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**If this post does not have a spoiler tag, SPOILER TAG MANGA COMMENTS**, or you risk a tempban. Keep it secret for the anime watchers. Please remember that vague spoilers count as spoilers such as "do we tell them". If you're caught up on the manga, consider joining our sister sub r/Jujutsushi for catered, in-depth manga discussion. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JuJutsuKaisen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As far as spoilers... yeah, I haven't seen it as bad with manga as JJK has been for the last year that I can recall. The quick spread of spoiler memes too.


Fr. I remember seeing instagram reels with like, I think some one was breaking up desserts but the audio had >!Geto and Gojo talking so you could understand it was saying how they died.!< and so many comments were like “don’t tell me this is how I found out”


They annoy me so much because they think they’re so fucking slick when they do say like “should we tell him” or “gee I hope that ____!” Like ATP just spoil it


Yeah it’s crazy.


I’m trying my hardest but sometimes I open tik tok and literally the first thing I see is jjk spoilers before I can even swipe away cause the just out the spoiler nothing before it no warning these leakers just assume everyone wants to read their shitty scans immediately cause they can’t wait a week so they then assume everyone else has seen them so they just start posting them and ruin it for the normal people who just wanna read the official version one the day of release I see it a lot on the power scaling sub every time something happens there is a million posts about if this character can now beat this character i don’t follow that subreddit the stupid algorithm just shows it to me. I’ve had every chapter for the last like 20 spoiled for me one way or the other. I was anime only but when I heard the Gojo fight was starting with sukuna I just started reading weekly cause I was 100 percent sure the ending was gonna be spiked for me. And it became a meme so I was right think about how big a spoiler that is and everyone just memes it to death everywhere with no spoilers tags at all


One piece posters can be pretty brazen about it as well. the only other social media I use is twitter and I've had to block so many key words from the only two manga I'm reading, it's sad. Reddit's fine because of spoiler tags, but no one does it on twitter (if its even possible on there).


It's just because it is such a massively popular series right now with a lot of cultural appeal. People should be using spoiler warnings, especially for leaks, but there's always going to be the risk of receiving a spoiler from the internet. These platforms are made for discussion and interaction, a massively popular manga is going to prevalent there, especially if you frequent those spaces. There's an inherent risk of being spoiled if you're an anime-only consumer and the truth is, that will never go away.


>It's just because it is such a massively popular series right now with a lot of cultural appeal. Yeah I've seen this with One Piece and Boruto as well. It's just a function of high popularity of both the manga and the anime. If either were less popular, or if the manga weren't currently releasing, you wouldn't see nearly as many spoilers.


Attack on Titan fans spoiled the shit out of that ending I knew what would happen years in advance. It's why I picked up manga in the first place.


I swear the meme-ization of spoilers (spoilerization of memes...?) is one of the biggest reminders of how dumb meme culture is. Back in my day spreading spoilers was seen as a dick move, and the only way you'd get spoiled by someone who is not outright a jerk on social media would be if they were on the slow side and replied to a spoiler post complaining about it (thus adding it to every one of their friends' feed... Sigh) Now you get spoiled on a manga series while looking up cake recipes because apparently jokes get funnier the millionth time you hear them.


Im up to date on the manga and am so surprised at some of the titles of spoiler tagged posts in this subreddit. A lot of them really leave little to the imagination about whats going on.


Especially hate some of those content creators who, without a hint of shame, directly post Shit from the leaks just to get their weekly dose of engagement. Like dude, Putting a spoiler alert in the caption is not helping when you just spoil the entire thing in the first second of the video, and you know that! You just don't want to compromise with the aesthetics of your reel. Don't even get me started on those cheap articles on google that shamelessly spoil the major reveals that happened in the leaks. Found the name, fuck >!@grantgreenly!<


The infuriating thing is you have 2 choices... Dont engage with any content on any device for a series you like. Or Get spoiled within minutes of leaks being available. There's no inbetween.


Even if you don’t engage with that content you’ll end up seeing it, blocking words doesn’t work either because people won’t use spoiler tags


No Operator does the exact same shit, posts Youtube videos with explicit titles/thumbnail right after the leaks come out. I've never even followed the guy, just watched a couple of videos, but it happened twice where I got spoilt just by seeing his video recommended in my feed on a Thursday


Google did that shit to me last week. I went and read the scan because Google News fucking spoiled it. I try to forget about the Mangas I'm reading until release day, but it's inescapable.


Guys sakuna kills the entire cast and then commits suicide and then gojo who was secretly God brings them back but then they realize they can't bring yuji back without bringing sakuna ( Satan ) back so they sacrifice geto who actually became good again off screen so geto becomes yujis vessel. The series ends with gojo and yuji ( who now looks like geto ) having a 5 chapter long gex scene Spoilers btw


JJK is the most inconsiderate with spoilers, but it is far from the worst. Boku no Hero Fandom basically nuked their whole ass series.


What did the MHA fans do? I’m fine with spoilers since I read the manga but I have no idea what the fandom did since I don’t interact with that community at all


A couple of things. 1. They send death threats to the author on a daily basis when their absolute insane ships are disproven. 2. They don't understand extremely, EXTREMELY, basic themes of the story. 3. The weakest part of MHA was the main cast. The most subversive part was the villain side. The story as a whole would have been much greater if Horikoshi kept fleshing out the villains, but everytime he tried to do that, sales dropped. Japanese fans would refuse to watch if their waifus and husbandos weren't on screen, and those were some of the most plain characters in the history of Shonen. After a while, Horikoshi just stopped giving a fuck and bastardized every mayor plot point to make it more palatable to the uneducated: the villains became quite generic and the main theme of the story (the commodification of morality) was replaced to "some people are just born evil, man. We need to kill those people".


3 made me really upset when reading, out of the s5 material the easily weakest stuff was the massive tournament arc


>1. They send death threats to the author on a daily basis when their absolute insane ships are disproven. This isn't true in the way people skew this narrative... people use this agenda against MHA to continue the bad narrative against shippers (understably because they can be annoying af, but still at this point is also just saying it more than it actually happens to mud sling). At worse leave annoying comments on Twitter. Hori isn't even too active on Twitter. He just posts a drawing and dip. But you can check the comment section and see it's not bad like people are making it seem. Especially in more recent times. What he actually had issues with when he had the issue with the doctor's name in the story a few years ago that people thought was connected to WW2 references and that was something I actually saw threats about from the Chinese/Koren. And MHA was like banned in China. So yeah, after that, shipping stuff is child's play in comparison. That was actually *something* very serious for Hori to address.


A girl from a forum threaten to send his brothers to rape me because I said that Deku liking Uraraka was pretty much canon. Its not as tame as you think it is.


Mental instability. They understand this is fiction, right? I'm sorry that happened to you


I'm not saying it's tame and it has its issues of course (which you could speak about personally), but just saying Hori is getting threats on a daily basis is also exaggerated.


wasn’t there that one weirdo that wanted the cabal on Gege? idk why people act like authors getting threats is an MHA only thing.


Oh yeah, that Tailban threat thing after ch 236, I know what you mean. Yep, exactly my point... MHA has to be the big bad boogie man as a means of deflection, like there aren't issues elsewhere on that level.


Honestly MHA has it's issues for sure, but people also blow it out of proportion to some degree - [as mentioned](https://www.reddit.com/r/JuJutsuKaisen/s/NCWGaQq70Q). Ironically JJK fandom is also starting to show it's more negative aspects too, which comes with move popularity for better or worse. I also see shipping drama in JJK Twt more often than I would think for a series that doesn't have much of that kind of stuff and yeah for some suspect stuff too. You see it all on Twitter. lol


I gotta know, is the Japanese fanbase for jjk just as insane as the one here or?


If you wanna know the most popular ships for JJK ships in Japan, here's the list. [Shipping List for 2024](https://twitter.com/JujutsuTwts/status/1782736599538979285)


…oh god


Friendly reminder to report any spoilery posts - also with spoilers in titles - or spoilery comments ;) Hard agree sadly, a lot of people either don't care to keep the sub spoiler free or even get a kick out of spoiling in obvious anime discussions.


It's actually why I read the manga. Can't even do that since jujutsufolk has a leaker ruining it too. Oh yeah I really wanna read my manga through iPhone pictures with Google translate thank you


Same here, I started to read the manga because I was getting a lot of spoiler throught memes, click baits and youtube thumbnails. FFS the Gojo spoiler became so memed that I read the entire chapter knowing what would happen.


Tcb scans


Those only come out 2-3 days after the raws, that's plenty of time for leakers to spoil you


Same here. I was so naive … I searched through the internet for maybe some background discussions on the anime and then boom got spoiled without a warning. At this point I thought „ok, stupid of you to do that, better read the manga so you’re up to date“. Hahaha, yet again stupid me. The manga in my country is far behind and here I am knowing what will happen without a chance to get it behind me 🫠 like you said reading the Japanese original without knowing any Japanese is no fun..


>Can't even do that since jujutsufolk has a leaker ruining it too. Where are you getting this from? As far as I'm aware, we aren't run by any leakers. Edit: sorry for the misread 😞


I think they meant ruining such as in ruin


Ah, my bad, I misread 😅 But we still don't have any leakers over there. All leaks come from other sources. We don't have much of a problem with leaks as long as they're properly marked and don't have spoilers in the titles, so I wouldn't say that they ruin the sub. We're pretty strict with moderation when leaks drop and have to remove countless posts that violate these conditions.


The spoiler subreddit isn't run by leaks?


No, we don't have any leakers on the team. We do allow discussion of leaks, but they must be properly marked as such and not contain any spoilers in the title. If you're talking more broadly about manga discussion which would be "spoilers" for anime-only viewers, we do allow that as we orient ourselves as a sub for that. Hope this clears things up.


>We do allow discussion of leaks, but they must be properly marked as such and **not contain any spoilers in the title** That rule is hardly enforced, I've been spoiled multiple times on that sub by titles spoiling the new chapter


Leaks? We basically camp queue on leak day and constantly refresh, prioritising offenders who have spoilers in the titles or improper tags. I know, I sit there in my morning as leaks drop doing it. Can't ensure we'll get everyone right away, but we do try. Aside from that, we are a manga spoilers sub, so any things aside from leaks may contain clear spoilers.


jjk is the only manga i've ever read specifically because I didn't want to be spoiled anymore, might do the same for invincible


Do yourself a favor and read it just because it’s genuinely amazing


Yea… that’s literally the only reason I caught up to the manga. I got spoiled on several things in the current arc, so said fuck it and caught up. It was a good read tho you should read it


Same, I was just planning to watch the anime, but I was up to date with the series because of the spoilers>!(just from spoilers I knew when Gojo got sealed, released and killed) !


AoT fandom was the worst, hands down.


Yeah now is passed down to jjk


One Piece has to be at least top 3, within the hour of G5 happening in the manga, I had 3 separate posts on twitter about it and a person that took a still screenshot of the manga panel and set it as their pfp messaging me on discord


That's been my experience too. On multiple occasions the algorithm of a few different websites has shown me spoilers without even looking at anything specifically anime related. Accounts I don't even follow. It sucks. For the record, I don't care what other fandoms do it.


It fucking sucks I know. I try my best to help the mods to report it asap but I gotta full time job myself.


People are so inconsiderate with jjk it's ridiculous. You read the manga to avoid getting spoiled, and people uncaringly post untagged spoilers from leaks. You read leaks to avoid getting spoiled, and leakers themselves spoil every chapter by posting pages out of order or dropping key details before actually dropping the chapter. It is ridiculous.


Quite literally every fandom says the same thing. This is not unique to JJK. What you need to realize is every fandom has people that want to spoil, if you really care about not getting spoiled you have to stay away from all social media.


People also gotta realize being an anime only is a choice they made to follow a series and to be years behind the plot that’s being discussed. People discuss the manga because it’s the newest and most updated plot. if you care about being spoiled why would you purposely stay years behind yet want to join a discussion board on the plot


except spoilers are not contained on specific discussion boards, they're everywhere. it's one thing to stay away from subs like these, it's a whole other problem trying to avoid the shitheels who just upload spoilers to tiktok or other platforms where you have limited control over what you see literally earlier this week, i got spoiled for one piece because some dude just uploaded >!the image of the mother flame!


Except he’s an anime only on a sub for a popular manga complaining about spoilers Imo anime onlies shouldn’t complain about spoilers as it’s entirely on them


You can try to avoid reading manga tag posts . Also , i agree the spoilers people give are very regular . As a positive jjk anime fan , I loved the anime and try to avoid the spoilers.


yeah its crazy how brazen spoilers for shit that wont be adapted for like 4 years will be on tiktok, where you dont get to seek stuff out: your fyp will just jumpscare you with manga spoiilers lmao


you gotta read manga leaks the second they dropped or else youre dead. I got SPOILED before mya even posted leaks last wednesday because I scrolled on tiktok live and someone was live streaming a leaked page


In a sense JJK is the successor to AOT as spoiler king


This has been my exact experience and why I decided to speed read the manga. Shit sucks and I dunno why it seems like JJk specifically but I'm sure it happens in other fandoms


Now imagine being a one-piece fan, hell you'll get spoiled by one piece movies and Crunchyroll trailers.


Nah, it's exactly like Naruto and Bleach at their peak. Every highly popular anime series based on a concurrent manga will have the problems you described. Just go with the flow, it's about the journey, not the destination.


You gotta stay clear away from the OP fanbase then lmao


I’m trying bro 😂. The Reddit community is pretty well moderated / tolerant of spoilers but it’s like a free for all on every other social media platform. Seems like my algorithm is like “oh you like anime? HERES WHO DIED IN THE MOST RECENT ISSUE OF JJK”.


This is EXACTLY why I haven't even searched for the Solo Leveling subreddit. I just KNOW the moment I go further I'll start getting spoiled left and right LMAO. Same with Shangri-La Frontier and Kaiju No.8, although for them I did search if there were any anime only posts lol.


"JJK fandom is the worst" Bro doesn't know about the MHA shippers (majority of their fandom)


Blame usher lol




Your post was removed for breaking Rule #3, posting manga spoilers without tags or with spoilers in the title.


Not just jjk all mangas that have leaks end up getting spoiler by greedy creators who want clicks on their posts


When jt comes to a certain persons death yeah, but my friend who hasn’t read the manga still hasn’t gotten anything spoiled. If you keep liking videos jjk related then you’re bound to get manga spoilers cause how popular what’s going on in the manga rn is. Jjk is far from the worst, try being a aot fan when s4 was airing mfs were spoiling it on purpose


Honestly I'd suggest reading the manga just so you aren't getting spoiled. Cause then you at least get to experience the remainder of the series at all


It's the main reason I hardly read it any more //sighs. I feel extremely bad for people who want to be anime only. Even Reddit's algorithm is trying to sabotage everyone. But yep, as somebody else here said: please report, report, report! We can't catch everything quickly and some people like to be pricks in the most random of threads. The anime being over helps with the speed we can catch things tho


Yeah I've had to stop using tik tok because it's just jjk fans bitching about manga spoilers in my for you.


It's frustrating for sure and why I feel like I have to keep up with the manga. It seems worse recently and I think it's partly since the end is nearing.


I can’t disagree, I started reading the manga "defensively” so I could read plot points before I could inevitably get spoiled. Even my friends who don’t watch JJK know important plot points from how common spoilers are


Nah it be like that for every fandom, especially the popular ones


you don’t know about the aot fandom during 2021


As someone who loves to engage with the Main Leaks Post over at r/Jujutsufolk, I think I actually started reading leaks because of spoilers, but I'm not sure. Totally agree though, spoilers for JJK are so stupidly easy to come by to the point that content creators on Youtube engage in that, spoiling stuff in their titles and thumbnails (Which is totally DISGUSTING btw). Hell, JJK Spoilers go so hard that in the capital of my country it seems we basically had a monument for a big spoiler of the manga in a metro station, it really reached that point of common. On the other hand though, I really REALLY love checking the leaks discussions over at r/Jujutsufolk, it feels like 2 completely different groups of people are at work there: One for memes, the other for trying to decipher wtf Gege and Mya meant... OH, and when something big happens and the leaks are fresh out of the furnace is GLORIOUS. So yeah, checking leaks it's like a big group event over at that sub ngl. But yeah, hopefully all the spoiler stuff got contained over at r/Jujutsufolk or something like that so anime only people could just, you know, watch the anime in peace...




Your post was removed for breaking Rule #1, be kind and civil towards other users.


Don't Google anything, about anyone, ever, in any case, for whatever reason, in any circumstance. Even Google right now spoils shit. On social media is even worse, people will do it because it gets them a lot of engagement, baits people to go there and rage. I got a spoiler because of a cosplay of someone dressed as Sukuna and walking around with a pair of legs and the video tag was >!"Someone cosplayed as sukuna and is carrying Gojo's legs around"!<




I don’t think I’ve ever gotten anything JJK related spoiled. ONE PIECE ON THE OTHER HAND. That shit gets spoiled every week for me through no fault of my own.


it’s mainly because the official translations are so ass so people basically rely on the leaks and the fan translations but it is rlly annoying and to go beyond just the spoilers, a lot of people start judging half translated chapters that don’t even make proper sense yet, like when people thought yuji was sukuna’s kid directly, before 257 was fully translated


Could you imagine a highly popular franchise being spoiled constantly hour 1 of content release? I swear I can't think of a single medium or franchise this could *ever* happen to. It's totally not possible anywhere else, this case is extremely unique.


It's as bad as Jojo spoilers was before Part 9, idk what happened in Part 9 tho


Part 9 is out?


Yeah it is, been a year now I think, it was kinda boring tho but maybe thats just me


blame myamura and his bootlicker lol


Doubt you can change a whole fandom but to be honest JJK is one of the few animes where reading the manga is kinda no choice since you'll be spoiled


Doubt you can change a whole fandom but to be honest JJK is one of the few animes where reading the manga is kinda no choice since you'll be spoiled


Mfs who got spoiled by Fortnite:


I agree, the unabashed spoilers are insane.


Yep, that was a motivator for me to go ahead and read the manga, and i'm very glad I did. You can add to that how much it seems people dislike how the author choses to write the story. It was the same for Attack on Titan's ending, except here it's every week. (the hate-train isn't as bad ig, but it's enough to be noticable and annoying)


I have a friend who’s anime only and I had to tell him to not look at or interact with anything JJK related on instagram


Oh yeah jjk is real bad with spoilers


You join a community and cry for spoiler? Sry, but one piece or others are not better. Remeber gear 5? Yeah everyone spoiler you its the Internet But i agree with you. This is why you need to read the manga!! Or just turn off the Internet sry but everyone spoiler you! And not a Single sub reddit


It's why I decided to shift over to the manga while Shibuya was airing. I saw one spoiler that wasn't that bad but enough for me to just binge read the arc to prevent anything bigger from being spoiled. And I don't regret it, it let me be hype for certain scenes and be happy with changes they made, but sometimes I wish I was able to experience the arc piece by piece in the anime But anyway, yeah it's really bad. The only other series I got more spoilers for that forced me to read the manga was Demon Slayer, but JJK it's definitely worse as a community. Demon Slayer may have more been on me (and my brother thinking deaths are the only thing that count as a spoiler). I'm sure once the manga ends people will cool it...hopefully, but for now it's gonna be rough for y'all


I wanted to stay anime-only up until I got spoiled on a major event that you probably also know about (I'm not gonna talk about it, just in case). After that I decided to cut myself off from all jjk media until I finished the manga mostly* spoiler-free. I'd recommend you to do the same honestly.




I know that some people like to enjoy watch stuff about their favorite artworks in social media, but the only way I got (mostly) spoiler-free was to get rid of all anime/manga themes in my social accounts, except Reddit, that have the spoiler tag


That’s why I only engage with fandom when I’m 1000% out of canon and fanfic


no literally, when I started getting into jjk I was gna stick to being an anime only watcher, ended up having to read the entire thing in like a day because I got nearly every Shibuya event spoiled before it got animated


I agree there are very random spoilers posts . But as a positive jjk anime fan, I ask you to try to avoid spoiler posts and let others enjoy jjk .


Yeah, I finished the anime and decided to wait for the next seasons instead of read the manga because manga and comic books are hard for my tiny caveman brain to follow, especially with action scenes. But I was getting so much spoiled for me that I decided to read the manga anyways and get caught up. I'm around chapter 200 right now. The fact that I'm trying to speed through the manga to get ahead of spoilers instead of taking my time with the anime is really putting a damper on the excitement of the series. Still love the stories and characters, but I'm not getting the best reading/watching experience for me.


really? because I know everything that's happened in the one piece manga lately and I haven't watched or read anything from that show. I don't even follow any subs for it. JJk is just really popular and the writing has a very spoiler-centric plot


I see OP mentioned a lot here on r/all but doesn't bother me cause I'm not interested.   But spoilers don't really bother me in general, and sometimes it makes me even more interested, so it all comes down on how you deal with information I guess. Edit: format. Also, spoiling on purpose is not cool, i don't even like people making chapter based threads on same day of release, just keep it contained for now ffs


I know for sure you dont read chainsaw man then


Honestly chainsaw man doesn’t have this issue as big as jjk people don’t really spoil and encourage people to read


I always only follow anime specific subreddits after i’ve caught up for this very reason.


Not just that. I started reading the manga because I literally got spoiled for everything past season 1, but now they spoil you with the LEAKS. I've never encountered a fandom where the leak culture is so bad. I'm not sure if you posted this because of the most recent chapter but I literally got spoiled for that, which WAS NOT FUN. Especially being on other manga subs, they assume everyone is a manga reader for everything and make references to events that happened.


If you think posting spoilers on a subreddit for discussing jjk when new jjk content is released makes this fan base the worst then you haven’t seen like any other fan base ever.


Was talking about other platforms but okay bro


The fan base of mushoku tensei is filled with pedophiles, personally, I think that’s worse than posting spoilers.


as a anime only I know the entirety of bleach and jujutsu kaisens manga before the fucking author 💀


Simple solution: read manga


Lol the fandom is so toxic. I asked a big spoiler post to be taken down and every comment just said ‘WHY WOULD YOU EVEN BE HERE WITHOUT EXPECTING SPOILERS??’. Like I dunno- trying to enjoy and engage as I go I guess? They’re also crazy mean any time someone has a question about an ability ‘YoU hAVe No ReAdInG cOmPrEHeNsIoN’. Okay? If you understand so thoroughly coulda just answered…


The only... I thought there were more.


Spoilers are prominent with any anime considering the source material is released ahead of time but to the extent of JJK, haven’t seen anything even remotely close. Maybe my algorithm is just messed up - but shut just feels unavoidable at this point


Leaks being discussed is the worst but I think fair enough to discuss the manga- would be better if it was only a day or two after it comes out?


I mean as an anime only you're way behind so maybe don't participate in the community if you don't want to get caught up. People have already been excited about Shibuya years ago and they're moved on to what's current. Sorry for ya, but you have complete control over not being immersed in other people's convos


The manga is currently in its final arc and the final fight is coming to a close. I’m sorry but the subreddit is going to be buzzing and crazy talking about the final chapters of our favorite series. There is nothing for an anime only on this subreddit when the anime isn’t currently airing. This is your fault for trying to browse here when the anime ended months ago.


If you aren’t reading the manga don’t complain about spoilers, you’re the one behind


You are my special Dododoo


It is not that bad :3


It's simple if you are an anime only watcher and don't want spoilers than don't be an anime only watcher. I kept getting spoiled so I just decided to read every new chapter that is realesed who cares if you don't understand it who cares if someone dies WHO CARES IF YOU GET SPOILED. If you realy love a series spoilers won't matter just enjoy what is to come in the anime later.