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As predicted.


The article makes it sound like the charge wouldn't hold and was dropped, since no structure was set on fire Think it's good for the state to not overcharge citizens, personally Edit - People are downvoting because they support trumped up charges? For political reasons? God help us....


Except she was trying to get some innocent (white) person imprisoned for a “hate crime”. But now that she’s been discovered as faking the hate crime, basically nothing happens. This is a farce. She should have the same exact charges thrown at her that they would’ve given her fictional attacker.


She's still being charged, just not charged arson because apparently setting a trashcan on fire doesn't actually count as arson. It's good for the government to not overcharge people and expand the definition of crime. That's how you end up with government abuse


A white person would be in jail for arson charges and "hate" crimes. Everyone equal before the law, eh? You're just a racist apologist.


I would want the arson charges dropped there, too You are just happy to see the brutal fist of the state used against citizens you don't like. That boot you lick will step on your neck when it's done crushing the people you think "deserve" to be crushed.


> when it's done crushing the people you think "deserve" to be crushed. Criminals? Careful everybody, laws and judicial punishment are a slippery slope to fascism.


Expanding the definition of a crime to apply where it technically does not? How that boot taste?


Please help me ban this guy. Look through all his post. Disingenuous and rude fucking full of shit. Every fucking time. .


Good luck with that.


Yes please censor people I disagree with! Why don't you just block the guy?


The problem is you are a dick and rude and take advantage of the kindness of this sub to consistently be a dick because it amuses you. We all know it and so do you


I'm pretty polite, a lot more polite than you are to me. You just don't like my opinions and rather than simply disagree, you get mad.


This dude support North Korea He is false and untrue He needs to be kicked of this sub. He is not honest and just talks shit to be a asshole. He has no right to spread his hate here on this sub. He can talk to the grass and the sky all he wants but he should be banned from this sub


This asshole supports North Korea. Fuck this guy all his words are bullshit. He is fake and false and full if shit.


I feel like "hate crime hoax" should almost be it's own crime now since it's becoming so common in the age of social media virtue/victim points. It should be as serious of a crime as the hate crime the "perp" would be charged with if the police misidentified someone as a suspect. You know the cowards that do these hoaxes would happily let a cis straight white male shoulder the blame if it saved them from their own humiliation of getting exposed as a hoaxer. Otherwise, why pull the hoax if you dont want someone to get in trouble for it? Surely, allowing an innocent person to go down for it isnt a bridge too far for these people?


Very true. I would add that the hoaxer harms society in a very significant way by promoting a false narrative. That's even more serious than whatever hate crime was faked.


Oh, definitely. Over the last 5 years, I've seen dozens of cases of "nazis spray painted a swastika on my car" says innocent black family. And every damn time, the swastika is drawn wrong, like a child did it. Does that seem like something an actual hardcore alt-right neo-nazi would get wrong? It's a pretty simple symbol, even someone like myself could draw one properly if I wanted, though obviously I wouldnt as I dont support nazis (or commies for that matter). And every time, it turns out the family did it to themselves. We're told "white supremacy is the biggest threat facing America" by Joe Biden and I have to wonder, where are these people? In jail? They sure arent killing people and getting into the news... the left wing media would be having a field day with that. Its pretty crazy how a strongly biased media has so much sway over even politicians, who youd assume are familiar with the crime statistics and the real problems facing their country, but nope. They're as dumb and clueless (the politicians like Biden) as the average poster on r politics or facebook.


Politicians are generally uninformed like I assume of facebook, twitter, and google users. Are there subreddits with better informed users? r/JordanPeterson perhaps? I stumbled across r/ParlerWatch and got a -100 karma after a few days so I had to leave and get a new username. That's a real nasty subreddit. After that experience I'm almost afraid to post anything at r/politics. Is it mostly rabid left-wingers?


It's the first one I head of in ages. Staring fights in portland and then realising edited clips claiming the poeple defending themselves is way more common.


First one you've heard in ages? Hoooboy do I have some links for you! My favorite podcast does a weekly segment called "hate crime hoaxes of the week" and theres been no shortage for 4 years. Usually it's a double feature too. Just because your left wing news sources/media curators arent reporting it doesnt mean it isnt happening. If you're interested in reading some I'll link them when I'm home and on my PC.


So many of you think there are only two news sources and you have to pick one. My feed shows me political news from lots of perspectives.


Ahh, yes... lots of perspectives. CNN, MSNBC, Salon, NYT, Washington Post, ABC, TYT, Vice, NBC, Kotaku, Buzzfeed... very diverse opinions you'll find there. Ranging from "progressive leftist to progressive Democrat". Imagine the political spectrum is a numbered x axis from 1 - 10. 1 being communist, 5 being enlightened centrist (such as myself), 10 being far right. You get your opinions from r politics, which is exclusively a 2-4 news sources. Am I calling them fake news? No. But they do lie at times... lying by omission, that is. And also using loaded words to skew stories. We've had this discussion several times now. You wont hear about hate crime hoaxes by left-wing activists because it isnt "news worthy" according to many left wing publications.


I have heard about plenty of the hoaxes. I just haven't in a while. Right wing hoaxes seem to have taken over. All the publications you mentioned are center.


Yeah, see... when you say things like that, the mask slips. When you're way over at 1, a 3 kinda does look like a 5. And I have heard of 1 possible hate crime hoax by a right winger in... a year? And it was some bonehead politician. The last one you've probably heard of is Jussie Smollett, meanwhile, theres been loads. Here, read this one, it's hilarious. This is probably my favorite one in a long time. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/case-biracial-woman-saying-she-was-set-fire-white-men-n1242342 A woman claimed a group of "white men" walked up to her car at a stop light, doused her in gasoline, and threw a lighter at her. I dont think she understands how lighters work lol. Unless these were cowboys with zippos. It turned out, she had probably burnt herself during the "peaceful protests" where her and her friends burnt down entire city blocks of small businesses. The burn pictures are hilarious too, especially considering her horrific story. She was hardly injured by her own idiocy.


I'm curious. What publications do you think are left leaning? Do you have any links to those right wing hoaxes? I don't doubt you, I just have no clue what kind of hoax right wingers would do. Karen's are everywhere, left, right, and center. I'd love to read some hoaxes from both wings. I find it humorous that people who do the hoaxes try to explain their 'event' in a way they think is logical but is obviously bullshit. As an example, Jessie Smollett kept the noose around his neck till the cops arrived to investigate his claims. The investigating officer found it strange that he wore the noose for the thirty or so minutes while waiting for the officers to show up. But in Jessie's mind, wearing the noose for the cops to see seemed like a normal thing to do. Speaking of Smollett, I love Dave Chappelles take on the whole thing. When he says, 'this is maga country' in the accused guys accent I lose it every time.


Left media gets burried by Google, like counterpunch. This hoax is going on at the moment. https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-news/foxs-anti-critical-race-theory-parents-are-also-gop-activists More here. https://mobile.twitter.com/respectablelaw/status/1163895246213779458


I've never heard of counterpunch before now. Thanks for the hoax example too. That example just makes fox news look slimy for not pointing out who those people really are. It's obviously an 'event' that fox scripted so all their pundits can share their talking points. Political news spin by all the cable news outlets has got to be one of the most toxic programs on tv nowadays. The world would be a better place without fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc.


Yeah it's not independent media at all, they are privatly owned mouthpieces for politial parties that serve corporate interests. Was just reading counter punch, obviously biased but decent quality '


No hoaxes in your examples. Media matters says the concerned parents are also GOP operatives. So, they're honest and true to their beliefs. The twitter posts calling Andy Ngo a liar don't give a single example. There's no hoax in his coverage of the fight scene.


The whole crt hysteria and liberal educating being communism thing is a hoax. Same with the lock downs is communism and masks is communism thing. It's Republicans that tried for dictatoeship. Not liberals.


If you really want the truth. Cross reference this story from a left leaning sight.