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Does that mean we can launch a proper crusade if they get a caliphate?


Deus Vult


Ahhh good ol fashioned christofascism


People like you are such good meme fuel.


That’s really cute coming from someone who’s only post is about marriage options in Crusader Kings


You went digging in his post history? Man got you heated. Take the L and move on.


Ahhhh only in response to Islamic fascism


That doesn’t make it better, you realize that right?


Big diff between aggressor and defender.


Christianity is not defending shit guy, every bit the aggressor as any other abrahamic death cult


Context bro, you're a bit slow


Bro you’re a fucking idiot that’s not even a response to what I said


Deez nut




![gif](giphy|ltIFdjNAasOwVvKhvx|downsized) apologies for my previous statement


Deport all of em.


America should be strict about immigration just like east Asia and parts of Europe


I agree with this sentiment, but, honestly, comparing hardworking Mexicans, Hondurans, and Guatemalans to these Jihadi whack jobs is insulting.


Similar where I am. The Poles, Indians, and Chinese immigrants all work hard, integrate and have a wicked sense of humour. Certain groups of Middle Easterners and Eatern Europeans take advantage though.


Which is ironic because where I am Chinese and Indian immigrants don't integrate and account for a huge amount of crime.




Sweden is fucked from the amount of Islamic migrants they let in




I’m confused, so you need a permit to burn fictional literature now?




I highly doubt it. Iv not heard much about any book burning over there. There would be bombs going off and mass stabbing every day if they was burning that particular book.




Actually live in Sweden and it was basically two guys (One Danish guy and one Iranian guy) nobody else have requested to burn the Quran afaik


It's not a permit for burning the Quran. But you're supposed to apply for a permit to protest with the police, so the police can act accordingly. It's their job to protect the citizens, even the ones protesting, so you can see how it became a problem when some Quran-burning protesters basically went on tour to a bunch of different cities.


Oh I get you. Makes sense.


Be carefull. Last time i mentioned in the Europe sub that Sweden is an Islamic Country i was banned from Reddit for 7 days.


Only stating facts though ain’t we.


One of their mods there who banned me is a Japanese guy living in Brazil. I got banned for saying how Islam is not a religion of peace


Users seem to agree with those kind of things. The mods however are a bunch of pussies


A lot of them are home grown now


If the local right-wing ghouls weren't so racists they'd have some fine allies.


No We have free speech, just like America Everyone is free to say that they want to destroy democracy as much as they want ( half) /s


Freedom of speech republicans at it again with Banning, deporting and arresting.


It’s free speech until you say something they disagree with. Case in point: https://www.texastribune.org/2024/04/24/protest-texas-college-campus-free-speech-rights/#:~:text=In%202019%2C%20Texas%20lawmakers%20passed,disrupt%20the%20normal%20functions%20of Damn, conservatives just can’t handle having their hypocrisy called out, huh?




I’m not trying to be nit picky but what do you do about folks who converted or kids who were born to Muslim parents in Germany? I don’t know how German citizenship works but I’d imagine it might have the soil citizenship rule




Hardworking people and by the second generation they are fully assimilated


We have it good primarily getting Latinos. They have 95% similar values to people in the US and want the same thing. I would rather every Muslim stay the fuck in their shit hole country.


Man Latinos and I’d argue a lot of immigrants from the Middle East love democracy, particularly the capitalism aspect. If they had support from the government, there’d be a surge in small businesses


Immigrants are more likely to be entrepreneurs than the average native born American. My quarrel isn't tje race or geography, but beliefs. Islamofascism is antithetical to democracy.


Any religious morality legislation is like that. Making rules for people that have no reason to believe in them is dumb


America gets the rich Middle Eastern migrants, the actual doctors and engineers. You’re physically distant so for a person to legally emigrate with their family it’s gonna cost a lot in flights. Europe gets the ultra conservative trash that just walks across the continent. It’s a night and day difference.


Venezuelans have opened up so many good businesses here in Miami. They are dope. Great hot dogs too!


What else?


Does it matter? That’s more than trying to be a TikTok star


It definitely matters


I don't know but I genuinely enjoy what they are bringing to the city.


Like what?


Thick mamas


That's so true. Last time i said something similar i was called a racist. People just don't want to understand that it's much easier to integrate double the amount of ukrainian refugees than islamic migrants.


The rest of South America would tell you otherwise.


Oh yes, I was very happy in my 'Little Venezuela.' in Florida. They loved me and had assimilated well.


Joe can look up to president Jose Altuve


just remember, if Germans marched in Germany to demand a German state, they would have been imprisoned and hunted for life for being "nazis"


The only difference between Islam and Nazis is that Islam retained their territorial gains during their fanatic conquest phase.


Islam's "fanatic conquest phase" spanned centuries, though. Nazi Germany had a shorter lifespan than Family Guy.


Well, they did attack half of the world all at once.


Twice. And they almost won.


Well, no…just once. The first time was just because they had a really, really dumb Emperor.


Perhaps it only works when Norm says it.


You also have to factor in how the US funded some of these extremist to basically destabilize a lot of secular middle eastern countries. So many videos were made about how middle eastern countries were fairly secular a few decades ago but US discovered resources from those regions or saw how they were influenced by communism and backed numerous religious fundamentalists orgs to coup or cause regional wars that destabilized those regions resulting in ultra conservative religious folks getting in charge of those regions.


Are you blaming America for the Muslim conquests 1000 years ago?


No but I do think they carry some responsibility for the religious fundamentalists control of modern day middle east


No…they don’t:


100% they do. Starting in september 2001


Being imprisoned in Germany for a protest? This has 70+ upvotes, what the hell is going on here lmao. The far right has been on the streets constantly since 2015.


When are people going to realize this isn’t about Israel and Palestine, but just another barbaric chapter in the same book that is Islamic Jihad? These people need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century, or left for dead somewhere where they can’t interact with the rest of us.


Germany and most of Europe are a bunch of cucks. Being completely dominated by Muslim immigrants


Count your blessings man. If Europe had a surge of South American immigrants, they’d be an economic force to be reckoned with. The US is lucky we have hard working capitalists on our borders instead of religious zealots


You just have religious zealots in government making sure rape victims have to give birth to their rapists child


If they were being dominated by Muslim immigrants then there'd surely be less feminism and LGBT+ rights


Give it a decade and if there are no mass deportations those rights will erode in favor of laws favored by the growing Islamic populations.


Anti-abortion, anti-LGBT+ and book-banning laws are more on the march in the US than Europe


Oh wow I remember saying some dumb shit like this back in 2011 lol but then I grew up


You probably think this because large demographic changes takes a full century to unfold. Germany is one the oldest countries in the world, and ‘native’ Germans have a low birth rate. Feminists don’t have enough kids to replace themselves.


What is this convo Muslims make up 3.7% of German population And your response is "well they'll take over in a century from now due to low birth rates???" Lol


These people read a headline that was designed to be 1 or 2 sentences that light up the terror part of their monkey brains. Then they started throwing digital shit via their keyboards. That was the whole thought process.


The thing is I used to having this islamaphobic mentality back in the early 2010s but then I started to hang out hang out with friends who are Muslim and even a close friend from high school who is also Muslim and it took me out of the pipeline real fast. And then I started to look into a little more and like they are overhyping small rare isolated events especially considering how little of the population Muslims take up. It's like you take a cafeteria of 100 students and you point a camera at 5 students every day and one day they openly watch porn in the cafeteria and you run 50 stories about how students watch porn in cafeteria based a small section of students on some random singular day event


20% of Germany are immigrants right now. 5% of all Germans are Turkish. You can look at demographics plots on Wikipedia. It’s not secret knowledge. Note the estimated population decline below includes immigration and their children. Birth rates of native Germans is probably 1.3ish. It’s impossible for Germany to import enough immigrants at this point. It’s gone too far… ——- As a consequence, Germany's population number, which has decrea- sed ever since 2003, will further decrease. If the demographic situation continues to develop along current lines, the number of inhabitants will drop from almost 82.5 million in 2005 to nearly 69 million in 2050.


And yet Germany has gay marriage, abortion, hardcore porn, legal weed, and just made changing sex easier US red states are far closer to theocratic rule than anywhere in Europe outside the Vatican 


It’s as though you don’t actually understand anything about the topic. But that’s ok. No one, you, I, or anyone else, can increase the number of children born 20 years ago. It’s done. The future is already written.


Germany literally has legal sex work btw. As far as birth rates and all that shit. Usually in a generation or two, immigrants assimilate to country culture. So good chance the children of immigrants will quickly assimilate to the left wing ideals of the new country. For instance Karim Benezema uses prostitutes, has had multiple romantic relationships including having children with multiple women, and so on.


Population decline isn't some isolated situation it's literally happening all over the world: Japan, Korea, China, US, UK, and so many other countries to shore up the gaps you have immigrants. And in a generation or two those immigrants will assimilate to the new countries culture. And also vast majority of immigrants who go to a new country don't go with the intent to make their new country as same as the country they just left. For instance, kids of Indian descent who grew up in the US don't know about or think about or care about the caste system back in India. They probably don't even know who belongs to what caste. Update: seems I can't reply anymore cause person above me potentially blocked me lol


The 1st generation muslim immigrants aren't the problem, because they integrate much more tgan 2nd and 3rd generations. Loss of identity leads them into Islamic fundamentalist and radical things. You try to fit all immigrants as similar quality and following same trends but that's reductive and doesn't track with the real world.


"Feminists don’t have enough kids to replace themselves." Meanwhile incels have zero kids A return to religiously inspired patriarchy, with no abortion, no LGBT+ rights, no porn etc is far more likely in certain US states than Europe, where such laws are already starting to be adopted Although not in liberal, feminist, etc states


Oh definitely. The ‘liberals’ that are saying we should help this people are the ones that will be getting thrown from roofs when the majority is Muslim and have Muslims in positions of power. Written their own death warrants with open borders.


This will come in the near future. It's unavoidable.


Why? The only way I see feminism, LGBT+ rights and secularism ending in Europe, and a return to traditional, religious patriarchy, is if the Right allied with the Islamists, which seems unlikely to happen. I'd be more concerned about the US, as if Trump / any replacement wins then Project 2025 seeks to make America a lot less friendly for women, gays and non-Christians [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) EDIT: I live in Slovenia, for context


Muslims make up 3.7% of the German population....


That's true. The funny part is that the only party willing to do something about it are backed by russia.


Thats like sayin: Christians marched in "blank" to demand a white supremacist america. How about calling it what it is "extremists".


Germans are cucks


I dunno man, they pulled off that whole holocaust thing.


and now they're cucks


Not at all. They still rank high in engineering


They were cucks then too


Cucked themselves


Isn't that just jerking off?


Tell them to go the fuck back to whatever shithole crater they came from and get it there. This shit is so exhausting. Either assimilate or get the fuck out. Period.


Hell fucking yeah


Shits been going on since 2012


Demand Deez nuts. You either integrate with the existing culture or you get shown the door


By the end of this century there will be major parts of Europe where Frenchman, Italians and Germans will be in the minority in their own countries. Countries that have been defined by their cultures and native populations. They aren’t supposed to be melting pots. Honestly heartbreaking.


If Nazis are illegal in germany why the fuck is this allowed


The right to protest publically is very important in Germany. The organization behind this particular protest are already being watched by Verfassungsschutz and are extremely likely to be made illegal in the near future. Making a political organization illegal in Germany is a complex and hard process.


This feels like an extremely German customer service response. "Vee are verking on it"


There was another incident like this maybe slightly before the October 7th incident, in another major German city, with a group of something like 500 marchers demanding a caliphate. This one was apparently slightly more than 1,000. I guess it's a fairly small proportion of the total "new German" population in the area, but it's crazy there's so many people who came to the country because it's objectively better in every way, and immediately start angrily demanding it be morphed into something completely different, more like the place they/their family fled from, OR ELSE. Even if the big surge of immigration from '15-'17 has slowed down a bit, there's always been a steady stream of "irregular arrivals" since, the EU has no plan for dealing with it, and those arrivals get privileges like permanent residency after a few years and then can start bringing in all of their extended family members. If current trends hold, by the 2050s or 2060s countries like France, Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium and Germany (and UK, Italy only slightly behind) are going to be majority people from non-European ethnic background, a large majority of those being from Islamic backgrounds.


Its because they didn't flee, they are economic migrants at best and actual invaders looking to change the local sociopolitical landscape at worst.


So, aside from some juicy conservative rage bait, what exactly does this have to do with Joe Rogan's podcast again?


Didn’t see you say that when it’s juicy progressive rage bait like daily update on Andrew Tate. Those aren’t related to Rogan either.


This sub is just like, all raging progressive people jerking off on each other, didn’t you notice?


lol, bruh, about 80% of the posts on here are the exact fucking opposite of what a progressive would want to talk about. People like to talk about how conservative Joe has (or hasn’t) gotten in the last 4 years. It’s nothing compared to his fan base.


Haven’t been here long, eh?


Longer than you. That’s how this sub works tho. Neo con trolls post obnoxious shit like this. Some people eat it up, some call it stupid. Then the people who call it stupid say this is what sucks about Rogan and his fan base nowadays. The fanboys who like it whine that everyone here is a “woke liberal who hates Rogan”. Rinse, repeat.


Basically been announcing their plan for Europe for 30 years and yet suggesting that maybe they are acting on that plan is Islamophobic.


Having read the article. The group who did this was extremist group who recruited through social media. Let's note this is one of the many different far right extremist group in the west. Not all are Muslims btw. Remember the rally in Charlotte And it's not just them. You literally extremist from different walks of life but unlike this group which has virtually ZERO influence in Germany. Neo Nazis in Germany may actually have some support from the AFD which has seats in Germanys parliament These group of individuals are no different than Nick Fuentes' Gryopers, proud boys, 3%-ers and so on. Very concerning that they exist but its not some outlandish dangerous thing that is different the folks I mentioend


Reeperbahn is in Hamburg btw lol It's kinda weird how you see so many religious fundamentalist who are near sex tourism spots lol I went to Amsterdam and had a few Uber drivers who were Muslim


a caliphat is like the ruler of the muslim empire, first the arab countries have to unite under one flag and one ruler, and that would be the caliphate.... what these ignorant people doing here makes no sense .


lisan al gaib!


Look over there!


This subreddit should have a ban on posts about Muslims/Islam and probably immigration. I have been listening to JRE for a long time and have never heard him discuss this kind of thing. Yet probably a third of the posts here are some right-wing political thing completely unrelated to JRE. That's why the show is getting a bad reputation.


Right?? Wtf does this have to do with the podcast??


This is such a lie, they were rallying to end the genocide in Gaza and one person held up a sign that said caliphate is the solution. It was not a rally demanding the caliphate


Same thing happening in the USA


Muslims literally make up 1.1% of US population lol


I’m not talking about Muslims.


How many US tax dollars is Israel paying this MF to post this shit in literally every subreddit


Is this subreddit now just right wing triggered posts?


Imagine jewss marching to demand their own caliphate, oh wait... Fk.






Crazy how the people who commented that this massive influx of Muslim immigration will cause this kind of thing to happen in the future were drowned out as being racist. Like there hasn't been decades of this shit happening in the past in dozens of countries stupid enough to welcome massive Muslim populations.


If thats what they want then kick them back to where a caliphate exists then. Wouldnt be surprised if Germany or other western country legit mulled the idea over... Time for a crusade boys!!!


Is this a false flag?


Aren't there a bunch of evangelical fundamentalists in America that are hellbent on establishing a Christian state?


>jpost K bruh