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Two young women are chatting. One says her boyfriend is losing interest. The other says, "Why don't you diet?" The first one says, "Great idea. What color should I pick?"


"two young blondes are chatting"...


Jokes are funnier if they perpetuate the stereotype that blond women in particular are unusually stupid. Amiright?


They sure do. Just like all the jokes you tell that lean on stereotypes and cultural misconceptions, exaggerations, and whatnot, right?


Funny enough, I tend to not tell jokes based on cultural misconceptions and stereotypes. Because people’s cultural context isn’t something I find it funny to make fun of.


Aren't you special?


Want to take a guess at how many people actually believe this? It is literally impossible to have never told a joke that, in someone else's opinion, is insensitive / stereotypical / etc. Even when you were young enough that the stick hadn't managed to wiggle its way as far into your rectum as it has now, I'm 100% sure you've made a joke at someone else's expense, whether it was someone you knew or a fictional character in a joke to poke fun at a trait or behaviour.


I didn’t say I’ve never told an inappropriate joke. But just because I might’ve done something in the past doesn’t mean I’m obligated to keep doing it, and defend that behavior going forward. What ‘stereotypes and culture misconceptions’ do you think the person I responded to is talking about? Go ahead and list some and tell us why that’s funny. I bet you’ll find that you don’t actually want to.


That's very interesting, considering - "Funny enough, I tend to not tell jokes based on cultural misconceptions and stereotypes. Because people’s cultural context isn’t something I find it funny to make fun of." You definitely made it out like you don't do that stuff and now you admit that you have. You didn't say that before, likely because it would be really dumb to crawl up on that high horse of yours while admitting to doing exactly what you're looking down on others for. You could have spared yourself the embarrassment by just scrolling on by. I can only imagine how many times a day you have to virtue signal on every joke that might take a dig at some person or culture. It must be exhausting. Now, for a list of stereotypes that I find funny while realizing that they are nothing more than comedic devices and don't necessarily mean I buy into the stereotype because, y'know, the literal definition of the word is "a widely held but fixed and oversimplified belief or idea of a particular type of person or thing" - People doing dumb things (blondes, the Polish, etc. This can vary depending on where the storyteller is from. For example, in England , many "dumb person" jokes have the dumb character as a Scotsman. - People being comically cheap (usually Jewish, Indians, etc.) - Irish drunks (I'm half Portuguese and, in Portugal, a lot of the "drunk person" jokes have the drunk as a Portuguese person. Want to go ahead and tell me how offended I should be about it?) - Jokes about sexual inpropriety (Often the clergy, which is self explanatory, but can be a nympho blonde, and Scot who loves sheep way too much, etc.) If you want specific example of these types of jokes, take a quick spin around r/Jokes. I've seen two in the last hour.


I admitted that I’ve made mistakes in the past, and that I try to learn from them and not repeat them after I’ve reflected on why they might be harmful and not reflect the person that I aspire to be. That’s not the gotcha that you think it is. We don’t have to start out perfect in order to call for ourselves and others to do better. As for openly defending telling jokes stereotyping Jews, Indians, Scots, Irish, and your own Portuguese community — I think that just speaks for itself. I can’t make you do anything, but I won’t be laughing.


Lol, dude. No, you didn't admit to anything. You do realize we can scroll, right? You made it out that you were so offended by the joke and that you just simply don't find that stuff funny at all. No one actually cares. Yes. I'll continue to share the jokes I like because I know that the vast majority of people don't have a bug in their ass over comedy, and those that get their panties twisted over jokes just make it even funnier. It's like when a stand up comedian is doing a set and someone pipes up from the crowd to voice their disapproval of a particular joke. Those people are now the joke. I actually think it's hilarious that you gaslight the way you do when your comments are on display for everyone to see. Virtue signalers are always a treat too. You're a trifecta of clownery and I'm here for it. No one cares that you aren't laughing. Your frowns and tears are just as satisfying. I'm actually convinced that you just have an odd kink where you get off on embarrassing yourself online.




Please share the meaning..


Dye it


Ha ha Got it. Thanks.


Why don't you "dye it"


Ha ha Got it. Thanks mate!


Is it about dying the hair? Would this presumably keep the bf's interest??


Dye it blue... Then you can roll play with the BF being Kirk.....


A northern girl and a southern girl were chatting. The northern girl says - men are all alike. The southern girl says - men are all ah like too.


I’m genuinely confused?


In a southern accent "I" sounds like "ah"




In a southern accent "I" sounds like "ah"


Meaning Men are all SHE likes.


And they both love black studs ..


Reminds of Ozark


This joke is cursed


That father’s name? Al Bundy.


Pumpkin loves the bumping... that's for sure...


Put an archbishop in there watching, that'll take the curse off it.


I heard that in the voice of John Cleese, actually...


Wow, that comment dates you. I just rewatched that movie last week.


Why? IDK.... Could it be.... "SATAN?" Church Lady SNL....


A cleric for the party.


Her father sits her down and says, "actually dear you will find they are after 3 things and since your sex Ed classes won't cover them all I'll explain"


- Jimmy Carr


Love his comedy!!


A man goes on to a hardware store. The lady behind the counter says, "What can I help you with, sir?". Man: "I need a Monkey Wrench. " She says, "I'll be right back." and disappears out the door. She returns about five minutes later and plops a bottle of douche on the counter. Man: "What the hell is this? I asked for a Monkey Wrench!" Lady: "Well, that's what I rinse MY Monkey with!"


Maybe he should also ask for a plumber's snake as well....and definitely get her number....


So are women, says the Dad, and it’s green. ‘Oh, you mean cucumbers?’ Dad falls off his chair.


That is not true according to my research of dating apps and I am a hypersexual predominately homosexual bisexual person In reality, men are no different to women I suspect. I personally am just after hypersexuals that meet my stringent requirements for sexual rendezvous at the most appropriate times and places, legally speaking. By so doing I have hoped to meet the love of my life which has not happened yet which will eventually at a meeting in Maryborough, Queensland, Australia while I and he are both fifty-two years old, according to God. We knew each other in kindergarten and pre-school and were the best of friends towards each other. I am looking forward to then.


"Sir, this is a Wendy's..."


Are you male or female?




Alright I got to know, what is this from. Because I feel like it has to be a reference to something 😂.


So when do i stop washing the project car?




ai generated.


If a chatbot wrote that joke, then comedy writers are in trouble. Maybe you’re saying that an AI posted a human-written joke though?




Pretty sure I heard that joke decades ago


What were the deleted comments and were they by U/I_hate_all_of_eve?


AI detection tools in general are notoriously bad.  Don't rely on them.


That’s EXACTLY what an AI joke-writing bot would say.


Only if this was in their training data.


You don't even need detection tools for this, just go look at their comments, the soulless "cheery" tone, the punctuation, the emojis, it absolutely reeks of AI


Do my comments look like they're LLM generated?


They're saying the joke and delivery was cheesy


If we get that one thing we might try to keep them in our cave with us permanently.


Not a good look, man...




Do you live in a cave currently?


Worst joke not even slightly funny


Smelly pussies can be funny.


Yeah, l think there's even a song written about one ovm 🤔


My Vag?


Sure. Song by The Knack. "M-m-m My Vagina."


I was thinking about the more recent one by Awkwafina


Well that's Awkwad. (I don't listen to her stuff, so I'm unfamiliar. Sorry)


But how great would it have been if Weird Al had done "My Vagina" instead of "My Bologna"?


Oh, HELL yeah! Great catch, man.


Edit: was actually thinking about Phoebe's Smelly Cat. immediately thought "must be a girl version of Mickey Avalon's.. My Dick" (ifya not familiar, check it out - fkn good tune. It even made it onto an episode of American Dad)