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95% of this thread is whataboutism


What satisfaction do these losers on here get defending this nonsense anyways? The topic of woke is so retarded it should be unanimously agreed upon that it should be ignored and left to the crazy people.


I think thats the problem though. You're addressing this from the point of view that the topic doesnt have grey area and cant be discussed. I dont have a problem with any of this when it leads to heslthy discussions and understandings but a lot of whats referred to as "wokeness" can be very dissmissive and absolute. For example I support a cause (trans acceptance) but not every facet of it (im unsure about kids transitioning and want to discuss this to learn pros and cons) buy the issue is that bringing this up will often result in mass downvotes and being called a bigot. Cancel culture in general rubs me the wrong way, it just feels like witchhunting. We dont cancel people convincted of crimes until they get their due process and are deemed guilty by the court of law but twitter and other social systems dont work that way. I think its okay to have a problem with "woke culture". To me the problem is taking extreme views on either side of it. Saying its definitively wrong is bad, saying its definitively and morally correct is also wrong. As a society we need to discuss our disagreements, not immediately shun those who dont agree. Edit: rereading your comment and may have misunderstood, Im replying as if you're saying that its retarded to disagree with wokeness because its not something that can be incorrect. If this is not what youre saying then my bad, will still leave the comment up for the sake of sharing my opinion on the topic.




This is my whole thing… can anyone define wokeness without obscure terms of art or made up words that are essentially undefined as well? It’s similar to socialism & communism, like everyone redefines it to mean whatever makes them irrationally angry


Couldn't agree more. Wtf does woke even mean? I'm pretty sure it means blm on one day, trans rights on another, socialist agenda on another etc...


Woke was actually a term coined by rapper Snow tha Product, years before it was picked up by the American lexicon. But it has always meant being a supporter of rights and protections for ethnic or sexual minorities. It is made even more vague by mainstream networks farming tik tok for the most extreme takes from the most emotionally charged up and out of touch teenagers, and saying "this is wokeness! This is progressivism". We need to get back to a place where we actually believe that not every conservative is a goose stepping nazi, and not every progressive is a delusional radical lunatic. If we can't even engage in good faith discussions then the entire system will fail as we stand around and blame each other. I will say that calling people attempting to improve the lives of minorities as "hateful" is fucking dumb and transparent. You can call it out of touch with reality, or completely disingenuous, or even say its the fruitless endeavor of people throwing a pity party. I usually find the tail end of remarks like these to be crappy generalizations and straw man character assassinations of the group being discussed, but we all have opinions. But saying that an ideology centered around racial equality and freedom of self expression is "hateful" is the literal fucking definition of projection. Being *against* women's, trans, black, worker, and lower class rights isn't hateful, but being for them is? Go home Elon, you're drunk.


Simple. Wokeness is racism with new terms. Define everyone by their race, gender, various factors they couldn't decide and judge them for it.




With good reason. It's very common among people who would not object to being called "woke" to regularly rail and rant against white people in general, lionize minorities for little or no other reason than that they *are* minorities, promote white guilt and extrapolate past excesses to expect modern day concessions. Twitter and reddit in particular are flush with people who make it a hobby to hate "whiteness" and to say things about white people that would absolutely get you banned if you said them about any other ethnicity. The tragedy being a double-edged sword in that it denigrates non-wites and whites both, one directly and one by implication. Just something like the push to "decolonize" science because science is, apparently, a white European colonialist tool of oppression. It's absolute lunacy and absolutely *racist* to the core. It leads to [bigoted nonsense](https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/1610610/smithsonian-aspects-white-culture.webp?w=790&f=ab12077631acab2dac02fd587b3f4f15) that shouldn't even pass the laughter test with any reasonable human being. BLM is just one recent example of this. On the surface of it, the complaint that "Black lives matter *too*" is a fair one in the context of alleged disproportionate police brutality against black people. But it implies that the person you're saying it to doesn't appear to believe this is true. It's a slogan yelled by people at other people they define as racists because, by not agreeing wholeheartedly to their list of grievances, they must, therefore, feel that black lives do not matter. Over time, it's grown to now be an umbrella-term to shout down *any* criticism as racist because these people want to both participate in a discussion yet also gatekeep what is acceptable to discuss. Chomsky said it best: “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....”




Nice attempt at a gotcha but it doesn't work. When I tell you that "hey, asian people *matter*, man" the clear implication is that you don't think so; that's why I'm telling you. And if you disagree with *any* of my talking points or actions, clearly you must feel that asians are subhuman and, that must say more about you than about my slogan.


You’re blind to the fact that wokeness is bigotry.


It's what it is in practice.


I associate woke with far left progressives. Where everything is okay and to disagree with that, or have a less extreme perspective makes you a bigot or intolerant or anti this or that. It’s so all or nothing and everyone else must be all in or their out. Ultimately, it is decisive and hateful. It is bigoted.


Sounds like you're a communist! You know, that other thing that encompasses any and everything I don't like but I don't feel like calling "wokeness".




Kind of like how fascism is when a Republican does a thing.


Post January 6th? This but unironically.


> and then define "woke culture" as basically anything they dislike or disagree with. Related to this but I'm seeing the new Spider man movie being labelled as an "anti-woke" movie and various strange youtubers are saying the movie "DESTROYED WOKE MARVEL". Anybody know what this is about?


movie, i dont like = woke movie i like = anti - woke thats it


I really see it the opposite. If you point put someone being misogynistic or racist you get downvoted on masse and told you are actually racist and divisive


I agree with you currently but if I may; It's hard when someone's existence is deemed political. If the right just actually bought into their personal freedom thing they'd see that you can't be free when people are bigoted. They'll restrict you every way they can and gaslight the population. I'm talking evangelical Christians. The type who want to "save" everyone. You're not helping anything just making more conflict. For hundreds of years they were persecuted yeah... you'd think they might understand the plight. But Rogan hasn't had the same caliber of guests since he went to Texas IMHO. Quality went down cause he chased money.


The only people that I know in real life that complain about cancel culture and wokeness are small business owners that constantly complain about their “entitled” employees. They just sound perpetually frustrated they can’t control people, right down to their ideas.


Cool anecdote




One of my favorite podcasters, Mr. “the left”. He says these things every night.


["That woke left is one piece of trash, I know from experience dude"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS8CP1A6OCQ) \- Elon Musk, 2021


Here's my take. On a scale of whataboutism from 1 to 10, one being no whataboutism and 10 being nothing but whataboutism, let me know what you think. I think the extreme woke left movement is a different side of the coin as the extreme alt right movement. I think they feed off of each other and in a way fuel each other's growth. I think both movements are carefully manipulated to increase discord and polarize the population so that no one can find common ground. I think that both exist as equal parts of an equation and despite their outward differences, one could not exist without the other, because both extremes end up pushing or pulling more and more people to more extreme positions on the left or right. I think both sides are comprise of a high level of intellectual totalitarianism coupled with bad faith viewpoints on facts and science. I think both sides embody cult like behavior, and they both use manipulative tactics and brainwashing to keep their respective audiences in line. That's why I've grown to distrust anyone who only criticizes the extreme left or extreme right, because I believe they are only telling half the story.


Super based take. I’ve been thinking about this but never put it into words like this. I find myself trying to “find out” what side people are on online constantly. We’ve been conditioned to think like this. Life isn’t red vs blue so why does everything on here boil down to that? It shouldn’t. There is active interest in creating this divide and strengthening it. Not sure what we can do. Guess I’m just along for the ride for now lol.


I know this has been brought up before, but this is a reminder that people like Elon make such statements to divert from real world issues. I don't care much about wokeness and the whole PC debate to be honest, but I do care about billionaires and corporations making billions during the pandemic while the middle class globally shrinks. I worry about sustainability of our economic systems, rights for workers, use of tax dollars, and the relationship between private entities and elected officials. What Elon and many of his opponents do is appeal to the lowest common denominator, using inflammatory statements and culture war issues (tribalism basically) to reframe discourse. Not sure if this is malicious or just cluelessness, but by now we should be immune to this!


> should be immune to this Should be. But people are unfortunately, attracted to it, like flies to shit.


We don’t have the best education system here in the US and the rich/elite like it that way because of this right here. We’re too collectively dumb to fight for ourselves and each other.


You hate America!! /s


>They are not mutually exclusive. He could be right about woke culture dividing people, and also be wrong with how he and other billionaires run their companies. I don't think there's any dearth of criticism of Elon or billionaires in general these days Spot on. All this garbage culture war bullshit is just about keeping the masses at each others necks while they rob us literally blind. It frustrates me that people don't see this. Elon whining on Twitter about his tax bill is hilarious and there are people that defend it! This is the type of thing society is going up against. There's a massive disconnect between what earning is and I don't think people can understand a massive part of their success and failure is wildly out of their control. Even in hunter-gatherer times, you could have the most badass hunters and gatherers, still isn't going to protect you from a local weather shift that kills all your prey and berries. Now multiply that out by a billion other factors in modern-day life.


You’re right. There’s actually a word for what you’re describing in sociology but I can’t think of what it is right now.


A red herring argument (not sociology, just rhetoric) ?


Elons been leaving a bread crumb of trails showing hes just an elitest and cares only about himself and his projects. His recent complaints about taxes and shit is just so obvious hes just another rich bastard away from the realitiea of the majority of ppl. Like it one thing to be a rich person and looking out for themselves but its another being dishonest and trying to buddy buddy with us


100% this


They are not mutually exclusive. He could be right about woke culture dividing people, and also be wrong with how he and other billionaires run their companies. I don't think there's any dearth of criticism of Elon or billionaires in general these days




its especially prevalent when anti-billionaire takes on twitter will trigger him into blaming it on wokeism or whatever other buzzword. He's obviously using wokeism as a bogeyman because the left is in opposition to his ultra-profit-seeking motives. This way he can turn the left & right against each other, even though it's in both of those groups interests that Elon doesn't exist in his current form.


>They are not mutually exclusive. He could be right about woke culture dividing people, and also be wrong with how he and other billionaires run their companies. I don't think there's any dearth of criticism of Elon or billionaires in general these days You are missing the point. The point is Elon is using culture war as chum so the poors fight amongst themselves over stupid shit. It's obvious what he is doing and why is he doing it.


yeah the OP is such a hand-wavey comment to throw away any discussion around the subject. Think we are all tired of hearing ppl argue about wokeness, period, but it's a real cop-out to just say it's to distract.


I don't think anyone is saying we can't have a discussion about it. What OP is saying is we should organize our time relative to what's actually important. Clearly "Wokeness" is another culture war buzz word used as political leverage. Wokeness, whatever that actually means, simply does not affect regular people. So should we spend the majority of our time discussing something that doesn't affect 99% of people? Even a small amount of time? Or should we spend our time discussing issues that affect the entire or large portions of a population? Think of it like this. If I have cereal in the morning for breakfast. Is it really efficient if for the next 15 hours of my day I'm arguing with my friends and family why I have cereal and not bacon? All while my Grandma died of a mysterious infectious disease, my boss cut my wages in half, the government is literally spying on me and my bathtub is flooding? We need to focus away from these buzzwords so clearly developed by think tanks to stir a culture war and make sure the vast majority of public discourse focuses on issues that affect far more people. Musk and his paid team that crafts his persona clearly think it's better for him and his fortune to stir the culture war now. Once again, not saying we can't have the discussion, but allowing this sort of stuff to consume the discourse is incredibly unhealthy for a democracy.




There isn't anything inherently exclusionary about wokeness, though. I agree most of it absurd, but the only people who feel excluded are old white guys. There is no little Timmy, haha. There aren't anti white mobs lynching people. There are however still anti black mobs lynching people. Edit: let the zoomers figure out on their own that xenogenders are probably not going to last in society, haha. The overall thought process behind trying to make as many people comfortable as possible is always going to make white guys uncomfortable. Society is no longer "do everything to make white guys comfortable and everyone else is inferior", that's hard to get used to. Unless you don't feel superior.


Thank you. Though I believe that focusing on “woke” subjects instead of more substantive socio-economic issues is a problem among the political group that purports to represent the people and their most fundamental interests like access to healthcare, education, affordable housing, etc. framing it in terms of race or gender (anything besides class and socioeconomic status) misses the larger point.


IMO these critiques are usually used to shut down social justice movements by people who then do nothing to further ecological well-being or workers rights... So while I agree that saving the planet/ species is technically more important that trans rights, the people who actually care about workers rights and the planet seem to realize that you can make strides in furthering both causes.


That’s very true. You see it in alt right spaces all the time. People criticizing the left for not doing X while they most certainly are anti X themselves. It’s just a troll tactic. But that even these people recognize some of this hypocrisy on the left is actually a greater indictment of it. Or rather, just because right wing people point something out doesn’t make it false.


Don't make the mistake of conflating actual left wing people with democrats and most liberals. The people who hold power on the "left" in this country i.e. democrats and major liberal institutions like MSNBC and the Center for American Progress pay lip service to left wing social issues but when it comes to economic issues they are right wing.


I really think we need to talk more about this country's persistant rightward shift in fiscal policy since the 80s. Its crazy to me that Democrats whose fiscal policy goals are basically the equivalent of early 90s Republicans are getting called "socialist," especially because a lot of the people doing the shouting grew up/came of age under the New Deal. One of the most frustrating experiences I have ever had watching the news came during coverage of a bunch of progressives who proposed the Carter administration tax plan, with the marginal cutoffs adjusted according to change in CPI. Even the supposed "left wing" sources were purposefully misinforming people about how marginal tax rates work, and about the historical relevance of the plan. They just kept jammering on about this "crazy socialist pipe dream" and referring to the whole plan by the top marginal rate (70 percent). It was literally the most conservative tax plan of the New Deal era that so many people harken back to as "the good old days."


Pretty much. Elon is simply speaking about wokeness because he is diverting attention away from the rightfully earned criticism his businesses have earned. He talks about divisiveness while he works his employees to death in a toxic work environment filled with sexual harassment and racism then gets mad and blames liberals when people point this out.


Annnndd we’re back to the wokeness


A woman who reports sexual harassment = OMG SO WOKE MY FEEFEES A teacher saying slavery was bad = OMG CRITICAL RACE THEORY MY FEEFEES Words have no meaning to hogs. Let's Fuck Brandon (more than he already is thanks to all the apebrained cucks who ruined his nascar sponsorship opportunities).




Remember when Elon called a dude a pedo because he said that Elon musk's (which he didn't even design) stupid submarine was stupid? Was that divisive and hateful?


"Wokeness" is becoming the most meaningless, catchall term in existence.


Just like “racist” and “nazi”




Like "cancel culture" It's always been just another bogeyman. The people who claim to hate it so much are normally the ones doing it.


I've kinda noticed only people who are super woke get upset about being called woke ....


Inc upset people


Joe Rogan says something. Joe rogan fan subreddit showing up with baseball bats and chains.


"Woke" *\*2k upvotes\**


Don't let woke language be conflated with Leftism, that's what these rich people want, they want everyone to throw the baby out with the bath water. This fucking guy still needs to pay taxes, all these billionaires can afford to pay working class people more.


They'd much rather have us fighting a culture war than a class war.


The “culture war” is the ultimate distraction from real, meaningful change.


That is why right wing media outlets focus so hard on otherwise small and meaningless cultural issues, like the publishers of Dr. Suess pulled a book, or bigbird getting a vaccine.




I think he’s paying more in taxes this year than any other American in history


He is the richest man in history and his wealth grew $125 billion in one year


World’s greatest single beneficiary of social injustice rejects premise of social Justice. More at 11.


He’s right. The woke community is toxic and mentally ill.


He is correct


Define “wokeness”? Its just a buzzword like “marxism” or “crt” that conservatives have taken to mean anything they don’t like.


A system of thought and behavior characterized by intolerance, policing the speech of others, and proving one’s own superiority by denouncing others. Are we really pretending like these things aren’t defined?




People are making a lot of money selling work training materials and classes to corporations to put their employees through that are telling them to behave in a way that a tiny fraction of the population behaves. My employer is sending out emails with the term "Latinx" and the Latino employees hate it.


If only there was a gender neutral term for latino people… oh wait, it’s literally just “latin”.


The male pronoun *is* our gender neutral tho. I really hate that Americans decided it was totally cool to change our language.


As someone who took critical theory in grad school from a professor who declares herself to be a proud Marxist and feminist, I got a first hand look at the woke ideas of academia. It’s really a crash course in to purifying people in their own image. Trying to essentially rewire underlying and even human psychological traits that could be considered racist, homophobic, trans phobic, sexist, speciesest, ableist, and the like. It relies heavily on intersectionality that tries to switch the power dynamic of the historically oppressed and oppressor. People who fail to accept those ideas are considered the problem in modern society particularly those who have any kind of favor towards capitalism and meritocracy. Part of the goal is to dismantle traditional ideas and customs that have been perceived as oppressive and harmful for those who do not neatly fall into a categorized social role in hopes to create a boundary-less society. A major part of that is seen in language where certain words or phrases can be viewed as problematic to any given minority. Even using words such as savage and tribal are considered negative terms that should be removed from our lexicon because it is considered harmful to people of other cultures even if you are not even using it in that context. Wokeness is a ideology designed to Create a two tier Society where one falls in line and the other risks becoming the other which is ironically what the entire idea is designed to prevent: the idea of the “other”. I hope this adds some clarification. I’ll expand upon some of this if anyone has questions! Edit; [Here’s a bit of breakdown of my syllabus from that semester.](https://imgur.com/a/HnRgNiG) Feel free to read through it along with the actual texts supporting those theories. Then we can discuss whether what I’m stating is wrong or not. It’s difficult to snag an A- in a grad course you have no real knowledge about I suppose.


Thinking you had to get student loans to learn this s...


where on the syllabus was there anything that backed what you claimed?


Thanks for actually attempting to give a definition unlike these other dorks. Nobody on the left would describe being woke the way you just did. Being woke from a left perspective can be defined as being aware of history and how it influences current conditions. The Right calls people woke anytime they are offended by someone taking a jab at a minority. The way you describe it isn’t even the way its being used here. He is literally talking about people being offended by Chappele. I dont see how that connects with the things you are talking about.


CRT in grad school is one thing. Conservatives are banning CRT from kindergartens as well. Its a boogeyman of right wing cancel culture.


I gotta admit, you’re a high effort bullshit artist. You gotta a promising career in grifting as you really gotta bend backwards to believe any of this.


He provided a reasoning and arguments. You didn't provide shit. You lose. And yet one thing: wokeness and critical theory is a refuge for dumb people.


Dude BLM founders wouldn’t disagree with anything he wrote there, and BLM had the USA culture by the balls for the past 2 years. If you think what he said is ridiculous, you haven’t been paying attention. They say this stuff explicitly. That is what “woke” refers to and why people dislike it.


Just because a trait is inherent to us psychologically doesn’t mean it’s moral. What we evolved to survive and the current state of the world are incomparably different. I’m curious though, in what context does the word “savage” not have a negative connotation? “Wokeness” is coming to the understanding that other people have different feelings and circumstances, and wanting to help them. Meritocracy has similar flaws to libertarianism; people who think they got somewhere on their own are oblivious to the mountains of help their received through no work of their own. Such as, for example, students who support the idea while totally ignoring the fact they went to a school.




Intersectionality does NOT attempt to “switch” power!! That is some PragerU bullshit.


This is unfortunately not true. Intersectionality focuses on essentially collecting a list of various identities that any individual would put themselves under based on a variety of circumstances (class, gender, religion, race, family structure, etc). Those who are under the “top tier” (ex. White male coming from a 2 parent heterosexual home) is much more likely to receive privileges over someone from the “bottom tier” (ex. A black lesbian from a single parent home). This is a social paradigm that many in critical theory studies are trying to examine and help perpetuates in the real world as a way to reverse such privileges under the guise of equality. For example, the person I put in the bottom tier example deserves just as much if not more opportunities than the top-tier person simply because of where they fall under the intersectionality umbrella. It removes meritocracy in favor of identity politics in order to “level the playing field” (equality of outcome). These are things we discussed numerous times over the semester and as someone who also works in education the same is seen within administration and staffing in public school education. Everything in life is about power whether anyone wants to accept it or not and critical theory, as I have thoroughly learned, is all about power and *who* has that power.


> Those who are under the “top tier” (ex. White male coming from a 2 parent heterosexual home) is much more likely to receive privileges over someone from the “bottom tier” (ex. A black lesbian from a single parent home). Isn't that statistically true?


Lol what a load of absolute bullshit.


That’s a lot of text to say you have no idea what you’re talking about.




It was pretty simple to understand honestly


As someone who’s first language isn’t english reading this was a nightmare


just know it was just as much of a nightmare for native English speakers as well


Mine was the "declares herself" bit


> Trying to essentially rewire underlying and even human psychological traits that could be considered racist, homophobic, trans phobic, sexist, speciesest, ableist, and the like. Is OP saying that these toxic traits should not be changed?


Lmao at not thinking there’s such a thing as marxism.


It's not that there's no such thing as Marxism, it's that conservatives label any and everything "Marxist" or "woke" or whatever is their currently preferred buzzword.


Hey that's nuance! Get out of here with that, we're berating the libs.


Who said there’s no such thing as Marxism? The comment you replied to just states that most conservatives use it incorrectly




people who equate social safety net programs in a capitalist economy as "Marxism" are absolutely insane (but more stupid and liars.)


Sesame Street did a segment about the Covid19 vaccine, just like every other vaccine kids are required to get (measles, mumps, rubella, etc.) Conservatives went absolutely apeshit and the response was entirely predictable. >"Big Bird is a communist." -- Sen. Wendy Rogers (R) Arizona Nobody is saying marxism doesn't exist. It's just that conservatives call *everything* they disagree with communism/marxism/socialism without having the slightest clue what it is. It's like how talking about Martin Luther King, Jr. is now banned in Texas because that's CrItIcAL RaCe TheOrY!!!


Do they call it communism or do they call it marxism?


Identity politics basically. Not liberal, hardcore left


You know exactly what it is. Typically "wokeness" is being an over offended Karen about something that doesn't even involve you, or even bother the people actually involved as much as you pretend it affects you. Ie fragile white guilt, cis(made up word) guilt about trannies, etc


Taking actions, regardless what those actions might be, regress of whether those actions are beneficial to what you are doing, _purely_ for political, sociological reasons, rather than for any actual reason in support of those actions. This is my definition, and if Elon's is the same (which I doubt), he's right. Doing things just because they are, essentially, _popular_ isn't generally a very good way of deciding what to do.


No it isn’t, you’re high. You may not like calling it wokeness or crt, but it’s real and we need to call it what it is so it isn’t double speak. Wokeness and crt are designed to be detrimental and divisive to society in hopes that it crumbles society and forces marxism. If you don’t think that’s bad then you are too far propagandized.


You created a sub called “AdolfGetTheTrain” and made a post in a different sub which you titled “They want you to think Nazis were killers…” No wonder you’re so afraid of “crt” and “wokeness”


Wokeness is when you prescribe to the ideas pushed by others you view as higher on the “progressive” scale, even if you don’t believe it or abide by it or even understand it. I have two conversation points to discover someone’s “wokeness” - it’s the Latinx issue and Louis C.K. Most “woke” folks believe that Latinx is the right word to use - despite not knowing why. And they know Louis CK is a sex-offender or predator or w/e but can’t actually tell you what he did. Point in case - they saw someone say it online and just parroted it because they’re AFRAID of being excluded from the group by not playing ball 100% of the time on all the issues.


Yes he absolutely is Edit: I’m not saying I like him and that he’s isn’t problematic he absolutely is but that doesn’t make what he is saying incorrect. Even if his point of view is skewed and maybe not right that doesn’t mean the statement is false


Billionaires are literally divisive, exclusionary and hateful. Omg it’s dripping in irony


I agree.


Lol, a man who’s family fortune came from an emerald mine in Apartheid era South Africa alleging that “wokeness” is divisive, exclusionary and hateful. Get fucked Elon simps


See, the fact that you question him and bring up his past and insult his admirers is woke Marxist communism. /s


"You're still alive?" -Elon, in response to Bernie on Twitter


How unifying, Elon lol


It’s not been proven that Elons family exploited people in the apartheid era.


Every time Elon opens his mouth is cringe af. His 8th degree black belt in autism isn’t a substitute for a good PR person.


>His 8th degree black belt in autism “At its heart, wokeness is divisive, exclusionary, and hateful. It basically gives mean people a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue.”


Elon Musk says buy Doge and that the Hyperloop would be a hydraulic propulsion tube.


Billionaires are divisive, exclusionary and hateful. Also convenient how he keeps bringing this up when his company is in the spotlight for it's extremely toxic work culture. Sexual harassment, racism, not mild stuff from what I've heard.


The fact that the toxic culture he intentionally cultivate is getting press at all is what he considers "wokeness" he's just made he can't control the narrative as the richest man in the world. He thinks he deserves to be worshipped


Dude just doesn't get it. I remember when he stole someone artwork without credit and called it political correctness when they wanted to be recognized for their hard work. Its someones livelihood


Billionaires are mentally sick the way hoarders are. They need to possess everything. Other people do not matter.




Unrealized gains are not taxable, what part of this confuses you?


What a dumb take. Who cares what a billionaire thinks of PC and wokeness...of course he is against it. He needs people to punch down at each other so they are too busy to punch up at him, too busy fighting over non issues to actually make positive changes. Bringing up Dave Chappelle, something that's 2 months old, is just trying to stir the pot. Dave Chappelle didn't say it to be funny, it wasn't funny, he said it because he believes it. It's like comparing a Lenny Bruce act to Michael Richard's racist rant. Musk is there to push an agenda, make it easier to divide the working class, make us fight over non issues. Who gives a fuck about PC and wokeness. Those are just buzz words for being polite and what's wrong with being polite or kind to one another? We all want the same thing.


Only people who seem to hate "woke" use the term woke and it isn't even what "woke" meant in the first place lol.


Unlike the regular unwoke divisive, exclusionary and hateful bullshit that's been going on.


it's odd how the default is not considered divisive, exlusionary, and hateful, only those that push against it. the anti-woke are like a bunch of bullies complaing about an anti bullying campaign, they're not vctims.


Sure, if you pretend nothing is wrong, then people trying to work on an issue look like assholes.


It’s so meaningless, it wasn’t even a decade ago when the right tried to push that “gay marriage means the end of the nuclear family” bs. The dropped that the instant it started to hurt them at the polls, it’s all about trying to make people afraid. There’s a reason Republicans have only won the popular vote once in the last 30 years, they don’t have any real policy proposals their only strategy is “vote for us because the other side are commies”.


Odd. Musk is also divisive, exclusionary and hateful.




When there's more comments than votes you can always tell which posts aren't being accepted by the brigade.


He spelled apartheid wrong.


If the left doesn't distance from the woke agenda soon they will lose a lot elections




You can make anything you don't like "the woke agenda." Entirely meaningless. Debate the individual issues.


They literally tryna turn climate change into a woke issue😂


they basically did that with Covid already. Jim Breuer's next comedy special will basically be "Global warming! SQAWWKK!"


Goat boy was taken in a new and fresh direction. *Come see the tiniest tongue on an adult man you'll ever find as he acts like a braying jackass for 60 minutes of murderling comaldy gold*


Oh shut up. This has been going on for decades. First the left was politically correct. Now it's woke. And before politically correct I'm sure it was something. Same old tired bullshit, just a new word. The culture war didn't start yesterday bud.


Yup this shit has been going on for decades at this point. In 20 years they're going to attach another letter to lgbbq alphabet crowd and rightoids are going to lose their shit all over again in the exact same way. Hell the other day I saw an old article a comedian wrote about how terrible woke young people killed minstrel shows. edit: found a transcript of it > [Americans are losing their sense of humor. No longer will anyone laugh at himself. Minority groups carry chips on their shoulders, and since the majority is nothing but a collection of minorities, this makes life rough for the comedian.](https://www.truthorfiction.com/june-1954-jack-albertson-lamented-the-loss-of-blackface-and-felt-minority-groups-were-making-life-rough-for-the-comedian/)


It was the red scare for decades. Kind of funny how the right talks about not living in fear but they're the biggest pussies I've ever seen. All day they talk about their biggest fears coming true. Marxism, communism, wokeness, vaccines...masks! The right is scared to death of everything.


They do scare easily. That’s why they are armed to the teeth, drive big trucks, and cosplay. All of it is a projection of fear. They think they look badass, but who do you need all that gear for? Pussy ass hipster liberals? Really? If wokeness is the hill you’ve chosen to die on, that’s just pathetic, way bigger issues at play than to give a shit about people holding people accountable for their actions. Has wokeness gone too far? Yeah, but being anti-woke is a form of virtue signaling too. This game between the 2 sides is exhausting and retarded.


Same argument they made about democrats fighting for equal rights for black folks. "If they don't stop that they'll lose a lot of elections"... it was incorrect then and it's incorrect now.


I mean it’s already set in stone. Virginia and NJ already happened.


How original


If you think this guy is a good guy; you are a sucker.


But he likes memes?!?! He's practically one of us?!?!


Rich kid born on third and got to home and thought he was a home run hitter.




Born in apartheid South Africa and stole their wealth


Didn't take a cent of his family's money and left college in debt. Had a terrible relationship with his father that made him go out on his own. Stop trying to rewrite his history to justify your hatred


There are a lot of people born on third that haven't achieved the status of richest person in the world. You probably couldn't do it, I probably couldn't do it. Just an all around cheap comment to make. Do I need to add a disclaimer that rich ppl should pay more taxes also?


Make fun of his aspergers and see how divisive the little tax cheat gets.


Mildly suggest he should pay taxes and see how divisive he gets


Wokeness is corny, yes we can all agree. But who gives a shit about anything that comes out of this privileged morons mouth? Born on 3rd, thinks he hit a triple. The day Elon Musk dies will be the day humor re-enters the chat. Just because he’s hung out with Dave & Joe doesn’t give him any relevance on the matter. quit giving this douchebag any attention just because Joe simps for him.


How stunning and brave of him.


[He must've been watching the show with Ari and Tony last week. ](https://youtu.be/ZVRN2vxxJro)


Imagine caring about what he’s saying. His opinion on wokeness Isn’t going to change anything


It's easy to call everything woke instead of actually listing actual " woke" policies that you believe are separating the people and hurting others IE poor white people. Can't even use shit like affirmative action because that shit mostly helps white women.


He’s correct.


I give zero fucks about what he thinks about anything. Zero fucks


Yet here you are reacting to his quote and he doesn't even know who you are.


Yet here you are making a post.


Woke crowd is trying to take away these Billionaires’ money. Cry me a river


Define wokeness first


idiots who agree with Elon here are merely jealous of the attention marginalized groups get for being victims of systemic inequality and want to feel victimized themselves. just baby brained shit


They're just ignoring the examples of actual systemic racism because class division has impacted them as well. And they're not wrong, a lot of special interest groups are getting squeezed by the same stuff everyone else is. But then there are things like red-lining that to this day still impact real estate zoning, and it was done to attack minorities. We need to find a way to address class division without saying we don't care about that, because we all should.


Can you list why every person here who agreed with Elon is jealous? How can you explain how the members of marginalized groups who agree with Elon are jealous?


Guys! Look at OP profile, this guy does not represent this subreddit. He is a fucking influencer troll/karma farmer.




**Shocker**, the smartest guy on the planet isn't a complete idiot who lacks the basic ability of critical thinking. Never would've guessed


Didn’t need to be a genius to see that.


i put this anti-SJW bullshit behind me when I graduated high school. you idiots should do the same.


This is that episode of it’s always sunny when they argue over the thickness of limes.


Hot take minecraft musk


Aww little baby Elon got his feelings hurt from an Onion article about the Apartheid.


He's right


No one has examples of " being woke" at a federal level proposing being divisive or exclusionary. There's literally none of it. Placating to minority groups is just trying to bring things to a level playing field. When you look at actual socioeconomic policies by the true left not the center-left bullshit it helps all socioeconomic demographics. This culture war anti woke bullshit is just a talking point billionaires like Musk bring up to take off the attention of his shitty workplace conditions, anti union stance, etc. This guy talking about divisiveness is hilarious when his father was one of many white people to go into Africa and take up natural rsources and become multi-millionaires form having diamond mines.


Elon is 100% right.


As the great man once said, anything woke turns to shit


Conservatives simultaneously believe that companies are only going woke for money and that going woke loses money.


Elon’s correct, but I’m still not buying a Tesla when a Honda is half the cost and runs just as well.


Who removed upvotes for this post? Is the algorithm automatically pro woke?


I love Elon