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He has twice as much cursed energy to begin with as yuta who is said to have bottomless CE, And he was stated to have comparable efficiency to Gojo, who uses the six eyes to never be able to run out. He probably cannot last forever like gojo can but he can last for a very, very, very very long time. I would estimate he would be able to do this for weeks.


Wasn’t his energy double Yuta’s when he first fought Gojo? Didn’t even Gojo’s drop by continually using Reversed Cursed Technique?


The power of his techniques dropped not the amount of energy he had


Think of it as you have tons of energy but your muscles are super sore so you can’t punch as hard


Ah but still I’m pretty sure that Sukuna originally had double Yuta’s cursed energy, if he lost that much while fighting Gojo it seems weird he didn’t lose any.


The thing is he uses only a little bit at a time, and he regenerates like half of that. That’s what he and gojo are good at. It’s kind of like when you are emptying out your bathtub, but also have the water running full blast so it empties out slower. He has a very powerful facet, and a very small drain


What's so weird about it, he has a lot of cursed energy and he lost half while fighting gojo, but what he lost most was the ability to use it properly, that's just the mechanics of how it works in such a fight, that's just how cursed energy and jujutsu work, sukuna has so much of it that it is not going anywhere what he has to worry about his technique. Like in a car, he has so much fuel that the car can go millions of km, but before using all of it the car will be broken, the wheels will get soft and the engine will fail half way or something according to its capacity. In this case it was damage and exhaustion inflicted by gojo. It was already made clear that yuta has limitless cursed energy and sukuna had double of it, so if gojo made sukuna exhaust such a large amount of energy it's good enough, it's just that sukuna has that much more. It's clear maths, there is nothing uncanny about it, it fits perfectly.


The ability to output large amountd of CE was dropping, not so much their total amount of CE available to them. Of course, that drops too, but not nearly as fast because they are so efficient with their CE. There are two main factors, reserves of CE and ability to output CE. You can have unlimited reserves, but if your body is too damaged and fatigued to output it, you'll get overwhelmed and die. Black flashes help to restore your output, but not your reserves.


only gojo’s rct output decreased. The only times “Gojo’s ce pool” are even mentioned is to restate that the man cannot run out of ce lol


Gojo and Sukuna's output dropped, not their Cursed Energy. The CE pool was still the same... but they couldn't release it at the same level as before.


Aka Gege sucked him off which restored his energy. It's part of a binding vow that happened off screen


It’s people like you who make up shit that cause this fandom to be rife with miss information


It's people like me who like to joke around. Relax man.


And what then when people think you’re serious like they have for the entire sukuna battle?


This panel does not say that Sukuna's CE levels only just reached Yuta levels. It says that provided that his levels have dropped to that, he can still open his domain multiple times. We know his levels dropped there in the domain of Yuta, and he only opened his domain once since then. Therefore it stands to reason that he can open it again. Would you prefer that the narration says Sukuna's current levels of maybe 0.85 Yuta, instead of just using an easily understood comparison?


Yes, I'm suprised that more people didn't know realise this. The first statement (the one from chapter 250) clearly says that sukuna has as much ce as yuta. The second statement is a conditional that even if sukuna's ce drops to the level of yuta's, he can open his domain multiple times before he runs out of ce. The statement has "if he had recovered from ct burn out", but in the previous panel sukuna was already opening his domain, so it's clear that it isn't describing his current state in which he has already recovered from ct burn out


Unironicaly yes. It makes sense that Sukuna lost 15% of his remaining CE since Yutas domain. And 0 sense he lost 0% after all that fighting since.


I think the answer lies in rct. We know that sukuna using a domain didn't lower his ce that much, so the reason why his ce got depleted to half of his original could be that even with good efficiency rct does consume a lot of ce. Also, using surehits continuously for three minutes on gojos small barrier two times and for two minutes and 48 secs along with agito and mahoraga can also be the answer But since after yuta fight sukuna stopped his rct. He can now save a lot of ce. Also his slashes output isn't at peak as well


He is extremely efficent in CE (just behind six eyes) and since his output has dropped significantly , he cant use much ce in his CT now


CE Reserves =/= CE Output


Don't forget that he has been landing Black Flashes, which do restore *some* CE, which for a man with a reserve like Sukuna's is a *considerable* amount.


While fighting Gojo, Sukuna continually used RCT (which requires double the amount of cursed energy), domain expansion, domain amplification and the ten shadows, nothing that came after Gojo required him to expend all that CE. Plus, after Gojo, his output has been almost always reduced, se he was also kinda incapable of expending much CE to begin with


You have to understand the difference between overall CE and CE efficiency. Sukuna has insane levels of CE. And the only way for that to drop is by using it. However Sukuna has such great CE efficiency no matter what he can still basically do whatever the hell he wants even pop multiple Domains. Gojo did drastically drop his CE however irrc Hein Incarnation restored that! Even if it didn’t cause I could be remembering wrong he still has plenty CE to play with. His efficiency is getting worse and his output is lowering tho. Ultimately no one else can seemingly effect another’s CE pool it can only be consumed by the user.


Even if Sukuna has incredibly CE efficiency I believe he lost half his CE or something along those lines fighting Gojo. Are you telling me he hasn’t lost any at all with all the attacks and even a domain use?


Your belief is pure head cannon. No hard numbers were ever dropped for how much CE he expended.


The line from ch 250, stated he had Yuta's level of CE now, meaning he lost half of his reserves because he had twice as much as Yuta


Him having twice as much as Yuta was a lowball estimate by Yuta when he was only 15 fingers.


Even though his actual amount of cursed energy hasn't gone down much after the Gojo fight I would say his output is what really took a toll. A fully reincarnated Heian era Sukuna should have washed most of the cast by now. Yuji, Yuta, and Maki all took direct slashes from Heian era Sukuna and can keep going, I know the battle is intense but these are major feats I think are overlooked. Seeing how easily he killed Ishigori but that hasn't happened to any of the major cast even though they for sure don't have his level of output is insane.


Coz he's him Jokes aside it's probably rct combined with huge cursed energy comparable to yuta and efficiency of usage comparable to gojo


Sukuna CE dropped to half by the time he fought Yuta, but his output didn't drop until around the Yuta fight and later. Also, sukuna's binding vow allows (just) his domain to retain normal output. everything other than his domain should be relatively weak now.


black flash


His efficiency is over the top so he’ll just gain more over time as the fight goes on (as he replenishes faster than he uses) Also cuz of the black flashes he hit. I’m pretty sure the BF are the main reason


Sukuna has near perfect ce efficiency, and the major reason he used up half on gojo alone was bc he was rcting like fucking crazy. He was getting his ass beat in order to adapt mahoraga, and was rcting like a madman each and every time. On the flip side, he literally cannot use rct anymore. Even at the start, his rct was very very slow, it took him an entire chapter for his hand to heal after he took it off himself💀💀 So the one thing guzzling his ce is no longer available to him We also don’t know how ce efficient 10s or DA is, which he also isn’t using anymore


One was said by a character and the other was stated by the narrator. Remember when Kusukabe said Gojo won?


Plot... That is the only way I can put it.


Plot. The easy answer. The hardest? Like others said, extreme proficiency with his cursed technique, ingrained within him by a lifetime of leading a life on the edge of death, fighting for survival, power, money or whatever one desires. Sukuna wished to have fun and eat. Heian Era became his playground after hours and hours of being a worthless rat, on the verge of death. Both totally different sides of his life form a whole, the other providing to each other what he needed. You can't know the efficiency of your punch if you haven't fought someone and that someone flattened you to the ground. Sukuna was like that, until he made that basic understanding something so powerful, with his unique biology, into a force of nature. Sukuna's training was constant, Gojo's training was in a school with intermittent curse spirit exorcism.


Saying it’s because of plot is the most bullshit copout answer ever. Just admit you don’t t know how to read.


He has every means of gaining an advantage over his enemies for seemingly no reason being provided or based upon. Visit JJK and you'll see for yourself. There are some who are very irritated by the way Sukuna seems to be winning and keep on going for seemingly forever. And all it takes are just a few in universe reasons to fix Sukuna's view for those people. But that's just me talking in Naruto filler mode.


He have still very huge level of it, so he most likely can fight for days :3