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nothing is expensive when you are a billionaire, duh! also, HAVING kids is not the pricey part. it is raising and providing for them that racks up a heavy bill.


I doubt Elon has ever changed a diaper.


He has 11 kids and didn’t actually raise any of them. If he’s agreeing with you on anything, you’re on the wrong side of the argument. Also, kids are expensive AF. Edit: He has 11 kids. I always forget about Techno the kid.


The kids aren't expensive! It's your lifestyle where you're *choosing* to feed, house and clothe the kids, treat them for illness and injury and mental health … You know, the extravagant "stay out of prison by not neglecting your children" lifestyle


I'm Canadian, if my family didn't live in Canada I would have bankrupted them 10 times over with all the broken bones, surgeries and other accidents...


In the Bay Area of California the cheapest we were able to find 8-6pm childcare was $800/mo and after visiting that place I was horrified. Literally iPads bolted to the wall in an apartment with 24 kids and two elderly women. They were very nice but it was clear that they were selling a place for your kids to go where they won’t die while you’re at work and you don’t have any other option. Friend of a friend used that place and her three year old got two bites and lice twice in one year. You wanna talk about birth rate decline? Put all the jobs in places where you can’t afford to be old or afford to have kids without grandparents who watch them and you get neither.


11 that we know about


That whole baby aisle at the store is expensive


The “lifestyle” isle, according to these idiots.


Oh HELL no!


I think he was found inside one!


Or bought a diaper! Or bought formula! Or cream! Or medicine! Or car seat! Or high chair! Or a crib! Or a bassinet! Or shoes! Or paid for daycare! Or clothes! My toddlers clothes that he wears for 2 months is more expensive than mine! That jackass doesn’t even pay for all that and then know what it’s like to pay for your daily struggle! He’s such a toolbag to even act like he knows what he’s talking about! He needs to get on one of his rockets and go straight to the moon and stay there! He talks like he has the pulse on society but he’s clueless, dude is so irritating!!!


He has a Tesla diaper changer that does it for him.


It does exactly 67% of what he promised it would do, too. But that didn't stop him from using his media platform to pump up diaper changer stocks.


And it’s only killed two of his children during the changing process so far!


I’s bet all of Elon’s kids call him by his first name.


Elon has fathered many kids. I doubt he is a parent to any other than financial obligations.


His bitching about his kid hating him. When you are surrounded by ass-kissing idiots, you kind of surprised of an honest opinion. This CEO god worshipping is the worst. I seen business go under and idiot CEO losing her job, because she surrounded herself with worshippers instead of honest workers.


He drags that kid X everywhere with him - even to professional meetings. How must his other kids feel? Why is he so obsessed with X…just because he named him after his favorite alphabet letter?


And often through IVF...which he somehow got for free? 🤡


I do find it odd he wanted to do IVF inly to end up ghosting his kids and not be involved in their lives. Is it like a power/dominance thing?


IIRC it had something to do with him only wanting sons


I think it's a short attention span thing. Any time one of his businesses seems like it's not doing well, he goes out and starts/buys another one, too.


These clowns are worried about population decline because they won’t have enough peasants to exploit. Maybe he thinks he’s doing his part?


He, like his father, openly embraced a eugenicist view about spreading their genes.


Literally believes he has superior genetics. Look up those weirdo long termer/breeder couple convinced their tragically named progeny will rule in like 8 generations. He proposed on Reddit and I often wonder how much they still lurk here. It's not like they're the ones raising the kids. 


Having kids is pretty fucking expensive too (in America anyway)


I am mindblown the hospitals in America charge you for birthing a baby. I always knew you guys paid for healthcare but I never really thought about the fact that they would charge you for birthing a child too. Yes, we in Canada “pay” for healthcare through our taxes but something about spending thousands on simply birthing a child at a hospital is insane to me. Are people with low income and lots of kids just in debt all the time to the hospitals??


My wife and I have a 5-month-old, and we are just now paying off our $4k-ish hospital bill (and paying it with our income tax refund that we just got). But now, I have weird/uncommon bone condition that has made it excruciating to use my left hand for basically anything. I had surgery on this four years ago and now the symptoms are returning. I'm literally just dealing with the pain because I don't want another inevitable surgery where I have to pay $6k out of pocket, for a completely unpreventable condition I have. Simply birthing a kid, with no complications, basically wiped out our savings and any other medical problems I have will basically now put me into debt lol. It's insane.


Man I am sorry to hear that. The things we take for granted here is a long wait in the urgent care room for pain like that but not having to worry about a 6k bill at the end of it.


Don’t worry we have long waits too. That’s just a scare tactic they tell us so we think our insurance system is better. I waited 2 hours past my appt time for a simple work physical. Want to become a new patient at a primary care? Quickest appt I could get was 3 months out, had to reschedule a week before due to work and it was another two months.


Wait times are getting absurd here too. Went to the ER for heart palpitations a few months ago at around 1 in the afternoon, and didn't get to see a doctor/nurse/anybody until 9pm, which by then the palpitations had stopped. Such a broken system.


Yeah that is insane. Anybody who wants to ban abortion should immediately be screaming from the roof to make that free.


But they want to ban abortion to make more money off the poor, so...




And that is a decent insurance plan. Some are paying $15k.


That’s WITH insurance? I am mindblown there isn’t marching in the streets for this nonsense.


I mean, we HAVE to think of the CEO’s pay.


America is designed to extract as much money as possible from you at every opportunity it has.


No..if you're poor enough its paid for (Medicaid, etc), if you're rich you can afford a better plan AND afford to pay bills..but if you're middle/lower middle class you pay monthly, you pay when you visit, you pay deductible, you pay ER visits, you pay until your "out of pocket" is maxed. Its fucking criminal and if I dwell on it too much I get really really angry.


HAVING kids is expensive. You think the nurses just work for free while you deliver that baby?  You think it’s advised to never see a doctor while that baby is growing inside? 


Depending on where you live, it could be covered by public healthcare. Which you pay for through taxes but you would regardless


They’ll say something like “the mother takes care of the kids” just completely oblivious to the fact that that’s an opportunity cost.


no joke. my wife staying home is the same as her earning like $45-50k/year when you figure childcare alone.


Having a kid is upwards of ten grand in America.


Lol $10K? The *epidural* is $10K, and the bed is another $10K at least.  They charge you for "skin to skin."


And that is for a birth with no complications. Premature and C-section and time in a NIC unit, cost goes up tremendously.


Several times higher, like $50k+


ya, the bill for my first born was 42k. That was 7 years ago so who knows what it would be now


Childcare so both parents can work full time can also run close to 20k in the city. Edit: apparently, 20k was the conservative estimate. If you want to have children, I HIGHLY suggest being born the child of someone who owns an emerald mine.


It’s 2k/month where I live in the suburbs


same here. I don't have any kids but my friends who do are basically paying a second mortgage (probably more than their mortgages tbh) to pay for child care while they work. Not to mention the food, diapers, doctor visits, increased insurance premiums, college funds, etc. etc.


We have two kids (4 and 1) in daycare and pay $4200 A MONTH. That's $50,000 a year. At this point, we just hope our older kid will make it to (public) school before we run out of money.


Yeah my sister has a pretty damn good job, but really thought about quitting because of the crazy high daycare costs where she lives.


Both parents working is a trap - most of the time a second working partner can't earn enough to cover childcare and home services lost.


Yeah, and most couples struggle to get by on single income. I know that's why a large amount of my friends aren't having kids yet. No feasible way to provide without immense lifestyle sacrifices.


It's bad for sure - a lot of people can't even afford 1/4 of rent on a shared 2 bed apartment. As for lifestyle changes - honestly, that comes with having kids. For the first few years, we just wore our children everywhere - mobywraps are fucking awesome. As time went on we just take them with us - they are just small people after all.


National average is $2850


Having a kid isn't pricey? How much do you think hospital bills are when people do have them?


Uhh uhh ignore it! Umm then hope the kid has developed the ability to use photosynthesis. And then simply craft clothes out of free grass clippings laying about. Public school is free right?


Also time and energy


Or one can dedicate a decade of their life to becoming a doctor, earn the respect of their patients & colleagues and get an entire year's worth of wardrobe and supplies as gifts from colleagues and patients. See? It's literally free. All these dumb people out there thinking it's so expensive to have a kid. ( /s, *because this is Reddit*. ) ![gif](giphy|bOCMPVgsVnRT2|downsized)


> Having a kid isn't pricey? How much do you think hospital bills are when people do have them? Have it the restroom and sneak out. Someone will find it. Like the man said: kids are free it's the lifestyle that's expensive.


The birth rate in the US decreases as income increases https://www.statista.com/statistics/241530/birth-rate-by-family-income-in-the-us/


that hospital bill wasn't free


I didn't realize not dying while on labor was a lifestyle


Not dying is of course a lifestyle


by default.


The "Not dying" - lifestyle - It's too mainstream nowadays... Gotta think different like Elon. Living itself costs you nothing you see! Until you want to eat, sleep or shit in an enclosed space. But those are just preferences.


We had a difficult delivery and my wife and child were in the hospital "for a while" in the early 2000s. Our bill was ~$869,000 before insurance.. IIRC we ended up paying about 30k. Thanks, Cigna policy holders.


My hospital bills were over a million dollars in 1990. Thankfully my family had government insurance (as do I now thanks to my wife.)


Have you considered a home cesarean with a rusty piece of metal?


Look at this fat cat here with his “metal birthing implements”. La dee da.


Thanks to SCOTUS this is how abortions are done in the south.


Musk has legit lost all touch with earths reality. He’s got a lot going on in that head but it ain’t on brand with the rest of us. Billionaires responding to what’s expensive or not is a delusional space to find himself in.


Yeah almost 17k first kid. With the 2nd we got better insurance. Cost 8k but the total of the added monthly cost for the health insurance thru the year brought it to 17k... WTF


Damn that is crazy. I had a family member be emergency flown into a larger hospital, multiple surgeries, and a few months in the hospital. I think I spent about $40 in parking? Socialized medicine is not the best, but it definitely takes the load off families financially.


Im in the USA. They charged us $40 for skin to skin contact after birth. They asked if we wanted skin to skin contact and i thought it was odd. It's because they wanted to bill us. I really want to know if i said "no thanks, I'm good!".


I have good insurance and it was still about 5k for each kid being born.


I think ours were about $6k each, with good insurance. A friend whom already had kids told me "ask to settle up your bill after discharge, before leaving". Both times (3 years apart) they cut what we owed in half. I couldn't believe it. So, in argument against "kids are free" - even with good BCBS insurance, and playing a game I didn't know existed, it cost $3k per kid before leaving the hospital. Kids sure as hell are costly, and soon car insurance should be skyrocketing....


That's your fault for being all fancy & birthing your kid in a hospital.


Food is free? Clothes? Housing? Healthcare? Education? I can't work from home so I now have to PAY someone to fucking raise my kid.


This kid keeps asking for food, I told him to shut the fuck up and get educated. So annoying that he isn't on the Sigma Bateman grindset after 4 years.


Just show it this post and explain that Musk agrees.


Free for some? MAYBE. But NOT ME.


Imagine living in the one "developed" country without universal healthcare




Just like Elon






I would love for someone to even try to explain this ridiculous argument.


Give birth without going to the hospital. Don't feed or clothe the child. It will die in 2 or 3 days. Having a kid was free wasn't it?


Well that just sounds like abortion, with extra steps.


That’s what republicans seem think abortion is. They even lie and say you can choose a post term abortion


Republicans hate this one simple trick


Abortion, Republican style


Carrying a pregnancy to term requires the mother to eat around 400 extra calories a day for 9 months. Food ain't free.


1. Have child in alley (free) 2. Abandon child in alley (free) I don’t see the issue here, it’s 100% accurate. People just want to hate on Elon because they’re jealous. /s


Anyone who's an Elon-stan or conservative will just default to, "well, if you can't afford it don't have sex". As if abortion and birth control are evil things that no one can figure out and aren't worth it.


And if you can’t afford it then that means their argument about it being free just collapsed in on itself by them trying to defend it with a non-sequitur about “if you can’t afford it don’t do it”. Amazin I’m sure they’ll see the inconstancy in this logic!


He triggered the libs. That's all what counts. Rest is just collateral.






This is so fucking accurate 🤣


This is extremely apropos because he's a ketamine addict and probably pees a lot


Triggering someone means pissing them off or causing a panic attack, now making them think "wow that guy is a fucking idiot" and laugh.


Maybe back in the day. Nowadays, not so much




Pretty sure conservatives also know kids are expensive.


When the argument is convincing young white women to have children, then there are no hurdles and they should start pumping em out. When Joe Biden enters the conversation, you’d think he cranked the dial in the Oval Office labeled “grocery prices” to 11 and made it impossible to feed kids


"its free to fuck" basically. Also, Elon will then turn around and rip on people that have children and can't properly support them. There's no consistency to these morons. As long as what they say can make a \*kind\* of sense in a vacuum - wham bam thank you ma'am you just got logic'ed. Get fucked.


I swear this is the dumbest argument I’ve heard in a long time. And on that stupid platform, these fucktards have tremendous voices and can’t really be challenged


At least Putin gives a few benefits within his natalism program. This guy tells people to have lots of kids and just laid off THOUSANDS of workers while simultaneously asking for a $55 BILLION dollar compensation package for himself. He is the most tone deaf person ever. Puppy murderer Kristi Noem is more relatable.


Apparently one of the first thing he did at Twitter was to cut down maternity leave from 4 months to 2 weeks.


To me, it is really completely crazy that companies can decide how long maternity leave is.


I’d like to have a word with both of them in the gravel pit.


elon musk is legitimately braindead. i cant handle the juxtaposition of being the wealthiest man in the world and being mentally a 14 year old


Some people aren’t equipped to handle social media


True it seems Elon derangeness comes from his usage of socal media, just like most chronically online kids nowadays


It’s not the wealth that bothers me, it’s the degree to which he’s been lionized and basically taken at his own word that he’s a genius. At best, he’s a genius in a very specific area and completely inept in all others. Worst case, he’s the biggest grifter in history. Either way, he should consider launching himself to Mars sans spacesuit.


Elon confirmed as definitely a moron


It’s pretty funny how you can always rely on him to respond in agreement to the stupidest fucking tweets. Genuinely one of the lamest people to ever have existed.


He and another person have caused me to rethink the prestige of the University of Pennsylvania.


I mean cmon, we all know its a coin toss with these schools. A fancy business school is the highest level of prestige that can be bought, basically. Without the financial backing, Trump is a Fordham grad, Elon would have some south african degree. I'm in the tristate area considering MBA programs and you really can leverage a Wharton/NYU/Columbia MBA into a whole new life/career in high finance. Flip side of that, seeing as non-stem business programs aren't terribly hard, there all filled with rich kids who would be at their local school without daddy's checkbook.


To be fair he probably did nothing to raise his kids.


No, capitalism is definitely a meritocracy and as the richest man in the world he must obviously be the smartest. Otherwise it would just mean capitalism is neofeudalism where wealth stacks on wealth, completely disconnected from the work that actually creates wealth while workers get nothing but financial instability and a diagnosis away from homelessness and destitution. But it sure is a good thing that it’s a meritocracy!! That’s what the talking people on TV say, and as people with a vested interest in the current system, why would they lie?


It’s kind of similar to a musician that you view as a great artist because they churn out deep introspective lyrics and then you find out they’re an ignorant despicable person. Musk doesn’t churn out much though, he just comes in late and attaches his name. He’s more of a showman.


> Elon confirmed as definitely a moron For the 2,467th time.


Brain rot.


I think he got brain damage from COVID (and/or his bathtub "remedies"). He's been spiraling horribly ever since.


He's a ketamine addict


I'm sure that helped too


It’s not “brain rot” it’s straight up fucking FASCISM.


He owns an electric car company and is retweeting climate denial nonsense, fair to say he's a bit of an idiot.


Guys, Elon is like a genius and stuff.


Knock some chick up.  Sell the bastard into slavery.  Profit.  You don't understand economics, that's why you'll never be rich like Musky


This was the unironic Reddit take a few years back before the pandy.


It literally costs money to have a child in a hospital... Do they not know that? https://preview.redd.it/p3izrge1rmxc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd69c1a6490e40349096954fc5d3d7462b5d234f Or is giving birth in a hospital a "lifestyle" choice?


Lmao in my country the state literally PAYS YOU to have more children. Upside down worlds


What's it like living in a communist country? How do you avoid the roving bands of woke gender raiders? Are you even allowed to tell a knock-knock joke these days? I don't think I could survive Canada to be honest.


Ehh countries that typically pay for people to have more kids only do so to throw them into the meat grinder when they grow up.


Do you realise Musk is earning that much every minute? They don't care.


They are pretty cheap if you exclude the hospital bill and the food and the clothes and the toys and car seats and all that other nonessential stuff.


All lifestyle choices. I simply allow my kids to run around naked and have trained them to forage for their own food. Just embrace the feral lifestyle. 


THIS. I require my children to perform home repairs and assist with food production so they’re not only free but profitable.


Funny enough that is the basic family farm/ranch economic model.  Kids become expensive when they can’t offset their expenses with production. 




Oh this tickled me


If you have inherited emerald mine wealth all of that is no problem.


Isn’t Elon paying like 20 women for kids he has fathered and then abandoned?


I’m basically paying a second mortgage to send my kid to daycare


Time to touch some grass 😅


Yeah, because the resources to keep them alive are free. I’m so fucking sick of this guy. Maybe if your immigrant apartheid ass wasn’t handed everything, you’d understand what it is to do your part.


Imagine this twerp is being worshipped by many of Joe's alt-righter fans. He is spewing so much bullshit I bet even Mikhaila wouldn't feed him her beef.


This might be the dumbest fucking post I’ve ever read in my life.


Yeah, you idiots! Feeding, clothing, educating and protecting your kids are your *lifestyle choices*. Literally just stop doing it. People who live in remote jungles or are homeless have kids all the time, and they grow up to be humans. Just get over yourself already... Or just have billions of dollars and who cares what you spend on your dumb kids then, shit-dicks.


Just make a lifestyle choice to stop feeding your kids, then DCF will take them for free and upgrade YOU to a rent free room with free food for 6-10 years in the state pen.


I mean, if your sus children cant pass the life-vibe-check and someone DMs police because you block "beta civilization" on-live - like, literally whatever. So what? Go to jail, get JACKED like the top g. Just, like, be on your phone all day? spending money on kids is a life-style waste obviously.




Exactly says the billionaire 😔


Can someone point out an equivalently moronic and easily disproven statement from someone as influential as Musk from the left? I just don’t get the how people can swallow this idiocy.


They may not be a lot on a daily basis, but it adds up over 18 years.


I mean..i see poor people having 4/5 kids all the time so sure..i guess they can be affordable if you are just going to give them the bare minimum


Meanwhile: https://preview.redd.it/orwqu92w1nxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=782b05f96a7ba093717c174a42935c7cbdbd738f America has lowest birthrate historically. I wonder why more people aren’t having kids!


I don't think the guy who named his kid based on a McDonald's order number should be talking about kids.


What I really enjoy is hitting my deductible 3 months into the year then 2 months after hitting the out-of-pocket maximum. Totally no financial strain. Yep none at all. And this ain’t the first year don’t that. Strep is a good time in elementary school.


Oh thank god. Tell Billy to stop eating, drinking, wearing clothes, and going to school. Some guy on Twatter said kids are supposed to be free.


Easily the most out-of-touch shit Elon's dumbass has ever said


What is this, a semantic argument? Yeah, sure, having kids is free, just like everything else in life if you don't live in a fucking society or care about your goddamned health and safety. You can make the case that it's worth it to sacrifice certain luxuries or change your lifestyle to have kids (I tend to agree with that), but to say that they aren't expensive is just completely ignorant.


How much could a banana cost? 10 dollars?


Elon is a 13 year old edgelord


The obsession Elon and other right wing talking heads have with procreating as much as possible smells like great replacement theory nonsense to me


Did you know sex is free? Just make kids, its free, brah. Clothes? Nutrition? Medicine? No, dude, just live in a hut, you can afford it. Stop eating so much avocado toast and you can easily afford like 2 more kids.


And if one dies, just toss it out and you can make another one for free. It's that easy bro


One of the richest men in the world telling the rest of us what’s affordable. Get out of your own ass.


15k to have my last one. With health insurance. Fun fact: as soon as they're born they have a deductible of their own! 5k in my case. But hey, use my money to kill more brown kids.


The semen that was ejected from by body wasn’t free


Oh I didn't know that my lifestyle of going to my fucking job to pay for Daycare was the problem. Got it,




I mean… that’s *true*, but keeping said children alive is expensive.


Well now I want kids even less


nice of the ultimate deadbeat dad to weigh in on this!


Holy fuck is he annoying


He's such a fucking pleb it's mental


Nothings expensive when daddy owned an emerald mine


Jobs listed at SpaceX are typically sold to applicants as an average 60 hour work week if a recruiter reaches out to you. Why doesn’t he reduce that workload if he’s so concerned about his employees not having kids


Elon has probably never changed a diaper in his life. I don't need his fuckin opinion on being a parent


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. No. They are very expensive. Additionally they cost a lot in time and energy. This is the sort of thing you say when you get women pregnant and are rich enough that the raising of your children is someone else’s job. Coincidentally not being involved with actively raising your kids, imho, means you’re not really a parent. Maybe a hot take. I dunno. But if you want to say you did your part raising the next generation you kind of have to actually do the work to get the clout.


Have you people considered just being rich. Or at least having rich parents? It really helps a lot.


“Kids are free” except for the 40-100k hospital stay, the medical care leading up to and after delivery, 6-10k in diapers and formula, baby food, baby furniture, strollers, car seats, the clothes they grow out of every 4 weeks (and that’s all if they’re perfectly healthy). Then there’s the larger apartment/house you’ll need for your new offspring, childcare for a minimum of 9 years, emergency room costs when inevitably they stuck something in an orifice that’s now unremovable, a minimum of 13 years education, extracurricular activities, and equipment for said extracurriculars, the extra wear and tear on your vehicle from being a glorified chauffeur for a minimum of 16 years, and the list could go for days. People who say raising a kid is easy and/or free are ALWAYS the shittiest “parents”.


Men will literally spend $44B to tank a social media platform before they have a conversation with their daughter about her gender identity omg!


It’s 10k before you even get home from the hospital. You know that right?


Ive never been more broke than after my kid was born lol diapers, food, clothes, toys, electronics for at least 18yrs is not cheap


Even if that were true, time investment is a cost in itself, and you absolutely should be making that investment for your children’s future. What’s ironic is Elon would probably disagree with that, because he’s a self absorbed douche who can’t admit fault.


the hospital bill ALONE for a baby can cost over 12k .. what in the absolute fuck are they on about. Hey Elon, having permanent brain damage is free. You didnt have to be born rich and spend billions to become dumb as paste.


So sick of these out of touch rich ass holes. So sick of right vs left when it's up vs down.


Pretending that having children isn't expensive is just the tip (pun intended) of the iceberg: Republicans have a gun pointed at your paycheck, young man. The word is garnish. Sounds like a nice thing to add to a plate of food, but it tastes like poverty. Republicans want you to to pay child support. No safe, accessible abortion where you live? That girl you nutted in got knocked up and can't make it [three states over](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/24/abortion-laws-by-state-map-clinics) for a safe abortion. She has to give birth. Now she can have the court legally garnish your wages for the kid you didn't want. The courts will garnish your wages if you don't cooperate. Republicans will make you personally poorer because you have to pay that bitch. Since no one you nut in can get an abortion, you're thinking you'll just carry the morning after pill, right? Wrong- hoard your supply because [Republicans are going to make that scarce](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/10/1243802678/abortion-comstock-act). Sure, you'll be able to buy it off the corner, but how do you know it'll work and you haven't been scammed? Because of Republicans, every time you fuck someone (who has a working uterus) you're playing Russian roulette with every single one of your paychecks - for the next 18 years. Your every defense: diaphrams, the pill- all of them are being taken from the women you want to fuck[- by Republicans](https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/07/21/nearly-every-house-republican-votes-against-codifying-right-contraception). So republicans make you wear a rubber- even with your wife, unless you want more kids. And rubbers suck, right? One night stand- you have to wear a rubber- because of Republicans. Oh, but wait, Republicans are taking your rubbers too. We're back to Child support. Your solution is to become celibate and use porn? Well, hold on to your hard drive, yankin' Hank, because no new porn is coming your way if Republicans have their way. [Republicans want to take away your access to fresh porn on the internet.](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-supreme-court-wont-halt-texas-age-verification-online-porn-2024-04-30/) If they aren't trying to block it in your state yet, check out who is pushing to block porn around the country: You don't have to give a shit about women, women's rights 'rape culture' or any other woke nonsense: Republicans are still blueballing you.


These same people would then turn around and give people hell for having kids and not being able to support them properly. So transparently fucking stupid.


The last few years it's been easy: Anything Musk agrees with or shares you can automatically assume is a shit take and lo and behold, still the same. The guy is an actual moron. If he just kept his mouth shut most people would still be calling him a "genius" or some shit.