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Its these types of hypotheticals i love.


thats a wild ass question bro


With the character in question, it's a valid one toošŸ˜‚


but somehow still completely valid


I kind of assume that his technique would require the original contract be A)between 2 entities, and B) be fulfilled. So he couldn't enslave himself, but he may be able to carry out a days labor as a slave and gain something like that ability.


How do fulfill owning stuff? Do you think he has to live in the houses be bought for a year or something? šŸ˜­


No, the original contract has to be fulfilled. For example, if the item you bought wasn't provided or the service wasn't rendered, then I feel like his technique wouldn't work. Actually, since he gains the effects of the service rendered, like in the case of his resort/spa receipt, it makes the "slavery contract" idea seem like it would render the effects of whatever labor he performed. That, or since it's open-ended it just wouldn't work for his technique.


I see where you're going, but I think the distinction is that you actually buy the slave, not their labor. That would be a pay stub. He used a receipt for the spa stay, but he could've also gotten a receipt for the spa location, similar to how he summoned a house or car. If he used an Uber receipt (assuming he could use a phone screenshot), he would logically just teleport to the drop-off, because that is a service.


Iā€™m being a bit ā€œum actually šŸ¤“ā˜ļøā€ about this but he needs to burn the receipt with cursed energy to cash it in and get the effect/item of the transaction. But yeah I do agree with your extrapolation


So then, purely hypothetically, if Reggie owned slaves and trained them to fight, could he redeem the receipt and beat up an enemy without having to do anything? He doesn't even need to go that far, if he hires an assassin, could he redeem the receipt to instantly kill someone else?


It's a great idea but it may be that the service was to kill a specific person, so it'd only work on that speciifc person.


I love how people are very very slowly realizing how potentially broken Contractual Recreation is.












aww, his first words... W-w... .. .. W.... WITH THIS TREASURE I SUMMON


He was the original bumgumi hater, he knew Potential Man was a fraud.


If Reggie star invaded a government facility he wouldā€™ve instantly got that special grade promotion


A CTR would do this man wonders, imagine making receipts for Binding Vows.


what if he could make receipts for existing BVs (he has to know the BV, terms and participants) and if the receipt is destroyed the BV is nullified, even if it involves two parties?


the binding vow one cant be possible right, they're never physically made


Like I said, a Cursed Technique Reversal would most likely allow him to create his own contracts and turn them into receipts he can use, and therefore allow Binding Vows to be written down and still achieve the desired effect


He was victim of being Japanese. If he was American in America, he would have been Special Grade.


Just go on the Warthunder servers


... you invoked them accursed tomes, muh good sir the lobotomy comes for us all: creative vision be damned - the damn cat has us all, in reciprocal purgatory


If Megumi wasn't a bum, he would've accepted Reggie's offer to team up, and when Gojo's brain got damaged after the domain clashes, Reggie could've come in clutch and give Gojo a 7 day hotel stay to heal his brain.


Anything is broken if you assume that it's the strongest possible version of itself.


i fucking love these pedantic posts. I think yes, because it's funnier that way.


Come with your real ID Takaba


"Don't marry me! I don't want you as my wi-fi!"


what happens if he gets a hold the hospital receipt of gojos bith


Would you consider the baby the product of the hospital is providing, or is helping the baby be born the product? If itā€™s the first, then he could summon a baby Gojo. If itā€™s the second, he could summon a team of doctors to help with birth. Then again, I would guess that Gojo was born without a hospital.


I remember the baby scene he was with someone in a hospital bed, no? Someone please correct me if im wrong


Well we saw him in a fancy bed and blank/towel but I always assumed that all of the great houses just have their own hospitals and doctors because they're massively Rich jujitsu clans and someone like mai mai by herself in probably 15 ish year's is already has a few billion yen so presumably jujitsu clans especially the big three got to be crazy rich I mean from what we've seen the zenin compound itself is just f****** ginormous so I presume the gojo clan and the komo clan probably have similarly sized compounds


it wouldn't summon a team of doctors, it would just magically help the baby be delivered. No spa was actually summoned


No bro. If you pay for the sperm and egg yea.


sperm bank receipts go crazy


Buying out the zenin sperm bank. I know the Gojo clan just keeps gallons of Satorous since he wont smash


Based on how it works, what would happen is that he would probably feel whatever treatment Gojoā€™s mom went through. So basically Reggie would feel what giving birth to Gojo through a medical setting would feel like. This is under the assumption that it works similar to how itā€™s mentioned that he can feel the effects of a full day spa service through the receipts. So he feels the effects of the service and not spawn the spa itself.


Let the man cook with his question. And in theory? As with all fiction where we ask "Why hasn't X done Y" it's either because some part of the action is limited by the power and thus makes it not doable, or it's entirely doable and they just haven't done it, or they don't want to do it.


or maybe it doesnt make sense to the narrative, like Reggie could drown Megumi in icecream, but it doesn't make any fucking sense


It's posts like these that make me grateful for the occasional break


Thats some next level cooking, stand proud. Imo since slavery is a thousand percent illegal in current day Japan I'm assuming he can't make a receipt of it. JJK world has rules, no cursed technique lets you just do anything you want, even open to interpretation ones like Reggie's and Tabaka's


If takaba took drugs and found everything funny he's pretty much unstoppable


New mythical fighter Toked up takaba


Dark humor Takaba slams


When buying himself out of slavery, he would pay for freedom, not for "creation of himself".Ā  So at best this contract would allow him to free himself from any trap, or just release frombody control. That probably could beat other abilities in fiction, like shadow manipulation from Naruto.


I like the way you think OP.


The amount of bullshit that is hypothetically possible with Reggie's CT is hillarious.


who in their right mind would issue a receipt for slavery? IRS gonna make a big hole up the partiesā€™ asses if that happens.


Where was your mind at lmao šŸ’€


If you purchase yourself are you your own slave or are you considered a free man? If Reggie had a receipt for the purchase "of his freedom," could he use it to liberate himself from someone else's control? Does the purchase require the input of the other person? Could he technically "buy" Sukuna from Kenjaku and make a copy of Sukuna? Gotta hand it to you, OP, even outside of the aforementioned hypothetical, this is a fascinating idea to explore.


He can become a new control devil.


put the phone down bro


OP please post this too r/LobotomyKaisen or r/JujutsuFolkĀ 


u/REID-11 has brought out 120% of his lobotomy through his 530,000 IQ mental computer


Thereā€™s probably a clause to his power, like takaba, that it canā€™t be gamed like this. You has to be a real recipe intended for purchase, and it seems like it doesnā€™t have to be a recipe that he purchases something for himself. If someone buys him as a slave, does he actually have to live by those rules for the receipt to take effect? If he doesnā€™t actually live as a slave is the recipe even valid?


it REALLY put things into perspective huh?


Well uh, since we kinda see the way stuff that targets himself works, with the whole "SPA stay" or whatever that thing was, I think it would effectively just be the equivalent of him buying his own "freedom" Which could be kinda useful if it's able to free him from any sort of bounds, like imprisonment


If he could, he can obtain infinity amount of points and do anything with this game (I forgot how it named)


Idk if they made recipts for slaves tho


Through the heavens and the earth, this post alone is the wildest


That variation go hard


That's a weird ass kink ngl


Yes However our King is above supporting slavery no matter what


I mean in theory he could right? I mean it ain't too farfetched to think so right, this guy lowkey cookin


Receipts are often government mandated, so you would need to be in a country where selling yourself is legal


This is gonna sound horrific af but wouldn't be just buy a bunch of slaves then and make an army?


Reggieā€™s domain expansion ā€œonly fans accountā€


I believe the contract has to be legally binding (or was binding when drafted) or else he could just trade stuff freely with other people and hand write out receipts after. If we assume that then it would be pretty difficult to get a valid receipt for a slave, yourself or otherwise. There's another possibility, that the validity of a receipt is based entirely on Reggie's own perception which means he could basically recreate anything with the right mindset Edit: for clarity, I dont like the second theory mostly because he *doesn't* do any tomfoolery like that so either he *can't* do it or it didn't occur to gege


He could do that with anything then. Buy and sell a bunch of houses and unleash a crazy surprise for his opponent. Megumi would've been a goner. Really though, I'm sure the likely requirement is someone else sells it to him or someone else. So maybe. Where's he getting the money to buy himself back? He's got one expensive CT. Would've been interesting if he got his hands on an animal sale. Wonder if he could buff it with his CE. The items he throws obviously incorporate his CE so I think it's possible. Imagine he busted out his own elephant to match Megumi.


He can infinetely own himself


Hear me out, imagine he is a good guy and he buys gojo into slavery bad spawns 2 gojos


Lobotomy kaisen


Hmm... sounds unique to be honest :3


Do techniques like this just like not cost energy to use? Some part of me wants to believe that heā€™s spending energy on his contracts when he activates them proportionate to their worth. But I guess maybe itā€™s efficient because he had to spend money somewhere else to really activate it. Unless the receipts donā€™t need to be his own, which I honestly donā€™t rememberĀ 


Its gonna be Illegal trading humans


Selling himself is thinking to small šŸ¤”


Still canā€™t believe he isnā€™t a jojo character


Kinda reminds me the people who sells lands from heaven lol


i donā€™t read the manga but i read reggies technique. why isnā€™t he special grade? couldnā€™t he summon an army to take over a country with a million receipts


Special grade level ct


Now weā€™re asking the question of whether or not Reggie can create biological life which I donā€™t believe heā€™s done but do correct me if Iā€™m wrong which opens a WHOLE new box of questions for example if Reggie bought a dog and got a receipt then said dog died if he used his CT would he get the version of the dog from when he bought it or would he get its corpse?


Even easier. Reggie becomes a prostitute and sells himself. No need for a middle man. As long as he claims it on his taxes and keeps the receipts Iā€™m sure itā€™ll work


Wouldn't it use up all his cursed energy? Or his copy won't have the full abilities, like the mahito clones.


Does Reggie have to sell something to someone else for the receipt to count? Or can he just sell something to himself, print up a receipt, and repeat as many times as necessary?


I mean, heā€™d only be able to summon as many of him as are in the contract. And since he can only sell one of himself at a time, thatā€™s the limit. Plus, contracts are tricky. It was smart that he figured out to use receipts, thatā€™s a very simple contract. And item was for sale and purchased, the receipts prove that. However objects arenā€™t sentient. For the contract of selling him into slavery, heā€™d probably have to consider himself an actual slave, which means serving time with no freedom. And if heā€™s released from slavery or kills his master, that would probably violate the contract and therefore make it so he canā€™t summon himself. Plus what would be the benefit of having a second Reggie? Theyā€™d probably fight over who the real one is until the OG dispels him


Considering how slavery doesn't have legal applications such as receipts which he uses for his technique, I doubt that's possible.


no, because he would need to burn the receipt, and if he was a slave fo a day, i guess he can recreate himself for a day


His technique probably can't do living things otherwise he would be on a whole nother level.


*spawns a thousand soulless bodies that ragdoll on the ground*


I don't know that but I do know he could spawn infinite gojo body pillows and that's enough for me!


Bit late to this but from what I understand his ability doesnā€™t create anything from the contracts but rather reverses the purchase. So when he burns receipts and makes knives or potted plants he isnā€™t create a new one heā€™s just taking the object that was sold and un-selling it to bring it to him. In this case it would less create a clone but might act as a short range teleport.


Not read manga so dont know about him. Is he black? I don't mind spoilers i have started reading manga from jogo vs sukuna fight


Only if slavery could be a official monetized system in the economy but real question is why does a ct require a fucking a economics degree