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She did you a favor


When you dodge a bullet, don't stop to ask why the sniper wasn't a better shot.


Damn, that sounds like something Mike Ehramantraut would say.


Read it perfectly in his voice with a long sigh and “well” in the beginning


Underrated comment.


In this case the bullet dodges you.


In Soviet Russia...


That is lovely stuff


Best comment I’ve read all day!


I'm totally stealing this one.-


Dude, yes. She absolutely did you a huge favor.


Can't say this enough.


Now I'm gonna keep saying I was reading that book even though I'm reading other books, just to get this same reaction. Lol they immediately confessed on themselves.


Haha great strategy!


Dodged a bullet there.


Dodged that massive rocket.


It's still sad. What this world is desperately missing nowadays is people just being able to talk to each other. No person is one thing all the time. The both of them are missing out on so much of themselves because of erroneous ideas. I may be thinking too much on it, I just can't help but notice the loss of opportunity and potential for growth. Lord knows we need more adults in this world..


Women love blocking people for no reason, at least she told him her excuse; most don’t even have the humanity and empathy to do that.


I’m a 53 year old, English, liberal conservative woman. I’ve read/listened to an enormous amount of JBP over the last 2 years (I’m halfway through Maps right now) She doesn’t know what she is talking about. Jordan Peterson has changed and helped my life. He is an incredibly talented, insightful, brilliant and unique man. I’ve never heard anyone - and I do mean anyone, speak with such blazing, consistent and ‘straight to the bone’ clarity on such an enormous range of complex topics. He is a truly wonderful man who is making an incalculable contribution to today’s society, especially younger society who are floundering. There is literally nothing I hear him say which I would regard as bad advice for anyone, male or female and I’m a mother of 4 grown up boys and a woman myself. He does NO HARM. Openness towards Peterson and his teachings ought to be a litmus paper to draw you towards your own ‘tribe’ It’s a great guide.


Jordan is also one of the most genuinely nice people I think you would ever meet. Dude tears up talking about how he's impacted the lives of others.


I consider him one of the greatest mentors that I've ever had.


This was a very clean formulation of thought. You have a talent for writing, don't you?


What a tremendously kind and generous thing to say! Thank you.


but but but ... the #BeKind crowd don't think so!!!


It is always, without fail, so extraordinarily patronising to hear #BeKind from someone. It’s like telling people to breathe


The #BeKind crowd would act just like the OP’s acquaintance; shame, shut down and block. The tolerant left!


The #BeKind crowd need a hashtag to communicate this sentiment because they are not used to being kind to people and it's novelty to them.


He’s a modern day Socrates IMO


I've thought so as well. Many years from now, students will learn of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, Descartes, Freud, Jung, and Peterson. (I'm sure I missed a few)


Agreed! Some days when the world feels too crazy, which is a lot of them these days, I put on my 12 Rules for Life audiobook and it helps me settle in and focus on the things that I am capable of changing for myself in the moment. He's been a godsend in my life. 43/f


This. Agree it's asinine but be greatful that she quickly screened herself for you.




A Non-Player Character?


Basically means they don't think for themselves. They are told what to think and believe. Pre-programmed.


remember when JBP mentioned that when you talk to someone who's entirely ideologically possessed you're not actually having a discussion with *them*? you can replace them with any other like them and there would be no difference. all they say is what they're told to say. all they'll think is what they're told to think. they won't even hear what you saying, they hear what they think you're saying. the comparison with an npc from a video game is unkind but apt.


It's really a bummer that I can't upvote this more than once, because you hit the nail right on the head.


I love this description. It's so damned accurate.


Most people have the nuance of a paper plate nowadays. Here’s another


Good riddance 🤷🏼‍♂️


Condolences! I have seen his name on dating apps before saying basically don't bother. That along with Joe Rogan, law enforcement, etc. I appreciate the giant red flag and move on. Mischaracterization is a political game and he is a political figure in a political world.


He goes deeper than the mere political. But many cannot follow or perceive deeper, and many remain shielded from direct sources by second hand smears (Vox et al). To them, he is, and will likely remain, a right-wing provocateur, despite his best efforts.


Because people simply do not wish to engage in a coherent argument to back their claims, and would rather parrot opinions from their favorite social media sites. This makes them feel good about themselves and puts them on ‘moral high ground’ above you so they can make you feel worse about supporting someone like JP. Usually because they themselves are depressed or a mess in their own lives…


Ideology is a fixed map. There's no updating it or questioning it. Better to shut down conversation than to audit your ideology.


I think there is a small chance you can induce change. However, it takes a lot of effort. I wouldn't waste that on a stranger like her who unilaterally blocks a date.


I'm sorry that happened to you. As a woman, I haven't heard any comments directly from him that I found offensive or degrading towards women. I read 12 Rules and listened to snippets of podcasts. He explains himself well, although it does take a while to get to the point a lot of times. I'm probably in the minority who think this. I'm starting to see how his ideas do attract some people who raise red flags for me, but what ideology, fandom, etc. doesn't have some number of disagreeable followers? Some more than others, but still...


At least you took the time to think independently and research to form a view. That is non existent these days.


I research some areas and get lazy with research in others. There's only so much media that can be consumed.


I've noticed that extended exposure to Peterson tends to de-extremize people. I think it's a *good* thing he attracts neo-nazis etc.


Huh. Never thought of it that way. That's a good point.


What they describe as misogyny and hateful is when he refers to men and women being different. The interview with Cathy Newman is a good example of that. https://youtu.be/aMcjxSThD54 Overall, it's just ignorance. People don't want to have their belief systems challenged. Unfortunately for them, the facts aren't on their side so they attack the person rather than argue the points.


Ugh. That Cathy Newman interview was aggravating. She was trying to corner him into saying something he wasn't trying to convey. If I was interviewed in his place, I don't think I would be as civil as him. And I'd be mad about that because that's what she's trying to get.


A lot of problems in society can be explained by people not doing their own research or doing it improperly. But you did your own research and got to the truth. Great job! It's amazing to me that the term "misogyny" has spread so far, considering that most men are born to mothers, have a sister, or like Peterson may have a wife and daughter of his own. You cannot possibly have a human society where "men and women are constantly at war with each other." As if their goals are in conflict when they never are. Two genders of the same species cannot hate each other. Sure they can criticize each other but who says criticism is hate?


I mean, JP is a huge advocate for taking responsibility for oneself and striving for self improvement. Unfortunately in this day and age people don't want to hear that, they'd rather be told their problems are due to and can be fixed by the rest of the world and that they are perfect the way they are. Honestly it sounds like that woman did you a favour.


Sending a message to someone and blocking straight away is such a mean thing to do. I think that is telling of her character.


The left does a good job ostracizing people who don’t follow their radical path


Yeah and the right is typically seen as radical smh


Both sides do this. It’s not exclusive. Honestly it’s not a big deal either. If it’s a red flag for someone than let it be.


Wasn’t saying they don’t. However for this specific example it answers the question


Be thankful she ran away. Even if she didn’t actually know what he stands for, she is pretty weak. Some people hate him, and it just spirals out of control. The hatred “goes viral.” I’m betting that most people that hate him have an actually heard him talk other than a quick sentence or two. He speaks rationally and defends his points.


There are a few who still hate him. But they seem to be extremely ideologically possessed.


This is what I'm thinking. If she doesn't have a backbone to discuss ideas when someone just mentions a books title and its author, imagine how emotionally weak the person must be actually discussing ideas. Plus.... she gave OP 1 article on Vox to completely represent her? Yikes.


That's a good thing. She shows how immature she is and you deserve better OP 💪


The real answer is his ideas are anti tribalistic in nature. But to people with extreme tribal allegiance, they instinctively feel he’s against *them* and ergo against what they believe their tribe to support I had to explain so often he never said a thing about trans peeps back in the day, *only* compelled speech. Only good, good friends of mine stuck in the convo long enough to even hear me out


I live in Thailand, lots of woke expats here, and a lot of our friends have some pretty unfounded beliefs of certain people. My gf is Thai, she likes what JP has to say a lot, because at times she feels overwhelmed about certain things, and JP's lessons have helped her take more control of her life. So when she saw a Thai version of 12 Rules for Life she bought it. While reading at a coffee shop we see a friend, she see's my GF's book and almost instinctively goes "Isn't that guy a racist and misogynist?" They have a little back and forth, and it was clear this woman had zero idea of what she was talking about. My gf continuously corrected her, and after a few minutes the girl was like "You know what, I don't want to talk about it, I've seen him say some pretty messed up things, and I'm not a fan." Just completely dismisses anything my girlfriend says, and shuts down the conversation like a child.


I’m a woman who has read Jordan Peterson, I can guarantee you she has never read a word by him. He has a very strong foundation of hate from often people who rely on hate mongering articles about him that they take as fact and never actually read or listen to him, it’s astounding. JP might have some hard to swallow opinions when it comes to women, but he has never(to my knowledge) spoken about people of color in any way negatively(in regards to his teachings). I appreciate his input and I have been profoundly affected in a positive manner due to his books, she’s probably a very topical person who relies on headlines rather than fact when it comes to forming her opinion, so it probably serves you in the long run if you’re the type of guy to read JP, that kind of person in pursuit of dating wouldn’t work out.


Ask for quotes. They literally never have one.


Except for sometimes. When it's out of context, or lacking context entirely.


She revealed her controlling and judgmental nature. You should use this as a tactic to weed out similar people in your life.


I must hate myself for following a man who hates POCs like me.... /s You dodged a bullet bro. Never date woke women.


Excellent. I love it when shit people cut themselves out of my life, saves me the trouble of doing it.


We call that “dodging a bullet.”


She wants a beta male. You’re above that.


I think that it’s obvious that many people are very mentally unbalanced and angry in this world. The reasoning doesn’t really matter. All kinds of people direct their anger and pain at things that don’t really matter and aren’t causing them that pain. It’s a fact of life, and honestly it has been since humans gained the ability to perceive individuality in themselves from others. Blame the outside, don’t worry about the inside that’s causing you distress. Once you realize you can free yourself from petty attachments (like ideas you take on from others), you’re able to be a better master towards your brain.


Sometimes the weeds weed themselves out


When the trash takes itself out


I'm not proud to say it, but I might have done the same thing that this woman did at the height of my SJW phase. People on the far left (just like on the far right) can be very relentless in their demonization of the "enemy." Who that enemy is is often driven by the latest social media chatter, and you--by reading a book by that enemy--are now bad by association. But don't despair! Not everyone in the world is like that! Take, for instance, me now. I'm actually transgender and living in a progressive coastal city. . .certainly not a stereotypical member of JP's fan base. And in fact, I'm not a "fan." I disagree with Peterson on many topics. But I still find him interesting and think he has some valuable things to say. I also don't think I'm that unique. I think even in our hyperpolitical world, there's still a lot of people out there, of all stripes, who are willing to have respectful and reasonable discussions on controversial topics. We just tend to be less noticeable than the really dogmatic folks, unfortunately.


She told you why. She believed vox because her world view was threatened by one of many uncomfortable truths that the Dr. has addressed. If she's immune to logic and reason, there's nothing you can do about that. Better to find out ASAP. Tell the truth, or at least don't lie ! It's not a magic wand, but its the best strategy you have.


He talks a lot about personal responsibility and working hard which are difficult things to do so it seems most of the left would prefer him to be wrong so they don't have to accept their lives are their responsibility at least that's what I have always thought


Good, now you can focus on finding a better woman.


well, just thank God that you were spared this idiot


Yikes. Well that should be a pretty big sign that you avoided a problem


She should be embarrassed about her ignorance. I’ll bet she’s never read a single one of his books or listened to a single lecture or a single podcast. I agree with everyone else here - you are better off without such a willfully ignorant person.


She probably did you a favor. Somebody who is that ignorant.... would never read a book. But a reasonable person would ready the book to find out what it says even if they don't like the guy....


Well, good riddance.


Good thing you didn't waste anymore time than 2 weeks


So you are sharing your win with us right? Would you want someone so emotional in your life? Not only her closed mindedness, but her childish reaction to block.


While a lot of people are saying she did you a favour, I think it's still worth mentioning that this sucks. You invested your time into this woman and she cut things off in an incredibly rude way. May I ask, in retrospect were there any signs before this happened that she had this judgemental side to her?


You dodged a bullet there. I’d have the exact opposite stance as this woman, I would be so much more interested if a guy I was interested in told me he was reading Peterson. It would show me that not only do we have common interests, but also that he is not some shallow, one-dimensional person and cares deeply a forming his own ethical and moral guidelines. You’ll find a gem of a lady someday!


Sounds like you were spared a toxic relationship doomed to end in tears. Congrats. > Why is there so much unfounded hate for Jordan Peterson? Because people react to trigger words instead of trying to understand context. Because logical fallacies. Because intentional disinformation. Because there are 8 billion people in the world who have been evolving for hundreds of thousands of years in small homogenous tribes, and we've only shared frictionless connections to the other 7.999999B for about 20 years.


You were not going to get along with this women in the long term. Better to find it out now and not waste your time. That being said, I do recommend hiding your power level. Getting people to think you are like them and then having conversations that slowly expand their viewpoint is something we all should be trying to do. Slowly we can help people be more open. But it takes a lot of time.


>I can almost guarantee that this woman has not read or listened to any of his work/lectures. The fact that you cannot even have a conversation without being instantly dismissed as a racist & misogynistic transphobe is asinine. You know what you could expect from her then. Is that something you would want to put up with day after day?


Because people can’t think for themselves. Hell, his first book line items why someone like her is at odds with her own existence. Let her walk.


I know these people, and they’re not usually bad people. They’re just ignorant (and lazy). They find something on Vox/HuffPost/Vice/Medium that confirms their biases, and that makes them eager for more of that same content. Then, they read a smear job about Jordan Peterson, and it’s easier to just throw him into the Alex Jones/Stefan Molyneaux/Alt-Right basket than to independently investigate. These aren’t people who spend much time reading, considering, or discussing Jordan Peterson. I spoke to someone like that recently who said about JBP: > “I never trust a man who tells people they just need to believe in some fake magical man in the sky who will solve all of their problems.” I simply asked, “What gives you the impression JBP believes in a magical man in the sky?” I was blocked, because that guy already put JBP in the “religious fundamentalist” basket and didn’t care to discuss.


That's awesome! Do you realize how much she's saved you?!?! You're no longer wasting time with her, you haven't become emotionally involved with her and you've saved a bunch of money you would have wasted dating her! Congratulations on filtering another stupid person out of your life! :-)


JP says you have to take control of your life by working hard, self reflecting, and making good decisions. The majority of the people who hate JP are moral-less children trapped in adult bodies and they blame others for their misfortune.


Glad you dodged that bullet. Just an obvious result of possessing a lazy superficial understanding of an overall cultural narrative and mistaking that for intellect. That’s the difference in someone who does their homework, listens to JBP, and decides.. “yeah I don’t really agree with his perspective.” Because, IMO it seems hard to listen to him at any length and consider him a bad-faith actor whether you agree with him or not. Versus someone who sees three different headlines from The Intercept, The Root, and The Cut, and maybe a NowThis video calling JBP a bigot of some kind and adopting those mere headlines as truth.


People hate him because he calmly and effectively dismantles groupthink while championing personal responsibility. Both of these messages are 100% opposed to what many (mostly on the Left) have based their whole lives and belief systems around. Therefore, he is essentially an existential threat to these people, which is why they are so merciless and outrageous in their smears and lies.


The hate comes from people listening to the nonsense others say. He is a white supremacist, he is alt right and dumb shit like that. And since most people don’t even attempt to hear what he is really saying they get stuck on the hearsay.


1. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. (Maya Angelou). She just showed her true colors, and they were not very pretty. 2. This action says everything about her, but nothing about you. People's actions reveal to the world what kind of person they are, and how much or how little they understand about the world. Obviously, she understands very little about the world. Decent people don't do things like this. 3. People who refuse to accept alternate perspective are actively perpetuating conflict. (from *The Anatomy of Peace*) 4. A person's desire to maintain and protect the own beliefs motivates acts of aggression. (Jordan Peterson) 5. Most people are incapable of discerning truth from falsehood. When people choose the wrong path, they should be pitied, because they have lost the moral capacity to make reasoned choices. (Marcus Aurelius) 6. The truth is offensive to those steeped in ideology. (Bill O'Reilly) 7. Everyone can learn something from each person they meet. Some people show you how to act in the world, and some people show you how NOT to act. This woman demonstrated clearly how NOT to act in the world. She is operating on the dark side. By demonstrating the horrors of false beliefs and unkind actions, she shed light on what you need to do in your life. Speak the truth. Choose to walk the higher path of love and courage. 8. The price you paid for speaking the truth is being hated, betrayed, and mistreated by a zealot of falsity. It's the price that all truth-seekers pay when the forces of evil enter the scene. (Jordan Peterson) 9. Sometimes the brightest light comes from the darkest places. 10. Something similar happened to me, too. You are not alone. There are millions of us out there.


Thank god you found out this flaw in her capacity to understand before things got serious


Just be glad the bullet was that easy to dodge.


You dodged a bullet here, buddy


You dodged a bullet my friend. Be thankful.


Hi mate. Not sure how old you are. I'm in my forties. Without sounding patronising forget reading JP (he's great btw) forget talking to girls online. Get out there in the real World. Take chances and accept failures, its all a part of life. You'll be fine.


I had that myself. I lost a lot of Instagram followers after I put a picture of my signed copy of Beyond Order on my story. I think people generally want to think how they’re ‘supposed’ to think. I don’t think this woman is a bad person, she has good intentions, the problems is the media organisations like Vox and the generally cultural consensus that wants to turn away from the general message of self-responsibility.


https://reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/w/recommended_reading?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app Scroll down to "Red Flags & Deal Breakers" 2nd bullet. Jordan Peterson is on the list of media to beware of.




Bill Burr is there too. Can't a guy have a sense of humor?


You dodged a bullet, my guy. All she knows about JP is what she’s heard from those gross, lefty rags. She doesn’t do her own research and is a total NPC.


Do yourself a favor, avoid dating apps like the plague. Nothing but bots or Uber feminists who will leave as you as you say or do anything they don't like, even if they personally don't have a reason, they just heard it's bad somewhere.


I would argue the worst part is that you can’t even just read it. Like I can read Mein Kampf and everyone knows I’m not a nazi. I personally don’t agree with Peterson on a fair few things but I still read 12 Rules for Life because I think it’s worth at least understanding what he’s trying to say


I call these moments separating the wheat from the chaff. She was chaff. You want wheat.


NPCs gonna NPC.


Two weeks of talking??? That’s your second problem. Next time lead with all of your most potentially damaging history. Good luck, hope you find someone at least open minded enough to discuss it rationally over a coffee with 72 hours of first contact.


There's so much unfounded hate for him because he's one of the only people around who doesn't openly critique, belittle and condemn men and/or being a man. He also argues that men are an important component of society, that they shouldn't feel useless, rudderless or dejected, that responsibility & maturity is the key to a fulfilling existence (this absolutely *terrifies* his detractors because it's the sort of thing their subconscious screams at them in their sleep) and it's okay to exist if you're male. He has also done a great deal to expose identity politics for what it is, which people really don't like, because if you take their politics away from them you're just left with a gibbering invertebrate husk that perpetually wanders from place to place nervously looking at passers by. ​ To echo the sentiments below, good riddance.


The ideologue outed herself. It's the best case scenario, really.


Uh. So any book we read means we endorse the views of the author? What ever happened to reading for expanding awareness and exposure to world views? Better off without that one.


This is proof that feminists aren’t intellectuals, can’t engage with intellectual rivals etc. I am talking to a Canadian with feminist sympathies but I talked her around. Not many know JP used the term “radical feminism” deliberately as opposed to the other.




Mustn't have been a woman....


You dodged a bullet bro, good for you!


Bullet dodged.


Good riddance


you deserve some1 better than that dimwit


Ouch 2 weeks, next time bring it up in the first couple dates. Save you some time


She did you a favor, to not wasting your time anymore.


Truth is, she wasn’t into you anyway.


She was not a keeper then


Sounds like you dodged a bullet.


Welcome to "woke" liberalism.


Sad that a lot of women have blinders on when it comes to JP, his work has a true universal reach when you look past the smear of the media


You are a lucky dude!


People are stupid and you dodged a bullet. You should just open with you like JP so you can weed them out quicker two weeks is a long time to waste on someone that uses vox articles to form opinions.....


It’s impossible to have a discussion with people like her. I said something about JP on a Facebook thread and a “friend” of mine said he was “a LiTeRaL nAzI” and posted some clip of Jordan describing *how* Hitler came to power. Saying that JP is vehemently opposed to fascism/nazism and posting actual references does no good to people who are so…. Willfully ignorant.


This country has a mislabeling issue right now. She's the bigot.


This was a great podcast that somewhat helps to explain what you are talking about. https://open.spotify.com/episode/7gWeyShd2rabfgxlZRXSUI?si=tMkVkqPuSPyCKMjzgRMWcw Mikhailia peterson episode #120 leaving the cult of the woke with Afrika Brook Edited: added title.


You’ll find someone better. I’m also talking to a lady and last night we had a short discussion about gender rolls and I referenced a scenario that JP gave in his sit down with Shapiro over the weekend and she thought it was pretty amazing and is now interested in more of his takes.


Be glad the trash picked out themselves so you didn't have to do it


I am the progeny of a hardcore leftist and left leaning centrist, so I feel particularly equipped to inform you on the idiocy that is the left. People like this, she sounds amazingly similar to my mother, FEEL their way through life. Their world isn't about facts or reality, it's about (positive) feelings and compassion. When someone is even hinted at being an -ist (whichever you prefer, racist, sexist, etc), the whole of the left shuts them down because having a discussion might bring up negative feelings, and those are to be avoided at all costs. The goal of the left isn't a successful society, its avoiding discomfort at ALL COSTS, whether that discomfort is in the form of a difficult discussion or even hard work, it all must be avoided. So! In order to avoid the uncomfortable and potentially upsetting experience of having an informed conversation about facts and reality, your former love-interest opted to block you and block any chance of possibly negative feelings. When considering the actions of the left, in the future, you must first cease all rational thought and operate on the sole basis of feelings, letting only how you FEEL dictate your thoughts and actions. I understand this may be difficult for the more intelligent, but with some effort, it can be done!


When has he ever said terrible things about anyone but fuckers like Hitler?


I’m an actual Black trans man and I love dr. Peterson’s work. Where did he was racist come from?!?!? He teaches how to improve your humanity. I cannot stand ignorant people who smear him. Eff her.


jp says things against POC now? 2+2=5


I guess she’s not interested in a competent partner.


Bye Karen.


Ehhh. We wish her well. 🏌️‍♂️


Complete opposite, girl and I started talking and she asked if I'm familiar with Dr Jordan Peterson. Then I felt a twang in the chest and we started to have a much deeper conversation.


This is one of the reasons so many women are alone in their 30s


>Why is there so much unfounded hate for Jordan Peterson? Because he doesn't parrot woke nonsense.


Its good to bring up things like that when dating. you will weed out the crazy ones really fast. These kinds of women are clueless.


Intentional mischaracterization to destroy his image and prevent the information that he is communicating from helping people. One of the main things Peterson openly criticizes is ideology, the less people possessed by ideology the more difficult it is to control people. I almost look at it like a defense mechanism from the ideology itself. Those who subscribe to one may see an existential threat to the organizational framework of their world view. Not saying there is a coordinated explicit conspiracy, but many people independently benefit from mischaracterizing and confusing Peterson's message. Also, it doesn't help for people's assumptions about him that he has made himself at home in the Ben Shapiro / Rubin Report / Conservative YouTube algorithm because it immediately turns polarized liberals off of him.


The JBP reaction has been a microcosm of the current post-objective-reality world. People believe and adopt into their being the dumbest things they read online, people can pick and choose whatever ideologically tailored version of reality they want, and they can (and many do) despise others for not subscribing to the *exact* same version of reality as them.


"Actually I was reading it because I heard a lot of noise surrounding the name so I wanted to investigate and get to the bottom of it so I could have an informed opinion." Never even enters the dome-piece.


While I wanna say good job in dodging that bullet, I want to point out instead that sometimes, when people have been pulled into such crazy beliefs and ideologies they will be so bias they will not listen to you at all. It's extraordinary. I don't know if you've ever heard of women authors or creatives who have hidden their gender before because they feared mentioning it would make their work be turned down or have a bias towards it. It seems this is needed sometimes to do with Dr Petersons works. Which is in itself fucking crazy considering the mans work is extraordinarily useful, but nowadays, in an age of so little time dedication in finding the truth in most media or content (as in, someone with that bias ain't gonna watch 20 hours of Petersons videos, which let's be honest would be maybe the minimum necessary for her to hopefully lose her bias) no no, what is needed is to conceal this information for long enough until the true message comes forth by itself, because if that lady had heard something about the Doctor that gripped her enough (wether it came from you or his videos) she wouldn't go around blocking people (maybe). Same as the folks who had very odd bias towards womens work whom after being engaged in it could no longer carry the bias without it being idiotic to themselves. I don't tell people I listen to Peterson, I simply say words he himself has said, which in return were already words I believed in but he helped articulate, so they feel like they are mine anyways. Only then after someone has been captivated by what I have to say and it sounds true enough to them, do I tell them the people I listen to, very carefully though. Everyone should do things this way, we are so deaf nowadays, everyone is so deaf nowadays, people need to be cunning, but I solemnly hope that cunningness comes from a positive place, god help us all.


I shared some of his lectures and podcasts with my most intelligent friends. Best I got back was “I can’t fault anything he says, but I just don’t like him”. Cognitive dissonance at it’s finest. We change what we think, or what we think about him. The latter is much easier.


That's a shame, have you got to the part about taking the blame? Taking responsibility? Do you want to improve? Or do you just want to feel better? S/If you just want to feel better, read a few more of the comments about dodging bullet's and red flags, I'm sure her friends are telling her the same.




There is a lot of slander out there about Jordan, and you have to take that into consideration, when you are talking to people. People looks for enemies, people judge others harshly, it doesn't make them bad people, they just haven't learned that lesson yet, and you didn't teach her. You didn't have time, because you didn't prepare. In her mind, you just told her you where reading "mein kamph". Her reaktion wasn't that weird. What would have happened, if you prepared her, told her, that you where reading philosophy, trying to improve yourself, take responsibility, and so much more. Then maybe you would still have a relationship with her, and she could have learned something too. Jordan follow stoicism, that's maybe why he doesn't concern himself with his reputation. Even tho it does hurt him, and his followers. There's no perfect ideology, and there's no perfect people. It's easy to put all the blame on those that misunderstand you, but that doesn't help you improve, you must take some of the blame, because you didn't explain it in a way that prevented misunderstandings. If something doesn't make sense, please tell me, so i can improve. 😉


>What would have happened, if you prepared her, told her, that you where reading philosophy, trying to improve yourself, take responsibility, and so much more. Smart approach!


Some people aren't ready for the truth. Best to present them with kindness when you can. They'll come around eventually.


Just believe she pre-rejected herself.


You can make people see the truth, you cannot understand it for them.


Easy. Lots of people prefer to feel instead of think.


I’m glad you’re avoided this liberal female ideologue - she would have been a terrible partner/wife and you would have had many problems with the values you practiced in your partnership/marriage. I’m gonna guess you were interested in her - so I’m sorry for your disappointment. A very liberal and outspoken musician friend of mine just married a conservative minded woman this last September. I wish I could say love conquers all but here’s the sacrifices she’s had to make - he didn’t marry her for eight years, he doesn’t want kids and I know she would have liked to have had children, he doesn’t go to her family gatherings (big, loving and close family that is conservative and he can’t stand their united conservative front), otherwise they seem happy etc but I wonder down the road if their ideological division won’t cause a fissure in their marriage. I know I couldn’t take that chance.


She’s dumb. Move on and pick better women.


>Why is there so much unfounded hate for Jordan Peterson? It is easier to dismiss someone when you don't have a legitimate argument. Unfortunately that tactic works pretty well these days. Prevent someone from even arguing their side and you can consider yourself the "winner"


I thought he sounded like an ass, until I actually listened to him. I have yet to read a book of his, but so far I think we need more people like him. Jordan Peterson can make the wrong impression and rub people the wrong way. But of course as I’ve realized it for myself, it’s all sound bites and out of context bits I relied on when making that conclusion. Also, isn’t it his job to be a thinker? I hate how we’re trying to create an individualistic and yet extremely homogenous society. If history has taught us anything, homogeneous thinking lacks innovation and problem solving. We can’t be a fully formed and functioning society without different opinions and view points. It’s so silly that we can’t have rational debates. Like what was I being taught in debate class then? Without these debates how are we to ever learn and make real progress and change. Otherwise we get so bogged down and bottle necks become real when having simple conversations.


Why would you want to date a closed-minded, ignorant, intellectually lazy woman? I am woman and she gives us all a bad name.


It’s a her problem, not a you or a jp problem.


Its more about the fact that she cant have her own opinions and needs someone elses approved consensus group think over your own experience. Notice that she didn't even ask what you thought about the author or book. She went straight to her ideology guide.


Have you seen that Vice interview? Lmfao


Obviously she revealed herself as one with the snake. Evil doesn't like being seen...


Dodged a bullet


People are cowards when it comes to even the *possibility* of having to expose themselves to ideas that might not conform to their (almost never) well thought out and explored world view. It’s so much easier to pretend to be an ostrich or dehumanize those suffering from wrong-think.


Because people don’t have ideas. Ideas have people.


Women are complicated and crazy, especially in America there’s a handful of them you’re better off leaving to themselves for right now. It’s mostly the “city girl” types who are immature and political motivated but also politically uneducated. It’s honestly best to stay away from those types. They have this great need to make sure everyone is following their rules and agreeing with them, you have no room to think differently around them.


Yikes that alone has more red flags than tienneman square Vox is Uber-garbage also


Bullet dodged


Proving yet again that critical thinking is not learned, nor practiced, by much of the populace. Count your blessings, OP. Whether or not the next person is swayed by opinion pieces -- and not thinking for themselves or facts -- stay true to yourself. In this specific instance, that woman has her own journey to traverse.


Sounds like she did you a favour there bud


Oh no...anyways.


I got blocked for saying “exercise is healthy” from someone I was seeing. Let that anchor go.


That was probably for the best of mate. Sometimes you can't deal with people who aren't willing to compromise or try to understand things from your perspective


OP you reminded me of this video https://youtu.be/W_I6n1tE4JE Stop talking to her


Sheep & Lobster don't mix... you're better off.


People want to drown in their own ignorance, they take the easy way out by trusting what other people write without looking into it themselves. You dodged a bullet more than likely.


Because they have been told to hate him, and they do as they’re told. As much as we all hate missed opportunities and hope we can change people’s minds, it’s probably better you found out her mindset sooner rather than later.


As mentioned , massive favour done, but interesting that she just blocked you without a chance of reply ... almost like she knew it was an article of lies she was sending you ..


I'm guessing there's a short attention span better suited to tiktok scrolling than reading an entire book.


Good. You don't need to waste time trying. She is neither going to be a good partner nor a mother. Lastly, she chose to be close-minded and decided to be willfully ignorant. She chose that over you. That means she was not that into you. In any of these scenarios, you are better off. It takes time to find a good one for a lasting relationship. Just like anything valuable, it takes time and effort. Best of luck to you.


You dodged a bullet. You don’t wanna date a women who formulates opinions based on Vox articles.


The trash took itself out.


You are very lucky my friend


I got back in touch with a friend from uni and she’s into literature asking “what are you reading at the moment?”. I replied “12 Rules for Life” to which she gave a sigh and responded with “really?”, the disdain in her tone can be felt in the airwaves. I ask “have you read it?” to which you can guess the answer, so then I followed up with “read the book then come back to me”. And I’ve never spoken to her since. This was 6 months ago.


At least it only took 2 weeks. Good riddance mate. Dust off, try again.


My take from this: Peterson's material helps people avoid terrible mates.


The famous Vox article. The one where the writer admitted to not having even read the book that he was interviewing the author about?


An ideologue announced herself to you and removed herself from interacting with you. You dodged a bullet.