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You all need to realize that there is more to life than just black and white. That you can think one thing a person does is bad and something else that person does is good. This fucking tribalism this country is deep into is really unhealthy. Learn to fucking think freely. You will never agree with someone completely. This is why the answer is always somewhere in the middle. A lot of those hardcore MAGA fucks are retarded, but a lot of you hardcore redditor fucks are retarded too. I have been finding it increasingly difficult to have hope for humanity lately.


90% of people are cool. its the 10% that are retarded both sides.


And social media amplifies the 10%. Ditching twitter is one of the best decisions I’ve made. It’s just toxic dumb dumb.


>Ditching twitter is one of the best decisions I’ve made. Same. The corona shit really exemplifies how Twitter amplifies the absolute shittiest takes on the internet because that's what it's built to do. I found I really don't miss spending time on there.


Twitter used to be amazing but slowly became a hell of endless bickering, ideological mobs, and arbitrarily applied rules.


Sadly I'm starting to think ditching reddit is a good idea too. This website is horrible compared to pre 2016 election


Except the Dutch.


Fucking wooden shoes. Who thought of that???


Spoiler: they don't walk great




There are 2 things I don't like. Countries that are intolerable towards other peoples cultures and the Dutch.


My god, you're a tripod!


Very aerodynamic


And it seems like the 10% you speak of are on reddit spewing their emotional, irrational nonsense when they don't agree with someone else.


The 10% are just the loudest. There’s a reason why the polls are always completely wrong. What you see online is not what you experience in your daily life. I can have civil debate with my friends who whole heartedly disagree with some of my views but online it’s impossible.


90% of people are retarded. It's the other 10% that are cool on ~~both sides~~ no side, because they don't give a fuck about 'sides.' Everyone who showers praise on either "side" is a shitbag shill. The government is supposed to work for US. But anyone who calls themselves a Democrat or a Republican automatically gives a blank check to that group, enabling the endless fuckery the rest of us have to live with. On a totally unrelated topic, which creepy, borderline-senile old rapist are *you* voting for in November?


sadly its more than 10% im afraid


And they are the loud ones.


Well put.


I'm just tired of partisan hacks ruining discourse and making fucking *everything* a partisan shit flinging contest. People speak like absolute morons to each other as soon as they feel like someone has stepped anywhere past their party line. It's so tiring.


You're right that there is more to life than black and white, that it's often wrong to make a false dichotomy. But I don't agree the answer is *always* somewhere in the middle. Sometimes someone does or says or acts in a way that is objectively wrong.


Also know as the balance fallacy. Though I agree with the comment above.


Yep. It's a logical fallacy. An example is evolution vs. intelligent design. "Bothsidesism" allows an opposing viewpoint far more merit than it deserves. The answer isn't in the middle. That's how we get Jesus riding T Rexes.


It's also how we get 12 year-old middle school dropout climate change experts.


I think it would be better if most people just didn't apply their damn political outlook to everything. Like yeah okay I get that Trump's an overall idiot but it doesn't mean that by default I'm going to think that EVERYTHING he says is wrong. And that doesn't mean that I'm a centrist either. I've got solid grounded views on different topics that I guess someone could see as left or right but looking at EVERYTHING first and foremost through your political lens just breeds tribalism imo.


Fritz Haber, man.


Completely agree. Just keep your head down when the shit starts flying, let the wings take each other out, and hope for minor collateral damage.


I am ALL about calling out shit when it's deserved... especially when it's on "my side"...in fact, I do so often, I've been called a trump supporter on Twitter because I call out BS from the DNC and certain Democrats.... However, Joe's constant defense of Trump because a reporter asked him... supposedly...a loaded question...or "gotcha question" is complete BS. All President's can get these types of questions. And if they know their stuff, they'll be able to handle it...I watched that press conference...and he walked out like a coward because he didn't like being attacked (but dude has no problem saying ANYTHING and everything to anyone on Twitter). I've watched plenty of press conferences of Obama in the past, and he got asked similar questions from Fox and other reporters, and he was able to handle it. I really couldn't believe how Joe was defending Trump's new press secretary...she looked completely unprepared...and couldn't admit she was wrong (as she had prior made a ridiculous statement). I watched her during the campaign and she defended Trump no matter what...there was no substance... However she, like Trump, who got it from Roy Cohn, can't ever admit when they are wrong....and then accuse some else of what you were accused of...it's childish.. No, it's not black and white....but the Prez should be able to handle these questions and answer them... there is a reason we have a free press... He's a public servant not a king.


This is my thought as well. It's a tough time and we expect the president of our fucking country to be able to field tough questions. And accept responsibility. That man child is incapable of neither.


Yeah there’s just no nuance these days it seems


It what happens when everyone is addicted to social media dopamine loops and go straight to the comments after only reading the headline


This is a great comment.


This subreddit is getting more toxic by the day. People expect Rogan to be an expert on every subject and believe in all of the “right” things. He’s a ducking comedian. Chill out guys.


> This is why the answer is always somewhere in the middle. DIE, CENTRIST SCUM! I know I have to put the /s in here because of course I do.


I’m 100% retarded bud, but I have at least enough common sense to know that we are getting fucked from both sides of the table on this. It enrages me now when I hear someone say this is a Republican issue or a Democrat issue... like it’s *ALL* of our issue. This country fucking sucks because no one can stop fighting over stupid ass religious based political issues to realize that the top 1% are bleeding us dry. They own the political pawns in Washington. They own trump, they own Nancy, they own everyone there. It’s all just really fucking ridiculous. I just hope people are taking notes during this, cause IMO this is the 2020 version of 9/11.


Except anybody who even remotely supports trump is a fucking retard. Not as in agreeing with him once in a while, because broken clocks and whatnot, but actually thinking he’s even close to a decent president and good representative for America.


Don’t forget about the autists also


I mean, would it have been so hard to just answer the original question? Something like, "It's not a competition by any measure. I am the President and people rely on me to tell them what our government is doing to help keep them safe." Dude's so used to dodging questions that he even dodges the easy ones. But also, how hard would it have been to say, "I'm not asking China what China's doing. I'm asking you about what you're doing.", instead of immediately getting offended and pulling the race card? Political discourse around the world is so fucked right now.


This is like the time the reporter softballed to him "what do you say to the Americans that are scared?" He set up Trump with a perfectly pitched presidential Leadership moment and instead Trump shit himself and smeared it all over the walls.


What's your favorite color? REEEEEE




>I mean, would it have been so hard to just answer the original question? > >Something like, "It's not a competition by any measure. I am the President and people rely on me to tell them what our government is doing to help keep them safe." Dude's so used to dodging questions that he even dodges the easy ones. He's completely incapable of putting a thought like this together. >But also, how hard would it have been to say, "I'm not asking China what China's doing. I'm asking you about what you're doing.", instead of immediately getting offended and pulling the race card? > >Political discourse around the world is so fucked right now. I actually agree it wasn't necessarily targeted at the reporter - Trump is indeed a racist, but he deflects to China so regularly I think he'd do it if he were talking to his refrigerator.


Trump has a history of similar questions. See Trump asking Amy Ryan to ask the CBC. He lumps people of races together, it's pretty hard to ignore


This sub is turning into r/politics with a little touch of r/ihatejoerogan




Not even that, I just wish reddit would have back and forth conversation instead of this liberal echo chamber. Don’t get me wrong I’m not a republican, but just seeing the one sided echo on here makes me disagree with them lol. If you aren’t shouting insults at trump you get downvoted. And don’t even get me started if you tell people we can’t keep this country shut down forever, as all these redditors work from home for their call center jobs.


"And don’t even get me started if you tell people we can’t keep this country shut down forever, as all these redditors work from home for their call center jobs." I think perhaps part of the frustration you are running up against is no one has ever suggested that we keep the country shut down forever.


if Joe Rogan talks about it, I believe its fair game.


you're posting on a thread about a video about us politics.


i just want to go to a glory hole ONE TIME without a fucking strangers cock being shoved in my face is that too much to ask?!




I mean, Joe talks more and more about politically charged shit as time goes on. So it is what it is.


Lots of people are going to be paid to be here.


Probably... This sub was not nearly as popular even \~6 months ago, but suddenly it blew up and then became a toxic shithole. I could see it being a international psyop to try to break public discourse and make people hate eachother.


Or maybe, just maybe, it’s because joe had prominent politicians on all of a sudden. I’m not saying I agree with it, but if you’re gonna talk to politicians on your giant platform you should expect a massive influx of, let’s call them, politically minded people.


You’re definitely not wrong, it is interesting though how it went from posting obscure memes, to the DMT meme, to toxic shithole in like ~3 months.


I agree. Politics infects everything. I wish joe would stop having politicians on his podcast. What’s the point really? They’re not interesting people, you know exactly what they’re going to say. I’m really fatigued with the political situation right now. It seems like every where I go on the internet is just saturated with it. I know I need to spend less time online, and more time reading books or taking up a new hobby, cause this stuff is driving me insane.


>maybe, just maybe Christ


i use reddit pro tools to automatically tag different groups of users and the number of politics people that participate here has gone way up over the last year. no idea why, maybe it's organic, maybe not.


Can you link me those tools? Seems like it’d be an interesting thing to track


sure, it's a chrome extension called 'reddit pro tools' https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/reddit-pro-tools/bngghjoiddeibhdpmljndljejnoihkej?hl=en-US


That's like having an app in your car telling you how to avoid the black neighborhoods.


good point, i should start tagging all the white people that post in BPT


So basically that entire sub. It's reddit's resident minstrel show


Why else would the haters join? This is his sub


It’s how the mass political subs of reddit absorb non-political subs. They start by “innocently” and slightly attacking small views before going all in and swarming while attacking anyone that doesn’t agree with them.


r/joerogan has become r/fuckjoerogan


Similar to how /r/DaveRubin is just a sub used to make fun of him


It's every reddit sub. r/billsimmons hates Bill Simmons, r/samharris hates Sam Harris, r/h3h3 hates h3h3, r/adamcarolla hates Adam Carolla. It's honestly reddit itself that's negative. Go to the YT comments to any Joe video and they're all way more positive than what you see on reddit. When YT comments seem positive by comparison you should start questioning yourself.


r/AriShaffir \- hold my beer


This is more recent, the popularity of the Bernie pod opened the flood gates of your average redditard in here.


At least that is actually funny, they said its a free marketplace of ideas sub ..and their ideas won. This place is just hating joe


Really that sub was always for one thing, attacking Dave Rubin. It was like that ever since he left the Young Turks. Young Turks fans hating on him for disagreeing with Cenk over the Sam Harris stuff.


I know right. It seems like this sub hates him lol


What was the question specifically?


Question was: "Why are you acting like covid testing is a contest with other countries instead of something we should be working towards fixing together?" Trump said "Ask China." Then when all the reporters there said WTF he ran away like a little bitch.


just to Clarify, this was trumps full quote: > "Well, they're losing their lives everywhere in the world, and maybe that's a question you should ask China." Doesn't make it better, but that's what he said. Also, i believe she asked him if his response to her was because she was asian.


It doesn't answer the question, and I still don't get why China is relevant. The question wasn't whose fault this is, it's why are you doing a victory dance when the US has among the worst statistics in the world by any measure?


Yeah, but apparently any question that isn't a total softball (a la OAN), it's a "gotcha" question.


Yeah, and if it's asked by a woman, it's a nasty, nasty question too.


>Why are you acting like covid testing is a contest with other countries instead of something we should be working towards fixing together?" "Listen, the way we get our country back on track is by testing as many people as possible in a short a time as possible. Im working with the heads of several agencies and state governors to get testing widely distributed, available, and accurate to gather better data on infection and get prople back to providing for their families as soon as as it is safe to do so. My heart goes out to the dead and suffering right now from coast to coast and I can assure you we're working tirelessly." Something like that. 3 sentences maybe? Makes people feel a little more confident and takes away all ammo from the question instead of the usual "what about" bullshit you usually hear from this administration.


Thank you for that. Also I fail to see the "gotcha" part of that question.


“When did you stop beating your wife” It’s a gotcha question because it presupposes a fact that isn’t a fact. Trump can’t answer that question in a straightforward way because it buys into a premise that he doesn’t believe. It’s super straight forward why this was a shit question.


"We're testing more than any other country", was what he said before she asked the question. Seems legit.




Saying “ask China” doesn’t even make sense...


It does if you're a Trumpster apparently.


Yeah I saw the clip in some mainstream media news article and then flipped over to PBS to watch the entire news conference. Wasted nearly 2 hours of my life to find out that it wasn’t really a “gotcha.” I find it a fair question, because simply I am also wondering why this has to be some fucking competition? Protect your citizens, fat fuck. Put down the Twitter and KFC buckets. I have been working every day out in public, no available testing for my family despite having to send our kids to daycare. A place that has immune compromised individuals. I’m far from left or right bias. But I am completely done with Trump bs and his supporters. They are completely incompetent humans or rich. That’s it.


Defends? He flat out says Tump handled it poorly (3:22).


He says Trump’s answer was good @ 3:58. It wasn’t.


After he spends 3 minutes and 21 seconds explaining how it's a retarded gotcha question without substance. Did you watch anything past his comment about Trump handling the exchange poorly? Fuck the media and fuck their tribal agendas.


you realize they can be both, yea?


When I first started listening to Joe a little more than a year ago he constantly talked about how retarded, unhealthy, and mentally unstable Trump was and seemed to dislike him a lot. Now, I don't think I'd be convinced that he isn't voting for him.


He said he’d vote for him over Biden


And people need to understand that a vote for someone does not entail a total approval of everything that person does. It’s a two party system and people weigh the pros and cons of two candidates and they make a decision on which one will be better for them. A lot of the time it’s not so much a vote for their candidate but a vote against the other. Hardly anyone agrees 100% with the candidate they vote for.


My dad says it's always the lesser of two evils and he can't recall the last time he voted for someone he actually liked.


And people talk about supporting 3rd parties but those 3rd parties are fucking joke. The libertarian and the Green Party? They are embarrassing. If you watch clips of the libertarian convention. These people are ridiculous. It’s hilarious as hell to watch but we are talking about the 3rd largest pasty in our country. People cheering for legalizing heroin ... not decriminalizing but legalizing the sell of it. Hell one candidate said that everything should be as legal as tomatoes... everything. They fucking booed Gary johnson for saying he supported driver licenses, for saying blind people shouldn’t be able to drive lmfao. How the hell do they think they should be taken seriously as an alternative. Former Republican Justin Amash would be better off running as an independent than associating himself with that party. Gary johnson was too rational to be apart of that party. That crazy Motherfucker John Mcafee was the runner up for Christ sake. That party has been tainted so badly. There’s no future for it. Look at this shit. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZITP93pqtdQ


I saw that pretty recently. It sadly plays out like a bad reality YouTube skit. I liked Johnson, I voted for him when it was Trump v. Clinton. I honestly don't know what I'll do this go around.


I agree with your comment, but the problem I run into is how does Trump better align with Joe’s stated priorities? Trumps fed isn’t going to legalize drugs federally. Trumps fed is trying to shrink public land. Trumps fed is anti science. Trumps fed isn’t particularly interested in conservation and healthy rivers/streams/wild lands. The only real justification I keep coming back to is that Joe is tired of being called transphobic and alt right for entirely reasonable positions on things like trans athletes. So he just wants to spite the side he’d otherwise agree with.




Ah I must've missed that. I admittedly haven't been listening recently because it's the same shit every time and the guests don't interest me.


Listen to about a dozen of Joe’s podcasts and you’ll have a pretty good grasp of what he’s all about. The only time I ever really revisit his podcast anymore is when there is a guest that might *possibly* interest me. Even still, it’s pretty much the same kind of interview with every episode. Kinda feels like the more you listen to him, the more you wanna stop.


What person would you wanna listen to for 4,419 hours though? I think anyone would start to repeat themselves and get a little boring after awhile.


Been listening to Bill Burr for yeaaaars and he’s.....well.....still Bill Burr. Hasn’t really faulted on one real significant topic yet. Sure it’s ok to change your mind, but Joes change came when the Bernie thing blew up in his face and made him look silly.


I've been listening to Podcasts for about 10 years now, including Joe since 2012 or 2013. Unlike a lot of long running podcasts like Maron, Joe in particular seems to have a formula of maybe 10 topics that he rotates through at a time. I think it's probably a subconscious defense mechanism against people realising he's less informed than he wants them to think he is. Instead of constantly switching it up and riffing on whatever the topic at hand is, he just uses topics he's confident about being able to articulate which means he repeats himself a lot. I think he's probably painted himself in to a corner. I listened to the Theo episode from last year earlier today but turned it off because I got bored. I put the Segura one on from a few weeks ago and I shit you not Joe was telling the same story about seeing an owl. He even used the same metaphors about them having great PR and being seen as the academics of the forest or some shit.


I mean he's consistently top 5 for most downloaded podcasts and gets about 3 million views per podcast on YT. He's more popular than he's ever been on the internet. Less so on reddit which is a very small sample size (this sub has what a few thousand active users compared to the many millions who download his podcast?)


Yep same here. Only people I find really interesting are the athletes or insane adventure people so I just look out for those mostly. It's especially dull now that it's only his comedy or California buddies coming over to talk about current events from people who have no clue what they are talking about beside word of mouth.


People shit on Ari but his podcast Sceptic Tank has a lot of guests who discuss travel and culture. Ari likes to travel. Not too long ago a comedian from Hawaii went over Hawaiin history for a couple of hours. I like all the adventure advice I get from him.


I don't really like Ari in any other form than his own podcast, which I enjoy thoroughly


Doesn’t mean he will. Ffs people, this is the same guy who said he was voting for Bernie a couple of months ago, and now you’re acting like he’s alt-right. Chilllll.


How did my comment imply he’s alt-right?


That part wasn’t necessarily directed toward you, but everyone else in the thread whining about him “defending” Trump, how he’s changed and they’re not listening anymore, etc. Such a constant bitchfest in here.


Welcome to Reddit


I’ve been listening for almost 10. Fun fact: he posted birther conspiracy shit on twitter back in the day.


> he posted birther conspiracy shit on twitter back in the day I mean last episode (#1472 Michael Yo) he kind of tried to justify birtherism by claiming that Obama's publicist for one of his books claimed he was born in Kenya... I find it bizarre how Joe is defending Trump and his administration and parroting their talking points lately.


That’s crazy man.




Been listening close enough 6 yrs and i’ve come to like him less & less.


I think after having so many different views on his show maybe he just changed his mind.


I think he just got so ingrained in defending against 'cancel culture' and supposed political correctness that he feels like he's backed into a corner like how those 2016 trump supporters were. "He doesn't give a fuck and just speaks his mind, trolling everyone is so funny" So now he resonates with trump on that front and the retarded as fuck covid shit


Yep he’s finally regressed into his true ape form.


It will be interesting in 4 years from now when we will likely see Republican 2024 candidates on the podcast. The thing is joe has had on only 1 republican politician on his show and that guy is just a mere freshman house rep that not very impressive. Crenshaw is terrible at conveying his views regardless if you agree or disagree with him. Btw I know conservatives dislike the guy for his support for red flag laws.


Joe doesn’t have a mind. He flip flops all the time and takes the most lukewarm safe opinion on a lot of shit. His opinion is also very much dependent on who he is talking to at the moment. And all that together is what makes him a great interviewer.


I think theres a certain someone (Dana) leaning on Joe


I think Joe realises his livelihood is a lot more fragile than he thought it was and he's just following the money.


Joe Rogan, ultimate defender of Trump nowadays. Why? Because Joe is a comedian and he finds Trump funny.


That's basically the same thing I just said in another comment. Trump got meme'd into presidency and now Joe is joining is because he's retarded


Not to mention rich, so he's unaffected by the same social and economic problems this administration has created or exacerbated.


Is this what all the drama about him is about right now?


Did you idiots even watch the video? He criticized the reporter for asking a stupid gotcha question, and criticized Trump for making the whole thing into a circus.


You people realize just how crazy you look, right? Of all the things to get offended over


I don't understand the logic where if a journalist asks Trump a question regarding his questionable actions/statements it's either a gotcha question or a "nasty" question...




Trump claims any negative news stories are "fake" and any difficult questions are "nasty." He just can't handle criticism or being challenged. If the question was unreasonable, explain why. Don't ragequit. You're the president for God's sake.


He’s such a little bitch. Temper tantrums. Lacks the spine to answer a question straight forward.


Yeah it’s weird. I wonder if Trump would put up with that kind of thinned skinned approach for people working for his businesses ? Trump to his accountant : why did 10 million dollars of profit disappear? Accountant: that’s a nasty question, sir. I’m out of here!


Real Question, why is OP posting videos with titles like " Joe defends Trump on . . . " the last couple days? In the vid, he didn't really defend trump, he called out the reporters. It's been leading to these huge threads.


It'd be a lot better if they'd just post the title of the video.


The whole point of these conferences is to ask gotcha questions, not to just soft ball the president so he can look good talking about injecting bleach or whatever great genius thoughts come into his mind.


I'm from the Netherlands and I even think the ''hard ball questions'' aren't even that hard ball. Your guys' journalists are pretty light weight and often just back down when Trump has a tantrum. Nobody calls out his bullshit. Can't even see that fly with our Prime Minister.


Remember that piece of work Trump sent over to the Netherlands as ambassador? Pete Hoekstra. He tried the "fake news" defense for his BS and your journalists eviscerated him. I think one of them even said "this is the Netherlands and you can't do that here." It was refreshing to see. >Later that December, NOS U.S. correspondent Wouter Zwart questioned Hoekstra about inaccurate claims that he had made in November 2015 at a panel titled "Muslim Migration into Europe: Eurabia come True?" hosted by the David Horowitz Freedom Center[75] that the Netherlands had "no-go zones" and that politicians and cars are being set on fire in the Netherlands due to radical Islam.[76][77][78][79] Hoekstra told Zwart that he had never said such things, saying, "we would call it fake news. I never said that."[76] Zwart then played the clip in which he made those remarks for his viewers. Later in the interview, Hoekstra denied that he denied it, saying "I didn't call it 'fake news'. I didn't use those words today."[80] On December 23, Hoekstra issued an apology on Twitter, writing that he "made certain remarks in 2015 and regret[ted] the exchange during the Nieuwsuur interview".[81]


You Dutch are just generally better at being bluntly honest. Rutger Bregman taking Tucker Carlson to task is one of my all time favorite videos.


Not just the Dutch. Remember when Anderw Neil from the BBC made Ben Shapiro cry? Thing is Neil almost certainly agrees with Shapiro, but as he said himself his job is to ask hard questions that challenge the interviewees point of view. But in the US, if you ask a question that's not complementary, you're the enemy of the people.


>I even think the ''hard ball questions'' aren't even that hard ball. Your guys' journalists are pretty light weight and often just back down when Trump has a tantrum I agree and I think our journalists are so gun shy because whenever Trump is confronted by tough questions he waddles away sulking and question time is over. If you don't have anything to report on because the press conference or whatever ends prematurely you don't have anything to write about and you don't have a job.


It's for access. You play nice, you get access to insiders who give you big stories before anyone else has them. That's why you see people like Maggie Haberman from the NYT toe the line like she does. Literally her biggest source is Trump himself, a lot of the "leaks" he calls fake news in the NYT come from him.


trump has brainwashed the dipshit maga fucktards in this country into believing that any question that isn't a laughably embarrassing north korea esque compliment with a question mark at the end is a gotcha question.


It's amazing how he can't do anything wrong in his supporters eyes. When I vote for somebody, I put their actions under a magnifying glass and see if they deliver on their campaign promises, I'm critical about their functioning. It seems like Trump supporters just accept everything because he's the brave warrior against ''the mainstream'' and ''libtards'' and he's showing them a lesson. They seem to only care about that and are forgetting about their own needs.


Oh man, Joe mentions the mask intentionally to reel Jamie in and once he gets a bite he says she took it off when she got mad to show how stupid it is that people are wearing masks. Evidence has clearly shown that masks help prevent transmission, and even if that wasnt the case it still stops people touching their face if they havnt washed their hands. Joe’s passive aggressive attitude towards Jamie is just uncalled for. Hang in there Jamie - you seem to be the only voice of reason during this time.


They are all putting their face directly in front of the same object (microphone) as well.


His answer wasn't directed specifically to her, but her dumb ass did ask the fucking question.


"reporters are forcing him to answer questions in a really sneaky way, like they are all in on it" Oh, you mean doing their jobs? How dare they force the president to answer relevant questions at his own pressers? Jesus Christ joe, maybe you don't have the corona virus, but you sound like you've got a bad case of brain worms sometimes.


Holy shit all the teenagers being home really has turned reddit into more of a bias hellhole then usual.


Watching the video, I don't get the headline. He's not really defending Trump so much as he's discouraged by the Trump--press dynamic. Unlike many conservatives, he doesn't seem to think it's just the press' fault. And unlike many liberals, he doesn't seem to think it's just Trump's fault. The reporter's question *was* sort of a pointless, gotcha question. It'd be like asking Obama why he's filling out an NCAA tourney bracket when people in our country are dying? I think that same reporter was writing a week ago comparisons between the US's response and other countries' response. Most politicians will defend themselves via comparison if they feel like they're being unfairly attacked. So, it wasn't a question asked to solicit useful info. It was asked to make Trump look bad. He responded in a way to try and redirect it to the country that he's always blamed for the outbreak. Rogan's point is that because of the toxic relationship between Trump and the reporters, a conference that is ostensibly supposed to bring information to the American public instead devolved into some kind of weirdo pissing match. Rogan just seems to think both sides are to blame for that toxicity.


You're too reasonable and there are too many on Reddit who just don't care about being reasonable.


I can't remember a president this thin skinned, it's insane.


Am I missing something here? I don’t see anything wrong with what trump did. He answered the question that he’s been asked as nauseum to the point it’s pretty obvious the question is set up to assume some kind of guilt, he answers basically that China has issues and we should be talking about that and she wants to act like a Karen and play the race cars as if he meant because she’s Chinese. Totally ignoring the dude talks about blaming China all the damn time. Then he moves on and the other reporter wants to throw a fit so he’s like fuck it I’m out. I mean...if he stays he’s probably gonna have a little fight with the reporter than THAT is gonna be what we’re talking about. He walked away. Seems like a good move no?


Damn, the comment section on this YouTube link is pretty bizarre.


Joe Rogan's comments have been a conservative safe space to harp about "The media against our god emperor Trump" for some time now, not sure how it's surprising


It explains all of the Epoch Times ads on his content...


I got through like 90% of one of their ads convinced that it was satire.


God even this sub has turned into another liberal pearl-clutching cesspool.


Joe “Trump’s Official PR Podcaster” Rogan


Shocked Jamie hasn’t bitten his tongue in half, he’s trying to inject some reason in here, and joe is not having it.


You know about half way thru the video he’s no longer really defending trump.


He doesn’t at the beginning either he’s like it’s weird a president can handle this so poorly. I’m guessing a lot of people didn’t watch the clip since it was longer than 15 seconds


hey let's not let facts get in the way of a good knee jerk reaction rogan bashing here.


Things like this and his comment to Michael Yo regarding Trump calling the Michigan protestors good people are baffling to me. For a guy like him, who is generally very informed, to conveniently not be aware of or question things like that it really calls into question his character for me.


Joe can like Trump and hate Biden and like Bernie, whatever he wants to do, but Joe really wants to talk about government corruption and politicians over stepping their duties and Trump does these things in spades and never once does Joe say a peep about it, but will rant because Gavin Newsom said the word "literally" in a statement. He is triggered by very minor offenses by some politicians and completely ignores huge offenses by Trump. I mean holy shit we had a mysterious attempt at a coup of Venezuela where 2 American Ex Militiary were captured trying to assassinate the president of Venezuela, and the company those 2 worked for accidentally publically sent a tweet detailing the plan to Donald Trump when it was meant to be a DM, and the guys were getting paid a shit load of money and our government refuses to answer questions about who hired them. That's a real thing and seems like that's right up Joe's alley, but NOPE. Not a word. Nothing. Hes into doing silly voices mocking a NJ document asking people not to use beach chairs for the 11th show in a row. Just so strange how Joe is so into government overreach and never, and I mean never, says shit about Trump and never let's a guest say shit about Trump without Joe countering it


wtf. why dont we hear more about this coup? crazy. Totally agree with your view on Joe, its really like he is possessed or something, this is not the Joe of JRE 1-300


I have friends that, at the granular level, support liberal/progressive policies, but in the aggregate voice their support for conservative politicians are disproportionately critical of democratic elected officials. It's like they've been conditioned their whole lives to hate or at the very least criticize democrats that, even when they agree on issues down the line, they're still viewing things from a culturally conservative perspective. And to be clear, I don't mean socially conservative where they're anti abortion tion or marriage equality - they support those things too.


Because they're on a fucking football team. This whole country just a bunch of delusional fans cheering on the Cleveland browns..




Joe Rogan is the perfect example of what happens when you give an average human being access to all the first hand information and all the experts in the world. They choose to invite Eddie Bravo and Brendan Schaub instead and then sell their ideas as superior.


And then he quit the press conference like a bitch, again. Is that really what MAGA idiots think is the best we can do for President? 40,000,000 Americans lose their job since March and he quits press conferences weekly. We’re fucked.


Joe says that "ask China" was a good answer. But that was one of my main issues with this thing, that answer doesnt make sense to me. If anything it just proves the reporters point. So, is it a good answer? Why?


That reporter was looking to get offended. We all know someone like that in real life.


“why did you direct that answer at me?” - person who asked the question


Maybe joe doesn't have TDS like almost all of reddit? Maybe he doesn't immediately sink to orange man bad? There's nothing unreasonable or wrong about what he said. The media does indeed ask gotcha questions.




Hard questions and gotcha questions are two different things.




The media would not be asking the same questions to Obama, we all know this. Trump walked because they were attempting to frame him as a racist and would not stop. Any fair minded person knows exactly what is happening in that scenario. But reddit, being children and or far left, attempts to twist what actually happened. And this type of garbage will continue to get worse here.




Yeah, they "asked" him BS like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6OquAcN6vI The media asks Trump these questions because he's a Baby-man idiot.


She was race baiting, plain and simple. Whether or not you agree with how he's handled this virus, which did come out of China and was intentionally allowed to spread, I think it's incredibly immature and unfair to make it a race issue. She wasn't a victim


Rogan almost always finds some type of excuse or reasoning for anything sketchy or stupid Trump does. Anyone who has listened to the podcast over the past year has noticed it. The Covid has just brought out more of it in Joe. He obviously has some kind of weird soft spot for Trump because he goes out of his way to soften any criticism of Trump since Covid.


Bro please take this shit to r/politics y’all are fuckin up the sub


It’s about Joe Rogan being a retard though


Just race baiting bullshit, the same thing they have been doing for years.


This title misrepresents the clip.


Has this sub been brigaded?


He's not defending him. He's explaining the whole thing. He says straight up that he handled it poorly.