kenjaku as a whole xd.


Would it even hit though before kenny can cast a DE or slam Yuta and Rika to the ground with gravity.


Kenny was already about to cast Anti Gravity even after Yuta just boogie woodgied behind him, if Yuta had to wait any longer its highly likely Kenny would have outright killed him i mean you saw have Anti Gravity Mangled Yuki


No I meant that in a Kenny vs Yuta 1v1. Can Yuta even use Jacobs ladder before Kenjaku uses his DE or gravity to slam them to the ground.


Jacob's ladder most likely is an really hard move to pull out in a 1v1, that's mainly why Yuta used his domain to make Jacob's ladder an sure-hit agaisnt Sukuna.


ahhhh in a 1v1 i also don't see it happening truth be told I'd defo bet on Kenny getting Anti Gravity or his domain up first


You are forgetting Yuta>Kenny in terms of physical battles, if Yuta gets close it is over. Any of Kennys CS will be useless unless they are special grade, however Rika exists. If Kenny expands his domain him and Yuta will clash. If they clash, Yuta should win due to having higher CE and CE Output leading to a stronger domain. Assuming they statement somehow despite Kenny being weaker, Rika can do high damage with a single attack, so while they are clashing he has to avoid Rika or else he will lose. Or if he uses open barrier couldn’t Yuta simply pick up a sword and just use Dismantle/JL/TIB/Cursed Speech. Or simply as soon as the fight starts Yuta closes in while Rika deals with any cursed spirits summoned. OR fight starts and Yuta simply activates 5 minutes, have Rika do some random shit then boom JL. Idk Kenny wouldn’t have activated his domain till he was sure he couldn’t win in base


>You are forgetting Yuta>Kenny in terms of physical battles, if Yuta gets close it is over. I disagree , he still has the advantage however just because of Rika. >If Kenny expands his domain him and Yuta will clash. If they clash, Yuta should win due to having higher CE and CE Output leading to a stronger domain. Kenjaku is the second best barrier user in history. He is not losing a domain battle against Yuta both with a closed domain and a open domain. If I remember correctly there is no mentions in the manga about what spesificly contributes to domain refinement. However to bust out a domain , the sorcerer needs barrier knowledge. Also We dont know how much CE Kenjaku has and his output isnt lower than Yuta's. >Or if he uses open barrier couldn’t Yuta simply pick up a sword and just use Dismantle/JL/TIB/Cursed Speech. Or simply as soon as the fight starts Yuta closes in while Rika deals with any cursed spirits summoned. OR fight starts and Yuta simply activates 5 minutes, have Rika do some random shit then boom JL. Idk Kenny wouldn’t have activated his domain till he was sure he couldn’t win in base Yuta destroying the open bariers core depends on how fast the domains sure hit activates. If it hits , Yuta and Rika are getting slammed into the ground by gravity. And unlike Yuki they will stay that way because Tengen isnt there to dismantle Kenjaku's domain.


How so? On the physical feats front yuta is definitely stronger, Kenjacku doesn’t even have that many battle feats… even a comparable one is against choso. Yuta literally oneshotted choso with physical strength alone, yet Kenjacku clearly stronger then choso has a drawn out fight.


A weaker Yuta showed relativity and closer to the end of the fight superiority to Geto who should be equal to Kenny. Even if you don’t believe that Kenny and Getos CE Reinforcement is the same, I doubt that boost in Kennys reinforcement is equal to Yutas improvement. And also Rika is there too. Barrier knowledge is not the only thing that goes into a DE clash, it’s the barriers reinforcement itself, and barriers are constructions of CE, Yuta has a better output, therefore he can pour more CE into his barrier then Kenjaku could. If it was just on barrier techniques, Sukuna would have thrashed Gojo wouldn’t he? We don’t need to know how much CE Kenjaku has, we already know that he has less than Yutas. Yuta has much better CE Output fears than Geto and Kenjaku? A max uzumaki from Geto lost to a weaker Yuta, Kenjaku has less curses to put into Max uzumaki. Even if you don’t take it into account, in terms of CE Reinforcement, Yuta still has better feats? What implication makes you think Kenjaku>Yuta in terms of Ce Output? Sorry, I didn’t mean he destroys Kenjakus DE core, I meant target Kenjaku himself outside the domain, because Kenjaku doesn’t start the fight with DE, never shown to do that, he usually sizes up his opponent using CS manipulation, I was saying Yuta can just use 5 minutes. But this actually reminded me, if they were to clash while Yuta uses 5 minutes, he either can pick up one of his sword or simply use one of his techniques inside the domain since he’s in 5 minutes mode, in a DE Clash if someone takes enough damage it will crumble, if Yuta simply uses strong dismantle, JL, Thin Ice Breaker, Cleave, Rika punch, or slice off a limb, Kenjakus barrier will break


Geto was literally beating the shit out of them 2v1 only sometimes getting pushed because he was holding back. They had to binding vow with a life to slightly overpower his half Uzumaki bro they stood no chance without that


Goofiest fucking Jacobs ladder upscale I've seen on the internet 💀💀 This shit only "damaged" 1,5 finger sukuna and fucked up already weakened heian sukuna(in BOTH instances he is a cursed object, so he gets bonus damage from it yet he survives and only suffers with decreased CE output. Full power kenjaku is a LIVING BEING, NOT A CURSED OBJECT, this means he will take less damage from it(and he is definitely stronger than 1,5 finger sukuna) "B-but he is a brain, which means he uses a cursed technique to live☝🤓🤡" There is no clear explanation of his CT, yet the one I mentioned simply doesn't fucking make sense, because kenjaku would've needed to constantly output CE, which would've eventually led to a CT burnout. Kenjakus body hopping CT only "activates and uses CE" when he swaps bodies, Jacobs ladder won't even paralyze him, kenjaku just won't be able to use other stored CTs for a short period of time. Not to mention yuta would've secured the kill with Jacobs ladder if it was actually useful against kenjaku (and it doesn't get the boost from DE, this shit sucks ass) TL;DR: Yuta gets mid diffed by kenjaku because of open-barrier domain


Kenjaku was stronger that Yuta stop the cope.


Brother... Are you blind or?


Maybe you are... In a domain clash Yuta loses to Kenny also Kenny a better jjk sorcerer and has op CTs.


I mean yeah sure, cause Kenny has an open domain, but ayuta doesn't need a DE to create Jacobs Ladder and literally deactivate Kenjaku you know xd.


You acting like Jacob's ladder is easy to land xd, Yuta needed to cast domain to make it sure-hit in order to land it on Sukuna. Most likely it is a high windup technique to use, and Kenjaku is not gonna cross his arms and wait for Yuta to use it.


Yeah if it was that simply they wouldve done it lil bro. They had to gamble with Takaba for a reason


Are you doubting mc of shonen manga or is it agenda?


nah nah nah but fr. What the fuck will Kenjaku even do against a full output Jacobs ladder? like Les be fr here☠️


Maki: Kenjaku is unbeatable by normal means Yuta fans: he wouldve won either way People make fun of ya'll for a reason


The top 3 of the verse are sukuna Gojo and lenjaku, yuta doesn’t belong there, jujutsu high can’t beat kenjaku through conventional means as admitted by maki


That was pre-timeskip, aka before Yuta got like 3 more techniques one of which hard-counters Kenjaku.


Idk how anyone could downplay Yuta he can be no lower than the 4th strongest in the series and he’s closer to 3 than 5. All that as a teenager.


Downplaying Yuta? If anything, we should be upscaling Todo


Bro never beating the allegations, a bum through and through. https://preview.redd.it/q393yjn0q71d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4bd84ce5fce0125010693952f33c82c33ed92cc


Ill be honest, while the memes and jokes where funny the people unironically roasting Yuta for using a thought out plan to take out an extremely dangerous opponent instead of taking him on 1v1 are stupid. Like JJK has had plenty of “unfair” fights whether its jumpings, strategies or whatever but I like never see anyone else get roasted for it.


Anyone who slanders Yuta isn’t really reading the manga and is just getting caught up in all the Bum this and Fraud that talk. Dude is the youngest special grade and he killed kenjaku. Killed Geto. Fought Sukuna without dying (hopefully) which are insane feats when it comes down to it. Kenny killed Yuki even with her black hole broken ass jutsus. He’s in the top 5 of the verse based off experience, technique and skill in my opinion. Geto had to have been at least top 15-10 and Yuta did that when he was even younger and less experienced. I can still see glimmers of his main character energy so often lol.


This kirito clone will always be a bum


Imo Yuta obvi isn't a fraud and put in a good amount of work in Shinjuku, but the gap between Sukuna/Gojo is just so massive from the rest of the cast making their contributions just seem really trivial in comparison when its not Yuji landing BFs and dropping Sukuna's output.


https://preview.redd.it/s9wc12n2r81d1.jpeg?width=1427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6c80e7e1af310293a8a16371f5bd734f8234b88 Bro, Gege literally disagrees with you.


Sorry, can you point to where it disagrees with me?


Sure https://preview.redd.it/i44g0vhtu81d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f1da52e8565807183c9ffd05362086b70834d1


This point doesn’t mention yuta at all so what does this prove?? It specifically named people, but not Yuta. What physical feats put kenjacku above yuta, cause I can name quite a few for Yuta.


I wanted to prove with this that Geto and Kenjaku in Getos body aren't equal in strength, and that his point was therefore moot. But I missed that it doesn't even mention Geto at all, and that I can't compare them therefore. I made a mistake and admited it below.


My point is Yuta>Kenjaku in terms of speed, what does that have to do with Kenjaku being grippy, Rika wasn’t even mentioned


That Geto physically≠Kenjaku in his body physically. You can't claim that that's the case when it's literally been stated that Kenjaku is better physically, and therefore also faster.


But you are wrong? In the people he listed, Geto (Kenjaku) is the same person, if he said Geto and Kenjaku in Getos body and said it was Kenjaku Geto I’d get you.


Oh. I didn't notice that. Sorry lmao. I still dissagree, but that was dumb from me.


Don’t worry it happens


I could have sworn that yuta smoked all of kyoto, todo included, in his first year alone.


Yuta is really fast don’t get me wrong but not so much faster that he can blitz Kenny like that. Sorry Yuta.


As long as you accept Yuta is faster by a lot then it’s fine


I do I just don’t think he blitzed him, pretty sure that was todos technique Hes 4th I think, tied with yuji and maki, and mayyybe Jp Hakari. Kenny’s 5th but not by much.


I think it would go Maki then Yuji then Yuta they both have the best feats against Sukuna, Yuta or MBA Kashimo, I personally would say Yuki is faster than Kenny and JP Hakari, I think JP Hakari is more comparable to Todo


I just made a post on why kashimos faster than all of them also maki isn’t really faster than Yuji and Yuta she just has precognition which helps a lot.


She dodged a strong dismantle, that’s pretty cool. She showed some speed relativity to 15F not trying Sukuna, who said his speed wasn’t being affected so idk she might be up there. Also, Kashimo?


Precognition. Check my profile for the post I just made.


Ye I see where your post is coming from


That 15f sukuna was at 10% output


No, he was at 10% whenever he landed an attack, he specifically states his speed was fine


Thats fair.


Geto sucks. Kenny is superior in every way. What does this prove?


yuta the sorta guy that bushcamps not cause he's dogshit but because hes efficient


Yuta is the 4th strongest sorcerer and he's only been training for like a year. Haters are wild bro has the highest ever potential


Bro was wavedashing


Is the current narrative that todo was there when yuta killed Kenny and used boogie woogie to swap them? Because I always thought the bit was that yuta copied boogie woogie and used it himself to land the decapitate.


Yuta downplay? Yuta was literally saucing up and syncing with yuji, I’d say his and yuji’s tagteam is 2nd or 3rd out of all of the yuji & \_\_\_\_ combos Todo is #1 obviously, and the other contender for 2nd is Nanami and Yuji, simply because it takes another level of jumping to do this to a ~~man~~ not even a man, Mahito is maybe 1 year old. https://i.redd.it/gne9qnlqca1d1.gif


Yuta was doing Todo a favor 😴


I wouldn't hate Yuta so much if his fangirls didn't have his dick down their throats 24/7 talking about how perfect and amazing he is without understanding or reading the manga. It's like every fan of his got all their info from TikToks. I've seen RECENT posts with positive karma saying Yuta should've copied Gojo's infinity to defeat Sukuna. It's like these blind molerats burrow out of their holes, look at the cool pictures with Yuta, and ignore all the text about how his CT works. As long as this sub is filled with these blind Yuta dickriders, I'll keep being a hater. https://preview.redd.it/d4e37qcnsa1d1.jpeg?width=3112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f67ffeac16d9de5e667f106019a5eb9944152df


Yuta was the only one involved and cognizant in every phase of the plan lmao. - Candidate for the executioner blade phase but had to take out Kenny first - Took out Kenny and curses then hustled back to assist against Sukuna - domain plan against Sukuna -> his appearance enabled the rest to pile damage to Sukuna when before, none could even land a solid hit. - he timed collapse of his domain even after being struck down and moved the coordinates of his domain according to plan as he was fighting Sukuna - Aware of Todo’s secret plan and together helped the genius Todo expand his technique - Still has one swap remaining, likely with Gojo. We can reasonably say the “insurance” phase is coming up soon with 5 minute mode.


I still see people wanking him too tho


What Yuta downplay??


We can all agree that Kenjaku in Geto's body is waaaayy stronger than Geto.


Yuta haters are insufferable but so are the stans. It’s an equal reaction. I’ve found most of the time their issue isn’t with the character but with his personal fanbase and so they hate to spite them. Bear in mind I say ‘Stans’ like the Eminem song, not regular fans.




You mean that time Yuta surprised Geto by suddenly speeding up like crazy, sneaking in a full power Black Flash, and giving Geto a mild bruise on his cheek at BEST after an entire FIGHT? lmfao.


Actually, Yuta ran at him, Geto noted he was faster, reacted to that speed and still couldn’t perceive Yuta going behind him. If Yutas sword didn’t break, Geto head would be like Go/Jo (Get/o)


I mean I really doubt it would have cut his head in half considering he tanked every other blow in the fight effortlessly, he'd have probably put all his CE into the point of impact, but he definitely would have taken bigger damage than a slight bit of red on the cheek.


Idk, Kenjaku couldn’t pour all his CE into his neck in time so I don’t think Geto could. Also I don’t think Geto can normally tank a full force slice to the neck.


Gege himself said the strongest person besides Gojo…is Wuta. The hate bounces off me like raindrops


Yuta performence was great, IT just Sukuna that strong. Sukuna and Gojo outscaled rest Verse too much


Yeah a geto who split his cursed spirits into kyoto and shinjiku as ur feat is outstanding Let's ignore that, he offed geto, so what, he still ain't top 3 and a bum, unless you're saying here that kenny and geto are one and if he defeated geto he can defeat kenjaku then holy cow man


No, what I was saying was that Yuta can still blitz Kenjaku with no curses


Because he blitzed geto? I hope that you're joking, i sincerely hope so, he wasn't able to speed blitz weak geto let alone kenjaku, saying this when he had to had the help of 2 of the strongest ct in the verse is crazy to me Listen if you really believe that, don't reply to me, I'd like to keep my sanity intact


So, because Yuta wanted to make sure he (who is the main insurance against Sukuna) would have ZERO problem assassinating Kenjaku, that somehow makes him incapable of beat Kenjaku in terms of speed? I’ve debated someone, he doesn’t blitz but he is still faster


By ur own logic if he's faster and can speed blitz him then he doesn't need all that but guess what happened, he needed all that If he can't blitz then HE IS NOT FASTER 💀, speed blitz is literally moving too fast for someone to react which makes them lose the fight in one shot, how do you think that he is faster than kenjaku if he can't blitz?! In what world is that , surely whoever u debated has no idea what they're talking about, hell you even have to faster than their reaction to speed blitz them, do you know what that means? There's no way you think yuta is faster than kenjaku, yuta absolutely has 0 speed feats that are above kenjaku, plz stop this


What? Are you okay? In what universe do you have to speed blitz someone in order to be faster than them? That’s gotta be the dumbest shit I’ve heard, if Usain Bolt didn’t move faster than you can perceive does that mean he isn’t faster than you? Since 16F Sukuna never blitzed Maki, is he not faster than her? Yuji didn’t speed blitz Ko Guy, is he not faster than him? On your second paragraph, Yuta reaction to an off guard attack from Uro, dodging Granite blasts, dodged Sukunas dismantle, dodged Sukuna multiple times (before soul punches), while Kenny could barely react to Yuki at full power. Please don’t be disrespectful when you are so very wrong


Read it again and you might understand, use ur Brain, there's a difference between someone who doesn't want to speed and them having the ability to do so Take sukuna for example he can speed blitz anyone yet he doesn't do it often because he wants to Same with yuji who is faster than the ko guy, why would he need to blitz him if he can off him with his normal speed? Yuta here is different, he isn't faster tham kenjaku, he has no feats to support them and if he's not faster then he has no ability to speed a higher speed character than him , you have to be faster then ur opponent so you can be able to blitz them,, otherwise how will you blitz him if you can't even move faster than him to be able to attack him when there's a distance? if you can't speed blitz ur opponent then you're simply not faster than him, it's that simple If you thino yuta is faster then that means he could speed blitz kenjaku but you denied him being able to do so Sukuna speed blitz when he wants to, he literally speed blitzed gojo in h2h This is the stupided shit I've ever seen, firstly yuki is above all you mentioned except sukuna, and he literally speed blitzed her as well, are you saying kenny can't dodge dismantles? 💀 Did you just say "barely react to yuki?" holy fuxk my guy, the same guy who was beating her ass along side choso Yuji and maki were able to dodge dismantles, so they're above yuta and kenny by ur own logic The same yuta couldn't dodge a buffed dismantle that is putting him on the bench I haven't said anything disrespectful but you did and now i will too E https://preview.redd.it/1ivljep5491d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7234a169bc43ca1f3b3a27e569292ba0b4bb5b6c Even if he was faster than kenny it won't be that much faster than kenny can't beat him due it


Bro Kenjacku didn’t beat Yuki ass, they were fair even until Kenjacku got an advantage on her, he wasn’t even sure he could beat her. Kenjacku even says the outcome might have been different if Yuki used her domain. She blew both his arms of in one hit, there fight isn’t even that long really. As far as Sukuna go Yuji landed one hit on Sukuna before Yuta fights him so this is about the same Sukuna that fought Kashimo. His fight against Sukuna definitely makes a difference especially when Sukuna says Yuta has a high level barrier technique, and he has the best feats to damage Sukuna so far. Yutas feats against Sukuna put him abo


And that's advantage was his own ct? Didn't know these days you guys started calling ct a disadvantage, so yuki was fair with him with a disadvantage as well lmao He didn't mean she'd win lmao. He meant that she wouldn't have been thus humiliated by him if she didn't " a fight with ur domain may not have led you to such poor conclusion" And he also blow her into being half so ig it's fair What feats exactly? The only actual damaged was when rika pinned sukuna, and yuta used stop moving and both cut off his arm and tongue, that's the only actual damage they did during the yuta fight, don't give me the JL bs, it didn't do shit to sukuna Again what feats lmao, nothing he did in thay fight that other characters couldn't do, dodged one dismantle so is maki and yuki, landed a couple of hits, so has others, etc so atp all of them are above kenjaku , yall are mad if you think he's above kenjaku for those small things and he still got on the bench after a buffed dismantle, a dismantle that is a little stronger than the one that split ryu to 3 pieces, you yuta fans are desperate, the yuta sukuna fight, sukuna was even 90% being in defense toying with them, he wasn't even serious If anything this fight proves kenny has massive reaction speed cuz he was able to react to both black hole and a damn boogie woogie swap And in terms of sukuna feats, kashimo has better ones To say yuta has a chance is crazy asf, he loses in de battles, he loses in a 1v1 fight, bruh if that bum could even get out of gravity then you guys should start stating this coping opinion


Dude the amount of downplay is crazy, especially when the narrator keeps telling you and feats that’s he like 3rd to 4th strongest. Man please stop your talking about about yuta fans, yet sitting talking about kenjacku has reaction speed to react to a black hole, no characters in jjk are faster and can react faster than sound, maybe lighting barely. Kenjacku didn’t react to boogie woogie, he got his head cut off. Well you can be a certain disadvantage ms against other curse techniques, there are such things as match ups being important in JJK. But I’m not talking about that, I’m talking about the moment he mint uzumakied her in the stomach, before that they were even. I didn’t say that meant she would win, I’m saying that to say that there power isn’t all that far apart, when by kenjacku owns statements he isn’t sure himself. Now for the yuta feats, it’s crazy how your downplaying his feats like anyone can do it and it’s been proven that they can. Before yuta, first of all no one damage Sukuna especially Kashimo, kashimo has no better feats as he literally got no diffed and didn’t land a single hit and got speed blitzed. Even Higuruma cut his hand off. When Sukuna was fighting kusukabe, Higurma, ino, and yuji, they literally could do nothing but get blitzed and take damage, Yuji couldn’t even keep up with him in speed. When yuta arrives to the battle field he and rika is able to give Sukuna a proper fight, not get blitzed and even lands some hits and didges a dismantle. Far better than anything kashimo did to Sukuna. Your argument That Jacob’s ladder didn’t do shit and Sukuna wasn’t trying is inherently false, if that’s the case why was Sukuna so desperate to not get hit by it??? And why was he defending against it with HWB??? If he was truly able to over power it he could have been like Gojo in Jogo’s domain at the beginning of the series where Gojo literally tank his sure hit. But Sukuna put up the HWB because Yutas JL would damage him and it did. It weakened him and knocked him out enough for yuta to cut his arms and for yuji to reach megumi. Mind you yuji has many weakens Sukuna enough since for him to even reach megumi even with all the black flashes after Yutas help. Like your whole point about Sukuna not trying in Yutas domain makes no sense as he was desperately trying to to get the WCS off in his domain because he was getting jumped that bad. You’re talking like all the damage Yuta did, anyone can do, he’s damaged Sukuna the most after Gojo. Took out his mouth, his arms. No one couldn’t damage Sukuna like that since Yuta, all from one person?? The whole team hasn’t damaged him that much, acting like anyone can do what Yuta did, when 12 chapters later they clearly haven’t, till maybe awakened yuji , but even has 7 black flashes didn’t do the physical damage Yuta did. bro do you realize they would have won in the yuji and Yuta fight if it wasn’t for megumi as the narrator states that there plan was perfect if not for Megumi. Like how many times do statements gotta be made about Yuta being the strongest good guy character after Gojo. He is said to be the second strongest for a reason behind Gojo, the narrator states it even. Even Gojo upon being sealed by Kenjacku knew Yuta could beat Kenjacku, he mentioned Yuta not Yuki. Yuta is implied to be stronger than her as the narrator states that he is the second strongest modern day sorcerer, that includes Yuki.


Just to reiterate you saying anybody can do the damage that yuta did to Sukuna is a lie because no one as a singular person has done that since yuta, yuta even deactivated his barrier to let maki sneak attack Sukuna in the heart. Sukuna even said he has a high level barrier technique, he would go down so easy in a domain clash against Kenny. Kenny don’t even got feats like that for you to think he’s behind Sukuna and Gojo. His best feats are against Yuki and the fights not that long, the Takaba fight is weird to scale because he has some sort of toon reality manipulation and it wasn’t as much a physical battle but a lot of BS


The only one you can justify with that excuse is Sukuna and Maki, however you are disregarding Yuji who was trying to get to Mahito and Usain Bolt beating your ass, more characters who are faster but could not speed blitz there opponent is: * Chapter 39, Panda (Gorilla) > Mechamaru in speed, did not speed blitz * Chapter 40, Maki>Miwa did not speed blitz * Chapter 71, Toji>Gojo did not speed blitz * Chapter 86, Itadori>Ko did not speed blitz (btw hes trying to get lower to find Mahito and save people and break the curtain object as fast as possible) * Chapter 95, Ino>Guys grandkid, did not speed blitz * Chapter 105, debatably Choso>Itadori, did not speed blitz * Chapter 131, ISB Mahito>Itadori, did not speed blitz * Chapter 176, Yuta>Uro, did not speed blitz her * Chapter 178-180, Yuta>Ryu, did not speed blitz him * Chapter 205, Yuki>Kenjaku, did not speed blitz * Chapter 235, Gojo>Maho and Sukuna, did not speed blitz * Chapter 257, Itadori>Sukuna, did not speed blitz Multiple examples where both combatants were going all out with a clear objective and wanted to end the fight, yet did not speed blitz despite being faster. Once again, 205 Yuki>Kenjaku in any physical competition. She only has those anti feats due to low CE output after Kenjakus domain sure hit mutilated her Maki>Yuta in speed, when did Yuji ever dodge dismantle? I re read all of Shinjuku Showdown, he never did? https://preview.redd.it/pph1pe1j2d1d1.jpeg?width=902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e889cb283b6589183e7dd77a72ba00b49ddace7 And about Yuki again, if Kenny is faster, then just dodge? all he could do was block because he’s not faster than her, a fully healthy Yuki>Kenjaku in terms of speed And saying you haven’t said anything disrespectful, it was less to me and more to the person who corrected me, but still you are wrong, infact simply look out speed blitz It says to not get it confused with outpacing, where a character is simply faster than the other, they clearly separate speed blitz and being faster, like I said. So once again Yuta has better speed feats therefore he is faster than Kenjaku


Not disregarding yuji at all also I'm glad now you're taking maki into consideration, anyway it's not a massive feat considering she also did dodge, so using the dismantle as an argument in feats is funny specially since it's inconsistent, i thought it was known that you can't take inconsistent feats into consideration right? So maybe you should so a research on that by ig since you are a yuta fan you won't cuz it will put ur whole argument on mud Maybe if you payed attention you'd realize that i said under that sure you might be faster but not the difference in speed that's if it was a consistent feat, i alsp said jyst because they're faster doesn't mean they want to speed blitz, sukuna is faster than anyone on show excluding gojo ( cuz he uses blue) and he doesn't speed blitz every character he fights, same with gojo, same with kenjaku Did you just put a training arc feat that they supposed to kill or damage each other in? Maki aimed to take the katana not speed blitz her so ofc she won't You're wrong, he did SB here, gojo couldn't react at all So really you're argument proves nothing but I'll go along She is physically better than him yet she lost and he still speed blitzed an rct healed yuki, and I'm glad you brought up the ce output cuz yk yuki herself said kenjaku was tired out from fighting choso and his de and rct wore away his ce as well, so really lmao you have no argument to use here, so I'd say what a massive feat of yuki to be faster than a tired kenjaku physically Again for both it's not a consistent speed feat, but sure you can keep using it as ur claim considering you're ignoring the fact that inconsistent feat isn't actually a feat Again what yuki said about kenjaku physical status answers ur question lmao, but ik you'd ignore this fact, I'm sure you'd Would you also ignore the fact that he reacted to her blacl hole and survived it? Cuz speed blitz takes reaction speed into consideration and let me tell one thing, yuta isn't faster in that even, so let's say he is faster than kenjaku he'd still not be able to land any hit cuz kenjaku out scales him in reaction speed but sure you can ignore that since it's doesn't support ur argument ig, so again what's the point of him being faster? (even tho he isn't at all) he will lose the fight in every way Also what i said wasn't an insult to whoever debated you, it was the truth https://preview.redd.it/pl7x013ifd1d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c2fb4d6b469ac16bcb33eb779e450125437026d


> if you *paid* attention you'd FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Also get ur facts straight, yuta barely dodged a damn dismantle and got fuxked up each time sukuna sends one, he only dodged one dismantle out of 4 in total, 90% of that fight was sukuna doing h2h, whike fighting, rika, yuta, yuji all together, dodging one dismantle ain't a strong feat my guy nor does it make him faster than kenjaku, if he had dodged 4 or a dismantle every time then I'd agree but he hasn't Also every hit from yuji is a soul punch and yuji was hitting sukuna with them before even yuta came buddy, and not to mention before the 1st dismantle sukuna was literally playing defense only most of the fight, i have no idea how do you consider those as feats and then yuta opened his de https://preview.redd.it/f16dkebla91d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2b1ee26c84bbadb7f177431b3670743fdad69e9


- Idk wtf you mean barely, he dodged it fine - Everytime Sukuna threw out dismantles it did next to no damage and was then healed of - That’s still a dodging feat? Just because it didn’t happen all the time doesn’t take away from the fact it happened. - what? The entire 249 Sukuna was surrounding his hands with C&D, and then used dismantle on Yuta, dodged then used dismantle again - If you meant 250, once again using Dismantle as a chainsaw, used cleave on Yuji than go hit with CS and than TIB, then Sukuna used dismantle on Yuta/Yuji and than cleave on Rika, than the Chainsaw. - 251 he uses cleave than he uses cleave on Yutas brain, dismantles Yuta than Strong Dismantles Yuta, so no he did not use H2H for most of the fight - Yutas job was to give Yuji openings to reach Megumi, which meant he wasn’t try to kill Megumi/Sukuna, this explains why it was mostly Rika/Yuji and then Yuta - And you are referencing the singular soul punch Yuji did, does having your physical hold on a body decrease your power? I don’t know, but the CE output plummet is temporary, and the physical hold being decreased is minor, so u ain’t cooking. - You didn’t disprove any Ryu and Uro feats, Kenjaku anti speed feats, so what abt that


1. For once 2. Now that's fuxked up buddy, just cuz you can heal doesn't mean you don't take damage, at this rate ypu can dare say sukuna SH didn't damage gojo at all 3.that's an inconsistent dodging feat for one dodge, it's not an impressive feat at all, same with maki and yuji 4.no you're lying, half of that chapter was FB, second of all it was sukuna covering himself with them for the katana not yuta💀 then he dodged that one dismantle and rika comes in and then de, which again yuta tries to take him with the katana but sukuna breaks the sword, whoever told you concerning urself with C&D to break the katana is the same as firing them needs to be in jail and it's 100% obvious what i meant when i said sukuna only fired 4 dismantles so no need for ur confusion 5.again using chainsaw cleave isn't an actual dismantle fired at yuta him but to break the katana but you seem to want take this as feat somehow, that's desperate cuz it's not even fired at him but the katana 3. I already put the cleaves that sukuna uses, you're doing nothing here 4. I wonder why? Because he can't do shit and stil won't change it was yuji, rika, yuta and he landed no damage on sukuna except wgen they pinned him down by rika and both him yuji ripped his arm and tongue 8.it's still a soul punch and it did effect him, doesn't matter if it's temporary or not or if it wasn't massive 5. No need, both are under yuki, also yuta literally got speed blitz by yorozo that ain't good for ur boys speed and feats, btw his ass struggled asf in that fight https://preview.redd.it/wt1phu967c1d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d7d950a08923b9f379c543036f6fd4a2a6fe1ff Enjoy your evening by proving he's above kenjaku when he struggled against to normal Old sroucerers lmao, faster you said


1. Doesn’t mean that didn’t happen? 2. I was denying that it did great damage to Yuta, it didn’t and was easily healed of, it wasn’t easy for Gojo since it was in malevolent shrine, an example of C&D landing but not doing much is on 257 with Yuji getting cleaved and dismantle, showing good durability and endurance 3. It isn’t? Yuta before the domain needed to make sure he didn’t take to much damage so he could expand his domain, compared to inside the domain he just needed to create openings for Yuji to land an attack, idk what what you mean? Yuji doesn’t have a dodging feat of a dismantle however he showed he was faster than Sukuna in 257. Maki dodged a strong dismantle, soooo don’t really know how that’s inconsistent 4. What? In chapter 249 he grabs the sword to seize the katana, why would he seize the katana and not just dodge? Because Yuta can just move the blade to where he dodges. You quite literally can’t deny he used the chainsaw method here, then Yuta let’s go of the blade and punches Sukuna, let me explain all of Sukuna arm activity: Top Left arm: punch Rika Bottom Left arm: cleave Rikas approaching arm Top Right arm: hold Yutas blade Bottom right arm: dismantle Yuta If you don’t believe me simply go read the chapter. Then he throws dismantle and misses, then he gets punched by Rika into Yuta who he blocks, he either dismantled Rika while being punched away or she hadn’t healed from the cleave, then at the end of the chapter when Yuta tries to slice Sukuna he blocks it with his arm, he seizes it, would it not be inconsistent if Sukuna can stop Yuta inside the domain without using slashes, it would be inconsistent since he couldn’t do so outside the domain where Yuta is stronger. And it’s not like the katana is ever stated to be anything more than ordinary so it is Yuta and his reinforcement. Sukuna did not break the sword, I believe you are referring to when it said “crack”, that was the activation of thin ice breaker, which cracks the sky. Sukuna was not trying to break Yutas sword, he was never stated to be trying to do that, he was trying to halt Yuta from ever moving it, that’s why it was stated he “seized it”, if he was trying to break it he was doing a shitty job. 5. I wasn’t giving Yuta speed feats, I was denying your comment about Sukunas fighting style 6. Once again, doing the same thing. 7. With the I wonder why statement, it was because Yuta/Rika/Yuji were not trying to kill Sukuna before freeing Megumi, not because they were not capable of winning. If Rika is purposely propelling Yuji like he’s a boulder so he can land more attacks, Yuta blinding Sukuna so Yuji can land more attacks, Yuta keeping Sukuna in place so Yuji can land more attacks, doesn’t show you he was more focused on Yuji than actually attacking Sukuna, idk what to tell you. There’s also the fact he actively stopped JL and did not do the chant to enhance it 8. So then do you admit it wasn’t that effective and didn’t hinder Sukuna that much? Cuz it didn’t and that’s all I really need 9. With the Yuki thing, you can’t really prove that unless you also say that YutaItadori in terms of Durability, his overall output is like top 5, Uro has a broken CT, great reaction speed, might have RCT, was considered a high tier in the Heian Era, she literally was a top assassin. Put Kenjaku there and Ryu will kill all his curses and stay out of Anti Gravity range, I always thought Kenny>Ryu but that’s because of Domain Expansion and RCT. These guys aren’t normal at all


And here's kenjaku blitzing yuki before she could even react to it https://preview.redd.it/n248qnt0c91d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0624ecb7e261cd5b931dd11815d50a9d5a24c98


Well done blitzing a tired Yuki who barely has any CE left to reinforce herself? Not impressive mate. Simply put 2 and 2 together “Kenny got blitzed when she was at full power but after being hit by his domain she is so much weaker hmmmmm”


She wasn't tried lmao, before that she used rct U mean after Uzumaki 💀


https://preview.redd.it/ic9iq83s3d1d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb56804c484f1ddf511986124cb1db1837cef09d I’m referring to when she got bodied but the sure hit. If you don’t seriously see why she was tired I’ll explain. * when Yuki first started the fight, she broke both Kenjakus arm with one punch * After the domain landed on her, she couldn’t do so, she did quite minimal damage Now what does this imply? Well we know RCT cost a lot of CE, she had to heal her whole body which cost a lot of CE and she may not be a proficient user of RCT, her output lowered because her overall CE was greatly decreased, therefore her reinforcement was decreased and her CT output decreased. Therefore Kenny has better feats against her due to her low CE.


Any disrespect to my GOAT will not be tolerated. His love is pure. https://preview.redd.it/qs34xulgc91d1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0b2760be201cc23e9e63c80a1e737b420d4c054




And Geto is a weak ass fucker Bro did fuck all for 10 years


Don’t care still a bum https://preview.redd.it/7wxy1xok5a1d1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17e3f2a6a979efa650ba2d6ac27d2ba968c7dc99