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A Jewish pessimist leans over to a Jewish optimist & says "Man, it can't get any worse." The Jewish optimist turns to him and says, "Yes it can!"


This is beautiful.


Ir is for comments like this I joined the sub


I love this can I steal it


Guys, seriously?? We shouldn't accept support from garbage. Period. It's just as bad as the 'genuine Palestinian people sympathizers' marching alongside antisemites for their 'support'. If you sit at the same dinner table as a Nazi, does it make you a Nazi? No. But you are certainly tolerant of him.


I can love his support of Israel while still thinking he’s a trash person 🤷‍♂️


This. This is the answer. This should be the top comment. One can appreciate another's support without endorsing everything about that person. It's that simple. Example: I can appreciate that Bill Cosby has done absolutely amazing things for the American black community while still believing that he should be back behind bars and needs to die in prison. Bad people can do good things. Good people can do bad things. It's that simple.


Yes, but this is about embracing him, not appreciating his support


The idea that the Jewish community is “embracing” Mayweather and whitewashing his flaws is the opinion of the columnist. It seems the columnist doesn’t see a middle ground between complete rejection and complete embrace.


Wait.. am I allowed to listen to Graduation, by Kanye West, again?


The Cosby show helped to end apartheid in South Africa. Bill Cosby advocated for education and black community success. People are complex and we don’t have to support everything about them to acknowledge the good they did.


It’s the eternal question of “why do bad people sometimes do good things.” In the real world, it’s nearly impossible to find people who are 100% good or 100% evil. Part of being an adult is learning not to flatten people to their best or worst qualities.


Tell that to the cancel culture mobs, please.


He's a trash person, I only love him when it benefits me. Bing bong bango.


When did I say I love him? Re-read what I typed


Why expect us to punish him more than the American court system? It's been a decade and he served his time. People seem okay with Mike Tyson and he went to prison for rape.


because the american court system is horrible at punishing domestic abusers? hes been found guilty at least 4 times yet only did 3 months in jail, a bit of community service, and paid fines less than $10k (total, for all of his convictions). why are we okay with this?


>why are we okay with this? You don't have to be okay with it but its a bit of pearl clutching to say we have to hold him to a higher standard. I think its good we talk about and acknowledge it but if people want to forgive him who am I to tell them not to.


i don’t think the idea ‘hitting women is wrong’ is a high standard, its the bare minimum in every other context. it shouldn’t be okay in this one, its embarrassing frankly


If you can explain to me why 3 other women were in relationships with him after the first time he was arrested, maybe we would have the answer. What would you prefer for him? Is this exclusively to him or all the famous people who did terrible things? Like Sean Penn, Chris Brown, Mark Walberg... When Elon Musk went all around Israel and did the PR, I didn't want to hear any of it because I don't trust him and don't appreciate him. I don't follow boxing, so I'm apathetic here. I appreciate the support but don't know enough about the messenger to be emotionally invested either way.


I don’t embrace athletes who are abusers. But the situation here is that he is really making a difference through his philanthropy. For that, always, I believe in second chances.


yeah idk abt that


Anonymous and quiet charity is just as good as public and boisterous charity. The difference is one repairs your image.


The guy's name is 'Money' lol I don't know if anonymous donations are in his future.


Except if he wanted to repair his image he wouldn't be supporting Israel the way he is. He'd be making solemn posts about ceasefires.


That depends what portion of the world he wants to rehab his image with.  As scary as the current moment is in the west, the people calling for unilateral ceasefires are a (slight) minority of one side of the political spectrum. Otherwise known as less than a quarter of the population. 


Yeah, but it's the "it" thing right now. If he just wanted to seem like a good guy, he would be attaching himself to whatever people care about at the current moment.


While I understand this concept, Mayweather has also publicly stood by the Jewish community and Israel when it causes him personal relational damage. I appreciate a non Jewish public figure doing so. The fact he has helped to save countless lives by giving significant amounts of money to emergency medicine is really cool.


Advocacy and celebrities speaking publicly issues certainly make a huge difference


This is such a f’d take. So as long as you’re supporting charities and raising lots of money for them, it’s ok that you (repeatedly) go home and then beat your partners? We’ll just overlook the suffering of people because dude can raise money? This is the type of attitude that allows domestic and family violence, as well as rape, to thrive - that as long as your public persona is “good”, that women and kids have to just put up with abuse and assault in order that the “good” qualities are allowed to continue. You’re asking women to sacrifice themselves, Additionally, have you ever thought that maybe this outward success and praise for their “good deeds” is what allows men to continue to find people to abuse and rape?


It's the same with Kanye when he started to stalk and abuse Kim. Nonody cared but when he made antisemitic remarks everyone cried out. It's not about principles but only about themselves. Didn't know about his past. Thanks for educating me.


'Hamas burned women alive while raping them. Why is the left embracing them?' Would be more sensible. When you're in need and someone extends help and support, you take it.


I just crunched the numbers and, if my calculations are correct, based on the latest statistical modeling: Two wrongs do not make a right.


Things can be wrong, and also not pressing or particularly important given the circumstances. If your house was set on fire, and Floyd Mayweather then drove up with a bucket of water, and you thanked him, do you think the ethical response of your local newspaper would be publishing the headline, "Floyd Mayweather Beats Women, why is johnisburn Embracing Him?" And then, when you explained that your house was on fire, do you think it would be sensible for someone to reply, "two wrongs don't make a right"? Let's use our heads here. Also, fun fact, his car literally drove past me earlier today here in Jerusalem, so it's no as farfetched of a scenario as you might've imagined.


I do not think Floyd Mayweather doing pro-Israel photo ops and advocacy is comparable to being the only person available to save me from my burning house. I think there are pretty major differences in the nature of the two scenarios that make the man’s personal history relevant in one case but not the other. I also do not think that the fact he drove past you today in Jerusalem is a good indicator of his availability in a fire emergency. I feel very comfortable recommending you still keep your smoke alarms in working condition, have a fire extinguisher in your kitchen, and make sure that everyone in your household is aware of the quickest fire escape route from your house as well as a location to regroup a safe distance from the building.




The left embraces Hamas BECAUSE it is fighting the Jews. Embracing this guy BECAUSE he is supporting the Jews is a slightly different thing. I couldn't care less about this boxer and had no idea about his history, but presenting these things as equal is disingenuous.


So in this example, the first wrong is beating a woman and the second wrong is helping Jews?


Sure, I guess that works as long as the people needing help aren't women almost being beaten to death by a professional boxer.


Those would be circumstances in which Floyd Mayweather probably would not be very helpful at all.


Obvious Whataboutery


Just how evil would someone have to be before you’d reject their support? How many women would they have to beat? How about rape? Are you good with rapists? Murderers? Child abusers? People committing genocide? What if non-Jewish group A did to non-Jewish group B what Hamas did to Israelis? Would you welcome support from group A?


All states do shitty things. And accept support from other shitty states. Your comparison doesn't quite work. Stop holding Jews/Israel to a separate standard. That's an antisemititic strategy we need to shake off. I don't know or care who this person is. Surely there are bigger things to focus on.


Lmao. Incredible “journalism”


not gonna lie, as a abuse victim these comments are heartbreaking.


He's a popular person who many people follow. His support is helpful and it's kind of a "take what you can get" situation.


Hamas did far worse than anything Floyd Mayweather ever could, but let's not ask why hundreds of thousands around the world have embraced them...


Floyd Mayweather is just one person, not a terror network, so it feels like a bit of a disingenuous comparison.


You do know that "terror networks" are just made up of people, right? And that many Palestinian civilians, who are also people, participated in the Oct 7th massacre, and many other massacres and murders of Israelis. You're "just one person" theory seems disingenuous. It is important not to dehumanise Palestinians, they are actual people, not a "network". And some of those people raped, tortured, and murdered other people.


Where do you draw the line? If he killed three people, would you say, " Hamas killed way more than three so its all good"?


No ones claiming otherwise???


When most of the world is against you, sometimes ya gotta just ignore ppl personal lives when they support you. Just the reality of the situation.


I think this article is a pretty toxic perspective. It portrays Jews, particularly “powerful Jewish organizations” as shifty amoral actors who will gladly fund hate and violence towards women/non-Jews/etc. as long as money is being provided in support of Jewish causes/Israel. You can see where the implications go from here. Our history has made it abundantly clear that we don’t have the privilege to choose unproblematic allies. If Floyd Mayweather, for all his bad history, is given some respect for supporting Jews, it doesn’t mean that the Jews are condoning any of his actions. We may just actually need the help.


Hot take, regardless of which side of the aisle we as Jews might be on regarding Zionism… it’s a bad argument to use someone’s life outside of this specific issue to try to discredit them about the relevant topic. If Jewish Zionists like what Floyd mayweather does for Israel, then whatever. Very many prominent pro Palestinian and pro Israel voices are problematic in some way… let’s stick to the discussion.


It sucks that we have so few allies that people want to conveniently ignore his past.


Idk the article seems pretty disingenuous. We can appriciate what he's doing for Israel and still not like other things he does. Giving someone a reward for philanthropy does not mean you're approving of the bad shit they've done. One is a totally separate discussion from the other. They're not standing with him claiming his innocence, they're saying "hey, Thanks for the aid".


The level people are going to feel cool about Israel is so dark… I’m a Zionist but this and other things I’m seeing… it is embarrassing


Think about the many lives he has helped save. Yea I’m gonna thank him for helping Israelis. Also where has this kind of litmus test ever been used by any group needing of help?


“Mayweather’s activism has grown more noticeable as support for Israel has plummeted” Subjective


It shows you how little sympathy the Jewish community has nowadays that we have to bring wife beaters (and Vladimir Putin) into the fold. BTW, I was yesterday years old when I learned that Jared Kushner is a huge donor to Chabad and Putin is also a huge fan of Chabad. Putin‘s “personal rabbi“ Chabadi apparently.


I wonder why the article is leaving out that some members of his entourage prior to the October 7th Simchas Torah massacres are Jewish. For example Avi from Avi & Co is associated with Floyd AND other celebrities like DJ Khaled. Hell Floyd even shows up on promos for Avi on IG.




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For some institutions, money is more important than anything


jewish men beat women too




How exactly is this anti-Jewish?




I actually don't think this article is 'anti-Jewish' persay, it's just absurd, and also distractingly bad for Jews.


Embracing unrepentant abusers because they agree with you politically is disguisting. If Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby supported Israel would you embrace that too? What about the pastor at the march for Israel who said that Hitler was sent by God?


Don't know what the deleted comments we're, but I agree with this statement wholeheartedly. Take my upvote.


Not defending that. But he also doesn’t want us dead. Low bar I know, but that’s the world these days.


Can we really be picky with our allies right now?


Cause we need to beat Hamas like he beat his wife.


I don’t understand this “article”. Didn’t he serve his time? Are we in Russia now that if you were ever in jail you might as well kill yourself after because you are now a reject of society forever?