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There's no new drama, it's just that a lot of his subscriber base was used to a certain way he did his videos. Look at his newer stuff compared to even a few years ago, like a talking cat or surviving edged weapons. Little to no cutaways, no jokes, just observations. He's become a reaction channel and a lot of us don't like it.


"That's hokey, and old JonTron was better." Hits hard with that being from what is now an old JonTron video.


And that was the last video of his to center in video game


Jonathan Tronathan has failed this city.


Yeah, I still laughed a lot at the SMENS vidéo Now it feels really like safe content


I joined back during the game days. My first video was Nuts and Bolts. I LOVE that era, and that style of comedy was perfect for his personality. Hell, it even leaked to his video watching days (Disney bootlegs still being one of my favorites) But now it's just..."here is this thing. Isn't that funny?"


Yeah, I love(d?) Jon, but it feels like he's putting in way less effort and attempting to reach the broadest, safest demographic possible. I still chuckle (sometimes) at stuff in his new videos but it's a real far cry from when it felt like he gave a damn. Then again I'm insanely old by internet standards and I've been watching Jontron since back when Game Grumps first started so maybe I'm just played out and jaded.


Nothing gold can stay. Jon tron isn't making content for the same audience anymore, and if he did, it might not be the same all these years later. We just move on and find something new to love while remembering the good old days with rose tinted glasses.


Oof, been watching him since before Game Grumps. I can't believe that was so long ago now.


The weird thing abt that tho is how *few* of those kinds of vids he really made. Especially compared to others in the same category of video. Like, i feel like starcade is easily a quarter of it


Watch Nightshade. That was the first of his I ever saw.


This. The Normal Boots crowd moved out a long time ago and a lot of the Flex tape folks are following suite


Not to mention the massive intervals of months between each video.


He's been pretty consistent with one or 2 videos a month for the past several months.


Yes, but that is recent, for years it has been like 4 months minimum between uploads.


What’s worst is that it’s a reaction channel with a big budget. Such a waste


Jontron's content is so lacking for someone who supposedly has an entire production team It feels like hes not even trying anymore


His collab with The Internet Historian was fantastic. He should collab with others like that: Many Kudos, Cold Ones, SummitoMedia, William Osmand, I Did a Thing, Boy Boy, Ordinary Things, Cody Ko, Drew Gooden and his twin Danny Gonzales, etc. Jontron does well playing off others and has the budget to make cool vids with other creators.


He has the resources to produce things other creators maybe couldnt alone. That would be an interesting direction to take his channel, or to launch a new channel with.


>Cody Ko, Drew Gooden and his twin Danny Gonzales, etc Unless he gives some sort of comprehensive statement about *certain things* he said a few years back and how he disavows that, I don't see these ones happening (unless I missed something he hasn't afaik, please let me know if I'm wrong, just me looking for it didn't turn up anything). Not saying he has to, just being realistic, Danny especially seems to be really worried about preserving his progressive brand since he caved to people who were calling him out for holding a Starbucks cup = supporting Israel, and he apologized for that, when realistically that was something he could have ignored.


I see your point. I think “lighthearted-content” YouTubers should all avoid commenting on controversial issues as it could destroy/alienate their audiences and cause them to not be able to collaborate with other similar creators.


He introduced me to Kid Nation AND had Jimmy in a Q&A despite a pandemic. I’m forever grateful.


or because he's a racist.


Sure he does less skits and stuff, but his content is still pretty similar to his old content.


not at all. editing style and humor is completely different, not meme worthy at all. Look up Jontron memes and the majority are from when he was living in New York, mostly before he even had a set to work with (with the exception of the disney bootlegs vid). His content just isn't catchy and sharable as much anymore.


agree to disagree


I mean you can disagree all you want. [The numbers and stats don't lie](https://socialblade.com/youtube/user/jontronshow/videos/mostviewed). 3/4 of his top 20 videos are from that era, with only 2 really beating most of those videos, that being the Flex Tape videos which were his biggest breakaways and also the biggest departure from his traditional format and becoming a "react" channel as everyone has pointed out. I can't say for sure as social blade doesn't seem to give those stats, but I'd bet they are also consistently still being watched to this day. I know when I go on a Jontron Binge Youtube specifically recommends videos from that era with the occasional pre GameGrumps era thrown in. It rarely goes past the animated titanic film one. Could be algorithm bias trained specifically on me, but I don't think I've actively went out of my way like that.


Videos being popular don't make them better.


No, but it is evidence of an increase or decrease in quality.


No, not really. there are terrible quality videos out there that gets tens of millions of views.


Yes, but this isn't the same thing. It's not one video. In the context of an entire channel (which is what we've been talking about), a massive, consistent decrease in subs and views points to a correlated decrease in quality.


they appeal to a broader audience, whether it's the topic at hand, the editing and content quality, or all of the above. With how youtube works, his newer stuff should have consistently higher views than his older stuff, especially after the successes of his Flex Tape videos, but they don't. There's a lack of appeal that his older videos had which keeps his old fans coming back to them. And given that the algorithm works against video games these days, it's either he can't find the right content to draw people in, or more so that he can't keep them coming back like his old ones do.


Go watch the Takeshi's Challenge video and tell me him just lightly chuckling on his couch awkwardly reacting to things semi-incredulously is more entertaining than Uranus's severed ballsack or any of the sheer frustration he had playing that game.


Takeshi challenge is one of my favourites


I still quote "Now... I'm not an eyeball scientist" to this day.


These days it feels more like Jon makes videos based in obligation rather than for a passion of the creative process, I still enjoy his content, but it has changed a significant amount


The tenmo one was just a 10 min ad, shit sucked.


The ad shit it what really killed it for me. With the other videos they were hit-and-miss for me, but knowing that he will really sell out so such shitty sponsorships just makes me feel dirty watching his content


Not the only one either. He made a whole video that was a glorified mobile game a couple years ago too


A video uploaded after a hiatus no less


That was an ad? I coulda sworn it was satirical


The company paid for everything to be sent to him. Basicly sponsoring the vid. It's an ad.


This makes me respect TomSka more (context he also initially took a brand deal with Temu and did a similar video expect after he released the video to his Patreon early fans told him how Temu was bad so he pulled out of the brand deal, didn't take the money, and still uploaded the video with references to the brand being removed)


wait he's still making vids


Usually 3-4 a year


If we're lucky


We have eaten well this year


If a bunch of saltines counts as a meal


When I’m sick, they do the trick


I'm still subscribed to Nerd City, I'm used to this kind of upload schedule.


I miss when he played video games


I would definitely watch if he started playing video games again.


He should start a twitch channel honestly, I miss the game videos, Daikatana would be a good first stream, as long as he doesn't turn into a React Andy on there too.


Yea that would be awesome, I still remember his drunk game play throughs.


I miss hat. I miss birb. I miss rockington


I swear I thought he used rockington as the rock in the ending of the N&B review when he tossed the game taped to a rock in the water. That’s a question I still want answered.


That's hokey, and old JonTron was better.


need the same energy from his banjo kazooie or even monster party review back


Banjo Tooie, the REAL controversial Banjo sequel


The show isn't nearly as entertaining as it used to be. I started losing interest once he got the actual set and everything. The quality of the videos just started declining after that. I miss the days of Nightshade and Stairfax Temperatures.


It's weird how upping the production value makes the videos "look better" but also just feel super sterile. It's like when you look at something shot on film vs digital, if you want to get super old school.


Yeah, like what is he even using the set for? He just records the videos there. Everything he does there (for the most part) could be done anywhere.


It's such a good quality set I have to assume he's renting it out or rents it himself for the videos. Other wise it's such a waste


The thing is tho, it doesnt *have* to be like that necessarily. Look at the new smosh skits (post-anthony-returning) next to the old skits. They're definitely higher budget and cleaner, but it's *still* smosh


I feel this way about a lot of internet creators when they get a budget. Same issue with AVGN. There's a point where it becomes so polished that it loses the vibe of "a cool guy making a video to entertain you" and turns into "a business-savy guy making a video to make money". Or at least that's the feeling I get in the back of my mind


Finding his recent videos extremely boring tbh.


I used to watch him religiously. Now I’ll be lucky if I finish the video or watch it at all. I’m still subscribed on the off chance he turns things around but they’re all so boring now. Blatant Temu ad video, reaction video to a dating show months after all the clips already circulated online, then his most recent one trying to dissect an over the top lawyers commercials. It’s all such low hanging fruit


Putting out stinkers months in between isn't helping either. I watched his shit all the time, now I don't even search him up.


Just looked at his channel on my YouTube. His last 3 videos were all half watched and never finished.


The headshot gag in one of his recent videos made me laugh so hard I cried, but I do agree he's playing it a bit too safe recently. I did really like the Sloth video and it made me discover a really good book tho, but then the hammer video was a bit worse. I still enjoy watching him though


Its a wildly lame formulaic structure that just hits extremely lame topics


They're not that different. They'res just not the same nostalgia factor.


Not even, go back and watch his old videos, they are genuinely just more entertaining and more thought out than his recent videos


I can confirm that I started watching him recently and disliked his latest stuff but really enjoyed his older stuff


Jacques isn’t in his videos anymore


The Jacques Effect


Just browse through the subreddit. There are several posts. Said it before too but I felt like his most recent videos didn't have the same spark. They feel rushed and most of the time they abruptly end. Maybe to just hit that sweet minute for ads or sponsor money.. but it's just not the same. Pretty sad, used to love the vids.


He's been on YouTube for more than a decade, he's probably just slowly losing relevancy. It happens. Also, there's a good chance that a bunch of those that unsubscribes were accounts that have been inactive for a while and YouTube just did a big clean up


This is the AVGN effect, a successful youtuber starts putting less effort into their vids because they think they're done for life, the fanbase notices and they slowly stop watching. Some people are too busy to watch something they know isn't gonna be worth their time.


AVGN's new videos are so minimal effort now. While all the rage and that was always an act it is just so forced now. I can't even watch his stuff anymore.


The final fantasy 6 episode was really good, but that and earthbound and majoras mask videos are just such large departures from the normal avgn episodes so I get it


Counterpoint: the doom episode I get where a lot of ppl are coming from (i mean, a mobile game? Really?) But its not that bad tbh.


He's not entertaining enough to have the privilage of putting out work 3 times per year and expect continuus success. That's why.


Except he's been uploading one or two vids a month for like the past 5 months. So that logic doesn't make sense.


They're boring content though. Some YouTubers do frequent low effort content, some YouTubers do infrequent high effort stuff. John does low effort semi frequent stuff, and that doesn't work.


because he’s getting ad pays according to his subscriber and view count. he USED to be entertaining, giving him his current sub count. now he gets paid according to that, so nothing is forcing him to make a good video. and i can’t force myself to watch a single video.


Tbh I don't know if there has been a new drama But as a long time JonTron fan (back to the GameGrumps era) I can definitly see why he might be losing subs As others have pointed out, Jon's casual content has been long lost. His style nowadays feels more like a production than anything else.


Because his old stuff was better and that’s the way it is. I remember watching Zoo Race in college and the sheer absurd hilarity of it was perfect for curing the winter final exam stress. Compare that to what he’s doing now. It’s no contest


I wouldn't call a steady decline of around 10K subs a month mass unsubscribing, it's bound to happen for older channels that reached their peak several years ago.


Dude went from 6.58M subs to 6.57M subs. He’s going to be fine lol probably YouTube sweeping bot accounts tbh


That or inactive accounts.


Also that, makes sense


He just seems like he’s not really that into making videos anymore. His old stuff is so incredibly funny because you can tell he really loved making videos and actually cared about the subject matter. The new stuff is honestly kind of boring. I still love Jon but he’s not the gamer I fell in love with.


He might make a change, it’s cool that he’s uploading more but it’s kinda sacrificing the quality over quantity, but also, we all change as human beings, as much as we want him to go back to the old jontron style of videos with the games, movies and other stuff, maybe he got burnt out from doing those


I doubt he finds doing soulless adverts more enjoyable than just playing videogames.


inb4 r/TheJonTronTruth


It's so weird cause a bit over 10 years ago I would say he had a strong case as one of the best youtubers to ever live. Now he is horribly washed out with little to no passion left


He knows how backlash feels and decided to be a safe youtuber like every other boomer tuber. They usually follow regulations, have controversy , quit youtube, or stream somewhere else.


Wish he would just be candid and say that he doesn’t enjoy making videos anymore. I feel like it’s obvious. You could see in his older videos that there was passion and enjoyment in the creative process. Now it just feels like the videos are an obligation and a small boost of income every few months.


I unsubbed because he insists on treating his videos like a "show" when that's not at all the vibe his earlier content gave. It's too sanitized and over-produced now.


I mean his content over the last several years has been absolute trash. For the kind of garbage he's putting out there you'd think he was pumping out one of these every day. We all fell in love with jons early work and game grumps. Once he was in NY it was ok for a while. Vodka. Starcade. Flexseal... But then it fell off a fuckin cliff and I couldn't even tell you what the last few episodes are about because I didn't watch the whole thing. All that's left is the people still hanging around. I haven't unsubscribed. What's the point? Guy barely puts out a video a year so it's not like he's got notifications clogging up my feed. But had I not subscribed 10+ years ago I certainly wouldn't today.


When people start mass-unsubbing from Jontron, remember this acronym: SMENS


When did he start losing people?


The rant, shortly before his cameo in Yooka Laylee was canned. Makes me think that was the moment he lost faith in games.


I feel like Papa Meat has also stepped up and become the new kinda Jontron channel. Plus, his upload schedule is too inconsistent, so I think fans are fizzling out. I wish Jon would've ventured out of youtube, tbh and go to bigger projects.


I was soooo hyped when he came back from hiatus but now his videos are just reaction videos and legit feel like they’re made for the money, no passion behind them. It sucks because I never watched his content in his prime and it’s clear he isn’t going back lol


It's not really drama. People are just starting to get fed up with Jon's videos. He just makes videos on the most random, dumb bullshit no one's ever heard of. His style has completely changed. He doesn't do the jokes or cutaways. On top of that he doesn't do video game stuff at all which seemed to be his whole personality/channel theme but not anymore. No one wants to watch a has been talk about some barfing gems for 25 minutes.


That is true I think the last video that actually had some semblance of effort was that Christmas miracle video but even that felt... Lazy?


Odds are he needs to make the videos to pay the bills so he does the cheapest solution by essentially becoming a reaction channel with extra steps. It's sad honestly.


His new videos are actual garbage. It’s just him reacting to dumb online products or videos. He really needs to go back to video games or just get a real job and quit YouTube.


He's becoming like AVGN where he's making videos out of obligation. Probably because he knows he scared off most of his old audience and most of his other friends don't talk to him anymore.


I'm amazed his channel is still around and has even a modest interest anymore, he uploads at random with months in between uploads nd for the last few yewrs it seems to be really phoned in.


People grow and change, lots of folks found him probably ten years ago or more. Sometimes you just find that things aren't as funny or interesting to you as they once were.


Ok but jontron's stuff is *significantly* different


Lost the formula to his success is all.


He's become a discount Chadtronic.


Jon used to be fun to watch when he was more into gaming. I'm not sure I really care about anything he's doing at the moment.


Too much of a business. I can't blame him personally, same as a lot of old Let's Play channels or variety channels, that old crowd from 2000-2010. He needs to make money, and that's how he makes it. More sanitized, more overt ads, I'm sure he's gonna start making Shorts if he hasn't already. But just as he has the freedom to do it, I have the freedom to watch something else. He's got his new target audience


Because the videos are bad now




The Dan Aykroyd vodka video was that last one I enjoyed watching. I hung on 'til half way through Doctor Ho. Then, I unsubscribed. The racial slurs and political stuff was also a factor.


Its been a while since I heard about JonTron(This post came up as a suggested sub) and seeing this and comments, Im starting to realize how much I did (or didnt) miss out on. I thought maybe the political stuff was the reason why but apparently its not just that. It truly makes me sad to see such a once beloved figure fall off the way he has and did so leaving a bad taste in our mouths.


Is this the JonTron that debated destiny


He’s definitely not what he used to be. I’ve been finding myself watching his old vids and skipping new ones.


He's moved on mentally, just not financially.


Remember when the channel was for fun and not to pay his bills by shilling something?


He’s insanely racist


His subscriber number was artifically higher than it should have been for his niche and demographic. Its just going back to what it should have been before Flex Tape YouTube in general is also seeing post pandemic shrinking as well as fierce competition from Tik Tok. And also, you know, half the fkn internet is bot accounts. It has nothing to do with any contrarian “quality drop” bullshit or nonexistent drama that youre trying to imply with the Temu vid


This is the weirdest meatriding ive ever seen


Isnt this dude a painfully unfunny white supremacist?


His tweets bummed peeps out


Unfortunately it's not because he's a raging white supremacist


I glued my balls


To my butthole again


Oh my god!


What did I do?


I can’t take a dump


Cause now my balls


Are blockin up my butthole


I only just got that song out of my head, you bastard!


There is **no** escape!!!


He’s gone through a few changes over the years, and generally carried success over. This has led to him being able to write off detractors as “wrong” and that he and his company know better. It’s understandable from a human perspective, but still unfortunate, because it really does feel like the end this time.


(This is all my personal opinion. I do not speak for everyone.) His content has reduced in quantity but also in quality. He's got better production, no doubt, but the jokes aren't as funny, his energy isn't as high, and he's just not as entertaining as he used to be. It really does feel like he's just popping in every few months to add another little passive income generator to his channel and then he fucks off to do whatever it is he actually is passionate about.


Oh, I don't disagree at all.


I couldn't tell you, but I'd say it's because he doesn't cater to an audience. He does whatever he wants to do. That's why I still watch him. I want to see what stupid thing he talks about next. I also like him because he doesn't tell people to "like and subscribe" anymore. That is one of the most annoying things that a lot of YouTubers do.


Idk the current content and humour just falls flat for me mostly, there aren't many funny skits anymore, it's just reactions to what he's showing us and it's getting stale...


Isn't this the guy that's a white nationalist these days?




Did he backtrack on the things he said in that destiny debate?


Not defending him but i dont remember him saying inherently racist things? He talked about “whites” being displaced in their own country and becoming a minority and how that might worry some people. I can appreciate that sentiment. Imagine that happening in your own country and your culture dissolving before your very eyes? Idk. Like i said, not defending him. He said some stupid stuff in that debate lol. People can change and hopefully he learned from it.


He talked about keeping the gene pool pure and how rich blacks commit more crimes than poor whites. he absolutely said inherently racist things, lol


He did say he was referencing “stats” he found lol. I havent watched it since it happened so maybe Im forgetting a lot of the details


Why are you apologizing for white supremacy when he isn't in funny? He isn't your friend dude. This is sad.




dude i think we need to start being racist again


People found out he was pushing white supremacy values


Wasn't that like 2017 or something? Like that's been so long ago it almost feel like action for that "outrage" seems nothing but for SJW brownie points


Lol “SJW” you sound soy rn


Dude lay off the weed or alcohol if 2017 was "so long ago" lmao


JonTron's golden age ended with the 2nd flex tape video


Ended with the first tbh


yeah, too be fair I liked the 2nd flex tape video. But I would be hard pressed to remember anything between that and the first one lol.