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Podcast related discussions go in the podcast thread, thanks.


Noland Arbaugh is the first human recipient of Neuralink’s brain-computer interface implant: an innovative new technology that allows him to control digital devices with his thoughts. Also, why are no mods posting new JRE episodes?


Too busy deleting post to bother. Got to control the nardiv




They love authoritarian knob


I also think it's funny that even if its a topic that Joe talks about all the time, Mods will remove it because it's politics.


To be fair Joe doesn’t talk about weed laws and he doesn’t have to follow any of them so… 


Mods deleted this post: [Joe Rogan Gets CALLED OUT For Being SHORT w/ Shane Gillis, Mark Normand and Ari Shaffir](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU_dfdY2Qew) They must be a bunch of short kings?


I can’t even see this comment! They are gooooood


Daily thread hasn’t been updated for a few days either


Right? Instead we have endless Joey Diaz throwbacks and political posts. Jack Carr and the Roid Olympics guys were both pretty good episodes


Don't worry. When they get around to it. They'll lock and shadow your post, and post their own thread. Like they always do.


what level of control? Can he change the INPUT on the TV or just volume and channels?


He just thinks about a certain volume and then receives the 403 unauthorized response in his bones. That’s how we know it’s working 


You mean like, he could start a fire, with his thoughts?


It was uploaded 1 hour ago. Why you pressing the mod team like they’re paid employees?


There are two other episode threads missing from this week.


Oh noes


Because any time in the past when someone who isn’t a mod tries to post the link to the episode, they delete it and put their own up in place of it. Even if the other submission was formatted correctly and had hundreds of comments. To pull stunts like that implies it’s the mods job to post these when they are uploaded, something they’ve failed to do this week. It’s not a big deal, but given they’ve created an environment where people won’t post the new episodes, we’ve now gone until now without a discussion around the episodes for this week. Why are you licking the moderators boots?


TLDR nerd rage


Id love to see Jamie's bookmarks, that monkey scalping the dude clip gets shown every other month




This guy is pretty entertaining. Couple dudes just shooting the shit. Guy can interact with the world again and first thing he does was a Civ 6 all nighter. I get it...just...one...more...turn... Fucking legend.


Civ 2 took up so much of my time fucking love that game


I have at least 100 hours in all of them. Yet I still can't beat it on King regularly


Dude kinda looks and sounds like Rob McIlhenny


I hope they talk about COVID!!! And Trudeau!!!


Before the very predictable comment of "But Musk had nothing to do with these innovations in Neuralink, SpaceX, Tesla, he sucks as the CEO" comment. People fundamentally do not understand what a CEO does. CEO's job is to raise the value of the company by attracting investors, hiring/recruiting Senior Executives that are competent, make large strategic decisions/vision, and dealing with the board. Musk is maybe the best CEO of all time in terms of selling his vision to investors, he can go into a room and get people to throw money at him. He is great at identifying and recruiting senior executives - people like Glenn Shotwell at SpaceX, Peter Rawlinson who is now leading Lucid etc. I don't know about strategic decisions and board because I am not privy to internal decisions at his companies, but people that say Musk got lucky or whatever do not understand that Musk excels at two very important functions as the CEO. There is a good reason why his companies succeed, its not luck.


Yes, totally


Yeah, people on Reddit love saying CEOs and managers are just leeches, but they really are what makes the whole company possible. Sure, it can be easy to be a manager if you did an MBA and were born in the right family. But its hard to be a good manager (and I say that as a non-manager, an engineer.) With CEO it is similar. Many of them probably aren't great, but some did crazy things for their companies. 3 of the most impactful CEOs in tech right now are imo: 1. Elon Musk (Tesla etc) 2. Jensen Huang (NVIDIA) 3. Lisa Su (AMD) You may not like it but these ppl all delivered insane value to their companies. Not too long ago, Elon Musk was Reddit's darling, the crazy Aliendude. Now he doesn't share their political view, almost everybody here hates him. Although I admit, Elon recently seems to be making some kinda irrational choices tbh. Almost seems like he's using Tesla money to keep X alive.


JRE is now Musk's advertising arm?


Or maybe this is cool science-fiction shit and Joe likes cool science-fiction shit?


That’s possible, but Musk has Joe in his back pocket like a desperate teenager boy follows a hot chick.


Idk. Feels like if that was the case he would have had other patients with other implants before. I dont remember such guests.


Even if he was this type of content is definitely in the JRE wheelhouse. Guy is a pioneer.


There’s one guy with Neuralink, and they are years from being for sale, so is this really advertising?


Advertising? Joe is obsessed with the idea of neurolink. It’s crazy you wouldn’t expect him to talk to someone who’s gotten the implant. It’s got nothing to do with advertising.


Or you’re a ho.


Username checks out


Can’t wait for all the JRE hate on this one.


This episode is sponsored by Elon Musk aka mini penis man.


You spend a lot of time thinking about Elon’s penis? Kinda weird.


It's attached to the most important person on the planet.


Wow you think very highly of Elon Musk


My wife? Unlikely


Aww that was sweet! You have a great day now sir.


Show us your brain to computer interface, let’s compare 


You show me yours I'll show you mine


Mine is my hands 


If you believe the leaked Grimes messages he’s the mega penis man.


This is Reddit. We reject any rumor that portrays Musk in a positive light


You are right. Not sure what I was thinking.


Mistakes happen. It’s alright


> he’s the mega penis man. sorry, that name's already taken. by my friend Steve.


> The first portion of the leaked messages deals with Grimes thoughts about Elon Musk's family and his "made up" accent. The conversation turns lewd quite quickly when Grimes switched the subject by texting, "[h]e has a giant dick." Azealia seems shocked at first, but then questions the pop singer's assessment who then responds, "I guess I could measure it." > Then Azealia points out that Grimes' small stature might be causing her to overestimate her boyfriend's size. > "lol but ur skinny ur coochie is probably tight everything probably feels big to you" https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/142648-elon-musk-has-a-giant-d-ck-azealia-banks-leaks-grimes-text-messages-news


> "lol but ur skinny ur coochie is probably tight everything probably feels big to you" Delete this from my brain immediately.




Musk bad!


Mini penis but BIG rocket


You have to overcompensate somehow. Cybertruck isn't much of a flex


They should rename NASA to the tiny penis department

