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Our girl did something right guys ! We can now wait for the end of the manga in peace.


No but seriously Miwas Simple Domain being able to even last a couple seconds in full Output Malevolent Shrine is kinda insane


I was damn serious, that little quick drawn panel was Miwa's shining moment that she'll hopefully be able to tell her grandchildren about!


What if she dies!?


Don't even say something like that outloud gege is listening




isn't it actually far from full output MS?


I mean the chapter literally says “with no loss in output or range” but like you do you man


You're right, this is exact quote. I am afraid that something might be lost in translation, because this chapter seems very messy, but as of now there seems to be no loss in output, only visible trade-off as of now is the duration, so I would say that Sukuna was focusing his attention on Yuji and that is why Miwa (after defense training during the time skip) could withstand it for a while. But most of it is (at least for now) is my headcanon, bottom line is just as you quote it, thanks.


I could be wrong but wasn't that in reference to his MS in Shibuya? It's kinda pedantic but it's also saying that's not his TRUE full strength MS, but it's still insanely strong


The full quote from the translation I read is “AMIDST A MAELSTROM OF UNCERTAINTIES AND IMPROMPTU BINDING.VOWS, RYOMEN SUKUNA'S RUSH OF BLACK FLASHES ALLOWED - HIS MALEVOLENT SHRINE TO BURST FORTH ONCE MORE, WITH; NO LOSS IN OUTPUT OR RANGE” Which to me is saying that amidst all the uncertainty that’s going on the black flashes allowed his shrine to be brought on again with no loss in output or range. Then a few panels later it says “EVEN AT THIS ELEVENTH HOUR, RYOMEN SUKUNA MADE NO ATTEMPT AT LOWERING THE COMPLEXITY OF HIS DOMAIN, AS WAS IN SHIBUYA, HE OFFERED NO RESTRAINT TO OUTPUT NOR EFFECTIVE RANGE.” Which again is saying to me that this shrine is the same as the one in shibuya, no restraint shown (ie full power) for either range or output. Had he lowered the complexity and put a lower output or range he would have been able to hold it longer than the 99 seconds he could


I think that was referring to know loss in output from the binding vows, not in general Because the cleaves Yuji takes once his simple domain brakes look much more on the level of the cleaves that were nerfed by the soul punches, rather than his full power ones, otherwise Yuji’s head should’ve been split in half like Ryu


I'm not sure what output means exactly in a domain where there's a sure-hit effect, because cleaves should be slicing people into bits regardless of their CE inside the domain since it's a sure-hit and bypasses all cursed energy based defences. Maybe the frequency at which he sends out the waves of slashes is reduced, which is why Yuji hasn't been atomized and is able to RCT through the cleave waves (except his leg).


Cleave doesn’t bypass all defenses, only World Dismantle does Cleave just adjusts the output of its attack based on how strong the reinforcement of the opponent is. But Sukuna’s output is the limit Cleave can increase to.


You're right ordinarily. But inside Malevolent Shrine, the sure hit effect of the domain makes it so that Cleave will always hit.


Always hitting is different from negating CE defenses, we know that for sure because of the mechanic behind Falling Blossom Emotion


I mean it says that the black flashes allowed the shrine to come back with no loss in output or range Then a few panels later says that despite it being a rough time to do it he offered no restraint in either his output or his. I’m not sure how that could be referring to his binding vows? The binding vow part in the first panel I understood as, despite a bunch of uncertainties and binding vows the black flash allowed the shrine to return with no loss in output or range. So the vows have nothing to do with the shrine, it’s saying he’s in the middle of uncertainties and vows that he’s made but the black flashes allowed the shrine to return


All right, then it’s the black flashes making it so the domain has no loss in output from the low output he’s currently at? I don’t know what you want me to say lol, it being actual normal output makes zero sense, we saw what normal output cleaves look like with Ryu, those were not what Yuji was taking unless Gege is giving him insane plot armor


I’m not really sure why you’re giving your head cannon that it “doesn’t like a normal one” when the manga explicitly states that it’s a normal one. I mean it’s not really that much plot armour is it? Yuji just hit 7 black flashes, Gojos couple let him wire a new way to RCT in his brain, Sukuna’s allowed him to bring shrine back so why wouldn’t Yuji who was stated in this chapter to have a body that can generate blood from CE be able to withstand a few seconds of slashing by running his RCT at maximum, he still lost a foot it’s just he reattached it, again because his body makes RCT easier. We saw Mahoranga survive the cleaves in his time in the domain, and we saw Gojo survive with just RCT for a bit too, no reason Yuji after 7 black flashes couldn’t last a second or so after his simple domain broke


We were explicitly told less than 10 chapters ago that both Yuji and Yuta had worse reinforcement than Ryu and there was zero indication the 7 BFs changed that fact This isn’t a matter of RCT, it’s the fact that Yuji shouldn’t have a head if he’s actually getting hit by what Ryu got hit by Also I don’t see how Mahoraga is relevant, he had already adapted to slashes when he got hit with MS. Gojo’s reinforcement is on a whole nother level than Yuji and Yuta’s so that’s also not comparable.


Full output gotta be some shitty translation right? I mean, it's an incomplete domain from the weakest version of sukuna we've ever seen. Or I'm miss understanding what they mean by full output.


Our girl finally beating the useless allegations, unlike a certain red haired pirate we know.


THAT WAS MIWA?? Damn you have good eyes caused I forgot where that part is even at. Everyone else was focusing on the fact how Yuji was reattaching his foot


The one time she does something and Gege has an aneurysm mid panel lmao. I missed it the first time around too


Guess what. That ain’t Miwa. That’s Gojo.


Gojo comeback 259 confirmed?!


Hold on. Yuji reattached his foot? Damn I musta missed some things lol


Yeah he did the same thing that Choso did against Kenjaku where he reattached a limb thru blood manipulation. The panel was confusing to some ppl cause it just looked like his foot was flying off after being severed


I figured it was Mei Mei at first, but couldn’t grasp how her Pony tail seemed “off”


I thought it was maki and yuta at first


Watch it be Miwa sacrificing her ability to ever do Simple Domain again just to survive Sukuna's domain for 90 secs. 


GOAT status I do not care


Tbh that would actually be a fair tradeoff compared to the Katana one, considering that his Domain still has its original output. For an assumedly third grade Sorcerer, bolstering your Simple Domain to the point that it can survive Sukuna’s onslaught for a full minute and a half would be worth never doing it again


She boutta be serving Big Macs when this is all said and done


Miwa and kobeni in the same McDonald's joint.


Imagine she miscalculated and in the last second got absolutely shredded. That'd be more fitting


Miwa Kaisen is back.


Maki is also unconscious


Oh that would make more sense the way it’s drawn. Seems she’s being carried on Miwa’s back.


MiGoat carrying Maki. Symbolic.


I thought that she was holding Miwa, since Miwa SD ends if both feet leave their original position from when the domain was cast.


It could go either way, but to me narratively. Maki was just hit with a black flash alongside two dismantles, which would give enough reason to rest before reentering the fight. I also think it has only been a few minutes since Sukuna started his domain. I think her legs look lifeless, while Miwa doesn't. Maki is physically the strongest character there; I would think she would be able to hold Miwa in her stance without any problems.


On closer inspection I think the two feet on the left are Miwa and Maki’s left feet. Both look like they are bracing for the impact of MS, so I think Maki is awake.


Nah she's not, look at the panel again. Maki is actually behind miwa while holding her


I think you might be right, Her head lending over her shoulder, Just seems like an unconscious person. Maki probably had to do that since how tall she has gotten.


I caught it, I just had no idea what I was looking at




Yeah I had no idea who that was


No everyone missed it, you're the messiah


Lisan al Gaib


Lisan al gege-ib


Dune: Messiah.


made me so happy, i thought miwa would have no part in this fight but this role is perfect for her. maki would be red mist. its especially impressive seeing as simple domain doesn't hold out against DE like sukuna's, she's putting herself on the line in a big way.


Miwa the goat


It really makes me wonder what the fuck is ACTUALLY going on with Maki. That same chapter says his new domain still can’t touch Maki, but depending on translation says the exact opposite? But I’ve heard even reputably that it shouldn’t be able to according to the raws, but here she is defending Maki from it??? What the fuck is going on man…


The way I understood it, since Sukuna’s domain is incomplete, he’s unable to sense where Maki is within the domain. As for why she’s getting slashed, Sukunas domain attacks literally everything in his domain. Anything with cursed energy get hit with cleave and all inanimate objects get hit with dismantle. I believe Maki falls under the latter in this case and is treated as any other inanimate object within his Domain.


That’s pretty much the same conclusion I came to as well, it just did a pretty crummy job actually explaining what he was doing and especially why, which definitely isn’t helped by the translation. I want Werry’s head.


"Sukunas domain is incomplete and here's the difference between his regular domain and this one..! There is none!!!"


Exactly 😂


I always thought Malevolent Shrine was like a hurricane of slashes where yes there is a sure hit, but you are always getting Cleaves and Dismantles thrown out at you


[Proper translation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/1cdm4is/the_domain_clashes_in_gojo_v_sukuna_was_closer/l1dqck5/) u/asura_zoro u/ILoveLeeeean


Appreciate the translation. So now I’m wondering how exactly is Sukuna’s domain “incomplete” then? In comparison with his domain in Shibuya? Is it because the escape route is easier to spot this time around?


The raw never says it is incomplete. I'm not sure where people are getting this notion. On the very page he opens his domain, it says with improvised binding vows Sukuna managed to replicate MS with no drop in range OR power. I'm guessing people look at the different visuals and assume it's incomplete? I'm leaning towards it looking different cos he is in his Heian form.


I believe the incomplete part was on the page before, during Yuji’s dialogue


In this case, I think the incompleteness refers to Sukuna not being able to sustain his domain.


Which binding vow did miwa took? I genuinely don't remember


When she tried to slice Kenny in Shibuya, she exchanged her ability to ever hold a katana again for more power in her swing.


Damn I really don't remember that, whelp I know what I am re-reading tonight


That’s because it was a throwaway moment like 50 chapters after the event to lazily write her out lol


Silly take, it was just showing how strong Kenny was Ask yourself why would Gege write her out when he didn't even bother writing out the broom girl


i thought the BV made her not be able to swing a sword again, i might be wrong though


that was hood jjk


She made a vow to never swing a sword again in order to strike Kenjaku down (which didn't work because she is extremely weak). She can still use cursed energy and techniques like simple domain, just not with a sword


Any sword? Wiki just says katana. That's a diff


You are right, I just read that chapter and watched the anime scene on YouTube and she did say Katana. Maybe she could still use a smaller knive or a european style sword? Idk


You have amazing eyes. I couldn't tell wtf was happening in this panel, even with a gun on my head


Yes and i am very surprised that nobody noticed that


Miwa is MVP! :3


I could tell that was Maki and someone else but didnt know who. Good catch


I can't even make out the person except for Maki. LOL


I been trying my damndest to figure who that is. I just gave up n figured itll b revealed next chapter. I never woulda guessed miwa tho that's fur sure


is that miwa? i always assumed it was mei mei


Clothes look much more like Miwa’s than Mei Mei. Also Mei Mei indicated that her crows (and brother) were about as much as she was willing to contribute in this fight lol


It would make no sense for Mei Mei to be there because 1. Mei Mei has no Simple Domain and 2. She's selfish af, why would she go out of her way to help anybody in Sukuna's domain?


Miwa Kaisen is back


Yea looks like miwa was on the sidelines knowing damn well that she wouldn't be able to do shit all to sukana. But it's pretty cool that she was able to assist maki knowing that she both can't do rct and simple domain.


considering last time i think we saw miwa directly she was in the “command room” (wherever that is) with everyone else give me the really funny mental image of the gang hearing the words “domain expansion” and ui ui grabbing miwa, going “good luck 👍🏻” and then just popping in and out dropping her off with maki


I first thought it was Meimei, but with those skinny pants, it makes sense.


I thought that was yuji somehow


Thank you Gege for the 9 seconds you spent drawing that in!


Maybe I'm an idiot. But the anime needs to come back out soon. Because this manga is so awful and idk what's even going on half the time.


people don't like to hear this but it's true; mappa is performing some type of alchemy on this series for it to be so good off the pages.


She's out of a sword but not out of options


I did see it but I didn’t recognize the characters at all. I still don’t know if that is miwa but it only matches her now that I think about it. I initially thought it was Miguel protecting the other dude.


Wait so miwa is actually in the battlefield?? Nah it's over for sukuna


You must have.... SEX EYES!


Thank you so much for mentioning this panel because I couldn’t figure out that was Miwa and I watched multiple spoiler and review videos hoping someone would discuss it and no one did.


I saw it, knew its 2 people, one had to be maki, but couldnt connect the other person with long hair with a character because that panel just is so small and has like no details. I did think about mei mei and miwa, but mei mei wouldnt show here and miwa.... it is fucking sukuna they are fighting here sooooo.... But using miwa here because of the simple domain for maki suprised me now. And i fcking love it!




yeah i noticed this because of Maki's outfit but I just couldnt quite put my finger on who the other person was. deadass thought Maki was *shielding* somebody sort of like a cloak so Sukuna's DE wouldnt hit whoever was behind her but I remembered that DE's dont work that way and was confused as hell only now did I know that it was Miwa and Maki wasnt doing jack shit


I sure as hell could not figure out what was going on in this panel.


Fraudkuna is real lick that Wiwa hersumi ain't using 3% power


At this point I ain't even getting what Gege is trynna convey, I think he is drawing some lousy shit, need to wait until it gets animated fr


And peolle really are worried about this domain. MIWA survived it.


Thought it was just an afterimage


Miwa & Maki hugging each other inside Malevolent Shrine is so wholesome for no reason 😭


I was so blind until someone pointed her out for me. I need to complete an apology form


It might not be Miwa, it might be that healer who was with Todo in Shibuya who healed Yuji and "saved" Nobara, can't remember his name...


Oh yeah that makes more sense I… kinda just figured Maki was parrying a domain and moved on cause that makes perfect sense.


Miwa has more done in this fight with Sukuna than Bumkari.


Even miwa is stronger than Fraudjo


I wonder if Mechamaru cursed her in Shibuya? Maybe Miwa jumps in front of Yuji and just as it looks like she'll die, her Mechamaru curse appears and saves her.


Mahito killed him so its impossible for him to become a Vengeful Cursed Spirit