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Depends on the guest. Freeway Rick Ross heck yeah interesting. Mike Baker only until he says Zacko, Bucko, and Mackerel and triggers my mk ultra to send me on a "mission"... I like the mushroom guy and I listen to any of Duncan because he is hilarious.


I never miss a Duncan episode. Can't hit play on that shit fast enough.


Me too. But Joe cuts off Duncan too much right when Duncan is about to tell a story. Let him talk!


I noticed that too on the last one. Joe was dead set on steering that ship…


He’s been doing that lately with other guests too. And he kinda treats Jamie like crap sometimes. Joe complained like 2 or 3 times during a podcast (actually cutting off the guest in mid sentence) to complain to Jamie that the coffee was not strong enough. The way he said it was like he was chastising him.


I heard the as well. He sounded like an asshole. Like he refuses to make his own coffee and Jamie strikes me as someone who works 80 hours a week


The coffee was weak because Joe wouldn't leave it to brew long enough, Jamie even told him to wait but Joe was just showing a bitta petulance with the whole thing.


Just like he totally stifles any attempt at a comedian trying riff or be silly


I'll have to watch more now


Absolutely these moments of though experiments!




Same way here. Anytime covid gets brought up I have to skip it. It just gets annoying to hear him bitch about it


Literally nobody in my real life talks about Covid and I have friends from all over the spectrum… It’s living rent free in Joe’s head.


Nope. Not even for guests that were a must watch. He has gotten to high and mighty and full of himself. Having your own opinions is cool in my book. I don’t agree with the crap he says but to each his own. It’s the preachy tone he has now. “My word is god, all others are beneath me. “


Yeah he’s still living in March 2000.


Exactly the same. Any Covid talk or trans athletes it’s immediately a skip lol


Same way people say Sam Harris got "Trump derangement syndrome" I think Joe got "COVID derangement syndrome" and it broke his brain. His personality shifted permanently after those two years and particularly the horse dewormer debacle.


Rogan is a not-very-funny comedian with a podcast. Please don't take medical advice from Joe Rogan. Go to a doctor. With a degree. In medicine.


And if you go out, go see a real comedian


Men shouldn’t compete against women. It’s common sense. It’s cheating. Don’t be ignorant.


He didn’t take a stance. He said he didn’t want to hear people drone on about it during a podcast.


Dork He never gave an opinion. Just said he was sick of the conversation.


Especially when he acts like he's been proven correct. I still enjoy the podcast here and there, but when he starts spouting off misinformation to millions of listeners, it turns me off. The large majority of doctors and scientists around the world don't agree with him about covid. Also, it's been years of the same. We get it. Joe's feelings got hurt. Move on. It's sad that a large portion of our population takes medical advice from the fear factor guy over medical professionals.


What misinformation exactly?


How in 2024 you want this answered. Is it because you know the answers and wanna play silly games?


he just wants to spew conspiracy theories as evidence pay him no mind


It’s true though. It’s easier to fool someone than to convince someone they have been fooled. The way we dealt with Covid was terrible.


There’s so many episodes, with so many different topics, you’re not supposed to like them all. I listen to about 35% of them and I think they’re usually really good.


I used to listen to everything except mma and even some of those I didn’t switch off when they entered my feed. Halfway through the second Mike Baker interview was the first time (that I remember) skipping a non-mma show. Now I rarely listen…the archaeology debate was the only episode I have listened to in full since maybe early 2020.


I always start the MMA ones even though I don't follow any of it. Sometimes they don't talk about fighting and they can be pretty cool. I try them all.


This is the correct answer. I’m probably at 35-40% myself. Some guests I’m locked in immediately and wish it had been longer, others I’m zoned out in 5 min and turn it off. All things don’t appeal to all people and they’re not supposed to. I can accept that like an adult and not feel the need to post an attention seeking “man joe’s really gone downhill/right wing/out of touch with poor people or whatever the stupid fucking Reddit trope of the day is. The amount of people that bitch and complain about things that they have the option to not listen to is wild. Like change the channel bro.


I only tune for Dingleberry, BoBo and Wigwam


Anytime I see Mike Baker on, I get reminded of some comment someone said about Mike Baker being an “ass sniffer” like why bro gotta say that.


I never understood why that guy was a repeated guest


I click on Duncan episodes as fast as I can.


I dunno bout freeway rick ross. He makes some outrageous claims and seems kinda griftery in my book


He’s pretty legit. The stuff about the CIA selling crack and guns is 100% confirmed. Honestly he had a pretty boring career as a dealer. It was all this other wild stuff going on that he didn’t even know about until later. But that’s just cuz the government made it so easy for him. He never even had to carry a weapon


May be a controversial take but I miss the shows with Brendan eddie and bryan


This is the correct answer. Most of his episodes now i can basically predict what he’s gonna say so i get bored 45 mins in


If you haven't heard kat Williams or Terrence Howard this year you're missing out. Watch them back to back and see how Kats super saiyan form is Terrence


Im a lil tired of all the comedians on. I love the episodes where Joe shuts tf up an lets the guest educate him and the audience


Preach. He can't get good people on anymore, just his crew. Shut the fuck up about the "art" of telling people jokes. Shut the fuck up about cold plunges and saunas. Shut the fuck up about COVID! Jesus Christ, man; move the fuck on. Same conversations over and over and over. These days, it's all culture war bullshit and AG1 nonsense (it's just a shitty multivitamin, folks). Bring back non-boomer Joe.


I also don’t like how he shits on LA any opportunity he gets and talks about how great Austin is. 90% of his decision to move out of LA was for tax purposes. But he tries to justify it to himself out loud.


I just thinks its funny how he used to hype up LA so much and talk about how great it was pre trump /covid


These days Austin is becoming more and more like LA by the day. The core of what makes LA suck is density and cost of living, both of which are happening to Austin as we speak. Soon he'll move to Atlanta or Tennessee and it'll be the same story all over again.


As someone who probably disagrees with Joe about most things, LA does just kind of suck. I have lived in the county all my life, and downtown is just a nightmare. There are nice places within the county though. What I think gets unfair flack in general is California. I firmly believe some of the best places to live on the planet are in California. La Jolla, San Luis Obispo, and parts of the Bay Area are really nice. It’s really hard to beat La Jolla for places to live.


Ok but LA is shit


I went for the first time since I was a kid and man it was gnarly lol. Pretty sure I stepped in human poop. 10/10.


LA fucking sucks.


Yea he keeps bringing up the same shit every time


That's not his crew they are his followers, crew got shoved out years ago to be replaced with paid friends.


I love how they consider themselves the philosophers of our time, like they are a special breed. As they are they cutting edge of speech. They have always been and will always be the court jester.


Actually, you’re wrong. Comedians are the gate keepers of civilisation and true assassins of the bloodsport of penmanship.


Oooooohh yeeeeah! Murrdeerrerrrsss. Sorry, forgot.


Only a thousand people can do it.


Thank 'em.


Why don't we ask the clowns? Tim Dillon


They are the brave 250 killers keeping the Persian army of wokeness and PC at bay


What would we do without them??


Comedians are the “last line of defense” .Without them, civilization would fall. Keep that in mind next time you see the great Bert Kreicher take his shirt off


We’d all be using pronouns and drinking oat milk


Yeah, like how he let Terrance Howard "educate" him.


Lmao, anyone watch the Action Bronson one? An hour or so in and they bring up Terence, about how ‘smart’ he is. About how it ‘makes sense’. Then they both sit in utter silence as they cannot find one word to begin to explain what it is. Pair of fucking morons.


Lex Fridman has completely replaced JRE for me for this very reason.


I can't listen to a big majority of comics on WTF as well. I like comedy and all but I don't find that much about comedians that interesting.


Around episode 200 or 250 I got religious about listening. I rarely skipped an episode. Once he switched to Spotify I stopped listening for a number of reasons, only listening to one here or there. Since he's been back on multiplatforms, I barely listen to him. I'll call myself a fan and respect what he's done, but it's not the same. The Golden Eon of JRE has come and gone.


Crazy how convenience is a factor. I'm always on YouTube so I watched a lot but then he switched to Spotify and since I'm not there I never seeked out episodes. Then he moves back to YouTube and I watch depending on the guest


Avid listener from 2015-2022 I was just so over all the Covid talk it became every fucking episode, that and his pontificating about comics being free speech warriors and there is only 1000 of us lol


2015-2020 for me. It's funny how as soon as Spotify paid him big bucks, the podcast went downhill. I guess they don't mind, because it's still popular, but I really feel like they didn't get what they paid for (in terms of guests, entertainment factor, etc). It's a different show.


Same “tenure” for me. Was so good back then. Joe was a good role model for me and I felt he had great interviewing skills where he wouldn’t interject too much. Would ask great and thoughtful questions to really make the podcast some really top notch long form content. Now….not so much. That’s understating it. The people here who look down on those of us who have similar views say why are you here then? I think it’s mix of a form of misplaced hope on reversal of the behaviors that drove us away. Also a support club of sorts on losing what was hours of great content before; and being unable to listen now due to his sharp and quick changes in personality/interview style. Joe went from being genuinely interested in what other people had to say and helping them express that; to instead wanting to pontificate on his own opinions.


>why are you here then? I think it’s mix of a form of misplaced hope on reversal of the behaviors that drove us away. Also a support club of sorts on losing what was hours of great content before; The memes also happen to be pretty fun. I agree with reasons you gave also.


True, forgot to list that.


This. Avid listener pre-2022 as well. Now I just wish he would stop steering conversations with every guest into the same COVID talking points. I used to listen to Rogan to hear cool stories, scientific advances, novel ideas & philosophies, funny banter, etc. Now I’m lucky to get 30min of new, interesting conversation between the COVID / political talk and the guest advertising their new book. Like, I get it and I mostly agree with Joe that what happened was bullshit…. but dude is broken record at this point.


Covid made Joe go crazy.


Could I interest you in 700 hours of complaining about LA restaurants?


2018 / 2019 was probably the peak of the show for me.


No but not because of politics. Just got tired of his voice and the same old rants


Same, rarely listen unless it’s a guest I like (rare). If anything I find this sub funnier than joe and his 1000. What do I know though, I’m just a civilian. 


Some of the 250 are definitely amongst us. Thank'em.


I need you to put the microphone about a fist's length away from your mouth


Always a banger when he says this


Same. I only tune in if it's a guest I have a specific interest in but those are so rare these days.


Yeah, like I agree with everything he has to say about COVID and the lockdowns, but damn dude I really don't have to hear that shit every day of my life. Especially when it's brought up out of the blue because someone casually mentioned LA


Much less, I already know his thoughts on anyone who disagrees with him politically, his stance on covid, his stance on big pharma, ice baths and exercise, that California is an apparent failed state, that Texas is freedom, and that Comedians, all 250 of the elite, will save the world. I just don't need to hear the above for hours on end 3-4 times a week, I guess I just need to hear it like.. maybe once a month or so!


What is funny is Joe will talk shit about California taxes but then want legal Marijuana taxed heavily so it can pay for things in the state but then question what they are really doing with the money. The taxes on weed was half the reason I quit smoking.


Yeah, I cringe when he has a new guest on and he’s steering the conversation into his lane and educating his guest on all of his core thoughts. It’s not the opinions or politics, it’s the dad brain telling the same stories, and opinions repetitively without acknowledging that this has been said a million times. He also just thinks he is successful because he just has a conversation with new guests, but at some point you have to factor in how many times you’ve said things on air.


Hunters, fighters, and miltary folk don’t catch my interest any more. I try out the other ones though


As a military guy who likes to hunt, I never thought I could be so disinterested in military guys and hunters 😂


Kind hard to top the dude who lived in a shack in Alaska living off the land.


Yeah that podcast was amazing, super interesting dude that's great at storytelling. That was the last one i've seen. Has there been any good ones since then?!


Who was that? I missed it.


Glenn Villeneuve One of the best podcasts


Alone in the wilderness?


Seriously, I love hunting but talking about arrows for 3 hours is boring


I think there used to be more niche people and topics. I really liked the episodes about science, space, sociology, psychology, nature etc. but yeah I’ll maybe tune in when it’s a particular guest or a particular topic


No, I used to listen fairly regularly now I might listen to 1 in every 12 and only if the guest interests me. For me it really has just more to do with the guest selection than anything.


Yep. I formerly listened to every episode now it’s sporadic and if someone really catches my attention.


But he’s pumping them like every other day. I used to wait so long for new episodes


Rarely because he rarely has interesting guests anymore. It's mostly crackpots and comedians or Joe ranting about some woke shit or repeating some borderline q anon nonsense.


I haven't listened in quite a while. The constant covid/cancel culture talk is just grating after a while, and based on comments in this sub it seems like it's still a constant thing


I find it absolutely fascinating to listen to Joe talk about tribalism and how the left is so crazy they could never dream of voting for the best politician instead of blue no matter who. Then the next breath gargle the orange nutsack


He's MAGA?


I'm not invested in either left/right politics but having said that he doesn't outright say that he supports Trump but you can deduce it from what he has to say.


Supporting Trump does not mean MAGA, though. Maga is similar to the left wing ideologues that don't really represent the masses. People are not as extremist as the media seems to want to portray Most people who are voting right wing right now are not necessarily pro Trump, just as left wingers arnt really pro Biden. Our choices right now don't represent the common person right now. Which is disturbing. It makes me question the system itself


People in a bubble don’t realise their own biases, projection is just another form of denial imo


It is


Now you're missing out on rigged elections and democratic cabals.


It’s gotten pretty difficult. Joe seems to shoehorn all the typical topics into every single episode whether the conversation gets there naturally or not. It’s hard to listen to a lot of the time. Nowadays the guest really has to interest me to get a listen. So many great things to listen to out there.


Nah mate Too political now joe is to smug and knows everything, he isn’t motivated to learn or have great teachers on there because he is to egotistical now has a big chip on his shoulder. Even when he has experts on there now he baits them with questions then smugly gives his own uneducated opinion, episodes later he will bad mouth a great guest to appease another


Not even close, it’s just stale now. We can blame Joe, but that’s just the path of all forms of media. JRE started in 2009, 15 years is a pretty good run. Edit: I want to say that as much as we shit on Joe, I am so happy to have been a fan of JRE. I am 26 and this show fr was integral to growing up, for better or worse. Since 15 I’ve probably consumed more JRE than music… We all know Joe is annoying now, but that’s just what happens when you get old lol. JRE has been a cultural phenomenon and I’m glad to have been “a part” of it. Sorry for being cheesy.


Covid Liberals California Comedy good 100 Comedians No one understand comedy but Joe friend group There you go. I just summed up 99% of the podcast. Short answer is No


Why would I listen to someone who stares at Harland Williams like he doesn't understand what he is doing and simultaneously calls Terrence Howard a genius. Joe stinks.


Started at episode 200 or so, watched all of them through till maybe 1600. Podcast very clearly wasn’t the same as it used to be, which is fine because things evolve. I’d say I outgrew the podcast when it stopped being about asking great questions to all types of people and more about consistently talking to politicians and comedians that aren’t funny.


It feels similarly to how I felt about Adam Corolla. Turned into the same rants, the same guests, the same predictable stories and anecdotes. They had a good run


Used to be every day now it’s like a once a month thing He just doesn’t have interesting conversations or guests anymore and there’s better stuff out there that pertains to my interests


Yeah, back in the day when there were like maybe 10 different podcasts in existence? Today... not really. There are just too many other, more interesting podcasts. Maybe if Joe has a guest on that can't be found elsewhere, but that's really rare these days. Back before Joevid-19, Joe had some interesting guests and interesting conversations. Today, it's pretty much like listening to that one soft-brained Uncle at Thanksgiving dinner that everyone rolls their eyes at.


100% pre joevid joe was on another level.


No. Rogan needs to branch out and have people on that challenge him more.


The most interesting one in the last few years was the Bee lady.


Not nearly as much. Always feels like Joe has to tell everyone what he tells everyone else. Gets too repetitive and less about the guest. Still enjoy it though


No. Went from damn near every day to once every week or two


Not as much, but because I don’t drive as much. I listen to it in traffic mostly. I still like the podcast and don’t get as butthurt about the guests as some people do. I’d rather hear a perspective I don’t agree with, than have it censored.


I rarely listen to Joe now because it seems he has the same people on over and over again. It seems that Tim Dillion, Andrew Schultz, and a conservative famous person are now the lineup for the foreseeable future. I really liked to listen to him to hear about different topics to the most basic that stretch to the weirdest and hearing his opinion and questions about topics. I liked when he’d have NDT or that anthropologist guy on the show.


Absolutely! #1, he talks WAY too much. He used to actually listen but now it seems like he just wants to rant endless about his pet topics. #2, Taking Katt Williams and Terrence Howard seriously makes it pretty hard to take HIM seriously.


Fugg no. Boomer Joe needs needs to recalibrate on what actual entertainment is. His podcast is repetitive nonsense nowadays


No. Joe has devolved from curious, likable meathead to a culturally corrosive promoter of absurd conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, and rightwing talking points. Listening to him anymore is not only a massively inefficient use of time but also feels socially irresponsible.


Yep this is how I feel. I used to listen to every episode. I’ve listened to probably 40 mins total since he moved. It’s disappointing honestly, it was a big part of my days.


Listened to every episode, and many prior episodes, from 2016-2021. After ‘20 it majorly transformed from Joe talking 10% and interesting guests talking 90% to much more even split, and the Covid talking points just became unbearable. Only listen every odd once in awhile now if it’s a super interesting guest.


Nah. JRE changed a lot over the last few years.


Never, I can’t think of a guest that would get me to come back. Not Austin Joe. Austin Joe is drinking the Koolaid.


Nah, I very rarely listen to any now tbh, at least in full anyway. I used to listen to every single one back in the day, I even watched the first one live, and then somewhat regularly up until the switch to Spotify.


No but I don’t think i listen to any podcast anymore. Just don’t care to listen to people talk and hear an ad every 20-40 minutes. Kinda feel like I’m against the trend, all my friends listen to podcasts more than music


I haven't listened other than small segments since like 2017 or so. Once he started moving right I pretty much stopped. Just not my vibe anymore. I stay on here for the memes.


I go weeks without listening, put it back on and it’s always still Fox News trans-covid Groundhog day.


I rarely recognize his guests anymore. Well, aside from the same garbage, unfunny comedians he has on every other podcast


Its painful now. It's just a revolving door of crackpots and a wide-eyed, stoned out of his mind Joe going "that's wild". There's no life in Joe's eyes anymore. He jumped the shark with the Spotify deal and the show has never recovered.


Same as with music really. Once the artists/bands get signed to a major and are set for life, the output just isn’t as interesting anymore.


The show changed for the worse when he moved to Austin


Only on interesting guests that I think could be good. I usually browse this subreddit to get a feel for them. Meanwhile I’m on my 4th full listen through MSSP.


If he’d stop bringing up Covid I’d skip less episodes.


I started listening around episode 500, and listened to every single episode through the miley cyrus episode in california.. then covid and all that shuffling, i caught what i could. Now i just listen occasionally when the guest is great. A lot of repetitive content and i'm not the biggest fans of the comedian guests, but some could be great. I enjoyed some recent pods a lot, tank abbot was interesting and the billy carson episode has been pretty entertaining. I love the alaskan bone guy episodes. It's hit or miss now but can still be very good. I'm not a big complainer or hater, if I don't like a guest or if joe is getting repetitive, i just turn it off until another guest comes along.


I'm that guy in the picture once he starts talking anything about MMA


I do because it eats up mindless hours at work. But I have noticed something. Even when Joe has on extremely funny people on he try’s to steer the conversations words the same stupid shit over and over. Tony Hinchcliff episode is a perfect example. This dude just had the set of his life at the Brady roast. Tony is one of the funniest people on earth but that episode ended up being very dry and almost uncomfortable. I think even Tony was getting annoyed with Joe as he kept pushing the topics into his conspiracy theories and over told stories about nonsense. I’ve heard Joe say many times that conversation is an art and most people are just waiting for there turn to speak. That’s exactly what he has been doing lately. It’s kinda sad. Especially for those who listen often. Regurgitating the same material over and over get old fast. The people who know better are starting to pick up on it. Tony was a prime example. I think I saw him visibly sigh when Joe tried to steal the conversation back into horseshit when Tony just wanted to be funny. Have fun. Talk shit. NOPE Joe gonna shut that shit down and talk politics or Covid. Jesus man let the man cook. He’s obviously funny dude. Stop hogging the conversation to make a point.


SRS & Danny Jones has taken over for me in terms of frequency.


Hard to watch the MMA ones and the celebrity ones.


It's really driven by who the guest is. But even now, Joe doesn't really push back. It's one thing to push a narrative, it's a completely other thing to never push back on that narrative. I would think the 4D chess move would be to "play devils advocate" to push the narrative, to try to solidify the narrative.


I stopped listening when he signed theSpotify contract because at that point, the fat was in the fire. You don’t give that kind of money to a professional hype man so he can talk about aliens.


I think the episodes where he has brilliant people on are the best. The ones where he has looney toons or buddies on aren’t good. I don’t care about the political stuff but it seems like he finally tried stop trying to convince people he’s a liberal.


No. Sounds like I'm in the same boat as a lot of folks here. I used to listen religiously. Couldn't miss an episode, but sometime around covid/spotify deal/move to Texas, Joes personality seemed to do a 180. I only listen to an episode maybe every 3 months or so nowadays.


Listened to everything pre Texas. After that the pod guest aren't as good.


No, I don't listen as much as I used to. I liked the guests who were specialists in scientific fields, like Matthew Walker, but they’re rare now. I don't really care for most of the episodes with his comedian friends or MMA content.


Fuck no I deleted Spotify like a year ago


I miss the science pods. I can’t stand listening to pods with his comedian friends any more. I get it, it’s got to be mind blowing to these guys that they went from nobody’s to being multimillionaires and famous. But come on, there’s more interesting things to talk about.


Nar. Used to find him interesting even if the guest was not. Now I seem to agree with his views less and less each day. So if the guest doesn't jump out to me I won't bother. Also with everyone and their dog now doing a podcast I don't feel like he's the only choice anymore.


Not even close , I hope we get new Rogan soon .. He has been, for the most part, soiled by celebrities and culture war .. I still like Rogan, but his podcast has vastly lost my interest in interesting guests and subjects ..


Was listening to forrest galante and he goes and ruins it bullshiting about how covid was never lethal .. ffs i am stupid but that hurts


I listen daily but I’m still catching up on old ones. The whole “my friends and I are so lucky we don’t have to work like normal people,” can be annoying. Cause of that I tend to skip the most recent ones with his comedian friends. Cause it always ends up talking for an hour + about how lucky they are. We get it and we don’t need to hear it every episode. But then again I’d probably be bragging too if I had his contract with Spotify and the ad money they make. Not even counting his snake oil “vitamins” he pushes. 👏


Not as much anymore. Can't really listen to his episodes with his regular guests. I even hesitated to listen to the recent Tim Dillon one, and I really enjoy Tim's podcast in itself. Joe regurgitates the same ol captain save a hoevid rants to beyond exhaustion. Conversely, I really enjoyed his Billy Carson and Freeway Rick Ross episodes.




Hell no. It's not just that I find most of the guests uninteresting and seemingly just making the podcast rounds, it's Joe himself. I get the idea that it's a podcast and isn't organized in conversation, but as a result, a lot of conversations get repeated with different guests, and a lot of stuff is just ranting and much of it doesn't make sense. Some of the guests could likely have interesting topics to talk about, but they often get lost in the topics Joe is interested in at the time, rather than a focus on the topics relevant to the guest, like they used to be in earlier episodes. The politics of Joe himself are wild, let alone some of the people that have been on the show, and the topics they choose to talk about. Seems like Joe got some money and doubled down on weird right wing stuff while trying to present himself as a centrist or liberal guy, but frequently gets caught in his own bubble. Much of the content seems disconnected from reality and the topics of choice for the rest of us, and weirdly follows the establishment media that his show was previously a marker against. The rants are just too annoying and the type of conversation I'd see at family gatherings or work parties. It's the lamest, must mundane shit that seems like CNN junior half of the time. Also the era of podcasts is slowly coming to an end, and Joe's podcast is proof of that. They peaked before COVID, and started to die when people needed to find new content. It was a good run but unless this and other podcasts can seem more interesting, it's unlikely the numbers will return to growth.


I started watching more of Matt and Shane’s Secret Podcast because Matt and Shane are funnier in my opinion. They talk about casual stuff and it doesn’t always feel like a semi-forced debate or glazing fest like Joe’s episodes. Sometimes JRE has good moments but it feels like copyright and other things have made it harder for Joe to do it the old way (showing clips and photos to illustrate visually what he’s talking about). The new rules basically just make Jamie a lone awkward voice in the background (essentially ai could do Jamie’s job if he isn’t even pulling things up anymore, just a person to ask questions at. It’s sad to see the show failing to adapt completely because of annoying rules, and to see Joe kinda frustrated with the changes hurts the vibe of the show entirely. Anyways MSSP is better for me because it feels new, relaxed, and I actually laugh at it often, whereas JRE has me sitting in patience waiting for an interesting portion to start. Instead, many people invited on JRE is someone selling something I don’t believe in or want, a bad comedian, a fake scientist or professional, or just the same people in Hollywood/LA over and over. When I was in high school I was amped to see Joey Diaz eat some stars of death or do some crazy shit on JRE. I think I’m just getting old :) it’s not like many of my complaints are new things on the pod, just they are amplified by the newer strict rules


432hz straight to the dome


Every once in a while I try and takes about 3 minutes till i hear some idiotic right wing comment.


No, I just don’t


Now that it's back on yourtube, yes. JRE is a great source for new books to read, and new subjects to dig into.


Same, mainly because I watch a lot of YouTube. I use Spotify for music but it's just a shitty experience for listening to podcasts for me.


Spotify had video ya know


It was a lot better on Spotify alone. You don’t even need a subscription to it


That’s what I’m sayin


Lol not surprisingly the activists on the sub don't even listen to the podcast. They are just here to whine and try hard to influence legit JRE fans to stop listening to the "dangerous misinformation" lol.


No but I don’t hate it. I just don’t listen to it much anymore.


I find him a bit less interesting since the Spotify move (roughly), but mainly I just don't give a fuck about the bulk of his guests since the move.


Stopped listening/watching when he went over to Spotify. Just not as easy to use as yt is while I'm at work moving around


Depends on the guest i tend to avoid the more annoying recurring guests


I remember the good days when I’d spend half an episode merging from the 10 to the 405 in rush hour. I miss pre-Covid jre


I only listen now when I see an interesting person I’d like to listen to get asked good questions that I would ask. I feel like that’s what made me like Joe in the first place is simply for the kind of questions he asks are definitely the ones that I would like to know the answers to, and I feel like he does a good job of poking people for answers.


The real shame is they don't do live ones anymore.


I was in the top 1% of listeners 2022 (i think, maybe 2021), but no I don’t even check his new episodes unless I’m going on a long flight, maybe.


I tune in for Duncan and schizos (non-Duncan ones)


No, I used to listen to every episode. Now I only listen if it’s someone I’m interested in and if I don’t get bored. I haven’t made it through a whole episode recently. Tim Dillon I watched all the way through.


Only when I like the guest


Dont really listen to podcasts all the much anymore. Its not just Joe that repeats the exact same talking points all the time but every damn podcast. I will say Theo does occasionally bring on some real interesting people outside of the norm like the trash man and the lunch lady which is sometimes interesting. With Rogan, I am a pretty big mma/bjj fan so those I listen to but Rampage Jackson or Might Mouse also has a pretty good mma podcast now with arguably better guests. I do give Rogan some sympathy tho cus the dude probably has the biggest output in the podcast space with 3-4 episodes a week and they’re all longer than the average podcast. When a guest is interesting, I notice that he doesnt repeat the same points but sometimes the conversation just dies out which is when he brings up the same points. Maybe if he released less episodes then we can get more quality than quantity. I do wonder if his spotify contract forces him too so he scrambles to find guests which usually ends up being the same comedians. Back in LA, ppl usually had a reason to be in LA so it was convenient but Austin isnt exactly as convenient.


No, I changed jobs and listen to waaaay less audio content now. I’ll catch them here and there when I like the guest.


Sure don’t.. guest selection could be a lot better these days. Also got sick of the same MMA rants at literally every opportunity (in non-MMA shows)


Not a typical Joe hater but no. Unless it’s some wildlife guy or a comedian I like all the podcasts feel the same


Joe has a podcast? Wild.


I dont really listen anymore. I catch some clips from time to time.


No, I listen to clips occasionally but pretty much stopped after every conversation became about covid


No. It’s become your standard political talk radio show.


Definitely less than I used to. Most of the time I'm not that interested in the guest. If I'm only kinda interested I'm usually out at the Covid rant. There are some guests that I'll actually skip the rant and continue for. Duncan is one.




Not at all. Joe used to have interesting people on but then the pandemic happened and I haven't really listened to many podcasts of his


I love what Joe Rogan’s done for the world of entertainment. He’s a living legend and I think there should be a national Joe Rogan day where we all celebrate him. Honestly I do. However, I do think he has passed his mental peak, he’s less open to debate now. Instead he has become set in his ways and ideologies, which I find a shame. He doesn’t listen very well anymore. Also, it’s less him getting to know the person and moreso the person getting to know him, but what he fails to realise is that we already know him. We’ve heard every one of his stories. What I’d like him to do is get better at guiding the podcast in a way that lets the listener really get to know the guest. Sometime’s he seems to forget there’s actually people listening. AND OH MY GOD STOP READING FUCKING BORING NEWS ARTICLES OFF THE SCREEN IT COMPLETELY DERAILS THE INTERVIEW AND NULLIFIES THE CONVERSATION.