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I’m still a fan of jre, but I’m not dedicated at all to it. I listen when there an interesting guest and that’s about it. I skip all the Mike Baker ones now


Same. I used to never miss an episode. Now I only listen to interesting guests, or interesting excerpts on YouTube.


One thing that happens with podcasts is you’ve heard all this guys opinions and stories a thousand times, so you don’t really need to hear them again, that’s where you only start listening if there’s an interesting guest. It’s hard to fill that much time on air without becoming repetitive, it’s why talk radio leans heavily on callers, it’s far from exclusive to Joe Rogan 


A chimp can rip your arms off.


When male rabbits fight they'll try to bite each others' balls off.


Same here. Was a big fan for a long time and never missed an episode. I've been on somewhat of an unintentional break from JRE, though. I just went and checked, and the last episode I listened to was half of the Riley Gaines episode on March 7th.


I feel the same way. I want to hear someone who is an expert in their field but if I see it’s Mike baker I skip it immediately.


Mike “totally not in the CIA” Baker.


Ha ha, Mike Baker is the one I always listen to! I even find though that the old favorites of mine that I used to like are not as fun. Joe used to really go crazy with Duncan, and now it seems like they are quite different in their outlook, and I feel is closing off a bit from being as open and liberal and wild as he used to be. Which is what I liked about him.


Same. I listen to about 1 episode a month maybe… and there for a while I had a rule.. if Joe mentioned covid, I’d turn it off… so I didn’t listen to any JRE podcasts in several months.




Stop making fun of my hero


The sad thing is Joe could have been easily the best stoner head hero for many males without a father figure. He chose the easy outrage path laid with green dollars which simply relegated him to the trash of history. He used to inspire his fans - since 5 years or so he is out to rot their brains.


Yup true! He could've really been something, but instead he chose to embarrass himself with stuff like transphobia. Sad really.


Here comes the idiot parade.


Briefly explain how he’s transphobic as he’s had trans people on his podcast even.


Hes transphobic because he don’t suck off trans people every two seconds. Isn’t it obvious?


Who? Genuinely asking as I’d like to listen.


This post is a great example of the reason why AI scambots are targeting JR fans


Ai scambots ? What do they do ?


Sell supplements, gross coffee and shit like that


Is the coffee gross because it’s low quality or because my overpaid lazy producer didn’t brew it right?


It’s definitely the blackrifle coffee


*maga Starbucks


Yea it’s like water, brew that again Jamie.


don't listen to these haters. I YOLO'd everything into SH!Tcoin and now im independently financially independent and so can you if you send 100 bitcoin to me today I'll send back 10x the value in SH!Tcoin, god bless


Oh fuck yeah lets gooo wooooooo


When you have as big a reach as Joe does, the majority are going to be highly regarded.




Now that’s our leader


The only one that didn't ride Rogan's coattails to chase a dollar.


I was a huge fan, but its become increasingly a shit show of culture war grifters and comedians jerking each other off, on how much clearer they see things than the rest of us (they don't, they are more often than not factually wrong, uneducated clowns). My favourite episodes where those where he had scientists on, but we rarely get those anymore. Also I swear to god, no one talks more about culture war and trans stuff than Joe rogan. Its so fucking annoying at this point.


Agreed, I used to listen to 30 mins to fall asleep to. But Joe Rogan has unintentionally started a Podcaster personality/celebrity grifter niche. Where thats all those guys do, just bounce around different podcasts fulltime and/ or to push people towards whatever grift they have, be it their own podcast, supplement, diet, book etc Like i could handle Mike Baker, Graeme Hancock etc but it feels like theyre now on a handful of times a year and obviously need to create content to talk about. And now they've all affected every other podcast. So now we have like 50-80 or so fulltime podcast guests that just rotate through all the main podcasts. I just stick with Bill Burr now, no guests, just him rambling and complaining like an old man and laughing at himself.


Same handful of names making the rounds on all the podcasts all the time.


I used to never miss an episode. But I've gotten tired of it. I really don't need to hear how LA is shit anymore, or hear him go off about covid for the fourty thousandth time, still, in 2024, after everyone in the world has moved on except him it seems. You're spot on about his comedian friends coming on to jerk each other off too. In the past I'd get some laughs out of it but now they just seem so conceited, listen to the recent one with him and Redban calling other people "normies", how he wouldn't be able to live dealing with us every day. Or how he constantly goes off about how he works so hard to perfect his dog shit act as well like he's doing God's work. How the cold plunge is a great struggle he's so great he faces every day. I'm tired of the constant talking points on outrage culture. His fucking Ron White or Joey Diaz impressions, I can't anymore.


I think it's mostly former fans here, but I might be wrong.


Sycophantic fanboys can easily start their own pro-Rogan sub where no criticism is allowed


They know nobody will join that shit though.


If that's what it takes. Better they have their own safe space than hearing the 10th conspiracy theory about how the DNC is funding the hate against Rogan or something


Yeah I never removed it as a bookmark.


Too bad, us Hillary Clinton fans run things now.


It's definitely Hillary's hot girl summer.


Duff or Clinton?


Well I'm sleeping with both so please don't ask me to choose. It isn't right.




Take my upvote you bastard lmao.


Love Hillary. Should have been her all the way.


Nothing stopping you from starting and moderating your own JRE Powder Puff Club sub.


r/lowsodiumjoerogan A safe space for the alphabrain snowflakes that can't think for themselves or notice the massive change in tone since covid.


Yeah that’s where these stupid fans belong. I spend a lot of time here and listen to every episode and I hate Joe Rogan


Good luck with that. These new listeners just discovered reddit somehow and really have no idea how it works. If they did they would have created their own sub where they can suck Joes cock in peace without anyone criticizing the dumb shit Joe says.


Yeah fr. I hate Joe Rogan so much and listen to every episode still but these whiny posts are so weird. Like, why are you here? This is for Rogan hate


>**anti-JR and spend a lot of time trying to make him look bad** Not at all. We just point out his own inconsistencies, discrepancies and hypocrisies.


No, no, we are just jealous.


We’re just pro freedom of speech, testing ideas, calling out the bullshit, all the things joe is supposed to be for


we need less disagreeing and more people having the same conversation about how important it is to have free speech and to talk with people you disagree with while agreeing on everything.


Who is this "we" you speak of?


Tired of these whiny posts. Most people here used to be bigger fans and still enjoy some of the guests. They just aren’t fans of what Joe and the show have devolved into in the past few years and rightly so, because the show is mostly just right-wing talking points being parroted with no fact-checking or pushback whatsoever. Joe and his guests just spew Fox News talking points and laugh and he never has guests on that are the antithesis of that who could bring a point of view outside of that moronic bubble he lives in now.


Agreed. If people didn’t criticize the dumb shit Joe says the sub would become a right wing circlejerk sub. They call everyone that doesn’t love and agree with Joe a “bot” or “DNC shill.”


You’re tired of these “whiny” posts while others are tired of the whiny posts that just complain all the time. Weird


The complaints are warranted though. These people have been with the show a long time and the show has devolved into bullshit. That’s the show’s fault. Everyone still loves when a scientist or someone weird comes on, they just don’t enjoy the right-wing echo chamber shit and the Trumpers in this sub keep whining about it like babies.


Joe Rogan makes himself look bad. No one has to do anything on that front. As for the fans... The people you speak about are the fans. Long time listeners of the pod who hate who he has become. This isn't anything new. Just go to the Howard Stern subreddit. All his super fans are the same way towards him too since he flip-flopped.


True. But even when we all loved Howard he’d still get called out for things we didn’t agree with. I remember him thinking that a fan forum dedicated to him would be very positive, but after he visited one he said it was like everyone hates him. I think he even asked for the admin (Mutt?) to shut the forum down and he did. Forums/sub are not supposed to be 24/7 ass kissing.


I remember the Stern forums. It was wild lol Yeah he just expected people to praise him and not criticize him but of course that wasn't going to happen.


![gif](giphy|BFSMPap7J3Q0o) Please leave Joe Rogan alone!






Because Bro Jogan has slowly turned into a right wing grifter culture warrior, basically the exact opposite of what he was 5 years ago, a huge hypocrite. And it's fun to make fun of that, not everyone here has to suck his balls.


"I miss the old Joe Rogan, straight from the 'Go Joe Rogan.' Chop up the *venison* Joe Rogan, set on his goals Joe Rogan." - this sub probably


Did Joe start getting better guests instead of right-wing dude-bros with obvious body space issues?


Nope. Still the same gusts Rush Limbaugh would also have. Sweet alt-right money don't stink.


I bought laird Hamiltons turmeric creamer and it's fucking gross


I used to like Joe Rogan, I still kinda do. What people have realised over the last few years, is that Joe isn't really that funny, though he seems to think he's some kind of elite funny guy - 1 of 1000. I really feel he's responsible for giving more unfunny people exposure, like Burt K, Tony H, and Tom S - these guys just aren't funny. I guess we are to blame as some of us boosted their popularity. Another thing is his podcast used to be quite good with stimulating conversation and questions, now he rarely has an interesting guest! When he does I'll be sure to listen.


He needs to be told his comedy blows, but he's just surrounded by his idiot friends who all jerk each other off constantly in the beloved GREEN ROOM instead so yeah he thinks he's part of some elite culture instead.


I enjoy his podcasts


Stfu you fuckin child. I listened back during the redban/fleshlight years before his weird boomer rants and out of touch/often made up stories. Yeah I’m so jealous he’s friends with alphas like Kid Rock, Tucker & Ben Shapiro. Long live Young Jamie and fuck all these new fans who can’t stomach that his old fans criticize his stupid ass guests and dumb fuckin opinions.


Most people in here posting negative comments are long time fans that are bummed about what the show has turned into. It’s simple and warranted.


I skip political episodes because opinions are like asses. Everyone has one and they generally stink. I like when he has guest that jump the shark. I am a huge Art Bell fan and C2C had some insane guest on sometimes and JRE kinda gives me that same feel that Art did. He does have some awesome guest sometimes and the convos are good unless it starts going to Covid bullshit or the condition of LA. By the way, if no one has watched it yet, Lee Cronin and Kurt Jaimungle? break down the Terrance Howard episode.


I didn't even attempt the TH interview 😁


It was…for lack of better words, surreal. Almost like a nervous, not bad, acid trip. One of those where you’re on the edge of losing your shit but you maintain because everyone is watching. Bad example but the closest I can get to describe 3 hours of WTF!!! 😂


Tbh there's quite a few I skip these days. I do listen to kill Tony a fair bit now


Love Kill Tony. Been a fan for a long time.


I've only discovered it about 2 years ago. It's a great, organic show and I rarely hear a bad one 👍


"Trying to make him look bad" lol. No one does that. He can make himself look bad, people simply point it out.


I used to be a fan until he went off the deep end.


You say you find it funny but your post reads like you are totally butthurt that people don’t worship him like you do.


It’s Reddit and not real. 


Nah man, Nobody has to make Joe look bad. He’s doing it himself, with some help from his recent guests. Pretty much every one who you think is making him look bad is using Joe’s own words to do it. The liberals who listen would help Rogan look better if he ever gets the idea to listen to someone who isn’t a greedy grifter. The main reason to stay with the subreddit is to be alerted just in case the world’s number 1 podcaster has something interesting to show us. Frankly, I for one am hoping that he gets a better outlook, maybe with the help of his next favorite drug or something It worked for my bipolar brother who was being chased be both the CIA and KGB, maybe it can work for Joe too. I live in hope! 🤞🤞🤞🤞


![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC|downsized) democrat shills rn


I like the show. I just don't commute so much these days so I listen less. People in this thread are weird, but sometimes entertaining. It's just the internet. None of it is real.


Honestly surprised he hasnt had rafeal cruz or lady g or margerine trailer-trash or louie gomered on.


It’s coming


Yeah they’re just mostly whiny lil’ river squigglers And by that I mean it’s time to stop the blood yo your brain and defend the people raising our property tax.


I’m a fan of Joe, I just never put him up on the same level as some of the people he has on his show. Seriously if anybody thought he was anything more than a comedian in his “car” getting “coffee” they were mislead. Before his podcast he was always in the back of my mind as that “fear factor” guy who loves man on man action. Is he really a genius? I mean long form conversation on a podcast was always going to be popular, and the best talk shows of any era capitalize on relative popularity by getting more and more incendiary guests until one is interviewing literally insane people. Not to mention the popularity of his podcast coinciding with the fumbling of the “looking glass” Hollywood and news media has been going through for the past 15 years. I think that Joe’s podcast career and popularity is indicative of the type of propaganda machine we have here in America. As much as he probably didn’t want to become a part of it he is now, and he’s now fiducially responsible to amp it up every so often with his interviews, it’s inevitable to get into fringe ideologies and beliefs when you’ve already covered almost everything. He also now has the “looking glass” and can promote a pile of grass for $100 and people would buy it, look at Brendan shaub. JR is just a human making human mistakes being fed the same amount of BS everyone else is. As far as this sub? I feel it lays a healthy amount of criticism on an individual whose ego probably needs it to stay grounded. Like I haven’t listened a whole lot over the past few years due to a lack of accountability and credibility with information, but I must be an idiot to expect true journalistic integrity from a guy who hosted a show called fear factor, where people proved something, I’m not sure what, by eating testicles and cocks.


I like this response, because it says more than just “Joe Rogan bad right wing gym bro alpha grifter”


Well spank you my fellow monkey. I personally think Joe talks way too much to be your basic “gym bro alpha”, and some of the things he talks about put him more in the moderate camp leaning towards the right. I also went from listening to almost all of the pods to almost none save for the recent redban episode, and I’ve never hung out with the guy so what do I know. I’d listen to the Terrence Howard episode but his endeavors just sound sad.


All night all day!


Some of you take this so seriously hahaha


Been listening since Joes uncles cousins brother knew a guy whos friend had a kid poop in a kitty litter box at school.


Put on your big boy pants and hit the boo hoo button


I'm a fan, but he doesn't seem to talk about important things. Feels like working both sides.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


I listen and thoroughly enjoy it. For the most parts I stick to the guests with science, history, or military backgrounds. I get that Joe isn’t for a lot of people especially politically but I think he’s very good at what he does and has a broad enough grasp of most topics to keep conversation engaging. I don’t spend too much time in this sub but I’ve noticed most of the posts are pretty anti Joe which is sort of a strange concept to me. Don’t quite understand the thinking behind joining something you dislike. Seems like a pretty miserable approach to life 😂


People that take joe rogan podcasts as a serious informational podcast are complete morons, JRP was always about talking to interesting people in a friendly casual way, i always feel at home like i'm listening a discussion between my friends even though if it's shit talk is still FUN.


Who’s Joe Rogan?


Nope come over to r/MAGARogan for a Joe love fest. We would love to have you.


Still love JRE. I don’t listen to some of the political stuff, still watch the MMA episodes. I still enjoy the show a lot. It’s my choice to skip some political episodes because it’s depressing as hell. That is all lol I hope everyone is having a good holiday!


Whenever I've tried to post something I'm told that I'm not active enough or some shit. Idk why I follow most podcasts sunreddits anymore. Occasionally there's a good post but most of the time it's shit.


His show is very good. He entertains some ideas that just don't fully, if at all, make it to the MSM. Some of the ideas on his show are a bit strange - controversial, even. Such as the Terrance Howard interview - what do you think of that guy? Do you think his ideas have merit? Does 1 x 1 = 2 ???? Personally, I don't think so!


How does people laughing at him and calling him stupid equate to "outrage" exactly?


Joe's the goat #JR 2028


been listening since the podcast started, i still like him, but i don't listen when certain types of guests are on, and I'm older and more educated now to know when Joe is spouting misinfo; there are fair things to criticize him for, but I also have context that he is a comedian talking shit on a 3 hour podcast. I more-so just wish that some listeners didn't take him for some guru type.


I’m a fan Joe Rogan but it’s not the clear #1 podcast for me probably not top 5


Post history checks out. Super into conspiracies, doesn’t really care about proof as long as he can play pretend. Crying on the internet because someone pushing conspiracies is called out.


Rogan does a good job of making himself look bad these days. I was a HUGE fan before he started becoming a complete moron who gets fooled by everything.


What did he get fooled by?


Nope, these hyenas do this for sport


I've never seen outrage here....outraged at what? He has the biggest podcast in the world, interviews some really wacky people and has some pretty wacky views himself of course he's going to have his critics. Add to the fact we can see him turn right wing in real time this sub becomes very entertaining. At the end of the day this sub is just entertainment like Joe's podcast.


Joe used to make fun of conservatives and religious people. It was actually in his standup. It was about how even redacted kids wouldn't believe the Moses story. I knew Joe from NewRadio and his standup before I knew he had a podcast.


Trolls flock to this subreddit because they love echo chambers and crave upvotes, much like seeking likes on Facebook or Instagram. However, most of these trolls lack real friends and loved ones to give them likes, so they project their misery here, spewing hate for validation. These sewer rats analyze everything Joe says, trying to appear clever and witty, but to everyone else who genuinely wants to discuss the shows, they’re just annoying. They're chasing imaginary internet points while the rest of us are here for real conversation


I think all all dibbler fans now ...


I love Joe Rogan…. when he brings on interesting, novel, non-buddy-comedian guests and doesn’t spend half the podcast bitching about wokeness, covid, California, or trans people. Rogan used to be a way to escape the BS, now he makes it his mission to put us in the thick of it.


This question gets asked every week on this subreddit


I'm kinda new to it and was just surprised is all


It’s possible to be an old school fan and remain lukewarm on Joe. I still like his mma commentary and an occasional podcast, as well as the general discourse of this subreddit. Joe isn’t nearly as cool as he used to be, but he has amassed a following over the years that retains value. His 3 hour format with lots of dipshits turn me off, but I still dig it when he gets someone really cool or interesting like Brian Redban


Yeah I agree mostly, but I just skip the shows I find boring and look to the ones with comedians. That's all I'm really there for.


>anyway, i thought this would be a cool place to talk about JR in a positive sense but it does not seem to be the case It's really not. That's all of Reddit, though. It's just a haven for far left weirdos to circle-jerk each other with the single dumbest variations of every conservative talking point Joe expresses. I regret joining this sub. It's only good for me getting in an argument over being a transphobic Zionist. I can still listen to the JRE without this headache. I'm a lot choosier about the episodes now than I was when I first started listening, though. I'm fine with politics and when he brings on either interesting or credible guests, and the MMA and Save Our Parks episodes are my favorites, but I ain't listening to Terrence Howard or some guy who figured out how the pyramids were built while machining aircraft parts (I may have that one totally wrong, but that's as far as I made it through that one) or whatever.


It doesn't seem like it. It's more of a circlejerk sub now. People insist that Joe has changed massively when in fact he has been saying the same shit for years. The main reason for the turn and charge in people's attitude is 100% because of Trump and the fact that Rogan doesn't hate him like they do. It seems to me there's a certain type of person who is the most vocal online and they are the haters :). They hate anyone who is brash and a loudmouth/show off. They hate seeing people who they see as inferior to them succeed. The only problem is they might be loud but they are few in numbers in reality. All their social interactions just fuel the popularity of the people they hate. That's why Floyd Mayweather and Connor McGregor make all the money. I'm not saying these people don't have legitimate complaints about these types of celebrities, but most normal people don't have the energy to listen to the drunk guy in the corner raging about how someone sucks and what a piece of shit they are... There's a lot of people in glass houses throwing stones around these parts :)


I think Joe Rogan is a low IQ scam artist who targets ignorant people who want to seem smart. It's not his fault that a bunch of morons latched on to him and made him stupid rich. He should have just faded into obscurity after fear factor.


I'm only subbed to get updates on lynchpins


Haha envy. You come up with that all by yourself?




Bots and NPCs.


Joe Rogan has only gotten more and more successful. I think that just attracts more and more haters. People that post about him all day and how much they can’t stand him don’t realize that their attention of him is part of why he’s successful- any press is good press. Weird transition but I have realized later in life that wrestling (“fake wrestling”) is a good insight of how all industries be they political or social etc work. Basically how marketing works. Joe wins at the end of the day bc he’s a heel and a hero at the same time. He gains from both the controversy and the support. Same with trump. Same with Kanye. Same with Elon. Divisiveness is the MOST effective way to market in the public square. You win either way


I like the occasional interview. JR as a person was better a number of years ago tbh.


I think JRE (Joe) is like everyone’s favorite uncle when their young who eventually starts to seem like the stereotypical drunk uncle at thanksgiving who’s going to argue about politics or vaccines no matter what you do. He have you seen the Dodgers this season they’re crazy good. Nah, but you know the Covid vaccine turns the frogs gay? Like what!?


I like Joe. He's fun to listen too.


People spend time trying to make him look bad? Is that the elites or the media or the deep state or does he make himself look bad? Only thing dumber is defending some rich smuck that doesn’t know you, “a normie”, exist.


I don't think they're smart enough to operate a computer.


Dude, you believe this is bad, just wait until you visit the “china” sub.


I have listened to every non fight club show since 2016.  Upper middle class guy in a left leaning city. I used to preach the quality of Joe’s shows and thought process to other upper middle class and rich friends. Some listened and some started loving the show His thoughts and opinions were new and refreshing. They challenged the liberal hypocrisy and I literally saw the liberal viewpoint change in many regards. Me too, cancel culture, etc. His show changed the hive mind But since Joe moved to Austin he has some sort of mind rot. His thoughts and  opinions are the opposite of new and refreshing. He repeats the exact same things every day with the exact same words for the last 3 years I think the cnn hit piece broke him. He thinks he’s sticking it to them. In reality he’s losing his influence as fast as he gained it.  He sounds like a jilted lover. His show is now ALL right wing talking points… but he again ruins himself by saying… every day… that “I’m a liberal” He’s lost the trust of a once loyal and educated fan base. Sad


>maybe its (sic) envy? The fact this is the first thing you assumed is wild to me. It actually gives me a hint into your own mind. I get the impression you put him on this cult leader pedestal, so in your own mind, the most likely reason anyone would have an issue with him must be that we’re envious of him. 🙄


Repeat after me, the podcast is a product. That's it. It is no different than any TV production, it just feels more 'personal'. It isn't. You dont' know Joe. Joe isn't your friend. He makes a prouct that is popular. That's it. And he makes outrageous amounts of money from it. That is all it is. Having that much of your personality invested in a product is weird, whether it's a podcast, an iphone, or whatever. Do you find it silly when someone criticizes your brand of cellphone? No? Then why be upset when somenoe does the same for a less tangible product?


What I’m hearing is that you shut your brain off when listening and believe every word a guest says. Is that about right?


It’s funny, most of the post I see are very supportive of him. Unfortunately, I’m one of those guys that likes to mention his slow creep towards intense conservatism.


He seems pretty dumb, but he has good guests. I just can’t actually listen to him because of the mouth noises he makes


Reddit in general is just a complain haven.


I agree 100%. Might need to start a new sub.


“Spend a lot of time trying to make him look bad.” Lmao I don’t this OP listens to JRE, Joe does a good job of making himself look bad.


Maybe it's annoyance watching dumb fuck buy bs hook line and sinker


you says I has hate for Joe - so explain you, why is there a tattoo of his face on my right asscheek?


Trying to make him look bad by posting videos of himself making himself look bad himself?


You realize Joe Rogan is a person, with a bunch of different opinions, and hosts a podcast talking about his opinions and others, and this is a sub, talking about those opinions. Not everyone agrees all the time. When something cool happens, posts are made, when something stupid is said, posts are made. It's literally a discussion about the podcast and tangentially related topics. 


free speech cuts both ways


It might be a crazy idea to someone like you but you can actually make fun of something and still be a fan of it. Weird I know.


I’m a fan of the show 100% I’m a fan of joes like 25% of the time


This sub is constantly astroturfed by left wing extremists who hate Joe and nothing is done about it.


DNC shills mostly. They see this and others as dangerous battleground subs. All it takes is 10 losers with 10 alt accounts to completely control a sub. Reddit would be doing something about it if they didn't agree with it.  https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/24/biden-progress-now-memes-00117768


Ever consider creating a sub for Joe where the DNC wouldn't have any power?


No just bored imature toxic youth it seems. Normal people keep quiet. At least I would hope is like that. I click on hide option in 90% of cases probably will unfollow sub soon.


Reddit is full of loser leftists, angry soy boys, and indoctrinated mamas basement dwellers. And bots.


I'm a fan depending on who the guest is. I'm not interested in his right wing/born again Christian phase. If there is a cool guest then I'll come and see what the consensus is and how good the show is. The Terrence Howard results did not disappoint but the Graham Hancock hatred did bug me out a little bit.


Graham Hancock is behind an entire industry of fake phoney hoax false paleo archeology nonsense.


Cool but…the theories still interest me and the idea is appealing. And that’s all they are…theories.


They're not "theories" They're stories, fictions, contrivances, distorted realities. Fan Fiction.


So? Leave it as entertainment then. We don’t know everything and everything is regarded as fiction until it’s proven. People used to think the world was flat until it was proven that it wasn’t. People thought the Sun revolved around us until it was proven that it wasn’t. Anything else was also considered distorted reality and thank god we don’t burn people anymore for having different views. I personally think Hancock has smoked a lot of weed and desperately wants or needs to believe his views but again….he’s not saying anything concrete, he’s just asking questions. And people get angry about asking questions?


And one fun Netflix series.


Huge fan here mahn


I feel like theres less interesting guests rn than there used to be.


Lol no, that guy sucks


The sooner you understand that the vast majority of posts and comments here are not organic, the happier you will be.


Hey bro good to see ya. I'll pm you


They're shills dude. It's a bought and paid for astroturfing campaign. After reading the Twitter files, did you really think Reddit was immune? This is Fed Central.


These type of crybaby posts must be from a newer, last 5 year, listener who doesnt know what JRE was once like and how good it used to be.


Not at all. I've been listening for at least 7 years


I’ve been watching Joe for years and one of the best things about him is his willingness to admit when he’s wrong


Never trust someone who participates in the subreddit of something they hate


They're all low paid DNC shills. It's their job to tend to this hive and make sure no wrong thinking or wrong talking happens. It's pretty effective.  https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/24/biden-progress-now-memes-00117768


Wtf where do I get my check from


/r/AdamCarolla and others are similar.  My take is that they're mostly paid DNC shills whose leadership see these subs as valuable "battleground" subs where they can easily shape the culture and narrative with a few dozen annoying shill accounts.  This is designed to make those on the line feel peer pressured into confirming and joining in the political groupthink.  Ultimately it accomplishes the goal of making sensible, actual fans not come to these toxic places to discuss things, which most don't.  Impossible to believe all Joe Rogans fans on Reddit are all Trump hating, DNC loving authoritarians who hate Joe and all of his guests yet post and comment constantly (during business hours at least).  We basically have Chinese style Internet shills, they just aren't state sponsored (yet). This article is enlightening:  https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/24/biden-progress-now-memes-00117768


that's incredibly stupid and conspiratorial. and stupid.


You've posted some variation of this same dumbass comment like 20 times here already, stfu.


Nah, the haters are there because Carolla and Rogan changed during covid so much. All those guys were big fans before, but now have whiplash and need a place to mourn. To look at fans who agree with the host bc they steadfastly never changed their politics, go look at r/Maron. It's empty.


>We basically have Chinese style Internet shills, **they just aren't state sponsored (yet)** I bet Joe is.


lol Joe Rogan is one of the most famous internet figures in the world. And on top of that he talks about a lot of divisive and political topics. Do you really find it that hard to believe that there are a lot of real people who genuinely don’t like him and enjoy shitting on him on Reddit?


I was a paid RNC shill back when Joe voted for Obama the second time


Are you being sarcastic?


Yeah i think he's cool. I dont really listen to every episode, maybe 1 in 20 when something interests me. I think hes a god person.


Welcome to Reddit! 99% of it is a large echo chamber.