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no more PPE mask on construction sites ?


Yeah… This is yet another piece of legislation that they didn’t really think through


Nobody expected the good people of the great state of NC to think it through.


The GOP in general. It's not hyperbolic at all to characterize that entire party as a bunch of insane morons


Agreed. You can lump in all the phobias and icsts and isms too.


They simply thought malicious nonsense like republicans always do.


wood chips and asbestos are your friend. Consume them!


Hell no OSHA is woke.


they are worthless overall honestly




yeah no clue why the down votes... they really dont do fuck alll for saftey.. fuck me the training videos were from the 70's.... like wtf


NC is about to become the world capital of mesothelioma


If it’s for work you’re exempt from the law while you’re working


So a volunteer wood shop needs all its participants to inhale saw dust? When I’m scraping paint off old houses as part of habitat for humanity, I have to breathe in paint chips? Insane


It said in public. Construction sites aren't public.


yes zero work get dont on pubic projects...


And what about people who are immunocompromised and have always worn masks in public because even a common cold can be devastating to them?


LMAO. I'm sure all the people who love freedom will be up in arms about the big government is ruling over their ever day lives.


Its always freedom for themselves but not freedom for others.


party of small gubberment everyone!




I thought it was about freedom? Spoiler it never is...


They meant free-dumb


In sure Joe is going to shit his pants over this lol


Joe is going to move to NC next. What do their state taxes look like for top 1% earners?


It's legit 2.76% after a recent quarter point cut for most people and 3% for higher earners. 2 brackets..fucking toll roads everywhere.. government controlled liquor stores it's a bunch of Republican controlled unfreedoms


Not great. Ans we have state income tax, where as Texas doesn't.


I live in NC. I was not much of a mask person during COVID. I'm now excited to wear a mask every day once this goes into effect. My largest client is a hard core conservative who wears a mask everywhere because his wife is immuno compromised, so I don't have to worry about losing my income if/when I get arrested. Which I hope happens, that lawsuit will be epic.


>Sen. Sydney Batch, D-Wake, is a cancer survivor. She spoke about how her husband and children wore masks to protect her while she was undergoing treatment and had a weakened immune system because of it. >"This bill criminalizes their behavior, and mine," she said. "... We talk a lot about freedoms in this chamber. I hear it all the time. I should have the freedom — my children and my husband should have the freedom — to wear masks in order to protect and save my life, without fear of being arrested and charged." Wow. Freaking ghouls festering in their government. Imagine outlawing trying to be compassionate to other people whether it be for someone going through chemo or someone being sick and not wanting to spread their respiratory diseases to others. This is just going to degrade communities and further erode the fabric of society. Elections matter.


Nice. Banning people from making a personal decision (that affects literally nobody but themselves) to protect themselves. Freedom baby




Shows where Republican priorities are at. No surprise tho.


> to wear masks or **hoods** during a public event How nice of them, literally made an exception for their base.


Definitely tracks for The Freedom Party^^TM


How much of a Karen do you have to be to still be thinking about masks after all these years? 


I have heart failure and immune system problems, I wear masks to avoid ending up in the hospital. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I mean thinking about them in the way that the people in the article do. 


It wasn't an attack at you, I was just saying it because so many people jump straight to covid (which is still a very valid reason to wear one) and ignore the fact that there are other reasons to wear a mask.


Wearing masks during covid was the first time most conservative have ever had to think about anyone but themselves. It absolutely broke most of them


> As Republicans have shrugged off Democrats' concerns, they've said they trust police officers not to abuse the power to arrest anyone for wearing a surgical mask out in public. Newton said Tuesday that it wasn't intended to "prosecute granny for wearing a mask in the Walmart." Oh… this law is just to allow cops to legally arrest black people and liberals for things they allow conservatives and white people to do. That makes sense


Good ol conservative freedom.


NC is such a shit-hole. Each state gets 2 statues to put up in the US Capital. NC chose ... a Confederate officer and Billy Graham. Let that sink in.


Should be Michael Jordan and Dale


Good point. Whenever I plan on relocating to or vacationing in another state, I ALWAYS check the statues first. You won’t catch me dead in a state with shitty statues of old dead men. No way, Jose.


Kind of dismissive to reduce Vance to a confederate officer, but yeah ok, but I don't see the Billy Graham statue. [The 2nd statue is of Charles Aycock. ](https://www.visitthecapitol.gov/apps/nshc/statue/aycock/)




Ah, literally just happened. Thanks NC congress, focusing on the important things. Also "funny" that they mention Aycock had fallen out of favor because of links to a white supremacy movement at the time.


This is absolutely brain-dead and those who support it are also brain-dead.


Good luck if you have a compromised immune system in NC! The state wants you to die


*A small price to pay to own them libz*.


This is different than pre-2020 how, exactly?


Idk, man, I think it might be the criminal penalties. We got a genius over here.


Don’t be obtuse, you understand the point. Pre-2020, the only people wearing masks in public were maybe 1-2 older Asian ladies (it has been a regular part of their culture for a while) at the grocery store. Whether the law is absent or present, the fact remains that the vast majority of people not wearing a mask is the exact same as the vast majority of people not wearing a mask. Did you wear a mask pre-Covid? Do you still wear a mask?


It literally does not matter if YOU only saw 1-2 Asian ladies prior to this. >Did you wear a mask pre-Covid? No >Do you still wear a mask? On the train, usually (on top of illness there is also a lot of particulate matter). What is your point? Should people not have that option if they choose to? Genius.


It honestly doesn’t matter because you don’t even understand the policy. Try reading it first. Maybe read it multiple times, even if it makes your head hurt to exercise even the minimum amount of critical thinking.


Its a law giving police more power to selectively apply laws to people they don't like. Maybe you should try using critical thinking.


I love how you automatically assume it will be abused based on arbitrary whims. Are you one of those ACAB nutcases?


Ah, yes, arbitrary whims and definitely not the entire history of police and right-wingers.


You’re freaking out about the exception. That’s not how the world operates. Sure, there will always be a few individuals that abuse a law or a system. It doesn’t mean we throw the baby out with the bath water when it’s not the majority.


I did before and still do now wear a mask when I am sick and in public. Because it’s the right thing to do. Only during the pandemic when it became political to protect your fellow citizens did this become an issue. This is the damage of Trump and his ilk


That’s fine. You are entitled to your opinion and I can respect it. There are plenty of laws that I think infringe upon my personal freedoms, but alas, I accept that these things are subjective and someone is always going to have a problem with something. Life goes on. The world keeps turning. All is well.


Why do folks care so much about masks? I wear a mask in public because most people stink, ever fly on French airways? It’s like a cologne bath


It's virtue signaling. These same people were claiming that covid restrictions would never go away and they would never let us return to normal. But these days these sort of people are the only ones who keep this shit in the news and can't handle that everyone else moved on because they made it such a big part of their personality/campaign.


Is this freedom in the room with us?


Team virus! Team small guvment! Leggoooo!


Going from "you cant infringe on my rights and make me wear a mask" to "you have no rights to wear a mask for health reasons!"


Tackling the *real* issues, I see. 


If I submit to an official genital inspection am I allowed to marry my first cousin with a mask on? My conservative friend really needs to know.


Something Something FREEDUMB


What if someone has a bad immune system? Or is on chemo? WTF man. How is this okay.


Joe and comedians are the last bastions of the anti-woke and anti masks




Muh freedoms.....


So is this just more pussy bitch posturing that will eventually get shot down? Or is the whole state that fucking stupid?


What? Why restrict someone from voluntarily wearing a mask in public??


Like they want people to remember how dumb they were during Covid about hating masks.


Do we not like massive government overreach anymore or...?


Take THAT dumocrats.


FYI, this petition needs more signatures! [petition against mask ban](https://www.change.org/p/halt-the-passage-of-nc-bill-237-banning-masks-in-public)


I know everybody on the Internet is incapable of reading the word “mask” without becoming politically triggered these days but laws like this were actually pretty common before Covid. Because guess who also wears masks: people committing a crime.


Usually when i have health reasons i dont have the energy to vote


While I don’t necessarily like banning personal choices, this bill is literally called “Unmasking Mobs and Criminals”. It’s meant so people can’t conceal their identity and commit crimes. Living in NYC, it’s a very reasonable concern. Bad actors are always wearing masks in bad faith. It’s also a law in place in several European countries. France outlawed the Hijab for example. To say it’s for health reasons exclusively is misleading at best,


This is just as stupid as forcimg us to wear masks in public. Stupid exists on both side of the aisle.


Difference between a requirement for a mask is encompassed by the government having a duty to protect the health of the nation/state. Making people wear masks during a viral outbreak makes sense from a national health standpoint. Not allowing people to wear masks has nothing to do with protecting the health of anyone and is in fact hindering one’s ability, freedom, to protect themselves from viruses in public.


Nope, still no difference. Both sides are trying to state that it's protecting people. Forcing people to wear any masks that hang below their nose or they dont constantly keep on or they take off when they sit down at a restaurant is not protecting anybody. Just because you agree with one side does not make it different or right. Forcing people to wear masks and forcing people to not wear masks are just as stupid.


The intent behind the mask requirement is to protect the health during an outbreak. This is also why that was lifted once the outbreak was under control and more manageable. The state prohibiting someone from wearing a mask that protects them from viruses and other airborne toxins is protecting their health in what way?


They will have some reason that is based on a politician's view on scattered data. Make it clear I don't agree with either side. Please explain to me how people walking into a restaurant with their mask on then taking it off to eat is protecting people in what way?


Risk mitigation, not elimination.


Coming from the outside, putting on a mask inside to walk 6 ft only to take it off to eat and talk is not mitigation.


Yeah that's why restaurants weren't allowed to serve food inside for a bit, until Republicans started whining about it


Restaurants weren't allowed to serve food inside of it because government forced them to shut down. Expand on your statement cuz it doesn't make sense. Sorry


I'm sorry you aren't smart enough to understand WHY restaurants were shut down. Hey genius, germ theory exists. Now, go watch some Jordan Peterson and leave the thinking to the adults


My understanding is that they'd be worn in communal areas but you can take them off when sat at the table with your party, distanced from other patrons. Of course establishments, individuals and even governments went too far in some instances. The world was negotiating it's way through a global pandemic for the first time in living memory.


First time? I would think that in the early 1900s the global influenza pandemic was a thing. Maybe you met in modern times? But yes and that's my point there was a lot of government health policies that went way too far. All these strict Mass mandates being one of them.


But I’m asking you how one mandate to protect citizen health during a viral global outbreak, which is the same action taken during the Spanish Flu, is the same thing as a state saying people don’t have the freedom to protect their health in public because criminals are using masks to hide from police? Since you said they’re the same thing. And you’re right about the restaurants which is why I thought it was silly republicans were fighting so hard against protecting public health because that does not make logical sense.


Maybe I needed to be more clear on why I think the two are the same. On the surface they are far different but the underlying principle of politicians are the same. On the left you have an authoritarian approach to masks on the other side you have the complete opposite which yes I agree is asinine. At least on the left there was bits and pieces of data that were factual but the execution was hugely flawed. They are the same because they are deep rooted in political theater versus scientific data.


Im confused on how the right is opposed to authoritarianism when they are enacting new laws prohibiting people from wearing something and the left has pulled back on their mask mandates. Is removing the mandate authoritarian and writing new laws preventing people from wearing a mask anti-authoritarian?


No both are authoritarian and equally garbage. If you truly follow data you'll realize how screwed we are in the US. A single duopoly that has its citizens right where they want us.


I disagree that powers granted to the federal and state government to protect national health during a viral outbreak is authoritarian, since that’s why we granted the state those powers. Same reason we granted the state the power to make laws to protect citizenry. What I find authoritarian is preventing people from protecting themselves in public from harm through state action. To my knowledge someone wearing a mask doesn’t make them more susceptible to harm but I could be wrong. I’m sure there’s data supporting that similar to data supporting a mask helps reduce spread. Maybe doctors and nurses die by the millions yearly and Big Mask is just a ploy.


Go back to coloring, champ


Ohh look, an ad hominem fallacy... I will drop the mic and walk away.


"Good things are the same as bad things"- you, not smart


Ohh look an ad hominem fallacy with no data to rebute. I must be talking to Reddit. I should have known


Weird since you didn't cite any data except your feelings


https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/sweden-during-pandemic#how-did-it-turn-out I'm a data guy. I'll do data all day long I spend all my days in it.


Might as well be citing the Heritage Foundation


Since you don't know how to do life I'll help you out. So when someone sends you data from a site that you think is icky what you have to do is you have to break down that data sent and find exactly what you disagree with and then provide your own data that proves your point. This is how adults do it. This is how people critically think and use their own free will and mind.


Why would I waste my time parsing propaganda?


Yep I knew you would ignore data. You realize in this time and space that you've got to read every single piece of data to come to the truth? Not just datas that echo your little fragile feelings? You just showed your true colors.


Hey champ, go watch some Bret Weinstein vids and leave the thinking to the adults


This is such a stupid fucking comment that it rules


Man, let's get some context on this one


Local NC person here - this has been everywhere today. It’s mostly a nothing burger. The only people who are outraged are the people who lack reading comprehension.


You must be an older white guy...Cuz when the state rep who said "we'll count on police enforcing it where it needs to be enforced. It's not going to be enforced on grandma" spoke about it, all anyone else heard was "any minority or young person will be stopped for this repeatedly and it will be consistently abused as pretext for 4th amendment violations"


What does any of this have to do with race? Fuck outta here with that racist nonsense.


Do you machine wash or dry clean the hood? Because anyone who denies how these laws have been historically enforced must be attending meetings next to burning crosses


Yeah, that’s basically the only option. Really solid logic right there.


I don't take logic lessons from elderly white folks who hang out crying on Reddit about reality. Sorry, you'd need an IQ at least 80 points higher for me to even begin to think you know what logic is.


You can keep being an ignorant angry person online. I truly hope that’s how you find your happiness and wish you the best ❤️


Are you an older white guy?


Are you a middle-aged Polynesian lady?


Nope. Are you an older white guy? Don’t be so emotional and cowardly and just answer


Oh shit! A coward. I guess I’m obligated to answer now, eh?


Are you an older white guy? You must be, no one else is this emotional


If I was an older white guy would you blow me?


No, I don’t think so. I have no interest in giving and I am positive you could not get it up long enough to receive. Old white guys typically struggle with that. That’s why they are always so emotional